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Anonymous 06/27/2023 (Tue) 00:18:40 No. 12445 [Reply]
Lisp is the language of the Gods... ...and you know it.
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>>12610 >letting names determine which languages you will or won't use
>>12462 Last time I used Racket, I found the documentation very convoluted and I did not enjoy it near as much as Common Lisp. Is there a good place to get redpilled on the language design aspect, 'cus I never figured any of that out.
>>14044 Have you read your PLAI today, lainon? https://www.plai.org/

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ICANN wants to censor the internet Anonymous 08/29/2023 (Tue) 21:48:04 No. 12916 [Reply]
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censorship is a good thing
>>15035 Fuck off retard

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Disable Accessibility Services in Firefox for less memory leaks Anonymous 07/17/2024 (Wed) 20:13:34 No. 15645 [Reply]
Reminder to disable Accessibility Services on Windows and Android if you don't want Firefox to hog up memory due to a serious memory leak that accumulates over time which Mozilla doesn't appear to want to acknowledge. In about:config, set accessibility.force_disabled to 1 then reopen for changes to take effect. Android users will need to use Firefox Beta, not the crippled standard version, to get access to about:config. https://www.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/p8g5zd/why_does_disabling_accessibility_services_improve/ https://www.reddit.com/r/browsers/comments/1d3hp8l/comment/l6a79y4/ https://www.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/12ijezp/comment/jfwsxq5/ https://www.reddit.com/r/browsers/comments/10z2xk1/comment/j83dhh7/ https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1726887 (closed because they "can't reproduce") https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1907929
>>15645 Is 2025 the year when Ladybird will be ready?
Nope, that shit is still in alpha and will be for years.

Poz in Tech Anonymous 10/18/2020 (Sun) 10:22:27 No. 1631 [Reply] [Last]
General thread for discussing Codes of Conduct and other attempts to take over technology with political aims and enforce behavioral constraints. Point out languages and products that try to force politics on their users. It's become commonplace for tech startups to virtue signal, and for large open source projects to attract users who contribute little in terms of code but demand favorable treatment. Additionally, some have started including political messages in the software itself, or naming releases after issues the developer cares about. Some argue that such constraints and impositions violate the spirit of free software by requiring an agreeable political alignment between developer and user.
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>>15587 It seems they saw a chance to take over when the same leader was basically partnering with some military drone company that used nix a lot, and the usual software pacifism drums started beating and had to keep beating.
>>15592 So basically the troons took over the project because the founder is too weak willed to defend himself.
>>15586 The F in FOSS makes it the home of anarchists. Digital infrastructure enables an essentially post-scarce world-wide economy, it's practically made for commies.

Want software that makes it easy to download an entire YT playlist Anonymous 01/15/2023 (Sun) 19:14:18 No. 11259 [Reply]
Is there a program or any software that allows me to download an entire playlist from Youtube? Like a playlist of music or someone's video tutorials and i want all of them I heard of NewPipe but it only works for one video at a time Even if i may need a VPN, i want something that doesn't have severe side effects
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Tartube is a GUI front end to yt-dlp, and has all the options you want, and more. It runs on Linux, Windoze, and Crapple. https://tartube.sourceforge.io/
4K Video Downloader sounds like a meme but has served me reasonably well. Nice GUI, parses lists and has multiple options for format, bitrate, subs etc
>>11306 This basically. I use this to download playlists yt-dlp --ignore-errors --format bestaudio --extract-audio --audio-format mp3 --audio-quality 160K --output "%(title)s.%(ext)s" --yes-playlist "url" mpv pluse yt-dlp is great

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POWBlock - Developing a system agnostic Proof of Work backend Anonymous 07/08/2024 (Mon) 01:36:13 No. 15564 [Reply]
You know, it occurs to me that despite being the site's sysadmin, and this being my bro Codexx's board, I literally never post my tech autism here. Maybe I should change that. If you'll pardon me making the equivalent of a /blog thread, I want to talk about some of my current ideas. As some anons are aware, over the past 4 and a half years I've become something of a guru at programming Varnish VCL. 8chan's entire network is bespoke and we've had to deal with requirements that no normal, Cuckflare-and-cloud-storage website needs. As a result I gained an absolute shitfuckload of hands on experience in hacking Varnish code. This has led to a minor obsession with pushing its boundaries, and making it do useful things that it was never designed to do. One thing that's been on my mind for literally *years* was the idea to make Varnish do the Cloudflare thing with a frontal POW and bot detection system. You can do this with Nginx and setups like this: https://github.com/C0nw0nk/Nginx-Lua-Anti-DDoS which is what Josh used as the basis of his "Kiwiflare" system. But no such tool exists for Varnish. I wanted to change that, and funnily enough I pulled it off several weeks back. It can be done though careful hacks of the error handling subsystem and abusing the object cache to track user session keys. But then I got to thinking, why hoard it? Since my original system was already using an external validator script (the prototype was written in Bash using netcat rofl) why couldn't I just move the system itself to a fast little backend that was designed to hook up with *any* frontend proxy? Not only would it save me a lot of work in the big picture, but other people might use it too. This became the idea for POWBlock. The first thing I decided was that I wanted it to run as a script. There are several reasons for this but the big ones are: Portability, lack of dependencies, and simplicity. The Bash prototype is obviously garbage from a production standpoint, but Python is fat and fucking slow. There is a reason why the Nginx POW system uses Lua. Lua is small, light, fast, low overhead because it was meant for embedded systems, its in every server repo, and has an HTTP server module with solid security and concurrency. Its not good enough to run a whole website off of, but if you want a zippy little script-based HTTP application like this it is far and away the best choice if its something you actually mean to deploy. Since I wasn't a Luafag I needed to start learning. After a week of reading and basic practice, I decided to move forward with some help from ChatGPT, henceforth called "the nig." I've found over the past year that this is great for practicing code. You learn the very basics, design your program yourself and break it into key sections and functions, throw your ideas and functions at the nig, and then learn as you go because you have to debug its shit and occasionally hand-write functions where the bot can't get it right. Its shockingly effective hands-on learning and I've been picking up Lua in record time. Its also nice to just hand the nig a big block of code you banged out and say "comment all this shit for me." Saves a lot of writing. Now you have the backstory, so let's get into the concept. POWBlock is a Lua-based mini-server that has exactly one job: It runs on a box somewhere and serves as an alternate backend for an existing frontend proxy. When a user visits the shielded site, the proxy can send them to POWBlock and force them through a Cloudflare-style Proof of Work browser check (and eventually other checks), give them a cookie to prove they passed, and send them back to the site. You can do this with Varnish, Nginx, and even fucking Apache. Control is handled by the frontend proxy, where you configure rate limiting and other basic anti-DoS functions to protect POWBlock itself from being flooded out, and it uses a system of custom HTTP headers to communicate and for security. My next post will be the prototype code for the server, so you can get an idea what it does.
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# luapow.vcl - Varnish module for handling Proof of Work (PoW) authentication import redis; # Define a subroutine to handle POW control sub POW { # Check for POW cookie in the request if (req.http.Cookie) { # Parse cookies cookie.parse(req.http.Cookie); # Get POW cookie value set req.http.Cookie-POW = cookie.get("POW"); # Fetch cached POW value from Redis based on user's IP from X-Forwarded-For set redis_key = "user_pow:" + req.http.X-Forwarded-For; if (!redis.is_error(redis.get("RedisServer", "RedisPort", redis_key))) {

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This is called a VCL Module. They plug into the main VCL code that drives the caching engine via a leading include"" statement. 8chan's network frontends use about 24 of these that I've written over the years, so this is just one more. But you can see some of what we need to handle: First we scrub all custom header values from the client's side, to make sure he can neither spoof nor see any of the headers or values that we're using. Then we parse the user's Cookies looking for POW, and if it exists we ping the Redis storage for the user's IP address to see if there's a stored value. If both exist, and match, the user is let into the site. If they don't match, we run the rest of the POW subroutine, which: >Generates an X-Pow header with a random 8 character session token >Sends the token to the Redis store keyed to the user's IP address >Sets the magic header >Switches the backend from the 8chan main CDN gateway to the POWBlock server >Saves the URL the user was coming in on and sends it in a header >Connects the user to POWBlock with all necessary information supplied What isn't shown: Forward rate limits, DoS throttling, URL locking, request sanitizing, header normalizing, and a bunch of other shit the main VCL code will do for security before it even gets to this spot. I'm sure it'll need to be tweaked for an actual deploy, but I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. And I need to write a nullification module so that if a user gets past this and fucks around, it will null the value of their key in the shared store and force them back to the POW or even ban them entirely. >Why bother with all this shit and why make a Lua server instead of just putting it on the site, maybe with the splash disclaimer? Because it can take upwards of 60% of the load off the frontends in the case of a major attack. POWBlock can run on its own shitbox server (and even have DDoS protection there) and if the site is getting hammered like hell, then its POWBlock taking most of the assraping instead of the servers we actually care about. And these things are so cheap and easy to set up (install Lua, install 3 Lua modules, stick the script in systemd, fucking done) that the servers it would run on can be wholly disposable. You could have 50 of em, each running a forking instance, and divide a big attack up between them.

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>>15566 >We also generate a weak but unique "server nonce" that is part of the POW calculation No it isn't you nigger. Also if you do this correctly the nonce controls the size of the table an attacker needs to precalculate challenges and 2 bytes is just 65k unique solutions you double nigger. Additionally I imagine you should also clean server_nonces in case users never complete the pow.

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Anonymous 03/16/2021 (Tue) 11:31:58 No. 2967 [Reply]
Why Windows sucks so much?
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>>15312 >installing Japanese Wangblows 10 for 超寝取られ in a VM running inside Wangblows 10+1 instead of putting LANG=ja_JP.utf8 in front of wine gemu.exe on Gentoo Sodomy defenda.
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alguien conoce a ese Daniel? vive en Cumbres Le Fontaine
>>15312 Using Linux and wime/vm for uncompatible software is not that hard, nigger; and yes, tinkering is fun, if you don't find it fun then computers are not for you.

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Tor Discussion Anonymous 06/15/2020 (Mon) 04:52:53 No. 449 [Reply] [Last]
So, what's so bad about Tor? >it's a honeypot Not really, I have done extensive research into this and the only people caught on it were dumb fucks who made OpSec mistakes. Plus, the only people championing this point are schizos who use VPN services or set up their own VPN, or even just use their plain ISP-given IP address, all of which are way riskier than using Tor. If you're concerned about onion links being honeypots, then set up your own. It's one of the easiest things in the world to do. >it's slow Fair enough. >a lot of sites block it Yeah, and a lot of sites are fags anyways, a lot of sites are also using ReCatapha and require phone verification and use Cloudflare or AWS. Sites have been against privacy for a long time and are banning VPNs too. >it's operated by sjws&trannies Literally everything is now, including VPN services and ISPs, there is no escape unless you want to fully disconnect from the internet and live in a cabin in the woods, which considering people are still using this site, I don't see happening. Also, the directors are known privacy-advocates. >firefox Firefox is rapidly becoming a shit browser for privacy, yes, Chromium is worse, "Ungoogled" Chromium is still Chrome garbage, same with Brave, alternative Firefox builds are usually outdated, and Opera is blatantly spyware. Meanwhile, Tor usually strips out all the tracking that Firefox tries to push in new releases. >relays and nodes operated by governments Which is more of a reason to get more people using Tor so more people can set up nodes and relays aside from government interference. Not opening this to start an argument or a bash on how bad Tor is or just to simply praise Tor, I want a discussion, because most points about Tor being bad for privacy are easily debunked and usually only used by schizos and I want to ensure my personal privacy.
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>>14817 Well, there's still VPNs, proxies, as well as I2P and the Freenet. >>516 Fuck off with that over a decade-old chart, Doomer I'd rather die trying. >Trannies and SJW are the root cause of the woke cancer. NOPE, you are aiming too damn low. The root cause comes from the same people who own Most about 94-96% of this world's media, both print and broadcast, in one form or another. Pics related.
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>>15488 <The root cause comes from the same "people" who own Most about 94-96% of this world's media, both print and broadcast, >Media You idiot, everything goes back to finance/power. The media serves as nothing more than a reasonable distraction for the wage cattle. The (((catholic church))) and the (((vatican))) as well as all of the other (((secret societies))) and (((banking families))) worship ⚕️saturn🕛 through this kabbalah and qliphothtic black "magic". It has its own gematria and a whole house of demons that reside in it. America as well as most of the world has been in a century long experiment to cultivate this new form of monarchy run by "Jews". All races around the world will be slaves and each "Jew" will have a share of these slaves. All with the help of technology and the goyims aid.
>>15488 >The root cause comes from the same people who own Most about 94-96% of this world's media, both print and broadcast, in one form or another. Oh of course, the capitalist owning class! Well, at least we know what has to be done to them. >>15502 >You idiot, everything goes back to finance/power. Yes. >The media serves as nothing more than a reasonable distraction for the wage cattle. aaaaaand there it goes. How do you not understand the common concept of propaganda? Even schizophrenic social-rejects talk about propaganda and psyops. I'm sincerely impressed.

Good Microphone for VA? Anonymous 05/28/2020 (Thu) 22:07:57 No. 272 [Reply]
Hey guys, I'm starting to get into voice-acting, and it's honestly something that I've been wanting to do for a long, long time, so now that I have the money and the time, I wanted to really dive into it. Problem is, I am very inept when it comes to audio technology. I'm doing my best to try and learn about the different kinds of mics, and how to hook them all up, i.e. XLR vs. USB, audio interfaces, etc., and it's SORT OF making sense, but really, there's just a kind of overload of information online. Can you guys just help me decide on a good microphone for voice-acting, even entry-level? I have a Blue Snowball iCE right now, but I'd really like something more professional, even if I have to spend a couple hundred. Thoughts? Recommendations? Two that've caught my attention so far are the Shure Beta 58a and the MXL 990, but I don't want to make a shitty purchase and regret it.
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i have never used these mics but I hear they're good Shure SM57 SM58 SM58 SM58 SM58 AT4040 AT2035 AKG P220
>>471 These plus SM58 Beta and Rode NT1 is good entry level
<How good is this video?

What Program is Best for Decrypting Opera Login Data Files? Anonymous 10/18/2023 (Wed) 17:02:45 No. 13390 [Reply]
So at the beginning of this year my laptop started to fail and I had to send it into PC world for repair. Not long before I did so I was made to change the password for my Google account. I have always relied on web browsers to remember my passwords for some stupid reason. I was able to copy the contents of my C Drive before I did so and so I thought that I would be able to recover my passwords and such easily. Yet I found that opera now encrypts you passwords based on you dapai code and login details. This was never the case before and it seems stupidly paranoid that go to such lengths. I know them all except the one that has been changed yet that password is pretty vital. So I have spent months looking into this, first I thought that the keys hadn’t copied over but they were hidden and I do have the DPAPI master keys and CREDHIST, I also have found a way to view the encrypted passwords and the ones that are the same are encrypted in similar way so that should also make the password easier to find. Yet I still have not found a program that I could use. Windows password recovery program tells me that I entered my password wrong even though I entered it in right, DataProtectionDecryptor gives me “Failed to extract the encryption key” and mimikatz gives me Error kull_m_dpapi_unprotect_blob ; CryptDecrypt(0x80090005), I also found a bunch of linux and python troon programs that claim to be able to do what I am looking for but they require so many addon programs to be installed that you loose track. What am I doing wrong here? What is the best program that can do what I am looking for?
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I absolutely hate the state of online accounts now, this two factor bullshit is going to lock me out of every account I've had for years. I'm already permanently locked out of several yahoo accounts because I never even knew they were implementing 2FA, now that they have I have no way back in without paying for premium support, they paywalled my fucking accounts. Worse yet is how many accounts on other websites I used those addresses for. All gone. Because of automatic opt-out enforcement of 2FA bullshit. And can we talk about how much of a fucking joke 2FA is? All it does is protect accounts from the fucking owner, the majority of security breaches are always because of exploits and flawed setups on the SERVER side, nothing to do with bad opsec of the end users. so these services continue to build a personally identifiable profile on the user by grabbing your phone number or forcing you to use proprietary phone apps or hardware keys that I'm convinced can be used to de-anonymize since now you have a trail from the key back to whatever company you bought the hardware key from. The fucking irony is that years ago it was always consider poor security to write down a password instead of using one you could just remember, now with hardware keys you have to create a backup of the secret code in case your key breaks or you lose it so you can recover with a second hardware key, which I've heard several "security tubers" advocate for writing down. In spite of the known security issues with SMS for 2FA, businesses like banks continue to only offer SMS, and google makes sure to block virtual numbers. We live in a fucking INSANE ASYLUM. >>15200 it wouldn't be hard to write a python script that takes things you know are in your password and shuffle them around while also adding numbers/special characters, even without threading you could end up generating a thousand possible combinations within a few seconds
>>15309 There's a bit of a problem with that idea, at least if you're talking about an automated I-forgot-my-password-but-I-think-it-contained-this-string bot. If it doesn't guess right in the first three tries, your account is locked for one hour. Set up a bot to do this. It will not achieve one thousand iterations/sec. It will be limited to 72 iterations/day. Bring a lunch.
>>15359 yeah, to actually try each password will take literally forever because websites block you after so many failed attempts, but if all you wanted was to get every possible combination and hand pick the ones you think might be right, that process alone wouldn't take hardly any time

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Fuck LynxChan Anonymous 03/16/2024 (Sat) 20:05:08 No. 14808 [Reply]
I'm back after an 8 year hiatus and what do I see 8chan running on some MongoDB/nodeJS meme software Joshua Moon taught you better than this. infinity-next was the future and you all chose the wrong timeline. Disgusting.
>>14808 Fuck that image format.
>vichan Somehow even worse. Tor can't upload the video or screenshot so read the source: https://boards.guro.cx/dis/res/5538.html#5568

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P2P Imageboard Anonymous 02/29/2024 (Thu) 02:50:00 No. 14729 [Reply]
Sup /t/ I've been working on getting a p2p imageboard functioning for a while and I decided to start fresh more recently with a new project. It's still not fully featured per se, but I feel like releasing it in it's current form since it's still functional and I want to see if it works in the wild. Hopefully you'll be able to see the existing boards and start posting. https://gitgud.io/threshold862543/gladden To install: >install node and yarn (or npm instead of yarn) >run "yarn build" to get the dependencies >run "yarn start" to start the server And you can add whatever boards you like. This basically works like a torrent. Moderation is local, so you can delete files and posts that you don't like, but it won't be deleted for others necessarily (unless everyone else blocks them and there are no more seeders). "Subscribing" to others as moderators so you can trust them to delete for you is also possible I just haven't hooked it all up yet.
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This already existed in a way via Millchan on Zeronet. >>15280 An idea that I had to fix this was to split every file into two parts, a "file" and a "key", with checks on both sender and recipient to make sure that no user ever possessed both the key and file for the same object at the same time, and that when a file was browsed by a user only then would the network also seek out the key and decode it. But it had to be implemented in a particular way. You can't just encrypt a file because possessing "encrypted CP" is still CP, so the idea was that the file would actually be split somehow, like a pattern of alternating bytes, such that the "file" and "key" were each half of the completed object and not merely an encoding scheme applied to the whole.
>>15298 What about a setting (perhaps on by default) for holding images in RAM only, and only while you have the thread open? Is it still a problem since you technically download and upload the data despite not having it on hard drive?
>>15335 Yeah, exactly. If you had the file, and you browsed the site and it tried to load that file, then your system would request the key from someone and then hold it and the resulting completed object in memory only.

Made my own custom browser configured for maximum privacy and security. Anonymous 07/27/2023 (Thu) 20:43:13 No. 12607 [Reply]
If some of you could please try this out and offer some feedback that would be rad! Basically a Firefox fork that is like if you combined LibreWolf with Arkenfox and gave it a 12 inch cock. Over 400 Settings changed with extensions pre-installed and all documentation included. Link is 100% safe, I wouldn't stooge fellow Anons that way. Please let me know what you think! Cheers :) https://mega.nz/file/jUl0ARbK#sbe8_4H6kGXMDpPyX3NNzbpDgS3TzsvcxiTCKXdauv8
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>Uses Windows >No sources >"Just trust me bro it's safe" Are you retarded or a glowie?
bro, just use incognito mode, i'm a hacker and i hacked valve and got hl3 early with cmd, i know what i;m doing. /j
>>12607 >like if you combined LibreWolf with Arkenfox and gave it a 12 inch cock. That's super gay. Call me when you give your browser huge saggy tits and wide birthing hips

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Structure and interpreation of computer programmes 2022 Anonymous 05/25/2022 (Wed) 19:18:43 No. 8522 [Reply]
Found out theres an javascript version of this book i havent read it yet but iam sure its cool.Its kinda wierd they didnt use a programming language like c or c++
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>js How do they deal with such gems?
Fuck that faggot language and fuck the kike authors and publishers for using that faggot language. It's all gone to shit.
>>15208 >>15236 I shouldn't have to explain this, but .... Javascript was originally intended to be "Scheme in the browser", and, as such, it shares far more features with Scheme than C or C++ or Jabba. Of those, modern Jabba is probably the most "functional". Eichmann wrote the original in a week, and then his boss came in and said: "we're going to mooch the publicity of Java, make it look like C, we're calling it Javascript." It is a piece of shit that was written in two weeks. One sprint. I bet the agile fags are sperging.

DREAMLAND RESORT WEBSITE ARCHIVE.zip 1.6 GB Download Anonymous 04/28/2024 (Sun) 00:22:14 No. 15061 [Reply]

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i hate xiaomi so much bros Anonymous 07/22/2022 (Fri) 07:33:20 No. 8927 [Reply]
>xiaomi says that you can unlock bootloader with their tool >make xiaomi account and do all the stuff you must do to unlock device >download windows because the tool is only available in windows >device not getting recognized >connect xiaomi device with 3 different pcs (win 10 and 11) and download a bunch of drivers >still nothing >a guy in a forum says that you must do it in win 7 and it will work for sure >download win 7 >install win 7 in my pc

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>>11688 It's not about your formatting per se, it's about you not conforming to imageboard culture. The locals think you're an annoying tourist and want you to either assimilate properly or go back home.
>>8927 > He bought chinkshit You fell for the meme. Sure you can get lucky sometimes, but mostly for anything that needs to be reliable, chinkshit is shit. Plain and simple.
>>8927 Did you get the right drivers? Also I why not just use a VM? Or buy a temp sim.

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