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GamerGate Radio

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VideoGame Violence Articles Lich Lord of GamerGate 02/22/2018 (Thu) 23:37:16 Id: 7bec48 No. 331603
In light of recent events (even Trump has said he's gonna look into violent video games & media), I think we need to make a database to spread. 1. Post a PDF or link to every report that proves videogames do not cause violence or make people crazy. Articles talking about the reports/papers/dissertations/etc should also be posted here (archived). With their official tweet as well if you can. 2. Post a PDF or link to every report that shows how many people under the age of a game's rating own the game. Same as the above. The intent is not to feed the enemy, but to show the parents are giving their kids material that is not appropriate for them. Blocks won't work if the parents seek out and get this material for their children. Secondary Goals 3. Post a PDF or link to every report that shows social media affects kids negatively. Same as above, and again, the internet is not to feed the enemy. SJWs and the hard-left rely on being able to appeal to young people so their politics are set as "normal" in their minds from a young age. Not to mention how social media ruins how people are supposed to socialize (to the point one of the Twitter founders says he regrets it). > We need to stop kids from seeing material that makes them violent! < Fine, lets stop them using Twitter to read CNN. 4. Post a PDF or link to every report that shows how kids are fucked up due to other factors outside of videogames. Drugged for being hyper-active, boys punished for being masculine and girls punished for being feminine, kids being isolated due to their peers being brought up to not associate with anyone different from their interests, a lack of job prospects, a lack of good boyfriends and girlfriends, a lack of good friends, exposure to specific subjects too early in school (identity, sex, etc), a lack of identity outside of what they consume- Basically answer the question: Why are the kids fucked up and miserable? I mean we know (((why))), but we need to sugar coat the redpill and let normalfags realize it for themselves Co-ordinate with /pol/ since I'm sure they'll have research on a lot of this (especially the secondary goals like 3 & 4).
> The Myth of Blunted Gamers: No Evidence for Desensitization in Empathy for Pain after a Violent Video Game Intervention in a Longitudinal fMRI Study on Non-Gamers < Study Finds No Link Between Video Games And Desensitization To Violence Article Itself: https://www.karger.com/Article/Abstract/487217 (Hidden behind a paywall/copyright wall) One Angry Gamer: https://archive.is/95BGm > New Evidence Suggests Media Violence Effects May Be Minimal < Link Between Real-Life Violence And Video Games Is Minimal, Suggests New Report Psychiatric Times: https://archive.is/eYYYP https://archive.is/eGfUt https://archive.is/bygSo One Angry Gamer: https://archive.is/1bXMu
>coordinate with /pol/ they're compromised and also busy with other shit if you wanna try be my guest but I expect them to be hostile and useless
Attn Gov. Matt Bevin: There is No Link Between Violence and Video Games https://archive.fo/C6nAl >For instance, Sociologist Whitney DeCamp and psychologist Christopher Ferguson of Western Michigan University delved into the relationship between instances of violence in children and video games, and found that video games were a weak predictor for aggressiveness. (Study here: https://archive.fo/eLcLU (western michigan university) >“The young males in my research were in grades eight and 11. I found that just by themselves, even without any controls, violent video games were a poor predictor of violent behavior,” DeCamp says. “Even in the best model, it only explained about 3 percent of the variation in violent behavior.” According to the study, “even that 3 percent shrank when DeCamp accounted for other factors. He also found similar results among girls.” >Dr. Andy Przybylski, from Oxford University’s Oxford Internet Institute also conducted a study and found video games to be something of a minor factor in how aggressive a child becomes, but did find the minor effects were often had the opposite effect of turning them violent according to the Telegraph. (archive here: https://archive.fo/NSMGc) >Similar results were found in a January 2018 study from the University of York who found violent realism in video games hardly grew the aggression in gamers one iota. https://archive.fo/141mR Another conducted by Dr. Gregor Szycik of the Hannover Medical School found that gaming does not blunt a gamer’s empathy. https://archive.fo/BIAll Lads I think I found the gold mine. Dude makes a full on case. >As with gun violence, we can always trace an instance back to a bad home life, or involvement in crime cultures, or mental illness, or radical ideologies. The fact that they played video games at one point or another has been a sorry factor in determining the violent behavior of those who harm the innocent. >But most importantly, just as the left points at gun owners as the source of gun violence despite millions of gun owners never commit a single crime or have violent bone in their body, millions of gamers play their games and commit crimes no worse than jaywalking. Attempting to link violence and video games is the same thing the left does with guns and violence. There’s no link, and it insults the millions of gamers that constitute the blue whale of subcultures. >And by the way, those gamers vote.
https://techraptor.net/content/video-game-violence-dont-cause-hatred-strategy-gta >For example, a study was published in 2012 more or less claiming that people who played violent video games became more proficient at shooting things in real life. By the end of that year, Mass Effect, StarCraft, Call of Duty, and oddly enough, Dance Dance Revolution were popularly cited as contributing factors to a school shooting. That study has since been retracted. (Link: https://techraptor.net/content/two-studies-suggesting-link-gaming-real-life-violence-retracted) >Fortunately, there have been a growing number of proponents that claim that there is no practical link between games and real life violence. Whitney DeCamp and Christopher Ferguson point out that the way that a child is raised has a far greater impact on youth, and that if there were a correlation between aggressive behavior and video games, such a relationship is tenuous at best. (link: https://techraptor.net/content/new-study-finds-family-upbringing-influences-behavior-video-games link: https://archive.fo/biJcn ) >A study by Indiana University also found that low-skilled players perceived violence in games more than their higher skilled peers, but it was essentially only because violence was a distraction that more casual players honed in on while higher skilled players focused more on something like the narrative of a game. (Link: https://techraptor.net/content/study-shows-high-skill-gamers-less-aggressive-perceive-less-violence Link (study itself): https://archive.fo/PE2gP) >Similarly, a study based in Italy tried to link GTA with sexist and violent tendencies, and only succeeded in proving that such a connection exists indirectly, or in other words, that the study tried to find a correlation through causation. (Link: https://techraptor.net/content/another-study-fails-prove-games-lead-sexism, check there I'm getting tired of this)
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>It’s time to end the debate about video games and violence - Christopher Ferguson https://archive.fo/AUGMh >But, speaking as a researcher who has studied violent video games for almost 15 years, I can state that there is no evidence to support these claims that violent media and real-world violence are connected. >As far back as 2011, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that research did not find a clear connection between violent video games and aggressive behavior. (Archive here: https://archive.fo/C9RqK) Criminologists who study mass shootings specifically refer to those sorts of connections as a “myth.” (archive here: https://archive.fo/g5IVs) And in 2017, the Media Psychology and Technology division of the American Psychological Association released a statement I helped craft, suggesting reporters and policymakers cease linking mass shootings to violent media, given the lack of evidence for a link. (archive here: https://archive.fo/rCLYH) >The other part of the answer lies in the troubled history of violent video game research specifically. Beginning in the early 2000s, some scholars, anti-media advocates and professional groups like the APA began working to connect a methodologically messy and often contradictory set of results to public health concerns about violence. This echoed historical patterns of moral panic, such as 1950s concerns about comic books and Tipper Gore’s efforts to blame pop and rock music in the 1980s for violence, sex and satanism. Particularly in the early 2000s, dubious evidence regarding violent video games was uncritically promoted. But over the years, confidence among scholars that violent video games influence aggression or violence has crumbled. (lots of links here, farm them yourself as I'm getting fucking tired of archiving so much) >My own research has examined the degree to which violent video games can – or can’t – predict youth aggression and violence. In a 2015 meta-analysis, I examined 101 studies on the subject and found that violent video games had little impact on kids’ aggression, mood, helping behavior or grades. >Two years later, I found evidence that scholarly journals’ editorial biases had distorted the scientific record on violent video games. Experimental studies that found effects were more likely to be published than studies that had found none. This was consistent with others’ findings. As the Supreme Court noted, any impacts due to video games are nearly impossible to distinguish from the effects of other media, like cartoons and movies. (same as before, lots of links, archive them yadda yadda yadda) >Any claims that there is consistent evidence that violent video games encourage aggression are simply false. >Spikes in violent video games’ popularity are well-known to correlate with substantial declines in youth violence – not increases. These correlations are very strong, stronger than most seen in behavioral research. More recent research suggests that the releases of highly popular violent video games are associated with immediate declines in violent crime, hinting that the releases may cause the drop-off.
>>331608 ugh some of it got cut off, whatewver just read the main article, it makes a full on case
Long-term US study finds no links between violent video games and youth violence (The researchers concluded that the current media narrative may "distract society from more pressing concerns such as poverty and education" ) https://archive.fo/Xartp (study itself, by christopher ferguson hilariously enough: https://archive.fo/VdB63)
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Anyone got a source on these images?
https://archive.fo/q9aPa The bobo doll experiments. On the one hand, you could argue it proves social media can influence kids (they see others dogpile on someone for a particular opinion, and join in). But by the same token it could be argued it proves kids imitate media (which as we've seen from other research- it does not). The kids are extremely young however.
http://archive.is/il984 welp, the right has apparently turned it's back on us again. we're alone and have enemies on all sides but that's never stopped us. it feels like the 90's all over again.
>>331615 >arstechnica top lel
>>331616 it's not just them reporting it, it's all over Kotaku, Polygon, Playstation lifestyle, Gamespot hell even the MSM is reporting on this shit. CNN, Forbes, CNet, Rolling Stone, etc. and also the cancer that is buzzfeed is reporting on this because of course they would, they're fucking buzzfeed.
> Violent Games Don’t Make People Violent, Says New Study https://www.oneangrygamer.net/2017/03/violent-games-dont-make-people-violent-says-new-study/25727/ https://archive.is/4T7MY The report (via the Telegraph): https://archive.is/fxK10 There's no direct link to the research/paper though.
White House official channel uploaded this. Just footage of "videogame violence". No commentary, no context, no narration. Just the "worst" of the medium- same as if you took the worst of horror films you could lambast all film, or the worst of republicans to slander everything left of Clinton. 1. Downvote the video. 2. Post articles from this thread in the comments. 3. Spread awareness on social media (infographs, etc). Criticize the video as well. "Why just post a montage of the worst?" - get people thinking and they see through bullshit. You just have to make it obvious to them. As with all information campaigns, the idea is not to change the minds of those at the top- but to change a big chunk of the public's desire so that it'd be career suicide to go against them.
I replied to one of NicheGamer's tweets summarizing what's been posted here: https://archive.is/84c1p The quote here >>331608 is dynamite (from "My own research" onwards).
Not an article, but a summery. There's also a cutdown version here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjAD7hE9B7Q Neither work on normalfags who don't play vidya, but working to expose who makes money from the outcry helps. I.e. what layers are pushing the charge, running to defense, or funneling the money they got from robbing the gold from dead jews in WW2 into protest groups.
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> The American Psychological Association helped to spread fake news about the link between media violence and aggression in children. You need to log in to download I think: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12108-017-9362-0 https://archive.is/Mu2w3 Excerpt comes from a Tweet. https://twitter.com/DegenRolf/status/985824530101866496

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