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Grsecurity is violating the GPL Anonymous 06/01/2021 (Tue) 15:18:31 No. 4274 [Reply]
>Section 101 of the US Copyright Act > >A work consisting of editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications which, as a whole, represent an original work of authorship, is a "derivative work." >Michael Short: they are a derivative work either way. GPL applies >https://twitter.com/asueekim1/status/1399721978853048334 >https://archive.is/B3E0m >https://twitter.com/MichaelShort/status/1388412973589438464 >https://archive.is/YRJrZ
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>>4344 Congrats on living a lie. Your thread is meaningless.
>>4428 Wrong Someone does wish to pursue it.
>>4274 let's see which one is older >>>/u/118

All AMD Processors Since Phenom II Have BadBIOS Circuitry That Leaks to the Military Anonymous 06/10/2021 (Thu) 11:34:40 No. 4426 [Reply]
Title gives my conclusion from empirical events I witnessed and inside info. PSP runs on the same circuit, but isn't the backdoor per se, which has been around for much longer. Just like AMD was able to change the crypto algorithms for the Zen chip they licensed to China, they can change how the CPU behaves at any system, even those already deployed. This can be used to sabotage any program or computation, making BadBIOS (uses radio, not sound) vastly nastier than StuxNet. American military made a grave mistake by giving access to the morons of the Brazilian military, who are letting knowledge of this spread like a fire (and misusing it for petty profit and inside jobs to justify a police state). Israel, UK and France also have access, but are much more professional.
You already posted this: >>3215 Although just as last time, > from empirical events I witnessed and inside info basically, you're pulling this out your ass

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ESR keeps his mouth shut. Anonymous 04/29/2021 (Thu) 21:20:36 No. 3827 [Reply]
To: esr@thyrsus.com Nothing more to say? You just keep your mouth shut because you quake in the knees at the thought of a BS libel suit from Grsec and just want peace in your old age, while RMS tilts at windmills regarding topics such as "Am I a Real Doctor" and "What /SHOULD/ The age of consent REALLY be: my musings over the years" and never "Hmm what of these blatant copyright violations that stab at the very heart of my movement?" Guess you're happy in you irrelevancy: which comes because you don't do what you used to do.
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GRsec will never be held to account. There is not a single person of note who wants to pursue it. The GPL is a fantasy and has no teeth and is irrelevant.
>>4353 >GRsec will never be held to account. Wrong. Funds are being gathered. >There is not a single person of note who wants to pursue it. Wrong. There is a person of note who wants to pursue it and is taking steps to do as such. It may take some time. >The GPL is a fantasy and has no teeth and is irrelevant. That is because of Richard Matthew Stallman: who is at the helm of the free-software movement but will not say a word. It is RMS's fault that he doesn't even speak to defend his copyright license. It's like a ship without a captain.
>>4353 >There is not a single person of note who wants to pursue it. This is completely wrong. You are wrong.

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GPL and programmers ("fellow" programmers are pieces of fucking shit) Anonymous 05/24/2021 (Mon) 06:38:06 No. 4176 [Reply]
>>81750001 https://boards.4channel.org/g/thread/81749928/ >I only use mit, mpl, and apache licenced libraries. Gpl can fuck off I'm selling my work. Is it your contention that you referencing a GPL'd library function makes your program a non-seperable derivative work of the GPL'd library? Is that your contention? Are you a fucking retard? Oh, you're a programmer! I bet you believe that editing someone else's code and then making a "diff" of your changes makes that a seperable non-derivative work too! Stupid fucking piece of shit. Here's a hint: You can "link" GPL'd code as you wish from anywhere under US jurisprudence. You cannot distribute diffs of changes you made to the GPL'd library/kernel/etc itself with ANY additional terms. But you fucking programmers believe

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>cuckchan /g/ That place went to rock-bottom shitter so fast beyond believe, sometimes I wonder if there are still real posters in that board.
All open source licenses are cuck licenses, including GPL. Corporations like Google steal your stuff and use for satanic purposes.
>>4194 That's why you use AGPL. It's the license I always use, even for things that don't normally go to the web. I don't those web conglomerates to get any ideas in the event that any of my software ever becomes popular.

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Anonymous 05/24/2021 (Mon) 17:21:34 No. 4183 [Reply]
Why do Russians keep promoting this video saying america never went to the moon? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpuKu3F0BvY&t=791s Why are Russians such FUCKS!!!! Russians also want to FUCK young girls?!
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The tv shows were a hoax. But we went to the moon. The shows were produced for domestic consumption from teletype reports sent from the mission. However it is not the American flag that flies there. >Von Braun had his requirements.
>> 4184 Women are not humans and shouldn't have any rights.

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Using computer in nature, outside Anonymous 04/16/2021 (Fri) 22:41:35 No. 3564 [Reply]
I do not like to be in wood or concrete box and use computer there how to be outside computer? like go to a sun, beach, mountains, forest and compute from there? how do you transfer electricity to computer? how do you transfer internets to computer? but can you focus on computing when there are birds, water, sounds, sun, naked kids? do you like to be in prison cell like room and use computer there?
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>>3904 Sure, why not? Butt really it's mostly an alternative /b/pol/ at the moment TBH la~
>>3751 >Laptop with spare battery my nigger. I do 90% of my coding outside. But where? Where do you go with it? Where do you sit? What if CIA grabs your laptop before you grab the gun?
It is sick to stay in wooden or concrete box all day. Humans are supposed to be outside.

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User-respecting websites Anonymous 07/01/2020 (Wed) 14:17:12 No. 546 [Reply] [Last]
Are there any notable websites left that would respect the user's right even to some degree? My criteria are quite simple: 1. The website must not require javascript to work properly. It's fine to have extra functionality that requires javascript, but the main purpose of the site should be implemented without requiring javascript. 2. The website must allow Tor users and other proxy users. 3. The website must not require the user to give his name, address, phone number or any other identifying detail. In other words, the website must allow pseudo-anonymity. I can think of very few such websites: 1. cock.li allows you to create e-mail addresses, although the webmail doesn't work, but you can use your own e-mail client instead. 2. Some smaller imageboards work. 3. Search engines like duckduckgo and sometimes Startpage work. Although Startpage has been more frustrating lately. A lot of forums require registration, which is not new, but nowadays they require the user to pass google recaptcha v3, which does not work at all without javascript, and even with javascript it often just gives a never-ending list of traffic lights. invidio.us works without javascript, but the comment section doesn't really work, and you obviously cannot upload videos that way. Bitchute allows you to watch videos if you already have the channel URL and do some RMB+Q magic, but the main page is practically unusable without javascript, and registration requires recaptcha v3. None of the social media sites fit the criteria, obviously.
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>>1785 >What is VMs >What is Containers >What is Docker I'm dumbfounded by retardation.
>>1807 Hey loser flash news no one respects your "fREEdumb" other than you.
Hi , I’d like to thank you for this your article on online anonymity here: https://redchannit.net/t/res/546.html News of increasing cyber-attacks, identity theft, lack of privacy and online security got me doing some research on whether or not it is possible to be 100% anonymous online. I’d like to share with you this very in depth and non-technical article / guide I came across that does a great job of explaining the differences between anonymity and privacy as well as provide very useful insight on ways to protect your privacy online as well as remain anonymous. You can find the article here: https://www.vpnmentor.com/blog/can-anyone-be-truly-anonymous-online/ I hope you will find value in sharing it with your readers. Best, Shelly

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Alternatives to ffserver (streaming/broadcasting server in general) Anonymous 05/07/2021 (Fri) 08:42:02 No. 3983 [Reply]
ffserver lost support in 2018 and I want a streaming server solution. mkvserver_mk2 is recommended here: https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/ffserver, but it doesn't seem like it's updated frequently (I don't want meaningless updates, but general maintenance, there's issues that have been open for years that haven't been fixed) and doesn't seem like there's a lot of eyes on the code and I don't know how secure it is. There's https://github.com/ossrs/srs, but chinese who live in china maintain it. I would use this since it seems to have a lot of eyes on it and regular maintenance, but I don't know what kind of botnet PRC has implanted into the code base. The nginx-rtmp-module looks good, but the legal situation of nginx seems precarious to build something on: https://www.crn.com/news/cloud/firm-sues-f5-networks-claims-rights-to-nginx-tech-developed-by-its-employees openrtsp - eh. They don't have a repository and requires manually checking for new tarballs to extract and then compile against. Interesting though. I know you can do h264 streaming with apache, but I want more codecs that aren't over encumbered by patents depending on the way the wind blows. I'm struggling to find good open source alternatives that don't have aforementioned issues. pic is unreleated
I actually have no fucking clue. Seems this topic is heavily under appreciated as funnily enough this thread with no traffic is the top result for "alternative to ffserver" Guess no one really cares.
>>3998 That's because the average person doesn't have a streaming/broadcasting server, and if they do, they usually use OBS for it (which is actually a fine program to use, but they apparently signed the OSI's anti-Stallman letter, so as far as I'm concerned, it goes into the trash anyway). To the average streamer, there's no need for anything else but SL/OBS or Xsplit, and Restreamio if they want Twitch and YouTube money.

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what do you think about Prometeus/Ignite? Anonymous 05/03/2021 (Mon) 09:09:02 No. 3879 [Reply]
i got banned on 4chan for making a thread about this, the jannies must have thought i was paid shill or something. i dont want to post their website link cause i dont want to get banned. but this is exactly why in interested in this service. "Our mission is to return control over data back to its owners and grant freedom of expression to everyone." "To make Ignite censorship resistant, all data is stored indefinitely at BTFS/Bittorrent and can not be deleted by us." too good to be true? seems very unknown
Isn't this place run by those Phillipine Qanon schizos Jim and Fred Watkin or whatever their names are? Don't think they'll delete something like this. Here is your url: https://prometeus.io/ Them misspelling Prometheus pisses me off. >Our mission is to return control over data back to its owners this conflicts a bit with >Data Owner is the person or the company that has got some valuable data that he/she is trying to sell, monetize or share on the terms it thinks is right. This is already the case. Companies spy on you and then sell your data. Their mission is apparently to let them sell this? What then do they mean with returning control? >To make Ignite censorship resistant, all data is stored indefinitely at BTFS/Bittorrent and can not be deleted by us but >in order to fight with illicit activities we have sensitive content AI filers [sic], which will warn you about the illicit content. If they can filter what you see to show you warnings, what prevents them from hiding things from your view? You don't need to delete something to censor it, you can just hide it.

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is this a tutorial compilation for W2K3 ? Anonymous 04/28/2021 (Wed) 08:22:44 No. 3792 [Reply]
Hello, I found that, and I looking for the difference between the NTDEV compilation and that link it seem like 2 differents method for compile W2K3. https://rentry.co/s7gw3
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>>3792 feedback on my autoniggerer pls
>>3804 also how do I get rid of the stuttering on linux the terminal cleans very smooth and without stutter the windows cmd flashes everytime clear gets called
>>3807 Use \r when you print dont call clear

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Grsecurity can do as it pleases with your code. Anonymous 04/27/2021 (Tue) 23:09:30 No. 3780 [Reply]
Look, when Grsecurity decides to add additional terms between it and it's customers: that's a business decision, protected by American Business Law. Your copyright bullshit doesn't override that. Sure, if Grsecurity was operating as a charity it might have to abide by the linux kernel license and not add additional terms when distributing it's changes to the linux kernel and the compiler. But it's not. It's operating as a Business. It can add any additional terms it wants when distributing for pay to it's Customers. This is a Fundamental american freedom as confirmed by the Supreme Court. Additionally Grsecurity did it's due dilligence by having an attorney from the Patent Bar look over it's business plan and the Patent Bar attorney found no copyright problems: American Business law gives an absolute right to conduct Business with whatever customers one wants to; and to cut off any customers one wants to at anytime: INCLUDING as a forewarned penalty if an act of redistribution to non-customers occurs. It doesn't matter what linus' copyright rights are to his work, nor what his license supposidly allows. American Business Law allows Grsecurity to add whatever additional terms it wants to when working with IT'S CUSTOMERS. It has chosen to add: No redistribution, Forum is Penn. State, Law is Penn. Law, No liability if penalty for illicit redistribution is enacted. Grsecurity has the RIGHT to protect it's PROPERTY: which are the changes it has chosen to make to the Linux Kernel and the GCC compiler. It does NOT matter what linus thinks his copyright means. It doesn't mean anything. Which is WHY linus hasn't spoken up: He knows he has no legs to stand on: his copyright isn't worth trash. Same with RMS and the Free Software Foundation and their GCC compiler: Their copyright isn't worth trash. All Programmers Agree: Patches are not subject to the original copyright holders copyright. Patent Bar lawyers agree as well.
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>>3786 ># Instantly wrong.
All copyright is a meme regardless of the license. If one license isn't valid none of them are. You download my car and I'll download yours.
>>3796 Copyright is a meme if you never enforce it.

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Forgotten Technology Anonymous 04/25/2021 (Sun) 21:37:54 No. 3736 [Reply]
I've been running around a lot of the pawn shops and antique stores over the past year, and it's amazing was past computer accessories you'll find there. <For example, found a couple of CueCats still packaged in the bag. However, a lot of these I'm completely clueless about, so I was wondering if people could post about some of the obscure "tech" they've seen come an go over the years.
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>>3736 this is not minecraft related delete this thread nigger
>>3738 Yeah, google "internet appliances". There was a period during which everyone was predicting boomers would buy gimped OLPC-style computers to surf the web & check their email.
>>3741 I remember using WebTV at the coffee shops back in 1998 or so. It was pretty lame, but better than not having anything.

==MPG: MINECRAFT PROGRAMING GENERAL== Anonymous 04/20/2021 (Tue) 21:33:49 No. 3625 [Reply]
this is a genre for MINECRAFT programing totorials and guides post your greatest sandstone computures !!! now this is programing
User was Warned for Low-Effort Thread
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>>3708 if so that would be a totally herobrine thing to use
>>3708 You can use it in Minetest, a FOSS clone of Minecraft.
>>3708 Computercraft supports Lua for scripting.

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Response to RMS Anonymous 04/09/2021 (Fri) 16:45:30 No. 3402 [Reply]
They're attacking you for two reasons: 1) To save money: To prevent another multi-million dollar settlement (FSF vs Cisco). With you gone it wont happen. They also don't want to have to "pay off" the FSF by contributing donations either (which would increase your ability to hire lawyers and sue violators (even when the outcome of the action is difficult to predict (thus no contingency))). 2) Cultural reasons: the rest of the "they" believe that you like young girls: In your heart. And they oppose any man liking girls. That is: they believe you have thoughts and they oppose any man having such thoughts. Men are mules that must work for, fight, and give their life for women, their country, etc. Not live for themselves. Not have happiness. Only toil and responsibility. You noted once that your life has been incredibly sad. Being denied the purest love would fit the bill. They hate you for what they think you believe in your mind. What they believe that they have deduced from your previous wrightings. They hate you for your thoughts they ascribe to you. For having those thoughts. For being capable of having those thoughts. We've been defending you in the various programmer and anime forums, including your previous statements. For years, and now aswell. The namecalling is going every which way and both sides hate eachother: On one side there are the old hackers, the men, and the anime-lovers, the NEETs. The beloved language is C. On the other side are the wage-workers, and the Rust programming language (C++ ... plus plus... basically: and it takes just as much memory to compile as C++ code). The fight is as hot as molten lead: and there is real true hatread.

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>>3558 thats funny as hell

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Open Source Licenses Anonymous 08/05/2020 (Wed) 18:17:15 No. 865 [Reply]
What licenses do you anons use? I use personally like BSD 3
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>>1962 Problem is I have it set up to boot to XCFE desktop and when it goes through the booting process there is no way to intercept it like I was reading. I'm launching it from a librebooted machine if that helps.
>>1972 If you need to get a terminal without logging in, see if ctrl+alt+F2 does anything. On Linux that will open a separate session; maybe it works on BSD, too. Can't you just log in as a different sudoer? Or is the only account you have root? If so, you're screwed, and this is very bad practice for a number of reasons.
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>writing proprietary software for free

All AMD Processors Since Phenom II Have BadBIOS Circuitry That Leaks to the Military Anonymous 03/28/2021 (Sun) 18:09:05 No. 3215 [Reply]
Title gives my conclusion from empirical events I witnessed and inside info. PSP runs on the same circuit, but isn't the backdoor per se, which has been around for much longer. The same way AMD was able to change the crypto algorithms for the Zen chip they licensed to China, they can change how the CPU behaves at any system, even those already deployed. This can also be used to sabotage any program or computation, making BadBIOS vastly nastier than Stuxnet. American military made a grave mistake to partner with the morons of the Brazilian military, who are letting knowledge of this spread like a fire (and misusing it for petty profit and inside jobs to justify a police state). Israel, UK and France also have access, but are much more professional.
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>>3215 Router logs or it never happened
>>3215 Year of the RISC-V desktop when?
Remember when Intel made it sound like AMD was not secure because of usb controller (which they also had, with the same flaw)? Remember when flaws of intel chips became public on chips dating back a decade? Even their upcoming chips would be vulnerable! Remember when the fix came with performance loss? 1. Let's see if there is a fix. 2. If there is a fix will it come at the cost of performance. Remember when everybody and their mother recomended to buy a Ryzen? >cries in Ryzen 2700X >>3252 >RISC-V I thought ARM would be the next big architecture?

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