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/b/'s Meta Thread Anonymous 05/08/2022 (Sun) 00:15:49 No. 410765
This is the designated meta/bitching thread. Complaints and suggestions about the board and its staff go here. You probably won't get banned for posting here, possibly, maybe, consult your tarot cards first.
Edited last time by xXxHeadxXx on 10/01/2024 (Tue) 00:20:08.
>>465767 >Vamp Are you fucking serious? That faggot is still around ruining the board? I thought he killed himself back in July.
>>465809 He's not serious. Vamp got booted for something many months ago. I think the current BO is Codexx, unless he gave it to someone else. Might be this Belial guy.
>>465820 I heard he had cancer and died.
>>465886 No thats bullshit, he got murdered by his gay lover.
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>>465891 I mean, really, is a perforated colon actually murder?
>>465896 If you die, yes. So yes. Obviously. Are you retarded?
>>465896 I'm pretty sure he was dating a tranny, who typically cant perforate a paper towel.
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Uh, I've actually been here the entire time.
>>465987 I have this picture saved my hard drive and I masturbate to it sometimes. I pretend it's Joey Diaz in drag. And we're in some kind of secret relationship. We have to keep it secret from Joe Rogan, or he'll blow up our spot.
>>465992 Pretty gay muh dood
>>466202 Wow that dudes gay lmao
>>466474 Mentally retarded?
>>465992 That's called the Joe Rogan experience.
Trump was the 45th president and will be the 47th president: 4 + 5 = 9 4 + 7 = 11 911 The new Congress starting January 3 will be the 119th Congress: 119 = 911 reversed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Freemasonry is the occult reason for the Ukraine / Russia war: 1. The word "Ukraine" contains an anagram of the letter "Q" ('K-U-E'). 1a. "Q" is the 17th letter of the alphabet. 1b. Freemasonry was founded in the year 1717. 2. The word "Russia" contains the word "RUSH" phonetically ('RUSS'). 2a. The word "RUSH" is a synonym for the word "STORM". 2b. The word "STORM" is an anagram of the words "MASTER MASON", the name of Freemasonry's third degree. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Freemasonry is the occult reason for the Hamas / Israel war: 1. Hamas invaded Israel on October 7th. 1a. October 7th written numerically is "10 / 7". 10 + 7 = 17 1b. "Q" is the 17th letter of the alphabet. 1c. Freemasonry was founded in the year 1717. 2. The Hamas military invasion was titled "Operation Al Aqsa Storm", which contains the letter 'Q'. 2a. The Hamas invasion occurred on the 50 year anniversary of the 1973 "Yom Kippur War", which contains the letters 'K-U', which are pronounced the same as the letter 'Q'. 2b. The targets of the Hamas invasion were Israeli "kibbutzim" which contains the letters 'K-U', which are pronounced the same as the letter 'Q'. 2c. The Hamas military invasion was titled "Operation Al Aqsa Storm", which contains the word "STORM". 2d. The word "STORM" is an anagram of the words "MASTER MASON", the name of Freemasonry's third degree. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Yom Kippur Conspiracy https://files.catbox.moe/6ksup4.pdf The Sicarii Origins of Christianity https://files.catbox.moe/xyk3j8.pdf The Sicarii / Maccabee Origins of Islam https://files.catbox.moe/7q4xvw.pdf The Knights Templar Symbolism and Numerology of Global Events in 2019 https://files.catbox.moe/xi7fa2.pdf
[Expand Post] Historical 'Q' Wars, Massacres, Assassinations, and PsyOps, 1717-2012 https://files.catbox.moe/nmg0ot.pdf The Freemasonry Symbolism and Numerology of the Letter 'Q' https://files.catbox.moe/nnmug5.pdf U.S. Military Weather Terrorism on Political Dates https://files.catbox.moe/1dsd0q.pdf Mass Killers' / Serial Killers' Connections to the C.I.A. and U.S. Military https://files.catbox.moe/hpsglj.pdf Sicarii / Knights Templar Massacres, Assassinations, and Terrorist Attacks on the 22nd of the Month https://files.catbox.moe/rhel0f.pdf Sicarii / Knights Templar Massacres, Terrorist Attacks, and Military Operations Around the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election and 2022 U.S. Midterm Elections https://files.catbox.moe/azkcg7.pdf Alex Jones' Connections to the C.I.A. and U.S. Military https://files.catbox.moe/7mirk0.pdf https://files.catbox.moe/gnaa7i.png
>>466829 If any of this shit is even half true it proves that trolling is a human universal. They could easily keep their mouths shut and not "tease" the cattle, but they don't, because they get a kick out of it, and that's why God's going to get a kick out of changing them from the inside out so they will be receptive to all the pain he will give them forever.
>>465906 i remember tubmlr girl from russia who drew nazi shit with this cartoonish style.
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>>466954 >>466953 Hey pretty good, thanks. Got any more?
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>>467081 He gives blood, He doesn't take it. So not quite a vampire. You could maybe call The Christ a reverse vampire I suppose, but no promises that you won't be declared a heretic. Anyways, thanks for trying buddy. I still appreciate it.
>>467100 Some vampires, including Dracula, give others their blood in order to turn them into vampires. This is different from people they just turn into slaves with hypnosis or whatever, like Renfield.
>>467180 If you partake in the blood of Christ you will be granted eternal life. So another point in the "hes a vampire" column.
>>467236 He is also undead, returning from his grave to instruct his (((devotees))) to engage in a bizarre ritual involving “symbolic” blood-drinking and cannibalism. There is absolutely some vampiric influence from Yeshua and the Abrahamic religions. A blood-drinking plaguebearer from the East associated with rats and death who is killed by being nailed down with a stake, like Yeshua nailed on the cross.
>>467267 >a bizarre ritual involving “symbolic” blood-drinking and cannibalism. That ritual isn't symbolic, at least according to the church. The priest literally magically turns the wine into christ's blood and the wafers into his body. It's called transubstantiation. You're literally being a cannibal in this ritual.
>write post >fill out captcha >you need a bypass >fill out bypass >go back to original thread >you can't post this thing that we didn't allow you to post because flood detector. please wait ten minutes This is why I almost never use this site.
>>467295 Yes, that is quite literally the Roman church's teaching. But the Roman church also teaches Purgatory, which has no basis in Scripture.
>>467323 >>467295 I wonder how such a batshit ritual started in the first place. In the Mithraic Mysteries they would slaughter a bull and the new initiates would bathe in its blood when joining. https://medium.com/in-medias-res/slaughtered-bulls-and-bloodied-priests-the-interpretative-struggle-of-the-cult-of-mithras-cd464fa51047 And the priests of Magna Mater would engage in wild orgiastic rites and mutilate themselves in “honour” of the hermaphrodite goddess to the point of castration. The Christian blood-drinking and cannibalism is also pretty damn weird, especially considering Christians kvetching about Satanic and pagan blood sacrifices and rituals. According to Encyclopædia Britannica, at least the ninth edition, Moloch is actually a title for Yahweh, the Demiurge. https://archive.org/details/encyclopaedia-britannica-9ed-1875/Vol%2016%20%28MEN-MOS%29%20193479089.23/page/694/mode/2up
>>467330 The article you cite about Moloch doesn't say that. It says that Moloch was a word that referred to or was related to a form of ritual child sacrifice, not that it was the same as Yaweh. It may have referred to a competing god or belief system, or maybe even just the ritual itself, but it became something that was very much antagonised by the strain of the religion which eventually became dominant.
>>467348 Yes, it does. <[…]It is with these sacrifices that the name of “the Moloch” is always connected; sometimes “the Baal” (lord) appears as a synonym. At the same time, the horrid ritual was wo closely associated with Jehovah worship (Ezek. xxiii. 39) that Jeremiah more than once finds it necessary to protest that it is not of Jehovah’s institution (vii. 31, xix. 5). So to it is the idea of sacrificing the firstborn to Jehovah that is discussed and rejected in Micah vi. It is indeed plain that such a sacrifice—for we have here to do, not with human victims in general, but with the sacrifice of the dearest earthly thing—could only be paid to the supreme deity; and Manasseh and his people never ceased to acknowledge Jehovah as the God of Israel, though they sought to make their worship more effacious by the adoption of foreign rites. <[…]From these arguments it would appear that the rise of Moloch worship does not imply the introduction into the religion of Judah of an altogether new deity, but only a heatenish development of Jehovah worship, in the familiar fashion of religious syncretism, and under that sense of the inadequacy of the old popular ritual to divert the wrath of the Godhead which was inspired by the calamities of the nation in the 7th century ʙᴄ., and led to more than one new development of atoning ritual. <[…]Moloch, in fact, in the Old Testament has no more to do with fire than any other deity. The children offered to him were not burned alive; they were slain and burned like any other holocaust (Ezek. ut supra; Isa. lvii. 5); their blood was shed at the sanctuary (Jer. xix. 4; Ps. cvi. 38). Thus the late Rabbinical picture of the calf-headed brazen image of Moloch within which children were burned alive is pure fable[…] The God of Israel is referred to by numerous names and titles in Scripture —El/Elohim, Yahweh, Jehovah, &c., &c. — and Encyclopædia Britannica states outright that the worship of Moloch was not the arrivial of a new cult, but perhaps and older and outdated form of Yahweh/Jehovah worship than the norm at the time. It also states that some Rabbis who wrote the Old Testament wished to distance themselves from what they saw as a pagan cult and were eager to associate the title Moloch with a foreign barbaric deity. I am not sure how widespread the sacrifices to Moloch/Yahweh/Jehovah were, but it was widespread enough for the Rabbis to take notice and wish to distance themselves from it.
>>467356 I think you need to reread that friend.
>>467368 This portion? “[…]From these arguments it would appear that the rise of Moloch worship does not imply the introduction into the religion of Judah of an altogether new deity, but only a heatenish development of Jehovah worship[…]” Seems pretty clear cut to me, bud. Not sure how you can try and twist this into anything other than Moloch and Baal being titles attributed to Yahweh. No amount of coping rereading that article will change that fact.
>>467370 There were certainly many sacrifices to Yaweh, Christianity is built around one, but Moloch is a different word that seems if anything to refer to the ritual more than the god. Ba'al, meanwhile, was a competing god that thus became demonized by the worshippers of its opponents, and came to be associated with other things they considered to be evil, including Moloch. That said, did Moloch rise out of Yawehism itself, or was it introduced through a foreign influence? I can't find much about that. It may be unknown. But it was one strain that evidently became extremely hated by other strains, including the one that became dominant. Also, El was originally Yaweh's dad/boss, but as Yaweh became more popular he just kind of stole his dad's thunder (sometimes literally, due to associations as storm gods) and also his wife, Asherah. Asherah was then forgotten eventually.
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