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GamerGate Radio

OP: Korean BBQ - Redpilling the west on S.Korea SJWs Veteran Leader 07/30/2016 (Sat) 18:06:00 Id: cd2df9 No. 326174
Discussion on new S.Korea events goes here: >>246229 I made this it's own thread as I feel as it's own OP the thread will fill up fast. If mods want to combine the two topics, please delete and repost this info in the S.Korea thread. Recent events in S.Korea have exploded. Now being the perfect time to show the rest of the world what SJWs do to a country, and what SJWs do when they don't get their way. Priority One: Red pill people on S.Korean SJWs and the terrorist actions and insanity of Megalia + Daughters of Megalia. Eliminate the DisInfo on No Shield being the Korean GG (it's not misogyny harassment either, and they're about letting certain companies get censored by the government because they were betrayed IMO it'll backfire, but that's discussion for the other thread. Aim For: People drawing conclusions that western SJWs could escalate to this level- or discredit western SJW by ideology proximity. Avoid: People thinking the S.Korea example is so extreme it'll "never happen over here" (by showing the opposite end of the scale, people can't see how they could get there) Methodology: Post info in comments of articles & tweets, get GookAnon to interview HeatSt (Gook says he will), create infographs (but find other sources to verify). Follow Up Operations (in rough order of priority): - Produce Infographs directly comparing S.Korea SJWs to western SJWs (to help the stragglers who've not yet made the connection) - Contact other S.Korean anons to back up and verify information. believe it or not, some of this info has been verified on the S.Korea board of Reddit IIRC - Get good outlets to produce stories in S.Korea - Get S.Korean literate people to dig into Meligana and the connections. (Like Korean Huff Po. Pic coming up.). - Push for anti-SJW stuff among certain groups that can be whipped into a frenzy easily (soccer moms, people with disdain for US education system/common core) using the S.Korea comparisons (In this instance, play to their ignorance. "It's foreign so it must be bad. They were against us in WW2 right?!") to get them to campaign against SJW shit in schools. Yes, the school will just rebrand it and carry on- but the more we make them have to cover their tracks and re-work, the more errors they make. - Create documentation tracking how S.Korea wound up like this. I imagine it'll be /pol/ tier people using S.Korea as a testing ground, and if we kick over the wrong thing we'll get stung- HARD. But it'll help us find more string-pullers and dig into who or whatever they have fingers in. - DisNod companies that fund S.Korea SJW or supported Meligana ("Hi [Advertiser/investor] did you know [company] supported terrorist group Megalia in S.Korea?"). This step may be unneeded if the previous steps go well.
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>>326674 This is the screencap of Alex Song's own post on Womad. She already contacted with Independant, Guadian, and Huffington Post also. Know that Womad is runned by strict membership and archive.is won't work. Womad is the website made by founder members of Megalia because people started to dig dirty shits fromt their website and archiving it. Megalia.net and .com is currently blocked new register and mods and founders already insisted members to move Womad. Womad is the main place and the real substance of the whole Megalia movement now. Expect more BS from them. This ain't easy fight. They know how to make lies and flows propaganda through medias.
>>326675 I can see where this is going: Since the media has essentially failed and the western feminism movement has become a laughingstock, now they're importing Oriental flavored feminism to deflect and obfuscate their corruption. So, how long until Hillary pledges support for Megalia?
>>10403327 Posted on /pol/ >>>/pol/7146360 Be sure to update the thread there too.
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>>326678 >Korea is waking up and realizing how degenerate and weak its men are. Maybe its time to pay them a visit and cooperate against Fuckchi together? Our dicks are bigger after all, than dicks of those weak korean homos. Here, I made better accurately translated version because for your autism. The image was I picked up on the Korean internet website and it's badly translated. The original hardly mentions homos, and just hate on generic men. And that "Megalians will make korea great again." shit was aweful. I will not update on your faggot OP thread again. Your thread reeks of autism. Good luck having coorporate with pedo rapists and psychopathic muderers who wants every male on earth to be dead in horrific ways.
Why does anyone care about Korea? I'll never go there. Their culture is dumb. They could sink into the sea and I'd never notice.
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>>326707 c'mon, troll harder! You can do it!
>>326707 They make a fuckton of MMO style games and have e tournaments thats the extent of my knowledge about them. Oh and apparently North Korea wants to attack it and unify with over some dumb political ideology shit
But why does anyone give a fuck about what happens in Korea?
>>326817 >But why does anyone give a fuck about what happens in Korea? But why does anyone give a fuck about what happens to gamers? But why does anyone give a fuck about what happens to white men? But why does anyone give a fuck about what happens to Americans? But why does anyone give a fuck about what happens to children? But why does anyone give a fuck about what happens to you?
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This is what this reminds me of
>>326838 So you're saying Korea doesn't matter?
>>326674 >>326675 >>326676 So, try to send this to BBC >>326661 >>326662 Or just skip straight to public dethrone-ment by spreading the info? Worth contacting Breitbart of Heat St so they can put another nail into the BBC?
>>326917 YES! Also, contact Fox about it, so that this goes public. Sending this info onward to conservative outlets, and Fox will be YUUUUUUGE!!
Gook Anon's posted about Megalia protesting outside a kindergarten within Nexon's building/property. (Holding up signs with shit like "Daddy would you rape me to?"). And a new PSA playing on kids TV (Mean comments online will get you arrested). We need evidence of it.
>>326953 This?
Ok, I manage to make a page about the new operation for the GG wiki.
Any updates so far?
Teacher gets jail sentence for having sex with middle school student http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/nation/2016/08/116_212858.html http://archive.is/VGrSI I'm guessing this is not the incident that was related to the tee shirt controversy, right?
>>327293 Probably, probably not. If it was, it wouldn't have been an issue if it wasn't connected to this: https://archive.fo/creEY > Megalia4, the group that sold the T-shirt featured in Kim Jayeon's controversial tweet, is the fourth iteration of Megalia's Facebook page. Created months before the split, this group operates independently of other Megalia factions. "As far as I know, I have not heard of any felony or misdemeanor [committed by Megalia4]," says Kim Nayoung. tl;dr - A popular voice actress of a Nexon video game was advertising for Megalia, which was what she got fired over, and not the whole "feminist message" that the mainstream media parrots. The connection is that the group selling the overpriced shirts are using the proceeds as well as from other ventures to fund the defense of lawsuits like what you're linked.
T-this is fake right? [s] some type of elder troll r-right [/s]
I only just found out about this whole mess, has anything been happening recently?
Do not expose yourself too much gook, I'd rather have you not post for a while and be safe.
Bumping this for major new update. Discussion of digging here: >>246229 Discussion of what to do here. The "8 goddesses" need to be exposed. We need to push Korean BBQ hard. Get info, and spread it. Before BBC's disinfo covers it up. It's easy to spread thanks to comparisons to Hillary (stolen emails reveal female politician[s] doing bad shit).
>>328546 Collecting links to updates on SK's current proceedings would be a start.
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>>328728 From /v/ thread: https://archive.is/DAlDF So the foundation of Worst Korea's shadow government turns out to be narcopolitics + cultists. Here's an idea: let's forward this to the /pinoy/ authorities and have Duterte go after the 8 Goddesses? Imagine adding "Gamergate wages a successful anti-drug war in Asia" and "Gamergate topples Worst Korea regine" to the checklist of Gamergate achievements. Kek.
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>>328785 LMAO, image broke. Reuploading.
Soft bump, keeping an eye on Korea.
Gookanon, congratulations. For those oblivious: http://thegoldwater.com/news/709-South-Korea-s-President-Has-Been-Impeached-Following-Political-Unrest > The impeachment vote mirrors the public sentiments against Park. The corruption charges and scandals have pushed her approval rating to plunge to a mere 4%. A recent survey also reveals that 78% of respondents supported her impeachment. > Massive crowds numbering between 500,000 to 1.5 million have been protesting the past weeks in Central Seoul strongly demanding Park's ouster. Banner-waving crowds outside the chamber likewise greeted the impeachment vote with wild cheers. > With the affirmative impeachment vote, Park is immediately suspended. The vote, however, needs to be ratified by the nation's Constitutional Court within 100 days to become permanent. > South Korea's Prime Minister will take over Park's duties in the interim, although Park had earlier offered to resign if lawmakers voted against her. If Park makes her resignation, new elections for the nation's President must be held within 60 days. > Park has yet to issue a statement regarding her impeachment. She has not been officially seen since Tuesday, preferring to hole up in the presidential Blue House, while fervent demonstrations were ongoing only a mile away. > While presenting the impeachment bill, opposition lawmaker Kim Kwan-young said that Park has violated the Constitution and other laws concerning her public duties, as well as forgetting her duty as the nation's leader and administrative chief. In a GG thread, Gookanon even said there was no violence. (Police & protesters gave each other water and warm meals, despite a guillotine being shown off, a park fan attempting to stab someone was only beaten nearly to death ;) ) And various politicians and police refusing to work cost the nation one billion dollars a day. Shit is pouring out the woodwork: https://archive.is/X66E6#selection-3455.0-3455.32 Viagra was ordered for (alleged) sex orgies for Park (a woman in her 70s) and if it turns out the men were underage, then this might be tied to Pizzagate. It might already be tied to Spirit Cooking, everyone involved with the cabal is being arrested, and Park was revealed to even be a drug addict. She may have been missing during the ferry sinking thanks to her being off her fucking nut. And yet- media silence in the west. Now successful coups have been ignored before IIRC (something in the 2000s, italian/spanish like country), but this makes me wonder and worry: - Allegations of South Korea being a testing-ground for the west's demoralization (an enemy at the gate all the time, the leader controlled via cults, encouraging the destruction of the family unit and even the relationship between men and women) - Even if the above is false, you have S.Korea being the SJW paradise- banning of porn, strict online control, etc. Literally showing why SJW doesn't work and attracts the worst people. - Even if the first thing is false, people have successfully overthrown an SJW and cult-controlled leader, and with no loss of life or violence. This is shit-scary to anyone who wants to run a nation like Choi & Park did. Occupy Wall Street needed de-railing to stop it, but imagine Clinton was elected and news quickly spread "Clinton supports Pizzagate". You'd have protests, but I'd wonder how many cops etc would actually stand up for corruption of that scale- not just out of decency but out of fear what 10 million people teetering between "social unrest" and "day of the rope" would do.
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>>329070 Obviously there are key differences. The US is larger (meaning- bar a pilgrimage- you'll only have everyone in major cities protesting- in their cities), The US has people in cops/national guard/etc that are less human (rumors of army dropping people who would never fire upon US civilians via sneakily phrased questionnaires), The US is more likely to employ false-flags and other attacks on civilians, And people at the top of the cult do what is best for them (unlike Park who- out of pure insanity and brainwashing- might believe what she did was good. Hillary/Soros knows half their shit would have sunk the nation- and she'd bank on it.) But the point remains the same; The Western Media does not want to report on a nation that successfully ousted it's corrupt, puritan, cult-influence leader. No wonder they're trying to kill all non-media approved stories with "Fake News". Only problem is- they have a nation willing to talk about it. SPREAD THE STORY LIKE FUCKING WILDFIRE BEG PEOPLE TO WRITE ARTICLES ==NO ONE WRITING AN ARTICLE? DO IT YOURSELF ON FUCKING MEDIUM== I'm willing to bet some/most of you did well at research & report writing at school. This helps everything else. It shows that SJW politics ruin nations. It shows that leaders can be manipulated, for the most bizarre and dark of reasons. It shows that leaders can be corrupt, to depths unfathomable. And it shows you can still pull off a rebellion in [current year]. And you might not even need to load your gun. This is dynamite. Use it.
>>329071 > ==NO ONE WRITING AN ARTICLE? DO IT YOURSELF ON FUCKING MEDIUM== Nah, not my thing. /pinoy/ here, am actually thinking of writing up an essay comparing this to EDSA, aka. the Philippine Revolution of 1986 this weekend. Whether the article will materialize will depend on my free time, unless some other filipino anon will do it first, it a no-brainer.
>>329070 As an aside, I'm wondering if the latest news of popular K-pop celebrities quietly retiring en masse is related. I was going to bring it up over in other threads at /v/ and /pol/ but they're all currently being spammed by butthurt /leftypol/.
>>329074 Whoops, forgot pic related.
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All I have to say is in the picture.
http://newmediacentral.net/how-social-justice-in-south-korea-has-ruined-gaming/ https://archive.is/GUeR4 twitter.com/NewMediaCentral/status/958835239513722880 https://archive.is/dgPuH How social justice in South Korea has ruined gaming Basically talks about all the shit we wanted to talk about S.Korea. Spread it around.
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Gookanon, are you still alive? Is the happening over yet? If so, how did it end? Have you been murdered by megalians?

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