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/leftypol/ embassy Peasant 05/17/2024 (Fri) 13:38:46 No. 7041
leftypol.org-/monarchy/ embassy
Leftypol has an embassy here? If we can have constitutional monarchies that are liberal democracies, why can't we have constitutional monarchies that are socialist huh? What's wrong with that?
>>7248 leftypol also has a royal colony on their site also I'd argue as a commie that it's possible for an absolute monarchy to be socialist, the monarchs would have to read and practice marxist theory, which is unlikely to happen. also a socialist monarchy would be way better to have than any capitalist republic. >why can't we have constitutional monarchies that are socialist huh? we can, just very unlikely. >What's wrong with that? I see no issue with it tbh instead of republics or monarchies, another alternate structure of power would be of worker's councils that would be unified nation-wide to manage an entire country, thousands or even millions of worker councils would manage a country instead of a republic or a monarchy.
/monarchy/, this is your chance: https://leftypol.org/siberia/res/567562.html#567584 >should leftypol have a /monarchy/ board? https://strawpoll.com/1MnwkD7V1n7/

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