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halloween Quiz Anonymous 10/30/2024 (Wed) 23:21:01 No. 16438 [Reply]
Think You Know Walmart’s Haunt? Take the Halloween Quiz... If You Dare!

WebM Thread Anonymous 10/13/2024 (Sun) 05:40:33 No. 16327 [Reply]
Didn't see one around this board, figure it would be useful to have a video thread of all things related to tech. Video tutorials such as how to troubleshoot, tinker, or repair legacy hardware/software, for instance, would really come in handy.
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Any hope for getting a disabled Discord account back? Anonymous 02/27/2024 (Tue) 23:55:45 No. 14719 [Reply]
Recently had a discord account with a bunch of photos and conversation histories get disabled, is there any hope for getting the account back if the appeals keep getting ignored?
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The solution is to not rely on (((Discord))) for anything in the first place. I'm sorry, OP, but your purpose in life is to serve as a warning to others. https://archive.ph/fDE1x
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Don't listen to these retards. Never had the case but at first my account was deactivated because of the VPN use and they reactivated it. Contact them and harass them with mails, they normally answer. I even got superuser once to test their new version because I reported some bug. What I mean is that they usually reply and at worst they inform you if they refuse. You can probably ask to get your datas (here, your pictures and messages) if you ask it. Also don't forget Discord is Tencent = chinese communist party, which is still better than our kike masters but still... every of your datas are shared with chinese government which is a stockholder of Tencent. Confess your crime, anon, what did you do?
>>14719 You get what you fucking deserve.

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WHAT TO DO Anonymous 05/25/2023 (Thu) 23:27:36 No. 12203 [Reply]
Hi, I am 18. I use linux for 4 years. I run gentoo on my main pc, Void on my x200, and OpenBSD on my x60. I have good experience with security and networks. I like to configure servers and do network programming. I code in C, Lisp, and pure POSIX Shell. I have several servers hosted (with 0% JS, it's evil). What do you think? Am I ready for a sysadmin job or something similar, 'cause I fucking hate employee programming? I don't want to code what I don't fucking want. Please help me! PLEASE HELP MEEEEE!
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>>13272 I think its because 8kun or whatever got trending(at least in my community) and niggers are mixing up 8kun with 8chan
>>12203 None of these are skills human resources normies care about. Apply to everything and LARP your way in, but be prepared to learn javascript and docker and kubernetes and whatever trendy shit du jour happens to be in right now. You get to be picky once you build up some credentials.
what font do you use?

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Anonymous 03/01/2023 (Wed) 12:55:11 No. 11702 [Reply]
Is there an uncencored and unrestricted ChatGPT alternative which will answer every questions directed (ChatGPT don't answer controversial and politically incorrect questions) ? It would be preferable if its intelligence and knowledge is comperable to ChatGPT.
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>>11702 I was hoping using ChatGPT to decode the language of the Holy Bible until I figure out t the (((talking snake))) is alive today.
Not sure if this is the right thread for it. Have you guys heard about IBMs new AI generated programming assistant? That will right majority of the programs code so that you don't have to.

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Anonymous 07/31/2021 (Sat) 16:19:51 No. 4998 [Reply]
>can't post on 4chan using TOR because 'muh CP!!!!' >can't use vpns to evade ban cus 'muh abuse!!!!!!' >can't use 4chan pass with mobile clients without risking ban cus 'mah cool desktop design!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' >can do all those things on TOR/privacy compatible *chan's and there's way less CP and abuse What did moot mean by this?
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>>16172 >mods >work Good one.
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>>16276 You talk about that ? Well it's neither FBI nor CIA...
>>16277 board culture is fun but the bonds are too loose. A team must work through Discord.

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need help to find a link Anonymous 01/19/2024 (Fri) 19:56:34 No. 14425 [Reply]
i need the link to download mernis.sql.tar.gz (2016 turkish citizenship database), can anyone send pls? i could find it from hidden wiki or some shit it seems to be gone rn. pls send if you know it. dont fuck me for posting this here i just need it badly :(
iirc this thing was global, not just turkish. 1.5G mernis.tar.gz sha256:07c573f32023b8a287f32575c0345a23389f5982a17497120c340e30a0dff7bd drwxr-xr-x 501/dialout 0 2016-04-02 22:17 mernis/ -rw-r--r-- 501/dialout 7077350034 2016-04-02 21:22 mernis/data_dump.sql http://qcppzqhy3x3sm3fhrde25qafydpnpb6zkiinnmxaukbhm27eeomj4sid.onion/mernis.tar.gz don't think the link will survive long.

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First post on 4chan Anonymous 02/03/2024 (Sat) 03:48:03 No. 14540 [Reply]
This is my first post. It's a pretty funny meme I found.
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>>14935 The irony is that games are so shit these days that it causes of the qustion of who would even want to pirate them?
18tb here just for games and... vacation photos (but seriously, mostly filled with games. Steam and Yarr) Jokes on them, try harder EA (this would probably date badly once they figure some asset streaming drm bs)
thats why you delete all games and leave minecraft 1.8.8 eaglercraft.html

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Flatpak and Friends Anonymous 06/10/2020 (Wed) 10:02:59 No. 413 [Reply] [Last]
What's your opinion on the concept of these newfangled package managers having sandboxing, enabling backwards compatibility and having a one-build-fits-all-distros mentality? Is it bloat, or the right way to go about solving such problems? Personally, I use Flatpak to handle games, so my system doesn't actually have any 32 bit libraries installed by my distro's package manager, anything 32 bit's managed entirely by Flatpak, separate from everything else. As well as isolating propietary software, since most games are, and Steam too. Since I don't use programs with Qt 5 much, I've decided to get rid of the ones I've installed natively and installed the ones I do need on Flatpak, that way I can get rid of Qt 5 as well.
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>>9590 Nice concept, didn't think about it that way. t.KDE fedora and happy (eating bugs and all)
>>413 Flatpak is good for things like games or proprietary software (keep in a ghetto where it belongs!) but it also can have some problems: https://flatkill.org The problem with Snapd is that there is only 1 repo that's managed by Canonical Ltd (and the infra uses proprietary software)
Containerizing everything isnt real package management and is going around the issue instead of solving it

Why is this meme so popular? Anonymous 08/22/2024 (Thu) 02:49:11 No. 16048 [Reply]
First, I don't ever bother running this meme because it hurts my eyes seeing how painfully slow it is, and then devs chose to write the entire thing under a fucking bash script. You could write this in pure C by getting out of your lazy ass, and some baseddev did. https://github.com/fastfetch-cli/fastfetch. At least, now when I type this meme command, my eyes won't hurt.
>>16048 bump
You big dumb dumb poo poo head. Fastfetch is extremely bloated and c is shit. Just write your own fetch, not that hard(i wrote my own in haskell)

someone knows how to download books complete from googlebooks? Anonymous 08/04/2024 (Sun) 15:12:29 No. 15848 [Reply]
I was looking for a chemistry book but google books downloader (2.7 version) dont download all the book, it seems that only download a part of the book and I dont know about other software for do it.
I don't know if it downloads the entire book but https://njw.name/getxbook/ exists. I'm not sure if google books even lets you access more than a small subset of pages, so I reckon you'd be better off with anna's archive as the anon above suggested

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Gigablast Anonymous 08/25/2024 (Sun) 21:07:37 No. 16084 [Reply]
Gigablast seems to be back under a new domain. I don't know if it's trustworthy. https://gigablast.org/ https://archive.ph/EKdXS
>>16084 Who knows really...
>>16084 I have a bad feeling about it. The links on the homepage don't take you anywhere, they just redirect back to the same page.

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How to fix Windows crash 2024 Anonymous 07/19/2024 (Fri) 08:59:08 No. 15666 [Reply]
Here's the fix for the Crowdstrike bug that's crashing and bricking every PC on the planet tonight.
okay, retard
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Solution: Install a Linux distro like Ubuntu.

Torture/Brainwashing - EM Radiation/Voice2Skull Anonymous 09/25/2023 (Mon) 17:00:53 No. 13173 [Reply]
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1DxmzymDIBdhsuzTlUytuYclefcELefsC?usp=drive_link, https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1iLLJoa7D4kUrvxt3qfAAAi61zLAJDNDd?usp=drive_link, https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1UceYrz8dCsozAw0zs_QCTO8kTyW2yWcc?usp=drive_link, https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1PsHCnB4gPqEOhjOXGsLTa4VuhaeLstgC?usp=drive_link, https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/197DwynBiDdJlVVXmY7D3NF7LUcZsknhi?usp=drive_link 11 Months of physical and psychological torture to "get me to eat vegetables" (make better life choices). I found out they were pedophiles and they've ruined my life. Audio files contain all the torture, beratement, humiliation I endure 24/7 and to this very moment done by illegally bombarding me with EM radiation (sound is in the air). Videos, images, text documents contain information I've been collecting, cars that I've seen following me all over the country, etc... it may not all be accurate, but I'm fearing for my life and not sure how much longer I have to live. I most likely now have cancer from prolonged em radiation exposure and have severe PTSD from the trauma they caused me. Patterns emerge over time, and the pattern is clear: I was never supposed to know this was happening, and because I found out, they've been ruining my life in various terrible ways using technology and social engineering. As far as I can tell, they've been doing damage control for months now, perpetuating the whole ordeal while keeping everyone else who is involved in the dark while they tried to figure out what to do with/about me. Now most people involved know that they've been lied to and that I never consented to any of this nor wanted it in the first place. Even to this very moment as I type I'm hearing, "nobody is going to believe. just kill yourself" over and over. I'm not sure if anybody can help me and I'm suicidal at this point, not because I want to die, but because I've been tortured for 11 months now with no end in sight all to emotionally blackmail me into not doing things they don't want me to like leaving my own house or eating sugar. I was literally actually tortured (isolation, sleep deprivation, drugging, shocking, food/water deprivation, and beratement) for 2 weeks straight earlier this year until they coerced a "confession" out of me to both use as emotional blackmail and to shift their blame onto me while others perpetuated the "process" thinking they were "fixing" me or "helping" me. In the end, they were all lied to by a certain few individuals to cover what they were doing. Evidence I have can be corroborated by others involved and literally anyone who may have been recording anything at any time in the area for any reason........ People involved can corroborate my story and the identities of the people involved; some that I have already identified. I have evidence in my body as far as I can tell and as far as I have been told, but every time I get X-rays to prove such, I never get the results. I've requested medical records from a recent hopsital visit and a doctor visit, both of which I had X-rays done, but I never receive the images with the records even when specifically asking for them. They've stolen my identity and have been controlling basically every aspect of my life for years now. I haven't received any mail for years pertaining to SSD, Medicaid, or otherwise because as far as I can tell, they are lying to the government in my name. I can't work regardless because of what they have done and are still doing to me at this very moment: keeping me in a highly distressed state, running my mind in circles, going through the same story over and over for......brainwashing. And because of that, I sit at home, staring off in space, unable to function as a human. All so they can attempt to force me to do what they believe is "right" or what's "better" for me. - As I type this, they are telling me they are going to tell everyone I'm a pedophile and/or paranoid schizophrenic to smear my name and/or discredit me. It seems quite telling to me that instead of denying any of this, they have already planned to smear my name instead of defending from the facts. So be prepared for some social engineering to sway opinions/emotions instead of focusing on the validity of my claims. I'm currently uploading all of my evidence. I have 200GB of data uploaded already and much more is coming. I am unable to review the evidence myself as they have full control of all my online accounts and computer/phone as far as I can tell. - My physical body is failing at this point, so all I want is to attempt to stop these people from doing this to anyone else before I perish. I've lost 60-70lbs since they started doing this to me. I have a lump on my testicle. I have moles and red spots all over my skin. This may or may not be from radiation exposure they've given me, but I didn't have a lump on my testicle until a few weeks ago. They manipulate my emotions by various means to prevent me from getting the help I need - health, legal, otherwise. And I have accumulated severe PTSD which has affected every aspect of my life. "Nobody is ever going to believe you. Just kill yourself." Torture and brainwashing to eat my vegetables. Please help. Please advise. Some of torturers:

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Just go innawoods and grow vegetables
Your torture was all masterminded by Mike Lindell from Wisconsin. He is the source of all your pain and suffering. You should ask him about it.
>>13173 Read Robert O. Becker's books. Especially Cross Currents!

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Fellow Anons - I need your thoughts on a new website concept. Anonymous 08/19/2024 (Mon) 10:14:04 No. 16007 [Reply]
The concept is simple. A place where people can create and discover topics in a structured way. Each topic serves as a digital room where people can post content such as text, images, webm and voice chat. Each topic can have subtopics related to the parent topic but of more specific nature. Subtopics can again have subtopics etc. Everyone can make topic room about anything at all and everyone can post content. You can post anonymously without logging in. Hopefully you could try it out and let me know what you think. Maybe try to do some posts or make new topics about something you care about. Experiment all you want. Any feedback and suggestions for improvement are highly appreciated. The site is: https://depvana.com feedback: https://depvana.com/topic/4 Best,
1 post omitted.
>>16009 Its a free world (at least a little longer). However, if you reconsider you are always welcome to try it out. It really is a great site and your feedback is appreciated.
is there a way to get notification when someone posts in this thread?

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Qatarian Atheist Union Anonymous 08/03/2024 (Sat) 11:39:01 No. 15833 [Reply]
I understand the principles of writing and language as technology, that is not biological. I understand language as primarily frequencies of gravity and redshift, with access to quantum effects. I understand writing and language causes disease and warfare. I write this here to maintain my sanity by the very same mechanisms. Most call this magic. However, I choose to see our thought as language is indebted to the universe as many constants. Our language is not biological and there is nothing we can do about it. I have tried to communicate why this leads to disease. I have tried to communicate why this leads to inspired weapons designs and such stratagem. I am not heeded. So I am given license. ### I am Ra. This entity is not aware of sharing research as normal. :) ### I can share research as Volta and Franklin. And apparently my designs will become as apparent. Language is as meteorological as electricity. ### I am Ra. You are seeking devotion as them. :)

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