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8moe interboard games Peasant 05/17/2024 (Fri) 14:14:39 No. 7044
A thread for 8moe community games! at /monarchy/
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/monarchy/ kits for /icup/
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Grace lost to /hispol/ Esther at the 2nd tournament. Esther vs Grace final: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVxVDCOwq4U
/monarchy/ Grace has a rivalry with /ac/ Aurora in the tournament matches thus far. They have been unable to defeat Grace. The /ac/ anon drew this cute pic of Grace too
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/monarchy/ Grace is playing at the Hunger Games Thread at /b/: >>>/b/458697
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Grace wins! wooo~! >inb4 anons say it was RIGGED
If we ever go back to /icup/ again, these anthems we'll use.

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/monarchy/ is invited to the 3rd 8moe Duels Soulcalibur 6 tournie. You are welcome to add another character (if you want) or re-roll your character's fighting style fighting style. The event is being hosted at >>>/icup/5943 It will be sometime this upcoming weekend.

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