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Royal Court Tyrant 01/31/2021 (Sun) 10:48:52 No. 2450
Welcome to /monarchy/ Board /monarchy/ King: 5th King Volunteers: sangvinivs Titles: - Baron, dubbed Baron Adventurer, awarded for service in the /tkr/-/monarchy/ war, by the 5th King
Edited last time by Ramses_the_Great on 11/05/2022 (Sat) 04:45:37.
/japan/ flag
/ita/ flag
/hispol/ is welcome to recommend a flag.
I want to clean up the board banners next. & anons are welcome to suggest new banners here. Don't worry, the old banners will be kept.
This board occasionally needs a cleanup & re-adjustments.
/leftypol/ flag
/liberty/ flag
We also borrowed this monarchyball from /hispol/.
/monarchy/-/fascist/ crossposting Is downhill & I admonish anons. It is ill-advised to bug /fascist/. /monarchy/ shall let /fascist/ be /fascist/ & leave them alone. /monarchy/ <---------------------> /fascist/ Any /fascist/ anon may speak for their board--if they want more transparency from /monarchy/ & /monarchy/ formally renounces any shilling on their board.
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Aristocracy anon is welcome to request a title & use the /monarchy/ noble flag. (if that debate anon wants).
commiecat poster, why not post the /v/-related stuff in your containment thread? It looks like you are playing CK2.
>>6040 A few commiecat threads will be cleaned.
>decide to check back here again >not much going on, tries to visit /abdl/ >first thread is unironic CP Uh oh. How much longer do I have before I get my IP tracked and busted for browsing this site?
>>6134 I won't happen. Stay tuned for Grace pics coming in 1 or 2 weeks.
>>6135 Looking forward to it
>>6136 Do you still lurk here?
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My last reading list. Now I will retire.
>>2452 test
Esther wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Monarchists. I hope the kingdoms will be prosperous and someones will be restored.
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>>6796 We should have a /hispol/ embassy.
/monarchy/ royal decree: This design is official & canonically approved for Grace chan Grace wears black pants in her up-to-date design. May 17th, 2024
/monarchy/ is due for another cleanup. The board will have a small bundle of fixes. >less Grace clutter on the catalog >more embassies will be opened with other boards & others renewed (/tkr/) >sprucing up the board overall >eventually, a new Grace OC thread with Her Grace's new official design Our board could benefit from a new coat of arms and a custom royal mace for future royal decrees, along with a special coat of arms for our colonies in other imageboard spaces.
Hey BO I made a >>>/comfy/ board where anons can talk about anything with lax rules. How about we link each other?
>>7226 Our boards are linked. Thanks for your invitation. /comfy/ is a protectorate of /monarchy/ now.
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>>7291 Sorry for checking in late but thanks for linking back to us, much appreciated. I hope your new attempt at getting a board wide event going on will be fruitful.
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Vampyr Monument 7/7/2024 Sunday afternoon Statue in honour of Baron Vampyr :The 5th King of /monarchy/ ordered this statue built of Baron Vampyr, Baron Adventurer & BO of /b/ & myriad boards and war veteran of the /monarchy/-/tkr/ war Grace chan laid this wreath in honour of the Eternal Adventurer Baron All future Kings of /monarchy/ are obliged to preserve this monument and maintain its upkeep if a new meta thread is made or board migration.
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I'm worried an anon is shilling this board on /v/ & annoying the /v/tards. I was there briefly and talked, & it's not worthwhile annoying /v/ with politicsfaggotry like ours: it'll draw more ire and venom than admiration, so let's not export such autism to non-politics boards. IDK if it matters I say this or if there are any /monarchy/ anons besides myself. I support the decision of the /v/ mods to quality control there.
>>7360 fuck the /v/tards that can't handle the polite and reasoned discussion that was occurring. May they never again wonder why the site is dead.
Here is an official logo for the board. This is not the first, but the first logo was very amateur. Any succeeding king of /monarchy/ may change the logo of the board.
Delighted to see what could be a /monarchy/ oldfag liking our new logo. Posting under the Aristocrat name. Before me, the 2nd & 3rd King were the /monarchy/ BOs. I was an awful poster in the past. Still am today. Back in those days around c. 2018, it was Commoners & Aristocrats. Newfags were Commoners, & Oldfags were Aristocrats. Later the Peasant name was introduced, and under my reign I reformed Aristocrat title to Noble with a new flag. Of course, under my reign, this board has been dead and a personal storage unit: It has been nigh 4 years of absolutist era /monarchy/ under an absolutist king, for better or worse. I think in the end I have refined the politics, but over those years it was pretty bad and a learning experience. These days /monarchy/ is pretty much the only true politics board on 8moe. But what cost? the other boards are dead.
I've seen it all with e-monarchists, every nook and cranny. Back in 2018, I was oblivious to many things. It takes years, not only lurking, but getting involved and talking with people, to really know e-monarchist politics & what kinds of people there are and their benefits and pitfalls: if you lurk and don't talk it is easy to live blissfully unaware.
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>>7438 I assume you're referring to >>7436 That was me. I am very much a newfag. My only other posting in /monarchy/ was >>6998 Based on the culture section of picrel, I had assumed it was normal to use Aristocrat. Based on the 2 reactions I've had here, apparently that's a thing of the past. It's a fun idea nonetheless. I'm sorry if I got your hopes up; maybe I should stop using this name. Also, while I'm responding, I prefer the new logo because I feel it gives off a truly royal aura, unlike the old logo, which was more generic(although also more humorous).
>>7454 It has been roughly 3 years. Right now I have namechanged from Ramses II to 8corgi as 5th King. 5th King name is officially 8corgi now.
Edited last time by 8corgi on 08/13/2024 (Tue) 14:02:47.
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Merry Christmas, /monarchy/
🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵MANSE!🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵 ★Happy Birthday, Kim Jong Un★ 🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵MANSE!🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵
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Do any anons want to take up the mantle of infinity cup 8? Infinity Cup 8 thread: >>>/icup/6370 It is completely understaffed & nobody has hosted an icup in a while. What is needed - A host (who can host the game & stream it on cytube or 8tv) - Volunteers to voice chat & broadcast over the stream - Organizers of any kind Game: Pro Evolution Soccer 2017 Resources: icup 7 archive: https://ia601509.us.archive.org/23/items/ICUP7/ ... An /icup/ tutorial: https://infinitycup.miraheze.org/wiki/Pro_Evolution_Soccer_2017 -- https://infinitycup.miraheze.org/wiki/How_to_host

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