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GPL and programmers ("fellow" programmers are pieces of fucking shit) Anonymous 05/24/2021 (Mon) 06:38:06 No. 4176
>>81750001 https://boards.4channel.org/g/thread/81749928/ >I only use mit, mpl, and apache licenced libraries. Gpl can fuck off I'm selling my work. Is it your contention that you referencing a GPL'd library function makes your program a non-seperable derivative work of the GPL'd library? Is that your contention? Are you a fucking retard? Oh, you're a programmer! I bet you believe that editing someone else's code and then making a "diff" of your changes makes that a seperable non-derivative work too! Stupid fucking piece of shit. Here's a hint: You can "link" GPL'd code as you wish from anywhere under US jurisprudence. You cannot distribute diffs of changes you made to the GPL'd library/kernel/etc itself with ANY additional terms. But you fucking programmers believe 1) DURRR LINKING A LIBRARY MAKES MY CODE A NON SEPERABLE DERIVATIVE OF THE LIBRARY!!! and 2) DURRRRR IF I USE THE DIFF PROGRAM AFTER EDITING SOMEONE ELSES SOURCECODE THEN MY CHANGES, ANOTATIONS, AND MODIFICATIONS SUDDENLY ARE NOT CHANGES ANNOTATIONS AND MODIFICATIONS AND ARE NOT SUBJECT TO THEIR COPYRIGHT!!!! DUURRRRRRRRRRRRRRR DURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR >A work consisting of editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications which, as a whole, represent an original work of authorship, is a "derivative work." >https://www.copyright.gov/circs/circ14.pdf >Right to Prepare Derivative WorksOnly the owner of copyright in a work has the right to pre-pare, or to authorize someone else to create, an adaptation of that work. The owner of a copyright is generally the author or someone who has obtained the exclusive rights from the author. In any case where a copyrighted work is used without the permission of the copyright owner, copyright protection will not extend to any part of the work in which such mate-rial has been used unlawfully. The unauthorized adaptation of a work may constitute copyright infringement. Grsecurity IS violating the Linux Kernel and GCC copyrighs. You are not violating the copyright on the gpl library. >>81750140
>cuckchan /g/ That place went to rock-bottom shitter so fast beyond believe, sometimes I wonder if there are still real posters in that board.
All open source licenses are cuck licenses, including GPL. Corporations like Google steal your stuff and use for satanic purposes.
>>4194 That's why you use AGPL. It's the license I always use, even for things that don't normally go to the web. I don't those web conglomerates to get any ideas in the event that any of my software ever becomes popular.

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