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GamerGate Radio

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For God, Country, POTUS and Q register notable events Lich Lord of GamerGate 05/03/2018 (Thu) 10:37:19 Id: 47aabd No. 331760
Because our children and grandchildren have to grow up in this country. There is nothing greater then saving our country! FlyAway doubters! We here support to Q we're for God for country and even for you…
5/2 POTUS has Giuliani leak Daniel's reimbursement on Hannity
Meeting with head of Apple Incoming large sum of money Apple overseas/ back to USA Repatriation, thank you POTUS
5/2 POTUS official nomination for Nobel Peace Prize
5/2 Military plane crash in Savannah Georgia
Mike Pence in Arizona, rallying for the great Sheriff Joe Arpaio and his Senate run. We need Joe!
5 2 Convoy stopped at border
Solid place to post If you think you've cracked the big ones
www.nobelprize.org/nobel_organizations/prize_awarders/ Contact Nobel committee. Address above… Tell them POTUS deserves it! Like all hashtag campaigns/ Post-it / notify them / then spread it far widen often! WWG1WGA #Q #QANON #MAGA
Open invitation to POTUS: Call us up, no matter when, no matter where! Tell us where you need us, and we will most definitely be there!
Yo don't forget Of notoriety This week Q indicates We don't say his name Exit
Military down Savannah Reports + 5 Reports + 9 What is the truth?
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Trust POTUS Trust Giuliani Trust Q Trust the plan #MAGA
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Come on deputize the brothers We've been together for Trump He's making America great again
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Taking a shot at this post Rooftop level? = LV shooting, entry point for guns or location of additional shooters? ( I say this because it comes to mind first with rooftop / + the next part of the post would indicate Saudi / involvement. And we know that occurred in Las Vegas. ++ Soros + + + Saudis. Skipping around a bit but the next reference I can only really think relating to the insurance file on Weiner's laptop. Doesn't seem like the right place for it but don't have another explanation off the cuff. Unless of course it was their insurance policy, clowns House of Saudi? [J] insure -TM:3= tactical maneuver? Times 3? Was Las Vegas a tactical maneuver? See that's the way my brain goes! Probably not right, LOL GIP+4= Gip usually means Global infrastructure partners. But who knows if that's what it means here. If so I would think you're looking for fourth primary infrastructure partners. For a rebuilding phase. Perhaps something like the new Saudi regime, Great Britain, Australia, France.( just examples) COMMS f35 channel open= think logically?= to me that means lab open communication without interruption to an F-35 surveillance and door escort military plane. Don't [F]orget= sorry my head is jumping around so much! I look at this and thank don't forget and the F and Florida is what comes to mind and the FF there. All of these are so far unrelated again just following an off-the-cuff out of my brain thought on this post. [S] creaming= the question becomes do you put the to kill boxes together the F in the ass? Or does this somehow reference the lack of attendance on the police part wedding the screaming continue at the f f in Florida? No markers why? Why didn't they do their job there? Markers are we talkin laser markers? Or theoretical markers? Is he asking why weren't they, the police on scene, doing their job? Can't help but feel way far off on this one. Learn OC = original content? FHPP= Federal high-priority project ? Not sure but it does make some sense. Okay since I think I could be pretty far off I'm going to post this in to post so it doesn't get crazy long. Any input you can give me would be great. So I know where to start digging again! A fast unresearched off-the-cuff reaction to the first half of the following post. Maybe I do need sleep…
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F2g5= are we talking about British architect? If so would it be steel and his contribution to the dossier? [A]udit PENT= could it possibly be as simple as to mean Joseph Awuku of asset and wealth management? He does specialize in tracking governmental audits??? Doesn't feel right however… Y H M T Y K= you have more than you know. TFVOS .CA live chat video dead = Doesn't this refer to some type of Avail like Skype? Did they get content this way? Is Skype about to be crashed or replaced? Sounds even crazy me saying it… MSM 4 AM ahead= either 4 hours after this post or something in the 8 a.m. mark we need to tune in and listen. Could be linked to the intentional Giuliani leak last night, trumps most recent brilliant move! ÀPL= an international shipping company, specializing in incoming and outgoing shipments with China. APPEL= money in coming from China funds are apples repatriot commitment? APPEAL= if it's referring to a court appeal that could make sense. If it's referring to a federal commitment appeal it could be tied back to the China funds again… CH TAX XI= it could be referring to why the payment was made from Apple to the feds under repatriation. Or the X I could be the Roman numeral for 11 then there are a lot of tax issues that come to mind. BAIT FOX A . COM= unquestionably the bait was what Giuliani dropped about the payments Trump had made to the attorney. Like I said before it's 2 foald, one that proves the attorney did not make campaign donations he was being reimbursed. Which is perfectly legal as is paying the settlement in the first place. Too because it keeps the media chasing their tail and Democrats feeling they've got him where they want him. iNtel: C = I'm guessing we're talking about a computer chip here? Ips= web address Sung of SAM =? A little lost here, tend to want to rearrange the letters 2 equal: GUNS MAS maybe that's because we generally know what that means… Remember i'm bouncing around unintentionally. Below is from above: Remember this is just my head sorting process for one D Chess. rambling, off-the-cuff so I can dig in the right direction… for me it's a great way to decipher. Thank you for having me on the board. [H]elp= does the H here indicate Hillary's connection to sheriff Lombardo?( bare with me I know this reaches getting really wild and wide) just my process of thinking. Q+= Our brilliant commander and chief F35 P= for some reason I still feel this refers to him being in control of military air escort and possibly a high-value asset, or Apple's funds coming back for the country.0 We didn't talk about level 40/70 = Because they're a different ways to look at it. One you can look at the fact re: equals 110% someone really has an advantage. Of course you can break it down to the math as well… Hey any help it would be great… Have no time to look back to 925 for me. Patriots be well Patriots stay strong God bless the president, God bless the Q team, God Bless America and God bless you! #GreatAwakening
This Thread has potential Sound idea grouping primary events and a 30-day easy spot board Dig, bake, sauce
Think logically The plan is definitely working The louder they scream The bigger and broader they (MSM)lie The more desperate they are to do away with the president. It all equals only 1 thing. They are all about to go down!!! Thanks Q
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Are you sure you're on the right board, mate?

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