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Grsecurity is violating the GPL Anonymous 06/01/2021 (Tue) 15:18:31 No. 4274
>Section 101 of the US Copyright Act > >A work consisting of editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications which, as a whole, represent an original work of authorship, is a "derivative work." >Michael Short: they are a derivative work either way. GPL applies >https://twitter.com/asueekim1/status/1399721978853048334 >https://archive.is/B3E0m >https://twitter.com/MichaelShort/status/1388412973589438464 >https://archive.is/YRJrZ
No-one is going to enforce it and you should really get over it. You haven't found a single person of note with an appetite to make a serious fuss about grsec and get something done. The GPL is an irrelevant joke in 2021 and it's only used in places where it literally doesn't matter, and largely it seems that open source is getting pillaged by corporations regardless.
>>4306 >No-one is going to enforce it Wrong. > and you should really get over it. No. > You haven't found a single person of note with an appetite to make a serious fuss about grsec and get something done. Yes I have.
>>4344 Congrats on living a lie. Your thread is meaningless.
>>4428 Wrong Someone does wish to pursue it.
>>4274 let's see which one is older >>>/u/118

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