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(3.99 MB 3024x2004 Cuecat2.jpg)

Forgotten Technology Anonymous 04/25/2021 (Sun) 21:37:54 No. 3736
I've been running around a lot of the pawn shops and antique stores over the past year, and it's amazing was past computer accessories you'll find there. <For example, found a couple of CueCats still packaged in the bag. However, a lot of these I'm completely clueless about, so I was wondering if people could post about some of the obscure "tech" they've seen come an go over the years.
>>3736 Fuck I have one of those but a fucking mouse bit off the cord. Do you think it's replaceable/repaiable?
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(2.03 MB 2592x1936 Audrey_by_3Com.jpg)

Has anyone else ever heard of an Audrey?
>>3736 this is not minecraft related delete this thread nigger
>>3738 Yeah, google "internet appliances". There was a period during which everyone was predicting boomers would buy gimped OLPC-style computers to surf the web & check their email.
>>3741 I remember using WebTV at the coffee shops back in 1998 or so. It was pretty lame, but better than not having anything.

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