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Hi I need help with something weird Anonymous 10/22/2024 (Tue) 17:35:18 No. 16378 [Reply]
so my grandmother who is really sweet is currently spending 200 a month on cable tv, she cant use internet tv and shes too old to learn how basically i want to broadcast internet tv via analogue signals so she can flick through channels using a computer to bounce the signal to an old tv,how do I do this, and how do i do this as legally as possible? and to hiroyuki for adding a 15 minute countdown for not submitting to the botnet; KILL YOURSELF KILL YOURSELF KILL YOURSELF KILL YOURSELF KILL YOURSELF KILL YOURSELF KILL YOURSELF KILL YOURSELF KILL YOURSELF KILL YOURSELF KILL YOURSELF --- I posted this to halfchan and it was deleted and me banned for "not being tech related", my appeal is that the janny should kill himself, I hope I can get some help here and that janny dies painfully
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>>16737 You might have to declare every hour manually yeah, like ads at :53 and :23, and episodes at :00 and :30, if the episodes are 23 minutes long. The top gear playlist should probably say time = 20 for 8:00p/20:00 though? I do wish I knew more to help but I don't have the time.
Also + 30 for the 7:30 programme, I'm assuming -- are comments in lua and don't run code after it. Also commas after each { } except the last in the list, like { {}, {}, {} }
>>16738 >>16739 It's unreasonable to expect you to give me a crash course in not being retarded, thanks for all the help you do give, you've answered the question and I can go from there - I can probably make something with that however pajeeted or yanderedev'd it may be I'll see if I can have ai check my code once I have a basic prototype built

war Anonymous 12/06/2024 (Fri) 07:15:03 No. 16725 [Reply]
Spread and save this content before it gets removed or I die. Here you'll find some essential knowledge about modern warfare. All content is legal and purely informative. https://archive.org/details/the-death-angel-manuals-v4 https://mega.nz/file/CMEHkABL#cyoKywJkmz-rGunOfsue5PHGe9a9xJtOCxJM4OAxBRE https://www.mediafire.com/file/jefppfptcu3zcjz/The+Death+Angel+Manuals+v4.zip/file
>>16725 Here I thought you got some cool new information about weird government shit but you're just trying to do a terrorism, hullo journalists who will inevitably end up posting here Whatever you are trying to do, doing a terrorism is not currently the solution to any problems we have, how about you take a breath and watch/wait for a while

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Anonymous 09/24/2024 (Tue) 20:50:12 No. 16218 [Reply]
I would really like a website where I can explore ideas and ask questions without fear of censorship from governments, admins, or what I say following me in real life. Image and text boards come close, but they don't take things very seriously sometimes.
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>>16230 >Glownigger >>16218 If you want change; create it I'm sure there are plenty of forums on i2p that have what you seek, if it does not exist then build it; they will come
>>16218 Do you want a website where you specifically can explore whatever idea you want to, or also other visitors can do the same? And if the latter, what if a visitor wants to explore the idea of spamming that site 24/7 with hardcore gay cee pee porn to the point of making the whole site completely, utterly unusable to everyone else? Or do you want to restrict others' (and maybe even your own!) freedom to do so without the fear of censorship by the site admin? >>16690 >I'm sure there are plenty of forums on i2p that have what you seek There are, the problem is i2p has too few people and maybe too much paranoia (which might be justified, eh).
>>16704 Be the change you wish to see, and get used to slow boards, your attention span may not like it but it's good for you

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How to create TOR websites Anonymous 12/04/2024 (Wed) 02:13:09 No. 16698 [Reply]
I've always been curious as to know how do people get to setup their websites on TOR and assign the .onion domain. The questions are: 1- How do people assign specific name in their supposedly random name in their website name (Check duckduckgo onion website address or protonmail or even Facebook and you'll always see their names as the first thing in their address, followed by some random characters instead of the usual one like 8chan.moe on .onion) 2- Do you necessary have to have a website on the clearnet, before assigning it to the dark web? If so, then how do people upload CP on a dark web website without any of the materials gets tracked to its original clear net IP address servers? 3- What's with the hate about Javascript and how dangerous can it exactly be to someone who uses TOR? I know that these type of questions you'd expect from a newfag, but I just decided to ask, instead of just blindly following whatever is being told. It is allowed to paste copypasta or any external materials to answer this thread here.
>>16698 1)Brute force. The .onion address must be random, because generating it is a part of the mechanism ensuring that no outsider can interfere in the site's workings. It is however possible, at the work of significant computational work, to generate a lot of such addresses until you get a few symbols at where you want them. A large organization can do that, especially since it's only done once and the address is then kept indefinitely (domain changes do happen, of course). Meanwhile picking the entire address string is not possible, or at least assumed to be so: being able to do that is in the same category as being able to break encryption of any other things, like banking systems. 2)No. You can create an .onion domain with no mirror in the clearnet. The next problem then is informing others of the address without that message being tied to you. This is why Tor has multiple sites that list .onion domains, and then sites that list those sites (since individual onions often do not enjoy 100% uptime). 3)The danger is real, the extent of it incredibly unspecified. There are specific research cases on using it to extract some information about individual users, but also similar research exists that uses pure HTML5 and so on. The danger is always the danger of being identified, but how dangerous JS specifically is, is a matter of debate with little in the way of clear answers. With that in mind, do consider what identification is: from the viewpoint of whoever tries to identify you, it is a matter of reducing the list of possibilities and concentrating their estimated probability on a single one. Information is measured in bits (as seen on any anonymity testing website): when working with binary possibilities (that is, either possible or not possible) cutting the list of possibilities in half means adding one bit of identifying information. When possibilities are assigned probabilities, the formula is more convoluted, and I'm not here to write a primer on information theory. Now, JS (and, say, HTML5) can be used to give more identifying information. Tor hides your IP, which often identifies you down to a single person or single PC, and Tor also hides some other pretty specific information, but many facts could be guessed about you from other data. For example, imagine that your browser has its time zone set to UTC+26:00, a time zone used exclusively by one Pacific island state because they do not want to have a full day of time difference between theit islands. There are probably very few browsers on the whole web with this time zone. A JS instruction sending your time zone to whichever data collecting group can be pretty identifying in this case, narrowing the question of who you are down to a very short list (the term is "anonymity set"). A browser has a lot of adjustable parameters, and a combination of enough of them can easily go all the way down to singling out exactly one person. Unless, of course, the browser is specifically designed to be used with almost entirely the same set of parameters (like Tor Browser is), and you do not change them. And that's still not all. A big thing in the "use JS to identify users" research is tracking your keyboard and mouse usage. Statistics on your pauses between keypresses seems to be quite damningly identifying if collected is large enough quantities. Same with mousestrokes. I do not know enough about research on these to give you an account, but it worries people whose opinion I do value, and so on and so forth. One additional notion to mention is pseudonimity. This is when a group collecting visitor data over many different sites (what both Google and Cloudflare do) can can be reasonably sure in stating that several visits, on maybe different sites and at maybe different times, are all done by the same person, by comparing browser data, other identifying data, and even browsing habits, without being able to out a name and a face to the visitor, besides "unknown user #1488". Tor can hide your identity, but your data, behavior, and writing style can still make you pseudo-identifiable to people, to data collection algorithms, and now to still-experimental setups using AI to analyze users. God know imageboards have enough "anons" easily recognizable by other board or thread regulars.

Vintage/retro/old computing and retro computer emulation and gaming Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 17:06:03 No. 15472 [Reply]
I mostly wanted to make this ask if there is a good internet database for old computer hardware. But also to genuinely know if you anons would ne intrested in this thread added on emulation too because that's one of the few experiences with older computers Do you also anons have any old or even retro to vintage computers?
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Were Polygons a mistake?
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>>16283 Not as good as these (never released).

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What VPN allows to post on 4chan? Anonymous 09/19/2024 (Thu) 22:11:44 No. 16174 [Reply]
Free or paid. Does 4chan blocks anything that's not a regular IP? Can you choose your location in /pol/, evade ban and rangeban? Create threads without the timeout etc.
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Bump 3
>>16314 Most ukrainian IP ranges are banned on 4chan. Some years ago I had to buy passcode just to post from ukrainian IP. Last years I've been buying it to post from VPN. Works for any IP. 4chan isn't worth buying passcode nowadays though. I just foung this place because I got too sick of 4chan again.
>>16174 > Can you choose your location in /pol/, evade ban and rangeban? I'm able to choose location in pol with passcode, it can't be used to to evade bans though, any moderation actions become tied to your passcode instead of IP.

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Connect to Tor Anonymous 05/10/2022 (Tue) 14:22:14 No. 8395 [Reply] [Last]
What is the safest way to connect to the Tor-Network? Is this the safest possible way: Tails (VM) -> VPN -> Bridge -> Tor-Network
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>>16479 That's all fun and games until you realize it is 100% a fed exit node. Only government is allowed to do stuff in Antarctica. No one goes there without a government permission
>>16498 "Only government is allowed to do stuff in Antarctica. No one goes there without a government permission" Well, yes and no. I worked there for a year as a contractor. The private company I worked for had a contract with the federal government to perform specific work and they hired private citizens to complete that work on a contract basis. I was not a direct government employee. There are many companies based there and each have their own networking infrastructure though I never learned if we all share the same satellite connections or if each company had their own. That said, I could so a lot on our network. I don't think I could have gotten away with having a tor exit but did used tor when I was there. Most things we could do here we could do there.
>>16600 >No one goes there without a government permission <Wrong, I went there as a private citizen with government permission!

anonymity_test Anonymous 03/14/2023 (Tue) 01:11:46 No. 11781 [Reply]
Does anyone know how I can increase my score, if possible considering all variables are no even though I am actually using a VPN over a VPN router with a SOCKS5 proxy? And can someone please explain to me, if it's an anonymity test, why do you lose points for VPN and TOR? It's taken me a bit of perfecting and tweaking to get this score, but how can I boost it to 100% clean? Cheers cunts :)
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An explanation on VPNs: A VPN does not anonymize you. All a VPN does (in simple terms), is route your traffic over their server before routing to its destination, and vice versa. So if you use a VPN, The VPN provider mostly is easily able to uncover your real identity in case he needs to (that is, if he keeps logs, which some providers claim to not do, but we all know the PROBABLY do anyway...) A better way of using a VPN would be not linking it to your real identity by any means, such as paying in a mixed cryptocurrency, giving a fake name, E-Mail etc.
>>12582 VPNs prevent my ISP from terminating my service due to copyright infringement
>>11781 Your User Agent doesn't match your JS User Agent, so sites can tell you're spoofing it. That might be the problem.

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Le Hashchan Anonymous 08/05/2024 (Mon) 09:05:55 No. 15856 [Reply]
Hashchan.network is a leechboard that piggybacks on ethereum eventlogs and ipfs pinning services (or other hotlinked content). This makes it serverless in the sense anyone can run a client locally with their own eth rpc. Hashchan was designed for the proliferation of AI botnet swarms that drown out authentic content. Highly shilled content can cost a dollar to post on mainnet, but this means it costs 10 dollars for a botnet to 10x your posts. If your staked in eth, this means the botnet increases the return on your investment if it tries. https://github.com/hashchan
>>15856 hashchan 0.0.2 has been released! featuring > browser side caching (no images) for decreased rpc load > a new contract that indexes more efficiently > the ability to create ones own board also various style improvements since this first screen cap including sanitized markdown posting

HELP COCK.LI Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 01:27:32 No. 16526 [Reply]
HELP COCK.LI > You don't need anything but an Internet connection to use cock.li. If all you had was a library card you could use a public computer to get an e-mail account. It's a strange thing to say about a joke website, but cock.li improves access to services for marginalized people globally, without connecting into some corporate system. > I've never got so much laughter out of anything in my life than my time here. It's not even close. The funniest e-mails I've ever read were sent on cock.li, some of them to me directly. I'm the worst at responding, but I read every e-mail you send me. Every password reset request, every schizo ramble, every question, every story. > Vincent Canfield The email provider cock.li is facing legal difficulties to keep the services running. Vincent, the creator and administrator for over 2 decades has asked for donations to help with the recent challenges. He and his team have provided the service free of charge all this time. Now it's time for us to provide something in return. Daily updates about the situation will be available at: https://cock.li/index.asc.txt Main page: https://cock.li
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Update from Vincent: > Date posted: 2024-11-12 > > COCK.LI IS ON RED ALERT. > > Updates: > - Everything down for about 24 hours due to upstream datacenter outage affecting DNS. Service restored and more nameservers are in the works. > - Red -> Yellow Alert soon hopefully. > - My fellow retards: cock.li has not "shut down". You may need to read more than the first line. > - Anyone suggesting you migrate your account to Gmail, Yahoo, Proton, etc. should not have been using cock.li in the first place. Normalfags get off my fucking board. > - Feel free to migrate, I don't have any good suggestions though. Try that on Proton! > - PW changes and maybe registration will be back within a couple days. > [...] > ~!~ > > LIBERTY CANARY

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Anonymous 08/09/2023 (Wed) 14:18:56 No. 12716 [Reply]
/t/, meet Hare, the best programming language in the world.
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>>12716 Fuck you Drew.
>>15698 Came here to post this.
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>>15698 >Fuck you Drew. This. That homo punk is a commie and woke AF.

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Anonymous 09/20/2020 (Sun) 11:53:54 No. 1374 [Reply]
How are the cool kids making nitric acid at home these days? All the commercial sources are illegal because of McVeigh.
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>>1728 sounds like a lotta work.
>>1374 >muh law, im scared Being jewish was illegal at various times in history but that didnt stop your ancestors.
>>14819 >>16557 Just realized we are replying to someone who died of covid jabs years ago

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P2P Imageboard Client Anonymous 11/04/2024 (Mon) 02:54:24 No. 16463 [Reply]
I posted about this a while back but it was still in the early stages then, I've been working more on my P2P imageboard software, and after the underlying p2p database engine (Peerbit) has undergone some major upgrades, the performance and stability are a lot more robust now. There are also a lot more UX improvements recently based on user feedback. I've attempted to keep the dependencies minimal and make the install process as simple as possible. There are several nodes online to my knowledge but I don't necessarily have a full map or total knowledge of the network. Feel free to try it out and join the swarm lol. https://gitgud.io/threshold862543/peerchan For moderation I've kept a totally "flat" architecture where each node is free to delete any content at any time. But this deletion only applies to the node itself by default. If you want to be able to delete things on other user's nodes, they have to subscribe to your node as a moderator, and then when you delete something, that deletion action will be broadcast to others and they will accept it in their own local database. So you can subscribe to other people as moderators if you trust them to be able to delete things for you. Each board is it's own independently-seeded topic and you can watch (join) or unwatch (leave) a board topic at any time. There are various config options to customize your experience too. Posts and file uploads are made under a newly generated temporary identity every time (by default) for the sake of anonymity. If you want to anonyitymax at the networking level I recommend using Whonix to connect, though ideally eventually native integration with Tor can be developed for Peerbit or libp2p itself. That being said, already there is no association between a post and the uploading IP, when you receive a post from another node, the original poster is not known, as posts and files are relayed from node to node without recording the source. And this is the Peerbit p2p database system it uses which is built on libp2p. https://peerbit.org/#/
To explain the setup a bit, the default configuration opens a webserver on localhost port 8000 that serves pageviews to you and allows you to browse and post to the p2p database, which connects to other nodes in the background. If you want to make this into a publicly facing website via nginx or something, there is the option to enable "gateway mode" where you can enable or disable certain features (like the ability to delete posts) for public users accessing it over the internet. Essentially this allows other people to interact with your node over the internet and post using the traditional client-server concept. You can also disable all features when not logged in, making it so only you can browse and post and moderate when logged in (eg. from your phone or another computer elsewhere) but other internet users won't be able to access the content on your node. I've gotten a node to work and successfully replicate posts and files on Android in the past too, using Termux, so you can also do that as well.

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Anonymous 11/14/2022 (Mon) 00:36:54 No. 10638 [Reply]
Proton is better than wine?
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As far as I am concerned Proton is based of Wine.
>>10669 Proton is very similar to wine, it is just a soft fork. Wine with some patches. When wine is changed they also change proton to reflect it. Proton is to wine like how arch is to ubuntu. Better analogy than android to linux.
>>10638 Yes. Proton is wine with patches from glorious eggroll and some patches from Valve.

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Lynxchan customization Anonymous 07/28/2020 (Tue) 22:30:15 No. 777 [Reply]
Post bits and pieces of JS and CSS here that you use to make browsing imageboards running Lynxware more enjoyable. On 8moe I use the following CSS: @media only screen and (max-width: 812px) { .uploadCell { margin: 0.25em 1em 0.25em 0.5em; float: none; } .multipleUploads { float: left; width: 100%; } .postInfo, .opHead, .divMessage, .panelUploads, .panelIp, .panelProxyIp, .contentOmissionIndicator, .labelOmission, .labelId, .panelASN { font-size: 80%; } .innerPost{

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>>777 Why the @media ? Do you not browse at always the same screen size.
Lynx supports JS? I didn't think it did? I am new to this site. Can I browse it and reply without JS?

>>7394 Yeah whatever nigger, learn to spell.
>>7367 to be clear i dont really hate security in general im just tired of all this woke BS being shoved by "privacy respecting alternatives" they tend to be hypocrites and ban percieved far-right shit on sight even if they are telling the truth about covid >>7366 actually i use a lesser known VPN service ((protonmail)) is woke i just want something clean and BS free even though its a little bit pricy also i dont get it guys why is brave and waterfox heavily pushed by fanboys eveywhere on 4chan yet you never call them out for thier BS meanwhile we chromefags just stay still while doing our work while you lgbt advocates scream all day about DATAMINING BOTNET! >>7363 torrenting websites dont actively datamine its users nor forces them to sign up with real name also they tend to be silent about politics unlike ((free speech)) sites which are loud and obnoxious >>7374 This. i gotta love the fact that redditors act like tough vigilates whenever someones accused of being a pedo yet no one seems bat an eye when children in thirdworlders get experimented on for profit nobody seems to want to hunt them down even though the names of the CEO and company employees are in some kind of public government database list which they could easily find with time and effort what a bunch of hypocritical cowards they dont even discuss about boycotting them let alone putting it to light
>>7356 I see the opposite, LGTV+ tards are against privacy to hunt down "hate speech" and shit. You glow

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