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(12.49 MB 480x360 The Battle of Bouvines.mp4)

webm/mp4 thread! Peasant 05/01/2020 (Fri) 02:33:13 No. 55

Put videos here.
(924.56 KB 483x643 Grace dance Juche WPK.gif)

(2.14 MB 1280x720 Based DPRK.mp4)

(1.68 MB 640x360 Habsburgs.mp4)

(938.92 KB 720x720 Islamic discord.mp4)

(2.47 MB 474x360 tp letters.mp4)

(7.26 MB 474x360 TSP Petersburg.mp4)

(287.22 KB 1280x720 havereddit.mp4)

(4.41 MB 576x1024 Mason.mp4)

>>3120 >2nd vid /v/?
(4.84 MB 720x404 Schedule Louis XIV.mp4)

>>3312 someone gotta tell him that covering up history from 70 years ago won't get you le based asian waifu, but having a visible chin does that
(6.20 MB 720x404 Emp Joseph II P1.mp4)

(7.09 MB 720x404 Emp Joseph II P2.mp4)

(5.65 MB 720x404 Emp Joseph II P3.mp4)

(18.66 MB 720x404 Bhutan 01.mp4)

(7.39 MB 720x404 Bhutan 02.mp4)

(10.19 MB 720x404 Bhutan 03.mp4)

(24.29 MB 720x404 Bhutan 04.mp4)

(5.19 MB 640x360 James coins.mp4)

(7.56 MB 640x360 James Succession.mp4)

(8.55 MB 640x360 James Burials.mp4)

(11.84 MB 640x360 James Equivocator.mp4)

(14.82 MB 640x360 King & Playwright Enclosure.mp4)

(1.94 MB 640x336 nEBaeRtXjx0B1T_F.mp4)

(14.01 MB 320x240 Paradise Lost Book 1.mp4)

(4.75 MB 640x360 the grand alliance.mp4)

(1.50 MB 640x360 Le Roi Soleil scene.mp4)

(27.26 MB 640x360 Louis XIV canal du midi.mp4)

(9.11 MB 640x360 Versailles foundations.mp4)

>>3312 What a faggot, at least nazis would accept him as kin, nips are just a sect of the Asian hive and scum. Hitler himself said the final battle would be between the Aryan and the insect.
(5.87 MB 640x480 The House of Stuart.webm)

>>2185 Does anyone have sauce on that second video?
>>6321 >>2185 Old ass spanish show
(1.25 MB 1636x1500 grace happy kitto.png)

(179.38 KB 386x360 Sx2Tvr1neoHLqCXt.mp4)

>>6455 <dabbing on fascists idk why other e-monarchists care to so much. <meanwhile communists and average joe republicans have destroyed countless monarchies
(401.05 KB 829x745 grace w laurel.png)

(8.73 MB 720x404 Bees Bee Queen.mp4)

>>6122 Bees & Ants are royal animals.
>>6456 I just wanted something to bait in halfchan's /wsg/ honestly <No webm or mp4
(138.36 KB 500x500 Grace shy love.png)

>>6455 >>6478 Despite what I said, I like your mp4 and will save it.
(8.73 MB 640x360 1696163244215.mp4)

(12.49 MB 480x360 The Battle of Bouvines.mp4)

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