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GamerGate Radio

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Brianna Wu's "achievement" Lich Lord of GamerGate 04/19/2018 (Thu) 23:33:07 Id: a5c026 No. 331717
Is John 'Brianna Wu' Flynt closer to winning the congress now that he got 3000 signatures to get in the ballot? Remember he wants to win congress so he can stop GamerGate and Donald Trump.
Well, yes, she's closer, now she'll be on the ballot. Ballot petitioning is pretty standard stuff.
>>331721 Will it be harder for Brianna Wu if the ballot is a easy thing to do?
I'm gathering some info on this now, and I don't like what I'm finding so far. >Massachusetts 8th congressional district, where Wu is running, is based around the southern region of Boston. It is solidly blue, and has not had a republican since 1955. If Wu wins the primary, she is sure to make it into Congress. >To win the primary, she needs to beat the incumbent, Stephen Lynch. Lynch has been in office since 2001, and is a well-known figure. He comes from the world of unions. >That being said, he did not have a challenger in the primary in 2016. Nor in 2014. Not in 2012 either. In fact, I'm struggling to find any information on primary challengers he's had. Now, this is from some quick searching around, but nothing is turning up on any primary challengers Lynch has had before. It seems as if he just walked into his office one day, and no one has ever asked him if he could leave or if they could have it instead. Many years, there wasn't even a challenger to him in the general election. If this is the case, then he is likely very rusty when it comes to campaigning, and has possibly entirely missed the digital revolution that's overtaken campaigns during the last decade. More digging is necessary.
>>331738 > It seems as if he just walked into his office one day, and no one has ever asked him if he could leave or if they could have it instead. Many years, there wasn't even a challenger to him in the general election. That's a sign that he's in tight with the local Democratic machine and the unions (and with the Irish mafia) and anyone who's wanted to run against him has been dissuaded from doing so one way or another. Which also means he's probably the exact type of entrenched politician we'd want to see kicked out of office, if it wasn't Wu running against him. As far as I can see, he's never had a primary opponent. https://ballotpedia.org/Stephen_Lynch#Elections Sometimes he doesn't even have a Republican opponent.
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Speaking of Brianna Wu, do we (and 4chan) murder innocent people?
The accelerationist in me wants Dickless Johnny here to win.
Wu is against Nancy Pelosi, against SESTA/FOSTA, and pro-Net Neutrality. So not 100% bad. Too bad it's Wu, a non-SJW techie with similar political positions would have my support.
>>331717 >>331759 >one candidate >possibly the least suitable anti-GG personage for sustained media attention I don't know about you, but I'm pretty sure he'll get fucked by PR pretty soon. Which should show random normalfags the nature of the tranny. >>331874 Something tells me that we and he have very different reasons for wanting those.
>>331879 I'm not sure about that. You don't have to be anti-SJW to despise Pelosi and co. and what they did to the Democratic party. But it helps. Many SJWs give them and Hillary Clinton a pass for everything just because of their gender.

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