/sm/ - Shotacon

Shota is love, shota is life

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8chan's fallback plan (external copy) 【Straight Shota】【Trap Shota】【Cartoon Loli】【Anime Loli】【Toddlercon】【Hentai】【Rule 34】【Furry & Kemono】

Looking for art Anon 12/16/2024 (Mon) 05:25:46 No. 18908 [Reply]
I came across this piece around here like a day ago. Can't find Naota001 anywhere, anyone have more of him?
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>>18953 Anyone got more of these?
>>18979 Same guy here, and I have this.
>>18984 I love those two. Thanks for sharing

Older Shota/Teen Shota Anon 12/22/2024 (Sun) 11:13:46 No. 19009 [Reply]
Is ephebophile stuff allowed here? If so, post boys that are not too young, but not too old looking either. If not, then I guess the thread just stays here since the bo is not around.
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Jizz on Body Anonymous 05/30/2020 (Sat) 12:28:39 No. 82 [Reply] [Last]
Boys body full of semens
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Pink Is The Most Boyish Color Anon 12/03/2024 (Tue) 04:10:33 No. 18800 [Reply]
As per >>18735 I'm not totally convinced about the viability of this. It may end up being a thread for shotas with all sorts of garish hair color but lets try and give it a shot filling it up with pinkies first. If the hair is readable as red I would like to direct you to the ginger thread. >>11741 This thread is for lads that have an unmistakably pink mop.
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I have some more pics of Kezuru but those are in grayscale so I don't think they would really fit in here
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comic days H anon 11/27/2024 (Wed) 23:05:30 No. 18728 [Reply]

Boys needing to pee, or peeing themselves. Shota Omorashi 11/27/2024 (Wed) 01:04:29 No. 18720 [Reply]
not an omo thread here idk if this site cares for omorashi but i certainly do! furry art welcome and encouraged

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Shota erotica/literature/written works Anon 04/27/2021 (Tue) 01:27:46 No. 5014 [Reply]
Haven't seen a thread for written works about shota, so i felt like one could be made
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There are many firsts in a life. These moments and minutes and hours are decisive in life. For example, a boy remembers his first shave, his first wrestling match, which often happens in kindergarten, but the real firsts begin in adolescence. That's when most people taste their first beer, smoke their first cigarette and try many other similar forbidden and exciting things. For Florian, the summer was really full of firsts when he was just twelve years old. That's when he get his first boner in front of a woman, that's when a woman jerk him off beat him for the first time, but that was just the beginning. This summer, he also experienced the enjoyment of her first tits job, in fact, he was sucked for the first time at the same time, and then he was able to immerse her young cock in a tight and warm pussy. His story also includes the fact that he experienced his first spanking at that time, but even then his cock was rock hard and at the end even a few drops of cum came out of his little whistle, as his teacher liked to call it. Yes, her teacher. Flarian was looked after by his teacher this summer. Although the twelve-year-old boy no longer needed a babysitter, his parents went on a sea cruise for the whole summer and did not want to leave their son alone for so long. Besides the teacher, her husband was also at home, as he was the principal of the school where the boy studied. Surely, they are having a good time, the principal, Master Gregory, also took his share of the adventures when the thin boy was molested. Master Gregory liked it when the boy took his huge veiny cock hanging between his legs in his hands, but he enjoyed it even more when the child took it in his mouth by himself and sucked it with childish innocence like the sweetest ice cream on a stick. He didn't even spare the kid's ass. Although the first couple of times the boy really screamed from the pain and begged the principal not to fuck him anymore, but when the man pulled his cock out of the child and hit the child's bare ass three or four times with his hard hand, he immediately start behave as a good, obedient boy. Florian quickly learned how to behave when the man was fucking him hard. The third time, he already enjoyed the Master fucking him.
Anything by Orson Scott Card should count

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なまお/Namao's new game Anon 11/01/2024 (Fri) 16:26:16 No. 18471 [Reply]
If you guys don't know who Namao is, he's a pretty good artist that uses AI to create animations on Pixiv/Ci-en https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/94943234 Recently he made a game that looks really really good, hopefully someone here could buy it and share it with us. I would be really grateful! https://namao.booth.pm/items/6214613
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https://booth.pm/ja/items/6214613 An english version just got added if you guys were looking for that.
>>18471 im latinx poorfag, i cant buy anything
>>18608 i am going to grape yuo.

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Vidya Shotas Thread Anonymous 08/08/2020 (Sat) 20:27:42 No. 1668 [Reply] [Last]
Post your favorite shotas from your favorite video games.
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Is Sunny x Omori a selfcest?

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Halloween Shota Anon 10/31/2022 (Mon) 14:13:07 No. 12293 [Reply]
IT'S THAT TIME OF YEAR post shotas enjoying the holidays as they should, pics of shotas in sexy halloween costumes would be appreciated particularly in playboy bunny costumes or devil costumes
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There's a willy out version of this one somewhere but I can't find it.

Anon 10/30/2024 (Wed) 23:14:38 No. 18436 [Reply]
Pokémon Anime Screenshot Edit
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>>18440 >>18441 >>18442 >>18443 >>18444 Wrong board to request lolis
>>18436 >>18437 >>18438 Go to the screenshot edit thread!

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Anon 10/30/2024 (Wed) 23:09:06 No. 18434 [Reply]
Requesting Ash naked please
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>>18435 Go to the drawthread!

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Non-Human Shota Anon 08/08/2023 (Tue) 13:42:40 No. 15184 [Reply] [Last]
Post Yōkai, Elf, Furry, Angel, Devil, etc. SFW or NSFW
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School Uniform Anon 12/09/2021 (Thu) 03:55:38 No. 8461 [Reply]
Post schoolboys
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Shota Discussion Thread Anon 06/21/2021 (Mon) 12:09:15 No. 5783 [Reply] [Last]
Let's talk about anything related to shota here. Any shota anime and manga, novels, games, new and upcoming shota can could be discussed here. I'll start: >Do you have a favorite shota character? >What's your favorite shota anime or manga? >Any good shows/comics you're reading right now?
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>>18283 >I just want a shota boyfriend who will cuddle with me in difficult times and make my life happy :( Don't we all?
>>5791 Ive rarely seen anyone post Aladdin from Magi on imageboards. Hesmy favorite shota. Not even just shota. He grows up into a fine specimen of male prime.
>>18283 >>18289 male youth beauty is underappreciated if not pathologised. Male beuaty in general is but the youth is even more so.

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