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GamerGate Radio

(101.02 KB 859x1127 adultswimzoe.png)

Zoe Quinn mention on Adult Swim Lich Lord of GamerGate 02/09/2018 (Fri) 01:09:02 Id: 32eb59 No. 331565
Guess who appeared at Adult Swim last night? Does she fit in, or is Adult Swim turning to the dark side of the cuck?
> is Adult Swim turning to the dark side of the cuck? Yeah, that's a big-time sign of selling out.
Tanya DePass: https://archive.is/Xi2pP Lisette Titre: https://archive.is/6vxRN They're with GaymerX and Fempire. It's a small world they live in.
>>331566 Should we send feedback to Adult Swim? https://www.adultswim.com/footer/contact/
>>331568 Yeah, but they probably have a friend policing the official contact points to filter out information. Try finding email addresses for people in the office.
Christina Miller
>>331565 You wouldn't mention Ada Lovelace in the same breath as those parasites unless you are going full retard.
How does the side with all the power, privilege, and connections manage to pass itself off as the victims?
>>331694 > How does the side with all the power, privilege, and connections manage to pass itself off as the victims? Professional PR and ownership of the media.

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