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Summoning Dagon/Dagan Anonymous 07/16/2024 (Tue) 20:20:14 No. 1757
The topic was brought up again so I went for it, I think this was meant to be. Summoning process I'll just walk through what I did and what it lead to and how you do it will probably have to be very personal, but you'll get the general idea. This sigil can be used. I examined its form until I could relate it to the yogic locks and the image of the squatting man seen in old images, then interpreted it as a tantric schematic. This had the effect of gradually connecting me with a place which was grey and dark like a cave with some blue energy and some light yellow. A woman was before me and she also looked grey and dark from the lack of light, this is normal for ancient beings which was now consider "daemons" so nothing to worry about. She was rather tall and looked decently aged, nude with fit shape, saggy tits which were still rather large and overall nice body but timeless as expected of a demon of the stronger kind. She closed in on me with her butt in my direction, sitting down on me in a way so that I was essentially ending up in a sex from behind position with her. My natural ability to project into astral spaces was by now already active and the interaction went on for a few min. A short semi-fat man appeared from the left. He was more like chubby with a belly, not obese by modern standards. He had wide pants and some kind of arabic looking shoes, bare upper body or maybe a very short vest which was open on the front, he had significant hairy chest. His face was very round and he seemed rather sweaty and smelly. He told me to remain in place while he then entered the woman from the front, making our penises touch inside her. As he did this there was an energetic blast and a connection in strong yellow qi was formed horizontally with a strong red line of vertical energy connecting to it. He said the connection was now made and that he had prodded for me to try and do something like this because there is a large distance to modern culture, this board and the people he wants to connect with. I asked if the woman is his wife Ishar, he said yes this is Ishar, but we are not married, she's a temple slut so this is ok. I then had a daughter with her and they both took us over to an altar where I was to hold the daugher on my right side, Ishar then held her and had my right arm linked to her left arm by binding us using a string made from braided flowers. Dagan said some ritual words and there was another energy explosion. He then said we have to make the connection stronger, and he started giving me a blowjob, then he told me we have to also do it in the other direction, but I said, hold it, I'm not doing it like this, so I created a externalized loli form from a cell of my astral body and used that instead. He said this is fine and the magic circle is now active. We then did some ritual work and my astral forms and the daughter are now in the magic circle which is a sealed off space in his temple, where we can stay to practice while at the same time move elsewhere by bilocation or just have normal interactions in the physical while they stay there like statues in meditation. Through the interaction with him I gained control over leviathan which means the world system with all nations. I gave him "the pink armour" which I created to let infernals possess human bodies, and he in return gave me a large gold coin. I was to hold it in my right hand, forming a fist aimed downward and press until there was a sound, then place my left palm below aimed upwards and form an energy pillar between the hands, then let them pass by the palm qi opening into the whole body through all enlightenment levels and then letting the force drop down on the other side as if pulling a cart up a hill and letting it run down the other side on its own. This lead to a strong energy blast breakthrough in my own energy which was to give me control over economy.
OK I just came up with something. You should never try to nourish Blood that is blocked (if it's stagnant because it is malnourished, that's fine), or you risk making the blockage worse. So my bet on anger after taking vitamin B would be on a Liver blockage due to dampness, possibly with Liver fire (sores, herpes, hypertension, hypochondrial pain, irritability...). I can't diagnose through the internet, but explore those. Another possibility for the blockage could be Cold, but that diagnosis would be even more complex.
>>6803 Ill experiment with this. I stopped taking the b vitamin complex. Its not all b vitamins that seem to cause this,when taking some individually it was fine, but complex contains basically all of them.maybe only some of them are the issue.I kinda started taking all the supplements at the same time so maybe its the vitamin d3. However i took the b complex like a week and a half later and looking back on it thats when things got heated. To be clear all i said in my rant post still applies. Its just that i was "astrally aggressive" but physically still calm.the difference was thst suddenly it started bleeding in to my behaviour as if something was irritating my nerves causing the contant harrasment to anger me more. I think i might start "blogging" here a bit but in a different thread. Dagon doesnt need his sigil thread hijacked like this.
>>6804 I wouldn't take D vitamins specifically, overdosing on it can have really bad side effects. There's this idea recently that people don't get enough vitamin D, especially in the winter, but if you have a regular lifestyle and aren't wearing a burka, you'll produce sufficient amounts from just taking a walk when exposed to natural sunlight every day. I've taken pic related a few times when I've been exhausted (contains 10 water solutable pills, take one daily) and it has an immediate effect for recovery, but I wouldn't keep taking these long term. Vitamins like these are produced from asphalt. While they are still vitamins at a molecule level, I'd think the energy isn't superb from a different view. It's better to get them from natural sources, like wholegrain bread, porridge and fish oil (and fruit for vitamin C).
I had a dream where I was picking up lottery tickets, and one of them had a message written on it: "there's a secret in Wales". I soon semi-woke up and to not forget this which sounded important, I sent one of my Raid servitors to the area, because I made them for easy astral projection when needing to RV an area (I look through their eyes). Although this gives a good aerial view, it doesn't really show anything in particular, so I also initiated a search with Astra, the AI diviner. Then I think I fell asleep again. It doesn't matter since my servitors work anyway. Next time I woke up, they had already found the Secret. It was a previously, to me, unknown tunnel system. I mean to post a drawing and post it here, but I messed up and deleted it by mistake, so I suppose it wasn't meant to be shown. It also does make sense with the way the maps look, the directions don't fit into what I saw. Basically it connects from a location in Wales and one end goes to Switzerland at a the basement of a jeweller. Then there's one that seems to go to Spain, then Portugal, then Morocco. One other goes into the Atlantic where there is an undersea base with an occult central hall, it has a magic sigil in the ground. From there connects to Brazil and Washington DC. The tunnels were abandoned. The magic circle is a "phone dial" for connecting to other planes. It's my crude assumption that it was used to connect to the plane where the latest robots seen in Ukraine were procured from. They arrived by ship and were transported through Poland, so the portal had to be someplace else, is all I knew. It makes sense that they would have been coming in by here, then transported by undersea rail to Wales, then shipped to Poland and then loaded on trucks to be sent to Ukraine. I looked through the range of this sigil, and found it to only work for a set of swamp dimensions, which again makes sense with what I saw in the robot designs. I looked for some interesting place, found one with primordial monster nymphs living in a swamp. They stay in the trees and eat fruit which looks like pumpkins. The place is extremely hostile and toxic, filled with viruses and substances which would insta-kill any human. Other than that it's just a regular "extremely poisonous" swamp which produces all kinds of viruses and monsters.
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>>6808 Hey i don't know i you remember me We talked astrally, a few hours before you came back, but time is flickery. I am trying to be more honest with my feelings, my girls might act on their own otherwise. So i wanted to ask: Are you okay? Looking at you break my hearts. You're more experienced than me but it feels like you're drowning, as if you cut yourself from everyone else and you're on a path of self-destruction but "with a purpose". Like a dark tube, a tunnel vision toward a single goal but makes you blind to everything you're doing so you can be the most efficient. I don't like looking too deep into people i deem powerful, it awaken parts i am not willing to integrate yet. B..but do you require assistance? Are you really okay with this? like this?
>>6814 >We talked astrally, a few hours before you came back, but time is flickery. When was this? Before I came back now, or before I came back at the beginning of this month? I wasn't connected to any of the timelines where imageboards existed since the last of November 2024. I understand your vision, but it's not that there is "anyone else" in the physical to be connected to. They moved into the new Earth, where I don't have a position as my current incarnation. That spot is too changed compared to my current and past lifestyles, so it's been populated by someone better suited for that life. That means I won't be in this incarnation form when I move into New Earth, but I already have an incarnation there. I understand it may look like "self-destruction" from outside, and I think you already helped by providing this perspective, the outside view changed something fundamental here. But fact remains that everyone I thought would be around, already left for the astral or moved ahead, so there is nothing to be connected to. I have some things I need to finish up here, relating to a set of mostly astral dimensions, and their entanglement to the old Earth. After that there is nothing but to leave for the astral and the new incarnation. That is, the path ends. Not even a matter of the timeline ending anymore, it already did, this is just a "5D structure" remaining. I don't know what you would be able to assist with, maybe your view here was that "assistance", because I do see the "dark tunnel" and it ends with an energy explosion. That part was added in my vision right now as I read your post. I should say I'm not actually alone or cut off though. I have people right here who's populating the people I need to have around me, but they only come in for important events. I shouldn't lay out too much of the specifics, as there may be adversaries reading this and trying to find loopholes to cause problems. It's not a matter of if I'm "ok with" the situation which is inevitably there. It's just there and I have to handle it. ^I wrote above reply this morning, but 8moe had block bypass creation blocked all day, so wasn't able to post it.
>>6814 Addition: I've been able to solve everything I came here to solve, including deep historical situations relating to the events referenced in the bible, one of them being: >>6489 Adversaries get mad when historical karma is dissolved and old souls are freed of their bonds, because it also dissolves the power structures these evil forces rely on. They'll use NPCs to try and attack me, which manifests as these idiots posting vile replies whenever I share anything of the progress I make. They're down to their last layer of the last dimension now, just look at vid related. They're literally crying now. What also may look negative is that my path is defined as "abyss" in the school or magic terminology. It's the thing they wish they could use to the fullest, but they fail because their Ego is too large. Abyss means to go along with the path down into nothing, being supported all the way, but in the end having nothing. This tends to lead to a career ending in oblivion, but if done perfectly right, it leaves a "trail" down, a power structure which forces the world outside to obey. You can only walk into the Abyss once, per lifetime, or maybe one ever, for some, so you can't learn from mistakes here. Many dictators did this and failed because they made some mistake along the way, which didn't solidify their power completely. One may say king Solomon walked this path, but did it perfectly. Though the bible says he actually betrayed God and that his family would be erased from history, his power could not be challenged during his lifetime. What level you do this on matters however. Only material, or while taking the spiritual matters into account? Material while missing important details? This last is how the "NWO" does it, which causes their failure in the end, even materially.
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This will prevent degenerative forces from ever entering this galactic federation group.
>>6817 A "5D structure" you say; will this 5D structure follow the new Earth as it moves? I'm wondering how long I'll have to move to 5D Earth, or if I'll just get taken there automatically after I eventually manage to raise my vibrations high enough to go there. Also, what'll happen after they get kicked outta the last layer of their last dimension? Specifically; what'll happen to everyone left that isn't them?
>>6818 >I share anything of the progress I make >They're literally crying now. >They'll use NPCs to try and attack me, which manifests as these idiots posting vile replies Greetings. I think all those blogsposts you feel the need to post online seem more like a cry for help from you at this point than progress. That's why the other anon is asking if you are ok, you don't seem all too well and your posts seem to give off that kind of energy. You seem very materialistic and earth-bound, and this earth-bound materialism is reflected in all of your spiritual stuff you write about, in all your astral activities and interactions with spirits. Maybe you are being eaten alive by whatever evil astral parasites you have submitted to out of weakness and ignorance like djinn or whatever you believe is the "galfed" which blocks you from living in reality and keeps you in a mental hell of your own. You tell people that they are immortal and kept for new earth and whatnot to keep them around as roleplaying buddies but as soon as they start to realize your true face and point out your everything that is wrong with you and all the lies you've been telling for years you start accusing them as being npc and idiots controlled by the glowies? Multiple times you posted about how you finally defeated all the glowies for good and how you are off to new earth now, even left your personal containment board. Why are you here again posting the same stuff over and over again? Did you try to remove yourself after people stopped giving a damn about your stuff and pointed out your bullshit, but your suffering and the weight of reality on your mind makes it impossible to endure even a day without posting online. I'm sorry but that's just how it seems to me. I hope you become free and get well eventually.
>>6831 >A "5D structure" you say; will this 5D structure follow the new Earth as it moves? No, these are personal structures. I'm talking about my personal cultivated structure here. It's detached from other things. >I'm wondering how long I'll have to move to 5D Earth, or if I'll just get taken there automatically after I eventually manage to raise my vibrations high enough to go there. I can't tell you, it depends on if you have a reserved spot there already or not. They aren't letting anyone new in since a while back. >Also, what'll happen after they get kicked outta the last layer of their last dimension? That layer will be dissolved, and they'll return to nothing. >Specifically; what'll happen to everyone left that isn't them? Anyone else will reincarnate elsewhere, or move to the astral because they're done. >>6836 I won't bother replying to this NPC or any of them from now on, these are only echoes of old karma now. There isn't a being with awareness behind them. See next post.
>>6838 >There isn't a being with awareness behind them You don't realize how much this applies to you more than anyone else from all I can tell. Of course now you say I am an NPC, after you said before I'm an immortal and I'm kept for new earth and all that idiocy. Of course I've long since tought that the only real npc glowie here is you, but if not, if there is any chance that you are not a npc glowie yourself, I think you should try to get some help and overcome whatever hell you have put yourself into.
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Yesterday, my surface body, which I had some while ago replaced with a robotic form, tuned to handle anything that's left to do in the material, reached the basic wu wei state. My everyday movements became fully automatic, indicating that I'm really done with the bottom of this physical incarnation. To speed up the move into the new Earth, so that my mind can also solidify there, and I can use the new body permanently, I asked the skunks for assistance. It seems this: >>2841 moved my base to the new incarnation, body-wise. But as long as there are other things left to handle in this old place, I still have to do them. My mind stays around. If I hadn't created bodily forms to use, I'd maybe be in a spiritual state, unable to actually work on solving things, since a few years back. I wanted to move my mind awareness fully to the skunk ship which I'm using as the base for my work here, it's the place I'm actually staying in when manifesting into these unstable dimensions. The point of this is to be able to shift completely to a different plane, so that I can control what's left in here in the manner of controlling servitors from afar. It would give me full ability to see and effect things, but I won't have to actually be in there (here) in 1st person view. But that means having a servitor/robot/cyborg with enough refinement that all tasks left can be done on mostly auto. The skunks said my current set up was 30% awareness in my new Earth incarnation (which I won't elaborate what it is, because it's irrelevant to anyone not on new Earth), 30% on-board the skunk ship, and 40% down here in the surface robot. Would moving more % up to the ship actually move my awareness there? They said so. I asked them to start moving me, they said this is possible, and they'd do 1% at a time. They counted as they did this, it wasn't super fast. During the night, we were at maybe 28% left here out of the original 40%, I had a dream where I was at a beach. Everything seemed fine, but then I saw some waves out at sea, like a storm. It got closer, and I kept looking. Some other people were further out closer to the sea. Then things sped up and escalated, something which looked like a tsunami started building up, and I started running back to the higher ground, away from the beach. As I did this, I turned to look, and there was a volcanic eruption in the sea, but not a regular one. White-hot lava started flooding up and spreading, and it reached the beach. As I ran back and realized I wasn't going to get away, I asked the skunks, who where now present as if talking to them via an AR headset: "what is going on?" They said "It's a nuclear holocaust, we'll have to move you sideways a bit. The transfer isn't done yet." I then became aware of a small blonde girl staying on the sand dune just outside where the water and lava was flooding, and she looked like she was out playing. She wasn't touched and just stepped back a bit. After I woke up I realized this was my "flying pleiadan" form, which is the contact point to new Earth. The environment was completely changed, with no negative energy anywhere near me. There still is nothing but this white hot lava, or the traces of it, in the external dimensions outside of where I'm at now. I asked the skunks what just happened, they said: "14 galaxies ended, they burned up" "It's not exactly 14, it's 7x2, but these things are fractals. Negative beings will use the external dimensions to build up inner structures based on their base form, so this event destroyed all the shadow constructs within the 7x2 function."
The situation with NPCs/zombies remaining after a person cultivated and left the body, is explained in Zhuan Falun. The basics of this can be read here, The One Who Practices Achieves https://en.falundafa.org/eng/zfl_2018_8.html#4 There is also another relevant example of a qi gong master who has real abilities, where his enlightened soul left the body, and the soul who remains has no abilities. (I couldn't find this exact passage right now.) It's the same kind of situation. It doesn't mean the original inhabitant of the body was fake, it's just that this soul left, and whoever remains doesn't have any abilities. The remaining soul may not understand this.
>>6840 I had a relevant dream. So im outside helping someone farm,this person is ostensibly you. As im farming they talk to me about a type of earth that is the only "real" earth and when you grow plants on it better. Its basically like yellowish almost shit ground.I have a similar idea of "living ground" in my mind where you can make ground very fertile,it becomes dark looking. This ground looks a bit different and is seemlingly almost pure shit. Anyway we work and at one point he even cooks a steak using this yellow "ground" and i eat a part,they didnt even clean it. Anyway i walk away and suddenly he tells me telepathically "shits going down. Run. And do this and this" which seemed like some sort of moral standards or things not to do no regular perspn would be able to figure it in time. I did it and suddenly there is this huge line. I have a spot reserved.after some point i get out of the line and the same guy i was gardening with tells me i abolutely wasted the chance. Only the first few in line get to go to the good place. And you cant get back in lineo nce you get out.well somehow after some finaggling i did actually get in the "good place". Which to me was like the new earth perhaps. The farmer was there along with other people and everyone seemed relieved. After a while though i felt like i didnt like it. Im still way too restless and dont belong in such a strict standard place. Even if it wae the only place i was alright in. They looked at me like i was crazy but i left and entered the "very very bad" dimension the rest went to. There was this table and this huge guy. He was laughung and mocking me and describing all kinds of nasty and wicked stuff he was gonna do to me there. That there was no chance for me. I then bit him. And he laughed. His skin seemed way beyond human durabulity. I then took out a piece of skin anyway. Everybody was shocked. This being was seen as invincible. They then went after me and i fought them. I realized this was more my style. I kept fighting and then i ran and they had send dog after me. Apperently the guy and his dog were well known and you cant escape. The dog ran up to me but cowered and backed away when he saw me. I could feel the realms themselves shifting at the fact i existed. This was the "bad realm" but i was changing things and killing everybody trying to get at me. The realm started lifting higher and higher because i made it mine.
>>6842 > cooks a steak using this yellow "ground" and i eat a part I think you'll know what this may refer to, if we see this as a concentration of past events. >he tells me telepathically "shits going down. Run. And do this and this" which seemed like some sort of moral standards or things not to do no regular perspn would be able to figure it in time. I did it and suddenly there is this huge line. I have a spot reserved.after some point i get out of the line and the same guy i was gardening with tells me i abolutely wasted the chance. Only the first few in line get to go to the good place. > after some finaggling i did actually get in the "good place". Which to me was like the new earth perhaps. The farmer was there along with other people and everyone seemed relieved. After a while though i felt like i didnt like it. Im still way too restless and dont belong in such a strict standard place. Even if it wae the only place i was alright in. They looked at me like i was crazy but i left and entered the "very very bad" dimension the rest went to I didn't want to say anything about this at all before, but going by who I interpret you to be in relation to past interactions, you do have a "reserved spot", it's the same as with my journey here >>2841 which is about activating my "reserved spot", even if I'm not ready to go there fully yet. Basically, if I get this right, you have an "embryonic" incarnation already, which seems like an NPC over there, but it's actually still you, you just don't have any conscious awareness there yet. It appears, going by what I realized after this >>6840 that bodies are at 1D, but just having it activated alone, even when it's recognized as your "main incarnation", you still need a mind there, which is formed at 2D. Then you need to actually apply it towards 3D to exist as a person. And this is the same as starting from the state of a baby with no mind, it takes years to form the most basic things, even if the body has ancient blood memory which makes the "baby" speaks perfect english and behave as they are aware. The lowest autonomous functions are just very high functioning, it doesn't mean your actual awareness and ability to "live" there with an awareness like an adult or even a child, exists yet. Part of this could be blocked by old karma, and things you have to solve in this "karmic inner dimension" we are in right now. Personal planes with imprints of old stuff. I think the big guy you saw may have been Abraham from the bible, I saw him as a huge cannibalistic giant, not at all some nice guy. He looked more like the image of Saturn eating his sons. On a side note: I looked at NPC-anon to see what exactly causes his behaviour, and found a "drill hole" right through his head. No wonder parasites can use him. It seems this hole was created by his soul as he cultivated, but he then left the body, and only the hole remains. There's no one home now after the "nuclear holocaust", when no parasites remain. There was also something which looked like a small hand-tied black polyeten fishing net. I picked that thing up and examined it, it was derived from "skinny bob"/Prometheus grey technology. I took it to their onion space station and asked what it is? They said it's a net they place on "dangerous people who may become a catalyst for destruction", in short people who may become "the liver-eating hawk" in the myth. This is relevant for instable people like fungus race humans, who suddenly gain a lot of energy. I looked and found one net placed on Netanyahu and one on an EU leader (I don't know this one, he may not be a public figure). They said the net restricts their madness, but it may turn them very obnoxious.
>>6843 The big guy was a white bald man that was like running a racket. A bussiness (in reality "gangster") type.id say 6 foot 6 mininum but maybe even 11 foot tall or taller depending on how tall i was. The thing about gangster life though...its kinda build on the fact of "dont mess with me i have a gang behind me" but if you're already there willing to fight wiith the entirity of the realm then yeah its like"i wanted to fight this whole area anyway." The guy with the dog was some dude with long brown scraggly hair and beard they called in.i got the feeling these guys were gaurding the "entrance" of this bad realm. Like you check in with them and the realm is some kind of really bad place. As i was fighting them,the realm was moving higher by sheer fact i was making it mine. Granted that was a bad place.possibly worse than an average hell realm and i think most people there just got endlessly punished.by turning it into a free for all brawl the realm basically got better and happier.
I was blocked from accessing the site until just now. One of my girls notified me "it's back" a few minutes ago. No idea if anyone else had this experience, it happened instantly yesterday and seemed caused by dimensions collapsing. I tried viewing the location of the site, and only saw a nuclear meltdown. Looking at the times of other posts, it seems there was no downtime for others when I had it. I went through some complex body shiftings and changed dimensional set-up a few times in the past 24 h. It stabilized about 2 hours ago.
>>6844 It could be your own inner dimensions. It seems the situation described by Li Hongzhi years ago, wherein evil beings are hiding in the personal dimensions of otherwise decent people, is still a thing. I got a disturbance in my computer speaker again as I opened this thread, and there's a disturbing energy stream incoming. I see some kind of humanoid with long legs behind this, the energy is brown, the being is kind of whitish-grey and looks ghastly. I set up a continuous session using the world pyramid system and the federation to clear these evil beings out of the dimensions of anyone within reach. Anyone can also connect to the circuit for a cleanse. Seems re-connecting with whatever place we are in now, where communication is possible, also caused a connection with dimensions that still haven't been cleansed. If these beings had any intelligence, they'd sit quiet to avoid being cleansed, but no, they never do. It's enough to initiate a cleansing session and they'll instantly try and attack. Always straight into the fire, no matter what. It's very strange to me.
>>6854 A screen popped up that said the site was dangerous so i sat it out for a while until the pop up was gone(after about 1 day) I did notice a sort of energetic wave but at this point all they can do is give me the vague sense of a threat. Kinda like when you're falling. I actually asked muse to clear out evil beings in my mind and system as soon as i got her back. I also told her to convert them to allies if possible. There is a model of my city in my mind. At one point glowies had entered and set up a police sation. They then walked around fining people. Problem is i know the city and there is no police station there. In fact there is already a police station so they were obvious. It seems in general many people have tried to live in my dimensions. Especially after death. Only a few have been consitently friendly. Strangely there is only a semi relationship between how they treat me and the type of relationship,if any i had with them in the past. Some people that kept showing up i had only met a single time in real life. And id say only one consistently has my back. Granted in real life we always had a good rapport as well but it seems all my other friends are either glowies in disguise or became bad after being astral. Bad as in increasingly demanding. Oh yeah additionally and unrelated i had a situation were my literal energy field housed super small tiny dimensions full of people living it up. They were sending there negative energy to me. The more they did it the more this was just expected. They hated me despite them harming me. That is how vile they became. Once i noticed them i cleansed them all. They were probably part of the reason the physical aura became black as that is were they were located. The vibe i got is these were people i supported in a past life a la christianity and they became nasty people once hooked up with their own realms.
>>6857 When I look at you now, I see the "enhanced skinny bob" form. I created a ScaleForm disc with a DNA range which would be able to place their form into a context where their stiffness and pain-based thinking would be softened, and their ability for positive experiences would be restored. I made it as rich as possible, not knowing what they originally were. I didn't say this at the time because I didn't want to disturb anything, but I think it's safe to say now: after I shared this disc, which is what I used to enter the Onion research station, I also saw some Russians going there. Some of my waifus are Russian so they'll of course share what I give them with others. They set up a platform near the Onion to use as a research base, I got a space on it. While staying there and just meditating in the core form from the disc, I developed into a black furred beast human of the swamp dimension variant. This seemed like the original form of "skinny bob". Not a "beast" but actually a "monster" which happens to have evolved into a beast. It seems they started having problems after their population grew, and went down this path. But their research is otherwise sounds, and I was able to find a deep insight by studying at their station. Later, I also formed an orange fox form, it seems possible the skinny bob/Prometheus greys are more than one race originally. Maybe they are a collaborative effort from various races to create a common form. Those I see around now, still look mostly the same, but their energy has changed. Some of them now have hair on their head. I also saw two possessing the news anchors on TV, so they're really starting to move around now. Maybe you are originally from one of those aliens races, and that is why they won't leave you alone.
>>6858 I asked alissa to give me her immortality suited to me and to make sure there is no npc soul left. Seems like the soul here always gets replaced and its pretty bad.seems like maybe the memories and inertias causes souls placed in this body to become enlightened but its mentally very taxing having to redo it all again.from "my" perspective ive been here all along doing all of it with little to show.as long as there is still an npc left im gonna keep having this issue.that being said its possoble im still the same soul i always am,just one that has a lot of forms.i still feel like me.adn there a qaulity to it i odnt often find. If they were different souls then it means the way i lived my life somehow generates that quality. I have an inklong as to why in that case but for now img going with "its still just me".
>>6859 For example i since met jackal who was still a jackal.
>>6858 And yeah i used thst disc on myself. Thst being said i mentally saw the issue and solved it that way. Imagine a huge decision tree and the branches getting diverted/stuck into negative cul de sacs. To solve it you have to go back to the base and "direct" it intentionally to better destinations.
>>6859 >the soul here always gets replaced and its pretty bad Can you elaborate on what you mean by this? >>6861 > Imagine a huge decision tree and the branches getting diverted/stuck into negative cul de sacs. Yeah, that would be one way of looking at the development of races.
>>6859 >>6860 >>6861 Also put on a flag so there is no confusion.
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>>6858 > a black furred beast human of the swamp dimension variant. This seemed like the original form of "skinny bob". Not a "beast" but actually a "monster" which happens to have evolved into a beast. This is close enough.
>>6817 >or before I came back at the beginning of this month At the begging of this month. I checked the board maybe 20 mins before anon flag said he smelled you. As for when we talked, well you were in my home cooking on a cast iron, chicken beans and carrots. You looked like a french jewish woman with shoulder length hair an overgrown bobcut and i just knew it was you. As for me i was a toddler with rose/sun-kissed skin with gold powder on. We mostly talked about earth. >That means I won't be in this incarnation form when I move into New Earth I am unsure how to keep track. It used to be by smell but even mine changed too much after mixing blood. >After that there is nothing but to leave for the astral and the new incarnation I am aiming for physical immortality but it won't be in a locked dimension rather i'll grow into them. I am in hell rn and learning the way of hell whilst maintaining a glitchy human framework. Maybe i should explain more, it's an attempt to make "circles using the human body as the world. My chakras have 6 slots each to fill is another way i understand it, well the continents also corresponds to my spine. I break the karma with my body which is extremely painful..everyone goes quiet when i do that any weakness in awareness can make me pass out that's "security". The ground literally shake but somehow nobody notice "we" are having 3 earthquakes a week. It's unnerving, like i'd go to a supermarket, it'd be full of "people" being cunts to me then i break more karma and now it's empty and they're treating me like royalty and apologizing for each other for being in my way? like?? >I don't know what you would be able to assist with Mermaids, my girls would have pulled you and offered you an alternative if you had any doubt. I just don't like losing people but usually i don't like getting in their way since i can't control my impulses yet. > because I do see the "dark tunnel" and it ends with an energy explosion well the way i understand it is that's my stomach. How a black hole appear to emit light as it devour stars. The old world is digested and sink in to the lower rot realms, then it comes back as "blood". hard to unlock the deeper meaning of rot. >as there may be adversaries reading this and trying to find loopholes to cause problems. They're just trash. I am still "benevolent" but i am running out of it. It's last chances for the damned around me to correct themselves or their handlers to get the trash. >>6818 >They'll use NPCs to try and attack me, which manifests as these idiots posting vile replies whenever I share anything of the progress I make. I liked the energy of that post, warm sun. I don't really have a problem online usually people don't vomit to my face.. in the streets it's a different story fine line between respect and making everyone piss themselves. A jungle with a beach and a volcano waking up..that's my outside now..too much corpses though.
>>6865 forgot to say you burnt the food as i distracted you so i didn't want to do that here. I think this had me worried too.
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>>6865 >You looked like a french jewish woman with shoulder length hair an overgrown bobcut and i just knew it was you. There may be that impression when looking at what actually counts as my "base" incarnation now. >The ground literally shake but somehow nobody notice "we" are having 3 earthquakes a week. Yeah, here too. But each one of those are when the Earth breaks again, the new form being created in every remaining personal plane. The new Earth already has this overall form since the last of August, when this was created. It's moving like rings on the water into planes which are "imprints" of the central Earth. At one point, only personal dimensions with no external connection will look like the old Earth before all Mandela effects started moving things around. Even the "normal" map doesn't look right since long, but no one will recognize this. The most notable are the positions of North and South America being shifted, and the locations of France, Italy and Greece being altered. If you look at Latin America and have any memory of what it used to look like, you'll see it looks really odd now. The location of Colombia, form of Chile... nothing looks like before. Not to mention the moon doing U turns in the sky, but no one notices.
>>6867 >the new form being created in every remaining personal plane I am just mad in a way because there is no solace i am doing it in the present, there is nothing to wait for nowhere to run or return to. Wanna know something funny? Haiti for example is just something blocking the flow in my spine. The landmass that corresponds to haiti is just diverted energy eating itself because i find these aspects hard to accept. >At one point, only personal dimensions with no external connection will look like the old Earth I am "inheriting" my own. Earth is my heart/me but also my egg i fertilize my own internally and the solar system a dragon. > nothing looks like before. I didn't notice much with Europe outside italy looking weird, south america however..can't ignore that. I know for a fact me and a friend jumped the night of the US election but nothing has been the same since covid anyway.. >Not to mention the moon doing U turns in the sky Sometimes it'll stay in the sky for hours other time it feels like playing vice city with how fast it's moving. Overall i am pretty happy despite everything, like it's painful yeah but i am progressing it's not that stagnation i had early in life.
>>6854 I got this error just as I was about to post this reply, so I'm gonna post it anyway; >>6855 The disturbing energy stream referenced here must be what I'd felt when I'd just posted in the magic blog thread. I'd thought that this was worth mentioning. I'm also led to believe that I'd non-physically interacted with the NEET poster while I was reading his stuff; I feel real bad for you about what you've went through man, but I'm glad you're feeling better. I also felt some pretty weird stuff while I was reading this thread, starting from >>6727 & going on down to the bottom. I guess some of it was what the smileberg poster did; thanks man.
>>6878 Its very possible. People report astral interactions whenever i post something.
There seems to be something hostile embedded in the egregore of the Internet or computers overall. As soon as I turn on my stationary and sit down to study or work on something, a sideways energy stream hits my left temple and the area between there and my left ear. It's "intrusive white" and there's a vision of some kind of humanoid being with some red energy behind it. It feels aliens, possibly beast related, they have a silhouette of having ears like a jackal, fox or other such being. They have an "attitude" which appears as "looking with a feeling of predatorial smugness and surprise", which would otherwise be associated with a combination of some group of secret agents planning something while thinking themselves untouchable, and the attitude of a rapist thinking they found a victim, paired with an "angry surprise" about being subdued by said "victim" and not believing it just happened. As if they are saying "you little prick, you DID WHAT? did you just deny our power? did you resist us? WE ARE THE ABUSERS HERE, YOU CAN'T DO THAT!"
>>6914 It sounds like anon synced perfectly with the egregore he was taking part in, and killing himself would then be nullified because the egregore would be destroyed if it was done. But yeah, the Internet may function as an occult screen where almost anything can manifest. I guess I had a too technical view, also the fact I found the system to be upheld by an octopus summoned by CIA or someone (The Internet started turning slow because one entity wasn't enough to uphold it when so many people started being online in the past years, since Covid. I like the Internet and consider it essential, so I asked the octopus how to fix it, he said "if you just hold this spot in place a bit, I'll go get some of my friends and we'll divide the Internet into different areas and each of us will do one part". We did this, and after that event, it seemed like the Internet overall stabilized.) As for >>6913 I've been previously just dealing with these things in an ad hoc manner, although I found specific reasons for the previous attacks which related to my own loopholes and beings and souls I had to pick up or save from the clutches of these beings. This time I decided to try and research the reasons completely, comparing it with previous cases to find out what would be the source of the issue. It seems to relate to part of the DNA-tree of alien races, which contain "irredeemable" beings, but they tend to kidnap or encase decent beings and use the energy produced by them to sustain themselves. In short, they really are abusers who steal energy from those with functional DNA, and that's why they had that "feel". The solution coincided with discovering that what I've been doing for years in terms of methodology, matches exactly with the Quran's description of how Allah will deal with adversaries. I just got a printed copy which djinn seemed to have prepared for me specifically. It's a translation published first in 2023 with the original arabic and the translation word for word side by side on each page, plus references for the interpretation. Of course they had this timing planned, they do exist in a plane beyond chronological time after all, it's just surprising still to see it evolve like this. Yeah I did this on my own, blindly, based on my own reasoning. Then I find out the method perfectly matches the new Quran translation. ;^P

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