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A letter from South Korea; THIS IS YOUR FUTURE Leader 08/09/2015 (Sun) 19:17:35 Id: 1fc849 No. 246229
Hello, the original gookfag here. It's been a while since I wrote this posts in the image. Here's some archives. I wrote some helpful posts in these thread so read them if you interest in Korean affair. https://archive.is/XOG8u https://archive.is/xqqy2 I make this thread to warn you. To warn you that this might really happen in your countries. I feel the happening is nigh. Especially in US. I'm a former political member and my family served the current ruling party since 70's. I know what i'm saying. There's some well-known rumor in South Korea among the politic scens in Korea since 60's. The rumor is that the South Korea is political & social experimental field for western investors. A test field for various social experiments. They say we got the fastest internet in the world because the rich westerners want to see side effects of sudden digital information days. They say we got a female president because they want to see side effects of fanatic social Neo-Feminism. There is no dominant evidence to back this rumor. But I want to make sure one thing. Every major social events and economic affairs in Korea happens in other countries as well after times. I've seen it all. And I think these Social Justice & Neo-Feminism is the next event they're experimenting in Korea. The experiment is over when we elected a female president and the introduction to the western country is nigh. Here's the story. South Korea's Social Justice and the big brother censorship pretty much escalated into sky high right after we elected the female president, Park in 2013. As you can see from the image, the censorship level of S.Korea is just insane. A self acclaimed 'Feminist' female president is in charge in Korea currently and we live in SJW dystopia right now. Countless batshit-insane laws about protect women and children has been implanted. Basically you go prison for at least 5 years and registered as child sex offender if you watch Japanese hentai. The new Korean anti-porn and the child protection law prohibits any of fictional porns about children. They all threated same as actual child rapists or even worse. You go prison if you see Hentai of any kind of porns that the actor or character 'Seem' to appears as underage. Because of this insane anti-porn law called '아청법', 15 years old mid-school girl registered as sex offender because she watched Yaoi novel on the internet. 70 years old grandma had to sell her own PC-cafe to pay penalty because a Japanese Hentai manga found one of her PC. She's now homeless and registered as sex offender. More funny thing is, the porn threated as more heavier crime than the actual rape in Korea. 3 years minimum for rapists and 5 years minimum for porn possesion. 45 of rapists ended up being just suspended sentence but less than a 10% for porn possesion. Some reference articles; https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ko&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Farchive.is%2FQEyGO https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ko&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Farchive.is%2FXlJCX This law has been introduced right after election of female president and being praised as the most notable triumph of Park's administration. I talk you about this law not just because it's crazy insane law, but there are more hidden agenda in this law. This law isn't just about Social Justice movement. Perid. Last month, anomymous whistle blower revealed that the offficial Hacking & Spyware tool by South Korean National Intelligence Service, has abaility to implant "Child Porn" into any citizen's device. https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ko&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Farchive.is%2FDIhd6 (countinues…)
>>324823 Not physically hurt, just some angry feminists grabbed her hair and slapped few times and nearby men stopped the lynch before it's going further. Still insane scene to watch.
Meanwhile in Korea… A fucking nobody 17 years old girl 'Pro Gamer' accused for cheating at nobody cares shit small as fuck Overwatch competition event preliminary match. The other player made an objection that she cheated while they matching. And yeah, he was a dude and accused one was girl. Then the fucking media starting to claiming this is misogyny. You know, Blizzard is the new country religion in Korea and not playing Overwatch or having even slighthly negative opinion against Blizzard can bury you by society. Accused for cheating in pro e-sports competition scene is fucking daily basis in here but somehow this ride the hitpiece media propaganda wave. Somehow the fucking whole country started to screaming misogyny and heavily blaming the guy who accused, saying he's misogynist and need to be banned from e-sport. And few days ago Blizzard reviewed the case and conmfirmed she didn't cheated. Don't ask me, I don't play Overwatch. After the blizzard confirmation, shit just got real. Now the whole e-sport team which the guy who accused her for cheating belong has been oficially dismantled due to fucking shitstorm aftermath. And the guy has been semi-banned from all e-sport scene. Because they accused a innocent girl and that's unspeakable evil crime in Korea. A fucking reverse witch burning has begun. Even the girl and the represent member from the opposite team she belongs said this is too much and stop criticizing the guy but the ignorant mass don't listen. The girl's team already made opinion that this is just ordinary cheating accuse and nothing bad was related. But their announcement made the problem worse, now the people worshipping the girl as the new saint Jesus! The whole internet treating the guy like as he done some mass-murder and the accused girl became the new martyress Jesus icon of gaming and the 21st century's digital Jeanne d'Arc. There's new cult worshipping her already. Kinda like the way Acid Man loves Asuka, except not wanting to fug, because that's misogyny. Worshipping her marvelous godlike gaming skills and admiring that she accused for she was too good. The whole internet thinks he accused her because she was a woman, and that seems enough crime to be burried from the society and doxed on the internet. You know what, even the fucking Blizzard artist made special art present for the poor innocent Jeanne d'Arc girl. And yeah, her main character is fucking Zarya and she used the character in the match she accused. I ain't fucking joking. Her nickname was '게구리 (Frog)'. I attach the commemoration art from the Blizzard artist and the video compilation of fucking cancerous neckbeards and dyed haired forein hipsters at YouTube covering this story. Beware, it's cancerous as fuck. Bellow is the jewtube link for better resolution but I advice you to not give any more view count to the video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1WE9kRw11k0 I fucking don't want to live in this country anymore. It seems now the fucking everything I saw and hear at least partially related with Feminism or gender-war. This country is deeply infected by the cancerous ideology and now people just won't stop connecting everything with misogyny and women's right. How does it even related with misogyny anyway. It happened like literally 9000 times before, except this time it was a girl who accused. I don't fucking get it and I'm just a evil lone misogynist according to the internet. The fucking insanity, it's madness. And it's intensifying everyday. Watch out, this can be your society's future. Millions of white knights on the internet worshipping the new digital age's Jeanne d'Arc and witch burning the evil misogynist man for dare accusing the holy innocent girl for cheating in video game.
>>325581 You should've just stayed with Japan. No really, it has such traditional roles and a healthy society (with enough problems to be sure, but way way better than here in Germany), and now I read about this.
나라 안 뜨고 뭐하세요 상해임시정부처럼 외부에서 썩어빠진 사회를 뒤엎는게 답인거 같네요. 우리말 안들으면 양놈들 말들은 듣겠지요. 힘내세요. 저는 우파 성향 진영에서 선동질 하고 있으니 님은 여기 좌파 성향쪽에서 잘해보세요. 건투를 빕니다. 동서양합작으로 썩어빠진 범세계주의 "진보"주의자들을 척결합시다!!
>>326095 >나라 안 뜨고 뭐하세요 > >상해임시정부처럼 외부에서 썩어빠진 사회를 뒤엎는게 답인거 같네요. > >우리말 안들으면 양놈들 말들은 듣겠지요. > >힘내세요. > >저는 우파 성향 진영에서 선동질 하고 있으니 님은 여기 좌파 성향쪽에서 잘해보세요. > >건투를 빕니다. > >동서양합작으로 썩어빠진 범세계주의 "진보"주의자들을 척결합시다!! Google machine translation >What it should open country > >Looks like the Shanghai Provisional Government cider answers to overturn a rotten society from the outside. > >Korean yangnom not hear the horses I hear. > >cheer up. > >I am so seondongjil and right-wing tendencies in the party's leftist try better side here. > >May the luck. > >Pan cosmopolitanism rotten to tackle the East-West Joint let "advanced" progressive !!
>>326104 >gibberish These gooks speak in codes man
Koreabro, you are now in the middle of a Cultural Revolution. You should panic, but first of all, you have to gather with all your close family and talk with them so you are in a same page, lest they "rehabilitate" you for being a male and gamer or something. Back in Chinese CR, lots of dumb brainwashed idealist kids even ratted their parents for not believing in Maoism and send them to be shamed/lynched in public. It is very easy for this to happen more than you think, now with biased media and social media and all. So you should talk with your closest family. Good luck Koreabro, I was afraid that this will happen hearing your story a year ago, but… it seems, well, it just happened. Stay safe…
New OP: Korean BBQ >>326174 About redpilling the west about S.Korea. I kept them as separate threads so this thread can be "the news room" while the other thread is for discussion of what to do with said info, and planning. That way we don't max out one thread too quickly.
>>246237 Jesus why are koreans so fucking insane? I don't even see this shit happening in Africa!
>>326303 East Asians have a global reputation for being very emotionally restrained, but that's actually just a Japanese thing. Stereotypical Japanese-style emotional reticence is actually a fairly new, alien thing to Korean society. The reality is that Korean culture and history hold very much the opposite; strong emotions are meant to be spread and shared as widely as possible. This wasn't much of a problem at all when Korea was a low-tech society, but modern South Korea is wired to the gills now with all kinds of instant mass communication tools. This means it is very prone to epidemics of moral hysteria and cult-like mass brainwashing. As a side note, a warped reflection of this cultural expression can also be seen in its brother country North Korea, where all that emotional energy has been channelled into maintaining a brutal nationwide cult of personality.
Counterslide bump.
Maybe our Korea anons could offer commentary on this article I read today: http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/biz/2016/08/123_211876.html http://archive.is/mkDUo I was wondering how widespread the problems are and which of those problems are really the most important to people over there. But you'll probably have things of your own to add too.
I just hear S.Korea got hit by a 5.1 earthquake along the South East. Gook anon, are you OK?!
Still monitoring thread. Gookman, come back to us.
>>275358 They may not be catholics, but it might be worthwhile to raise some awareness and share this horror story up the ranks so that someone tries to do something about the crazier christians in South Korea.
>>328339 More proof SJWs are just rebranded religious fundamentalists.
I believe gook anon took a break again, though hopefully he'll be back soon enough.
>>257800 Is there nobody doing anything against all of these problems?
South Korea has gone full anime. The "8 goddesses" need to be exposed. Push Korean BBQ hard. Get info, and spread it. Before BBC's disinfo covers it up. It's easy to spread thanks to comparisons to Hillary (stolen emails reveal female politician[s] doing bad shit).
>>328545 Live discussion on: >>>/pol/7991838 I'd archive, but the thread went e10000. Reposting posts (each gap is it's own post): https://archive.is/P9Vt1 https://archive.is/0TgFj https://archive.is/uB0bN Quick search got me these: https ://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/nation/2016/10/116_216623.html http ://koreajoongangdaily.joins.com/news/article/article.aspx?aid=3025312&cloc=etc%7Cjad%7Cgooglenews http ://koreajoongangdaily.joins.com/news/article/article.aspx?aid=3025234 http ://english.hani.co.kr/arti/english_edition/e_national/767646.html Not gonna bother archiving. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/reuters/article-3877714/Support-South-Koreas-Park-slides-time-low-amid-crisis-friend.html https://archive.is/P9Vt1 http://www.straitstimes.com/asia/east-asia/troubling-revelations-about-seouls-shadow-president-the-korea-herald-columnist >It is truly frightening that this confidante, with no official position in the government and apparently without any qualifications that could have given her the sort of power she apparently wielded, was allowed to continue uninterrupted. >The administration did not hesitate to pressure Culture Ministry officials to do its bidding, going so far as to remove officials who refused to toe its line. >Culture Minister Yoo Jin Ryong was fired in July 2014 after clashing with Park. A Culture Ministry official who wrote a report that was not to Park's liking was demoted and then finally asked to leave. The National Museum head was allegedly removed for refusing to host an exhibition that Park wanted to see. >The Mir Foundation was launched in October 2015 and K-Sports Foundation in January this year. Yoo pointed to then-Chief of Staff Kim Ki Choon as having ordered the resignations. Yoo further alleged the Blue House screened Culture Ministry officials' "ideological orientations" to arrive at the list of the six officials to be sacked. >It is under this administration that a "blacklist" of nearly 10,000 cultural figures "classified" as being critical of the government has surfaced, despite Culture Minister Cho Yoon Sun's disavowal of the existence of such a list. >The president seemingly allowed her confidante to exercise power unchecked, especially in the cultural sector. It is suspected that Choi and her closest associates exploited culture-related events and organizations for personal gain. The lofty goal of cultural enrichment, it appears, was appropriated by the president's confidante and her cronies who sucked the marrow out of culture to fatten their bellies. It will be a long path to resuscitating culture and rehabilitating it back to health. https://archive.is/0TgFj http://english.hani.co.kr/arti/english_edition/e_national/767405.html >Former Mir Foundation official says power broker Choi received detailed presidential report almost daily, and led meetings on governance >Behind-the-scenes power broker Choi Sun-sil received and reviewed 30 cm-thick “Presidential report packets” from the Blue House on a nearly daily basis until as recently as this spring, a witness recently claimed. >Choi is also reported to have used the materials to hold behind-the-scenes meetings to discuss all aspects of governance. >“Appointment issues were also discussed at the meetings, and decisions were made on who to make or not make a Cabinet minister,” he added. >“It’s a real break with common perceptions to say this, but it’s actually a system where Choi tells the President to do things this way or that way. There aren’t any issues where the President can decide on her own,” Lee said. “It’s basically only possible once Choi has been asked about and approves everything. Even the Blue House ‘door knocker triumvirate’ are basically all just Choi’s messengers.” Someone help me archive/repost if you can see the pol thread. I'm keeping my screen up, but I need to AFK for a bit.
>>328545 >>328547 Notice also how recent (((attacks))) on Japan have been launched predominantly by Korea, in defiance of all diplomatic commonsense. Now that we know these (((financially))) powerful women were operating as a shadow government this whole time, does the batshit behaviour of Korea over the past almost-decade start to make a little more sense? china has already started to embrace the fucked up policies of these korean shadow-feminist nut cases. just like korea they are implementing a government program to force certain types of "socially acceptable" behavior with government issued cell phones (set to go online around 2020), you get scored on all activities you do as the tec basically watches everything you buy, say and do. you get a lower score the less socially acceptable behavior (shadow fem government approved ideas) you engage in. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kcEUVDe38Ec https://www.aclu.org/blog/free-future/chinas-nightmarish-citizen-scores-are-warning-americans >Everybody is measured by a score between 350 and 950, which is linked to their national identity card. While currently supposedly voluntary, the government has announced that it will be mandatory by 2020. >Among the things that will hurt a citizen’s score are posting political opinions without prior permission, or posting information that the regime does not like, such as about the Tienanmen Square massacre that the government carried out to hold on to power, or the Shanghai stock market collapse. >It will hurt your score not only if you do these things, but if any of your friends do them. >Anybody can check anyone else’s score online. Among other things, this lets people find out which of their friends may be hurting their scores. >Those with higher scores are rewarded with concrete benefits. Those who reach 700, for example, get easy access to a Singapore travel permit, while those who hit 750 get an even more valued visa. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-34592186 >In a trendy neighbourhood in downtown Beijing, many were enthusiastic when asked about their Sesame Credit ratings, proudly displaying them on their mobile phones. >A mobile phone game designed by Sesame Credit encourages users to guess whether they have higher or lower credit scores than their friends, encouraging everyone to openly share their ratings. >And, even more concerning, many didn't know they were being rated by Sesame at all. For now, the pilot credit system is voluntary, though it's difficult to circumvent. >Within five years, the government's mandatory system will rank everyone within China's borders. >feminism is yet another tool of societal control by the jews disguised >The motherfucking president of South Korea has been indoctrinated for decades to follow their orders >Hillary is running for feminism >Trudeau is a feminist (and we know how hard he fucked up Canada and its gold reserves in 1 year) >just everything on fucking Sweden >the shadow cabal is already executing the next phase of their plan on the West >mfw I don't know how to react to this shit anymore The first test run was the Congo. Belgium practiced extreme D&C on the Hutus and the Tutsis, which lead to a race war between two previously amicable races. It was entirely planned in advance, and a huge "success" for Belgium & its proto-EU friends who were then free to spend the next couple of decades getting filthy rich by mining essential minerals for computer system and even nukes from a country no longer capable of defending itself. The second test run was Korea. The US practiced extreme D&C on the Koreans, which split Korea up in to two equally awful halves, whereafter the US successfully convinced the world the "rich" southern half of Korea was better by contrasting it with the "poor" North-Korea. In reality, the south is enslaved to the economy, the north to its leaders. South-Korea has functioned as an economic laboratory for the West and a prototype for out future divided society. Then the D&C efforts reached Europe with the Balkans, and now Europe itself is falling to extreme D&C through migration. It's the same pattern: >Make one group of people appear to suffer heavily, whether they do or not is irrelevant >Make the rest of the people dependent on economic slavery that masquerades as a free market. >Run the "free market" from the shadows while keeping one half of the population spiritually destitute, and the other economically destitute. >blame the people for not performing well enough in the "free market" and remind them to work harder or end up like the North-Koreans It's disgusting but not surprising in SK's case. They've had five-star AIDS for some time now. What's important is that this global pattern is recognized and brought to a halt. We ARE next in line for D&C followed by tyranny.
>>328545 >>328547 >>328548 I remember hearing about how K-Pop music videos are chock full of "MKUltra programming tropes", and now it seems fitting. What is this MKUltra exactly? I never bothered googling it because of how much disinfo there is floating around. https://archive.org/details/cia-collection?&and[]=MKULTRA https://archive.org/details/MKULTRA-Dataset In my opinion, KPop was used to divide further. Sexy women in pop videos vs how the women acted IRL. The men grew more disinterested in the women, giving move fuel for SJW "men are scum because they hate you" propaganda. I personally think the illerminaty symbols in pop videos is a dead end. You can read up about it, but at the end of it all you don't understand the world much better. In this case however, it shows that kpop is under the same ZOG umbrella as western pop. MKULTRA is important to understand, but approaching it through the pop lens is the wrong way IMO. Also, watch that Derren Brown special where he hypnotizes a guy to be an assassin. Shows how easy it can be. >Megalia cult shit >Using the UN to attack Japan's entertainment industry because feminism >Fucking over their own gaming industry because feminism >Poisoning random men with anti-freeze because feminism >Their president is now confirmed to have shadow cult guiding her presidency called 8 Goddesses >People will still claim that feminism isn't a fucking cult designed to destroy societies ——————————————— The rest of their thread was de-railing and arguing. IMO, expose and share- but the "UN/EU used S.Korea as a testing ground" part- (while true IMO) will only make it harder to swallow. Show the world SJW shit in Korea. Compare it to SJW shit in the west. When people begin to ask where this shit comes from- then we show them who started these ideas into motion. And even if the head of this "chain" can never be shown- we can encourage a world where this indoctrination is easily countered by an educated populous.
>>328545 Turns out problems with the archiving was just on my end: https://archive.is/EYrKt But do use info from /pol/ to help. Discussion of the op in /v/ threads might also help, as we can get more people discussing.
if we actually lived in a patriarchy, none of this would be happening.
>>328548 >>328549 Even with current drops, the US has one of the highest fertility rates in the first world, why are we on that list? And why the fuck are you talking about Jews when Jews don't have any role in this? Pointing at a vineyard owner like she's a criminal mastermind because of her family name is absurd. This isn't /pol/, you don't need a fake boogeyman to get our attention. For that matter, blaming the US for diving Korea when it was entirely Communist fuckery is even more absurd.
>>328560 >when Jews don't have any role in this Jews see every non-jew as kettle. Big chance they have a role in this subversion too. Why do you think they are booted out of countries for centuries? The hate for Jews has a reason: people get sick of the scheming of the semites after a while. It looks like we have reached one of those moments again.
>>328564 By that "logic", the fact that the media has been blaming Gamers for all sorts of evil behavior for decades now is proof that us Gamers are evil, rather then proof that people in power love to use convenient scapegoats to blame things on.
>>328566 Define "evil".
>>328571 Odd response. The media has been blaming us for everything from hacking emails to school shootings. I'm sure anyone who bothers to come here is already quite familiar with it.
>>328545 Got better sources on this now (with other stuff mixed in) From https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AhlBrxOqm0c intro has a LOT of goofing off, but 4:53 is where the summery really starts. Unfortunatley he keeps doing gags in the middle of it, undercutting his summery. If you're explaining this to normal-fags, use the video from that point onwards. If they're sympathetic to insanity going on at academia and political-correctness, you might not need to though (the opening sympathizing and making them more open to the preceding info). AskAKorean: The Irrational Downfall of Park Gyun-hye http://askakorean.blogspot.co.uk/2016/10/the-irrational-downfall-of-park-geun-hye.html https://archive.is/I6rrx Megalia http://www.koreabang.com/2016/features/the-rise-of-radical-korean-feminist-community-megalia.html https://archive.is/dzIfc AskAKorean Sewol Three-Parter Index http://askakorean.blogspot.co.uk/1998/02/the-sewol-tragedy-series-index.html https://archive.is/90zGc AskAKorean Sewol Three-Parter Archive https://archive.is/TsJ2M https://archive.is/Jdd70 https://archive.is/XvrDE A Ritualistic Sacrifice https://archive.is/l6bO9 https://archive.is/mHhJ1 President Park Apologized for Corruption Allegations https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-a8-KVLVvAo And http://www.oneangrygamer.net/2016/10/south-korean-officials-forced-to-resign-amid-8-goddesses-corruption-conspiracy/15419/ While all this is official, all the "Goddess" who fucked over the president confessed to was aiding with speech writing- as far as I can tell. But the surrounding info is damning. Also, don't panic. S.Korea is fighting back (pic related)- but they need help. Don't let foreign media re-write what happens, or cover it up. It's a perfect look into the future, and might be the wake-up call some people in the west need. The best way to ruin a conspiracy is to expose it.
>>246237 that aint no Christian service let me tell you that
>>328589 Nice dodge. That's a non-answer, though.
>>326104 Another lurking gookanon here, the proper translation should be: What aren't you leaving this country? The solution is to overthrow this rotten society from the outside like the Shanghai Provisional Government. If they don't listen to us, then they will surely listen to what the foreigners will have to say. Keep up. I will protest this as a conservative, so you guys do your best as liberals. May the luck be with you guys. Let's topple the "progressives" with the combined might of both the West and the East!!
(4.72 KB 720x88 kor09.png)

Crunch time in SK for President Park Geun-hye - a parliamentary impeachment vote to be held on Dec 9. http://www.reuters.com/article/us-southkorea-politics-idUSKBN13S03D Protests every weekend for the last 6 weeks too.
I'm Eurofag ISP wageslave who has tech level dealings with SEA state telcos (including SKB, CJ). This being an autosaging redpill thread, let me sperg about few things from that angle. >The porn witch hunt in SK is real, and so is VPN usage. It is a bit peculiar in that it is reminescent on western war on drugs - smoking pot is seemingly tolerated, yet people get suddenly busted all the time. If you're an avid torrent user, you can notice a trend with peer ips - download anime show and you'll see much higher % representation of korean peers in the client than you would if you download JAV/hentai (especially if it's loli-ish). This means SK torrenters specifically avoid risky porn stuff compared to asian average. >Choi Jin-sil Law, RRN and i-PIN is an interesting and ongoing story. Basically, SK indeed was always a bit ahead of the curve for some reason. Choin Jin itself was never that much in effect (ie you didn't really have to put in your name except 30 or so top sites 8 years ago). Instead, RRN - the SK equivalent of SSN was used. Few years later, they realized plastering SSN everywhere is fucking dumb idea due to amount of ID theft it resulted, and i-PIN (basically a state-approved, commercial provider of proxy-SSN) was adopted. Both RRN and i-PIN are still in wide use today. Meanwhile as shortcomings of RRN became apparent in SK, the rest of world covertly transitioned to more covert, if less stringent, method of ID surveilance - phone numbers, especially post-2012. Try to sign up for any popular service today, and 99% need a working phone number, unless you use some equivalent proxy which already tracks you, such as facebook account. You can still buy burner number for ~$1, the powers that be simply relying on that nobody bothers. But in SK? Good luck staying anonymous if a site wants i-PIN, going around that is much harder, short of being a dick and stealing somebody else's identity. >Korean internet broadband speeds are misrepresented. Sure they get those, but only in a 100mile radius of language bubble, and speeds to abroad drop off to almost that of china - it's nowhere as good as japan or HK. Note that this is common in a lot of 3rd world asian nations, but SK is supposedly in HK/Japan/Taiwan speed tier while not really.

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