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Royal Court Tyrant 01/31/2021 (Sun) 10:48:52 No. 2450
Welcome to /monarchy/ Board /monarchy/ King: 5th King Volunteers: sangvinivs Titles: - Baron, dubbed Baron Adventurer, awarded for service in the /tkr/-/monarchy/ war, by the 5th King
Edited last time by Ramses_the_Great on 11/05/2022 (Sat) 04:45:37.
What happened to many of the threads that were on this board, like the flag thread?
>>2452 There were too many oldposts cluttering the board. /monarchy/ needed a clean slate. >like the flag thread? I made that thread myself, actually You could remake the flag thread, if you want.
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New hub on /site/ >>>/site/1978
4th King here, just wanted to say I'm glad to see this place didn't die completely in my absence. The multiple exodous, combined with half my activity on here just replying to the same questions again and again, just burned me out on the board and imageboards in general. I might still lurk from time to time going forwards though. Long live the 5th King.
>>2504 where did you guys go beforehand?
>>2505 We were on Julay for a while, then briefly a custom URL, then here. At one point there was also talk of going to anon.cafe instead due to this place's lack of integration in the webring.
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>>2506 Would it be theoretically possible to move all the posts and files to .cafe? Present company of boards on here makes me a tad uneasy.
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>>2507 I doubt they want anymore political boards since they kicked out /fascist/. The mood around anon.cafe is "political boards aren't comfy--no more political boards". It could be a grudge against solely /fascist/... This board is very quiet, while their board is very proactive. Didn't we have a bunker there? At the moment, there is 9chan /monarchia/, 8kun /monarchy/, & the endchan colony.
>>2507 I'm not from around these parts but Codex's plugin might do the trick. That being said, the Cafe seems to go down a strictly non political stance, so you'd have better luck with sleepychan or trashchan.
>>2532 Off the top of my head, there's no proper Spanish flags (Castile & Leon, Aragon, etc). A Bourbon Restoration/Louis Philippe flag might be a nice contrast to the Ancien Regime one. A Byzantine flag might be nice, too. >>2507 Isn't the entire point of 8chan to not worry about the other boards? Just use the ones that appeal to you.
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>>2533 If you post the flags, I will consider uploading them.
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New flags added. Request flags any time.
>>2569 testing
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/monarchy/ deserves a male b-tan counterpart to Grace.
>>2830 you know what they say, be the change you want to see in the world
In retrospect, hoppe-sama falling was better for the boards involved. Not in disrespect of the 4th King, despite any grievances or political differences /liberty/ & /fascist/ would've been terrible bedfellows. The Triumvirate only made sense when /pol/ & /leftypol/ were the major political boards on the site & ours were minor boards.
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/monarchy/ kings history for anons. 1st & 2nd kings /christian/ era -----> 3rd & 4th kings /liberty/ days -----> 5th king absolutist apartheid
>>2879 I demand a source
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To the naysayers saying that /monarchy/ is dead now: THIS BOARD HAS ALWAYS BEEN DEAD Even since the 8chan days. Political boards like /pol/ & /leftypol/ & the minor boards like /fascist/ & /liberty/, and even off-shoot boards of the majors, have always been more active and popular than this place. /monarchy/ has always been a slow & dead board compared to the other boards. So get used to it. >>2881 Here is what the 3rd King said.
>>2893 >>2879 >>2893 No, I meant I want to know what the source of his image is. It looks like its from a geimu.
does this board have any official chat where the Anons and Mods can talk together? If not, can the BO make one? perhaps on Element.
>>3301 the only thing i know like that is the discord, but here, the r/monarchism sub, and the r/monarchism discord basically act separately and independently of each other
>>3303 Is the Discord private or public? I thought the board has one not a subreddit
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>>3303 No need to advertise r/monarchism here. >>3304 I heard the old guard had a discord, but it doesn't matter. >>3301 I guess, there could be a CyTube.
>>3308 wasn't advertising, just mentioning that basically all things online about this are un attached of each other
>>3308 >I heard the old guard had a discord, but it doesn't matter. Why doesn't it matter? Was there some split?
>Discord Find the link and invite /abdl/ to quash them.
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>>3319 Let me in!
>>3319 Day of the stroller
>>3321 >>3323 >tries to play of /abdl/ and /monarchy/ >they unironically begin to plan shit together >discord mods are gonna pin the blame on me This is why I suck at grand strategy games, I literally shoot myself in the face the second I try
>>3328 Whose side are you on? >discord mods are gonna pin the blame on me The monarchist discords hate us. >>3323 /abdl/ should stand with /monarchy/
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>>3331 here is what i see as the hapooning >the monarchist discords hate us this is the r/monarchism discord, and that's mostly true. i'm the only guy there that actively posts here, so they know who to blame. However, it will still be entertaining
>>3332 >Uses discord >Admits to posting on imageboards >Surprised when he is suspect You have the logical capacity of a baby anon Maybe we should banish you to /abdl/?
>>3333 I'm not angry or surprised about this, now I just wanna watch how this unfolds itself. My retardation also doubles as genius sometimes. Plus, I think /abdl/ has a handful of new muslim diaperfags already
>>2893 Crazy Luxembourger here. It's been...fuck, three years? Nice to still see this place still going (but goddam was it hard to find you guys!). Been interested in Tor and stuff recently, might make some idle chat about it. >>3301 This shit makes me sick. Every goddam chan seems to have the following fate: >nascent, interesting board. >bunch of brodudes come in saying it needs a discord. >use the discord to deanonymize and thereby take over the chan. >after the coup is complete, make the discord private and use it to rule from the shadows. Every. Fucking. Time.
>>3602 Discord has single handled destroyed virtually every community on the internet and generally made imageboards obsolete.
Srsly considering this.
>>3635 Grace is putting everyone in diapers?
>>3635 What is this?
>>3648 Grace about to dish out the spankings.
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>>3649 Typical Royal reaction.
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>>3635 >what did he mean by this
>>3653 Have a cancerous image that illustrates this.
>>3659 proof that monarkiddies are babyhood fetishists
>>3815 Well the plebs are the children of the nation.
Any of you monarchists interested in a custom CSS theme made for the /monarchy/ board? If so, how would you like it designed? A tiled wallpaper of crowns in the background? Discuss, if interested.
>>3939 I forgot to mention that if you're also interested, I can add a footer mascot to the bottom right corner of the page. Perhaps Grace can fit the role nicely. Only, I don't know which image of her would work the best.
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>>3939 >>3941 I would appreciate it. >If so, how would you like it designed? A tiled wallpaper of crowns in the background? I wouldn't like crowns. I would recommend a floral design maybe like this background pic related or fleur-de-lis or a pattern with the letter M. >Perhaps Grace can fit the role nicely. Only, I don't know which image of her would work the best. You would have to gloss through the Grace threads. Clean Grace Thread: https://9chan.tw/monarchia/thread/4 ^this is more organized
>>3942 No problemo. I'll report back when I come up with a custom CSS theme for /monarchy/
I added all previous BOs of /b/ to the current vol list. Mostly out of respect.
>>3942 >>3943 OK, here's a current WIP theme for the board. What do you think of the purple wallpaper? Any Grace pics I chose strike your fancy?
>>3949 I made slight alteration to Grace reading & animated her eyes reading her book to give the illusion.
>>3949 >>3950 I'm not sure about the Grace mascot in the corner... I might recommend something, although.
>>3951 All ears if you have other ideas.
>>3952 These Grace pics might do. the Egyptian themed one, too, because the King of /monarchy/ is named after the Egyptian king Ramses II
>>3953 Noted. I assume the purple wallpaper is ok or, if using egyptian grace, make it more egyptian themed?
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I wouldn't be against adding this. The background itself is good and would pass on its own.
>>3952 A lot of the other examples I'm not sure I'm liking too much, but I did like the /liberty/-tan crossover. All the other Grace corners, hm, not as much. These >>3953 Grace pics I would be okay with seeing in the corner.
>>3949 Grace spanking Aurelia.
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>>3949 >>3950 Thanks for the help, anon.
Here are more WIP shots of the theme, this time using the sources from >>3955 & >>3953 for the footer mascot. Any strike your fancy? Do you like the purple bar that sits above the reply box or do you prefer blue as seen in these WIP shots >>3950 & >>3949 here?
>>3971 Purple. I like these WIP screencaps. Is it possible to also mix in a few blank ones without a corner tan?
>>3971 I like the Louis XIV and Grace portrait one. If I had to pick, the Grace portrait looks nice. How many can be had?
>>3978 >How many can be had? Theoretically speaking, one can could have both Louis XIV & Grace in the footer by way of making a script where they are both in the rotation pool & one of them gets randomly loaded each time the anon goes to a new page on this board. It would be similar in function to the banners on top of the page that change every time you refresh or go to a different part of the board. Unfortunately I have not done something like this before to make it work.
>>3972 >Is it possible to also mix in a few blank ones Elaborate
>>3980 Like >>3979 mentioned here. >& one of them gets randomly loaded each time the anon goes to a new page on this board So sometimes you would get pages without a mascot in the corner, but other times you will?
>>3981 Ah ok, I get it. Yes, it is possible to simply have blanks added in the rotation pool. I do not think the probability can be adjusted to where one mascot has more of a chance appearing in the corner than another one. Like it's been mentioned, I have not done something like that before to make it work, but some curious glances around the net & looking at the random banner script suggest that it is doable.
You could do the Grace portrait alone, then, without the others -- if you cannot do a rotation.
>>3984 Very well. That's a question worth asking in the next update
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With that out of the way, here are some more WIP shots. I kept the purple bar that rests between the board title & reply box. Grace's portrait has been added. Next question: For the UI, do you prefer a dark or light theme to compliment the wallpaper?
>>3986 Dark. It's easier on eyes and best for greentext.
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>>3987 Noted. Does anyone have a preference for border design on OP post? I have attached a couple screenshots of available options. After that, I don't believe there's anything left to modify. If the theme looks about right from the previous WIP shot here >>3986 & there's nothing left to fix or change, then I'll get to posting the file.
>>3988 I like the solid.
>>3990 Why did you delete?
Here's the theme at last! The peasants may sample the theme by going to the gear icon, clicking CSS, copying + pasting the code inside the txt file to the field, & click SAVE. It should change the UI. It is up to the BO if they like how they look or want it modified/fixed before it gets implemented. I hope everyone enjoys it! >>3991 I had to quickly fix the Grace portrait by posting it on >>>/res/.
>>3992 How do I implement it as BO?
>>3993 Open the txt file in notepad or a similar program, then save the file in css extension and upload it on your board settings. I don't know what the board settings look like as I never ran a board, but there should be an option in there for you to upload the css.
>>3994 Alternatively you should be able to save the txt file from the attachment in the css extension & it should still be okay to use.
>>3994 >>3995 Thanks, I figured it out.
>>3995 Could you also give alternatives with Louis XIV and the Egyptian?
>>3997 A blank one would be good too.
This all reminds me, that I should revise the board's banners. I think I want to get rid of the /monarchia/ banners first and foremost.
>>3997 Here's the Egyptian version & King Louis XIV, working on blank. Let me know if these work & look good
>>4000 Blank version
>>4000 I really like it.
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We're only in need of our board's /icup/ last uniform. I will stick with the Louis XIV CSS.
>>4003 Out of curiosity, what do the uniforms look like?
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>>4004 These are the two kits. We're waiting on a 3rd kit for the GK.
>>4005 I'll admit I have never seen the models before to know what they'll look like Perhaps the design could be taken from Egyptian Grace? Something Egyptian Royalty themed?
>>3992 A desperate attempt to breath life into your dead board.
>>4029 I like the theme personally
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EMERGENCY NEWS the buffalo shooter namedrops 8chan.moe in his manifesto /monarchy/ has moved from 8ch > julay > hoppesama > 8ch.net It was largely my decision, by advice to the 4th King, To move /monarchy/ to 8chan.moe. ... I feel responsible for this board since it was my choice. /monarchy/ has many colonies... but unfortunately I only have control as 5th King over /monarchia/ on 9chan.tw Our primary bunker will be /monarchia/ Primary bunker: https://9chan.tw/monarchia/catalog IF OUR PRIMARY BUNKER FAILS 2ndry bunker: We will escape to anon.cafe's /shelter/ and take refuge there ... And if that somehow fails, we jump to endchan?
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janny-sempai on twitter noticed us!
>>4136 Also, there are fallback measures on /site/
What are the plans for /abdl/?
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/monarchy/ vs /2hu/ game starts at 21:00 UTC, I believe. https://cytu.be/r/infinitycup I think it will be broadcasted here^
>>4483 The games start at 17:30 UTC.
>>4484 The /icup/ games start in 1 hour.
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grace should get in my belly
Hail unto Grace. Queen of /monarchy/, Duchess of the high marshes of /b/ I Apologize for the necessity of introducing myself. I am Vamp, High Lord General of the of the chaotic wastes of /b/ I come before your majesty With a proclamation. It has come unto my attention that you harbor an enemy of the people. This fugitive of justice is wanted for multiple violations of the "Spam" ordinance. It has been a month or two since last I graced your court. And it breaks my heart to see your kingdom in ruins. This fugitive attempted similar destruction upon mine own subjects, and so your pain I feel. If you have utterly exhausted all available forces of the kingdom of /Monarch/ then I can understand your state of hopelessness my lord. And so on behalf of the ancient oath made unto you on the occasion of my coup d'etat upon the previous elected official of my people. I do hereby once again pledge myself and my men to your cause, and swear to leave no enemy of yours standing on the field of battle. This I do swear, To The Lord God above, I swear upon mine immortal soul to carry this out, and to not waiver or slack until the Realm is safeonce more. In conclusion your service unto our people will never be forgotten, and as such regardless of your answer I assure you that war betwixt us can never occur. I swear to you I will not allow it. Good day M'lady, And may God smile upon you and your endeavors.
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>>4559 Back from /icup/ to hear your petition. I have heard your request. You want me to deal with this enemy? By what means should I? I am a new BO I have a few thoughts. 1. Re-assert SFW policy of the board. 2. Make a new law on spamming.
>>4559 Oh I am not one to put on airs. And out of humility tend to not mention half my titles. It just occured to me that if ever there was a place to not do so. This is it. So without further ado. Field Marshall of /lit/, Lord militant of /k/, Dictator of /zoo/, King of /vr/, Captain of the armed forces of /digi/, Respected advisor to the streaming cabal, And finally the last citizen of /c/ and /kin/. There are a handful of other honorifics but that should suffice at present.
>>4565 You aren't Sangvinivs?
>>4565 Well that changes things. I am oath sworn to your previous monarch to defend your board with my life. I am not sure if it carries over though... Gonna have to consider this. Well anyway. Yeah change the spam law. add a couple vols so you dont have to enforce it yourself, and my guess is in a week dickhead chills out and stops being a prick. usually how they go.
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>>4567 No, that is the volunteer. I have no idea. Are you Sangvinvs? This is 5th King Ramses
The most powerful tool in any BOs pocket. Is asking for help. Typically small scale spam is ignored by globals and left up to the discretion of the BO. But if. If a BO ever says the words "help me" They will descend like a host of tireless blood thirsty angels. And will not rest. Ever. Not every BO is aware of this ultimate panic button.
>>4569 No. I thought you were. Well your vol was a previous BO of /b/ and amazingly one of the few who didnt fuck up. I have nothing but respect for him.
>>4571 How did you know about Sangvinvs as vol? When I first became King upon my coronation, I saw that Sangvinvs was a vol and didn't change anything. As for volunteers for this board, that's no easy matter. I'm not sure who would be trustworthy.
>>4573 You don't get as many titles and responsibilities as me without being a terminally curious bastard. I checked the logs going back to board creation on every single board, and made a list of every vol, BO, Global, and Admin. There are several secret boards. I am not a new BO sadly. And out of respect for Sang I will freely give advice on any subject you request aid with. If this board is worth saving to him. Its worth saving to me.
>>4577 Ok, we will commence the /monarchy/ reformation. As King, I am also contemplating doing another cleanup, if we want to turn a new leaf.
That reminds me, how do I get the King tag for my name?
on the subject of vols and trustworthiness. None of them are. You open up for new vols by saying your accepting application in your meta thread. 5/6 will betray your trust. This usually means firing them and restoring a few posts or threads. after a month or two of weeding you will find yourself with 1 or 2 who are trustworthy and dedicated. and maybe 2 who are simply trustworthy though lazy. The real magic comes in their duties. Chai made it policy that a vol has to make at least one post every day. This creates activity and conversation. this in turn attracts more anons til you have an audience. at that point you have a regular alive board. Standard time all told. Maybe 4 months of work. Im usually always online so if at any point during this process you require advice I am more than willing to share what small knowledge I have.
>>4579 #rs
>>4581 that goes in the name field. Either before or after your typed name. so I.E. see above
>>4581 Do I put that in my Name?
>>4583 yeah so youd want "King #rs" Alternatively maybe "His Majesty #rs"
>>4580 My problem is there are few people I know who are invested in monarchist politics and invested in imageboards at the same time.
>>4585 More than you know. Codexx himself expressed admiration for your board and subject matter once.
>>4586 Ok, how do I also get the King name?
>>4577 >titles >responsibilities >imageboard Lol
>>4587 you have your namefield blank. with just #rs written in. before the role signature hash. Write whatever you want. A name or a title.
>>4589 Done. All right. BRB. We'll discuss the spam law when I'm back.
Back. I think I'll make the spam law simple. No spam. & make it more open to interpretation. My main policy for diaperfags and commiecat poster was tolerance for the initial reign. I wagered the diaperfags would get bored eventually. But they also served as a foil to make me not seem like the worst poster on the board, I have to confess. I personally liked Saudi poster and that's why I was more lenient back then. This time I'll work for the board to improve.
Edited last time by Ramses_the_Great on 08/21/2022 (Sun) 17:48:01.
>>4591 The problem with him is he could be a good anon. The potential is there. You can tell he has interests. and a real desire to talk about them. The Problem is he also wants to spam in an underhanded way. And when called out make up excuses lie and change the subject. In other words he is dishonest. And that is his great disappointment. I wish he would simply knock it off. And not cause problems. Not make boards look like shit. Not drive away users. But end of the day for whatever reason he exults in driving away users. And so for this he is adjudged. I personally have him 5 months to get his shit together. And he saw my kindness and kinship as a weakness. He abused my trust. He abused my board.
Even now. He takes advantage of my distraction here to spam my board. There was a time when I could go to every board and help in myriad ways. But thanks to him and those like him I have no time to assist others. I must keep a constant vigil.
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>>4592 Bruh this is an imageboard. Using it as a source for greater knowledge is retarded. If you want greater knowledge look to the real world. Imageboards are for shitposting. >abused my trust Lol you never came up with an OC idea
>>4594 I came up with ten.The fact that you still lie about it says all there is to say about you. You are dishonest. And yes I know you wish all discourse to degenerate to the point of ruining this site. At that point all your commie buddies have no more boogieman eh? I know this. And I will not let you.
>>4595 The only idea you came up with was boring. At least "commiecat eats grace" is inventive. And if you're interested in discourse, might I suggest talking with your neighbors?
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>>4592 The first order of business. /monarchy/'s anti-spam law. I will give the board a new law. /monarchy/ laws 3rd King's Law >This board is for the discussion of monarchies of the past, present, and future and serves as a discussion board for any interested person regardless of political leaning. Please keep the board's purpose in mind before you post content which might be better on /pol/ or /christian/ >This is a safe for work board. NSFW content is heavily discouraged in all cases, and should be spoilered and marked accordingly or else I'll delete it, or edit/spoiler appropriately. This goes for text or images. >No pedo-posting or pedo-discussion of any kind. Period. This includes age of consent memes. You can go to /liberty/ to talk about that. >Bully responsibly. >Shitposting is permitted only when it's funny. >Also, not really a rule, but more general knowledge: check the catalogue for common threads. Can you post yet another left/monarcho-communist or American monarchism thread? You can... but I will sagelock you. You are allowed to do it, there is no consequence. You will be sagelocked. 4th King A legacy as told by the 5th King >The 4th King introduced the practice for the next /monarchy/ King to give a speech on his coronation day. >The 4th King lead personal unions with other boards and dual board ownership. A /monarchy/ King may have a personal union. >Leading respect for religious institutions, another legacy the 4th King provides, to be a Defender of the Faith; moderately, very moderately, a /monarchy/ King should encourage Peasants to respect & observe. If the King wishes to, as the 2nd King was also highly regarded for his piety. 5th King's Law >No spam. This will be open to interpretation by the King & his volunteers. Common threads could be tolerated, by law of the 3rd King, but the board has renewed its recourse to spam threads & the repetition. After numerous petitions of the /monarchy/ users, & a final plea in the Royal Court on the late month of August, the 5th King gives this law. >The 5th King also introduces a precedent for Kings of /monarchy/ to clean the board after a coronation to turn a new leaf for the board. A cleanup is permissible if the board is cluttered with too many oldposts & needs a revision of character, but the 5th King suggests consulting the /monarchy/ users in the Royal Court & only sparingly, unless there is a new King on his coronation day. >Repeated NSFW & fetish stuff is outlawed, esp. if it is abused or not contained. The King & his volunteers have at their discretion to punish NSFW & fetish abuse on /monarchy/. The 5th King re-affirms /monarchy/ SFW status. >Board transparency. The King & his volunteers to be listed on Royal Court OP. >Lèse-majesté. If the King personally finds a topic lèse-majesté, the King can "cleanup", but only the King alone can. It should be done sparingly and with self-restraint, nevertheless, depending on how lèse-majesté.
Edited last time by Ramses_the_Great on 08/21/2022 (Sun) 02:58:34.
>>4596 No that was someone else. The fact that three different anons gave you suggestions 5 months ago ,which you did not act on, Sorely Disappointed me. That you lie about the suggestions recieved is annoying, but no less than I have come to expect. Anon you were given chances I would never give anyone else. You were a test case for lenience. You have shown me the errors of tolerance. Rest assured. I will not negotiate. I will not discuss or debate. I know you. And I oppose you.
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>>4597 >sfw board Lol I remember trolling /leftypol/ for that kind of retardation. >>4598 Well I never saw your suggestion. What is it?
>>4599 That time has passed. The opportunity. Lost. You have made your choices. You chose your road. This is where it led.
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>>4600 I practiced moderation on commiecat poster. Gave a 1 hr ban. How exactly does the "Duration" work? Do I have to type a specific way or time?
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>>4601 Back again. >>4600 Look I'm saying I never saw your post so why not give me the idea you had?
>>4601 Yes its very specific. All of this is listed in the BO help page which instructs in every aspect of the job. I'll go find the link in a minute. so duration looks for very specific tags. If it does not recognize the length it defaults to a blank field. a blank field in the time duration is a permanent ban. Dont worry he has a couple VPNs. That wasnt his regular IP. but nows as good a time as any to learn how to lift permanent bans. go to user settings. click on the board you wish to adjust. scroll down to bans. click it. find the permanent ban (usually top or bottom of list depending on how your sorting) and lift. so as for how to do it. its 1s for 1 second. 1m for 1 minute. 1h for 1 hour. and 1d for 1 day. its advised to never ban more than a week as anons share tor nodes and mobile IPs. 1y is 1 year.
>>4597 NSFW law added under 5th King.
https://8chan.moe/.static/pages/moderation.html the mods best friend. A jannies manual. under additional resources you will find another powerful tool. when getting yelled at. Blame Codexx. Cause hes gay.
>>4603 >Its advised to never ban more than a week as anons share tor nodes and mobile IPs Should we let them appeal from the /monarchy/ meta?
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>>4603 >a couple VPNs
>>4606 well when you get banned what happens is ypu wont know til you go to post again. whereupon it will inform you that you have been banned and it also has an "Appeal" button. this gives the user a form to fill out and send in. you can see appeals from your board moderation page. same page that had the bans button. as for whether a banned anon can ban evade and appeal directly on the board, in a meta thread or elsewhere, is an entirely personal call. Personally I should think it would be fine. and allow some transparency. It is at least worth trying. >>4607 The herdniggers had an army of bots, VPNs, and unlimited free time. It helped them not at all. For you? I dont even need to tell my vols. Your spam is so slow it can be taken care of while naturally checking the board every 15 minutes. because thats the gap between ban and you posting again. Anon you dont even make me change my regular behavior.
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>>4608 Ok, this is the beginning for now. I added a few final touches to the /monarchy/ laws, including board transparency w/ the King and his jannies, repeated NSFW (and *ahem* fetish stuff) outlawed, anti-spam, & the 4th King.
>>4608 Who said my goal was to spam? My goal is to commiecatpost and to teach you the realities of the world.
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>>4610 >>4608 I also added a lèse-majesté rule, that allows the King to cleanup a little more. What are /monarchy/ anons' consensus on doing a cleanup now? I think a few topics could use re-organizing and clutter could be tossed out.
>>4611 >rule Woah man, you lost me there. IBs are for chaos and shitposting
>>4611 As good a time as any.
>>4613 There is never a good time to engage in rulefaggotry. As an esteemed Duke of this board, I think my vote should count more than yours.
>>4614 A duke you say? Well now that is different. So all you need ti do is show me your ducal signet ring.
>>4615 My sign of ducal authority is the commiecat. It's on my coat of arms and everything.
>>4618 So your just lying again. Shocking.
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Ok, let's wrap up this /monarchy/ petition. With the commiecat question. How should I handle commiecat poster? 1. Containment thread (btw, no NSFW OP)? 2. Containment thread, allowed to post SFW outside and for clarification cannot make OPs (but spam / NSFW outside containment thread will be punished). 3. Banishment. The board cleanup I'm reluctant to do, b/c some anons don't like me removing oldposts and going closer to a clean slate. My plan is a new /monarchy/ general & a separate thread for my politics, to make /monarchy/ general appeal to a wider audience and other politics. Then I'll clean a few commiecat threads. Then a few cleanups to make the board feel fresh.
Edited last time by Ramses_the_Great on 08/21/2022 (Sun) 03:35:21.
>>4621 4. Make me Emperor
>>4621 2 with 3 as a backup plan seems the most generous. but that is a command level decision. perhaps even 2. then if hes still a dick 1 then if he continues 3. is even more generous. as it gives him the most chances. A very fair shake.
>>4623 But we've already established that you can't ban me though.
>>4625 And yet I still post.
>>4626 not on /b/. You will never post there again. Your done brah. And as soon as the new policy here goes into effect. heh.
Seems like this is the last board, on this site at least, where Commiecat is posted beyond the rare occasion
>>4627 Really? I'm posting there quite a bit. >>4628 All the other boards are dead. And tbqh I'm about 90% of the PPH on this board too.
>>4629 /v/ has the most life.
>>4630 Why would I commiecatpost on /v/? It's about video games. Commiecat is not about video games.
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Here's my answer for the commiecat problem. Commiecat poster will have to stay in a containment thread from now on. The OP of the containment thread has to be SFW. 1. Commiecat poster has the privilege to post NSFW in that containment thread, which must be made from scratch by himself or me. 2. Commiecat poster also will be allowed in the /icup/ thread, but has to post SFW images there. So save SFW Alunya pictures to post there. 3. There will be bans, if 1. & 2. are disregarded. & if commiecat poster posts NSFW outside the containment thread more than 2 times, and is confirmed to have, there will be a banishment policy.
>>4632 Commiecatposting cannot be restricted though.
>>4633 >>4632 Also what's an alundra?
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>>4633 >>4634 Sorry, commiecat poster. You have to go to your containment thread. You are granted 3 replies in the Royal Court, & no NSFW posting here.
>>4634 >>4633 Commiecat containment thread: >>4635
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And if you're on good behavior, You will be allowed to SFW post outside, but we would have to convene back at the Royal Court to determine how that would be permitted.
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You can SFW post in the /icup/ thread.
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>>4637 But the OP pic on the containment thread is one of the shitty commiecats. >>4639 >good behavior no
>>4641 hey there you go! I knew if properly motivated youd tell the truth.
>>4642 I'm still confused as to why you can't just come up with a single idea for commiecat OC.
>>4643 You have 1 reply left. You'll have to move to the containment thread or icup after that. And reply and debate everything from the containment thread.
>>4643 Oh I don't know about that. I came up with 20. In 5 months you on the other hand have come up with... zero. Wow. I guess you do really need an idea. Must suck not having a brain.
>>4644 But I need a commiecat OC idea from the /b/ BO. >>4645 Well if you came up with an idea, you never told me.
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No exceptions. /b/ BO, you are dismissed from the Royal Court. The Royal Court earnestly asks you to answer commiecat's inquiry in his containment thread out of goodwill. And not post in the Royal Court for now. And commiecat poster, no more replies in the Royal Court.
>>4647 Sure no problem. Have a nice night bro.
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>>4748 No, but you have 1 mark of 2. I don't want to enforce banishment. You're leaving me w/ no other choice.
I just realized that the icup theme for /monarchy/ is NOT "Killer Queen," and I am now demanding that it be changed. It is the most perfect /monarchy/ theme, but whichever clown chose the icup theme neglected to realize this. I have deducted 10 monarchy points from your balance; do not let this happen again.
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A new general is created. This time I'll try to be less abrasive. & make a containment thread for myself, so other anons can talk in the general more.
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/icup/ has been amazing for the board's reputation. Let's endeavor to befriend and frolic w/ the other boards of 8chan.moe. We have a good standing w/ leftypol & /icup/ community. & /b/ is our accomplice! My majesty wants to leave behind a good legacy. The jewels of friendship will be adorned on my crown before my reign comes to pass. What boards? /v/, /404/, /loomis/, /co/, /t/, /ck/, /digi/, /site/, these are pillars of the english-speaking 8chan.moe community, I suppose. /tkr/, /vore1/, /abdl/, /delicious/, /rule34/ NSFW places. /hispachan/, /mex/, /arepa/, /av/, /arte/, /hispol/, /hisrol/, /ac/ are the pillars of the spanish-speaking boards. The Webring boards /eris/ erischan, /sp/ sportschan, /pro/ & /otter/, /kind/, /comfy/ & /late/, /fascist/, /christian/, /islam/, /tv/, /k/, /retro/ & /japan/ visited us long ago. & /ita/ is nice. If I missed a board, someone could remind me.
>>4905 >/digi/ It will mean talking to kazu.
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I am thinking how to interact with these boards. >>4906 Who is kazu?
>>4910 vol on /v/ pony fan. crazy person. and /v/ is owned by Mark. jewish crazy person. /co/ by frank. a double crazy person.
>>4911 Are there anymore big names?
>>4912 /site/ is owned by Acid one of the Admins. and /t/ is owned by Codexx another Admin.
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Next order of business. I will make my thread for my politics & graceposting.
I like when people claim to be ambassadors or VIPs from another board, but they never give proof. With all the jewels to collect from the other boards, we'll put them on the crown of /monarchy/. Then work on a seal of /monarchy/ or badge to give VIPs and for fun. The last attempts were very bad and I am thinking to skip heraldry in the design and write /monarchy/ or a large M instead.
>>4919 What do anons here think? We'll use a royal monogram for the board. The letter M. & put effort into the crown design. & finally, put the board monogram on a shield with the crown & its jewels as a symbol for the board.
>>4911 I'd like to see a parody of the 1st picture with Mark presenting a jewel to Grace. Maybe I'll request this in the /v/ drawthread.
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Hello King, im the DT of /hispol/ I want to ask if is possible to make an alliance between our boards.
>>4919 I come as an ambassador or the /commiecat/ bort; the best bort on the whole site.
>>4979 /monarchy/ & /hispol/ alliance accepted. My request is simple. Bring back a jewel from /hispol/ to put on the /monarchy/ crown jewels. This way when the crown of /monarchy/ is made, your board will be credited for being a fren. Stately Spanish galleon coming from the Isthmus, Dipping through the Tropics by the palm-green shores, With a cargo of diamonds, Emeralds, amethysts, Topazes, and cinnamon, and gold moidores
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>>4983 On behalf of /b/ we offer for a jewel... Fire.
>>4984 I'll tell the artist who will design the /monarchy/ crown jewels about it. Do we have any special descriptions or lore for Fire?
>>4985 It is the special Gift of Saint Koresh. He bequethed the flame to man at the cost of his own life. With this flame we need never worry of running out of determination or righteous fury. For merely being in its presence can cause one to smolder. That painting depicts it being gifted.
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9chan is closing down on the 14th Since there's a bunker there, you might want to archive and grab anything from there before it shuts down
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/monarchy/ will have a period of mourning. All old anons & new anons are called to mourn & report in the Royal Court. Lèse-majesté will be enforced for OPs & posts within the Royal Court during this period. This is a terrible loss for the English-speaking world and beyond. & /monarchy/ will mourn with r/monarchism.
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A statement from His Majesty The King:
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>>4983 Understood. I gift to you, the "Great Lemon" jewel discovered in Baja California, México. Is in the St Edward's Crown.
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>>5020 I did research & I think this is the Great Lemon. It must be a pearl, notable for a lemon shape. Pearls will be added w/ a Great Lemon pearl to the /monarchy/ crown jewels.
>>5021 >the Great Lemon Yeah man I used to own that; sold it a few years ago.
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/monarchy/ crown jewels is in the works. I will give the boards maybe a few days or a week. Then the jewels will be put on the /monarchy/ crown jewels! jewels we received >/b/ >/hispol/ >leftypol >Mad Monarchist or MM >/fascist/ >/japan/ >/eris/ pending requests other boards </abdl/ </404/ </liberty/ <8/v/ </christian/ </islam/ </sp/ </pro/ </fit/ </yuri/ </co/ <zzz/v/ </ita/ If anyone is lurking now from another board not on this list... You can represent your board now and see about giving a jewel to /monarchy/. ... The request waiting will stop in a few days or a week. So it's a limited time for any boards to give jewels.
Edited last time by Ramses_the_Great on 10/01/2022 (Sat) 04:49:10.
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>>5326 Oh, I almost forgot /ita/. Our request to them is also pending. But I'm sure they'll give a jewel.
>>5326 Real question is who is Grace's whipping girl?
>>5387 Alunya
>>5326 /abdl/ commissioned some new brooches for Grace. >>>/abdl/17707

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/monarchy/ crown jewels
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Greetings from /tkr/. We were baited and so there must be consequences. We demand a bigger jewel on the crown or else Grace gets it.
>>5633 You fool what have you done? /abdl/ are going to have a field day with this!
>>5633 Grace can resist all tickling attempts. Only if there was a /spank/ board would there be a serious concern.
>>5633 >>5634 But of course
>>5636 Now she can wet herself to her hearts content when the tickling gets too much. Foiled!
>>5637 This is why /abdl/ is a powerful ally. Mean as a Royal Grace will never laugh at all in her life. She may smile but she is not amused.
>>5635 spanking is quite popular with abdls >>5637 Was that their goal? Is tickling secretly a forced piss fetish?
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>>5633 >We demand a bigger jewel on the crown or else Grace gets it. We don't have any room for a bigger jewel... There will be a coalition of boards set to rescue Grace from /tkr/ treachery.
>>5641 Yes call up the vassel lords, assemble the peasant levies
>>5641 Right so NOW you need an adventurer. Where were we when negotiations broke off? Right a countship. I demand a Baronry or better. Possibly a Dukedom.
>>5643 You are hereby a baron for your service in the war effort. & can now call yourself "Baron Adventurer" on this board justly.
It's very simple, put our Aquamarine in HERE and we will release your dear.. eh... queen? princess? baroness? whatever She has a very nice laugh btw :)
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/japan/, our protector board, has given OC. It doesn't look like they're coming to defend us though we are a protectorate of /japan/.
>>5652 Oh japan, somehow I am not surprised
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>>5658 BREAKING NEWS: /hispol/ change sides and now support /tkr/ >>>/tkr/32525
I really miss muslim-anon
Board rules will be enforced more strongly after the /tkr/-/monarchy/ dilemma is settled.
>>5680 What rules? That the CommieCat to be taken off solid foods?
>>5681 I assume things staying in the appropriate threads, which is a fair point.
The trial of /tkr/ war criminals once this conflict is over: I can hear a cackling ticklefag from 40 miles, you are sentenced to be hanged!
>>5643 Baron Adventurer, do you want to volunteer to guard the pow camp? We are taking volunteers.
I pinned a few threads.
All /tkr/-/monarchy/ war related business goes >>5850 here now
More cleanup.
New flags added for visitors.
/tkr/ flag
diaperfag /abdl/ flag
/arte/ flag
/eris/ flag
/sp/ flag
/japan/ flag
/ita/ flag
/hispol/ is welcome to recommend a flag.
I want to clean up the board banners next. & anons are welcome to suggest new banners here. Don't worry, the old banners will be kept.
This board occasionally needs a cleanup & re-adjustments.
/leftypol/ flag
/liberty/ flag
We also borrowed this monarchyball from /hispol/.
/monarchy/-/fascist/ crossposting Is downhill & I admonish anons. It is ill-advised to bug /fascist/. /monarchy/ shall let /fascist/ be /fascist/ & leave them alone. /monarchy/ <---------------------> /fascist/ Any /fascist/ anon may speak for their board--if they want more transparency from /monarchy/ & /monarchy/ formally renounces any shilling on their board.
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Aristocracy anon is welcome to request a title & use the /monarchy/ noble flag. (if that debate anon wants).
commiecat poster, why not post the /v/-related stuff in your containment thread? It looks like you are playing CK2.
>>6040 A few commiecat threads will be cleaned.
>decide to check back here again >not much going on, tries to visit /abdl/ >first thread is unironic CP Uh oh. How much longer do I have before I get my IP tracked and busted for browsing this site?
>>6134 I won't happen. Stay tuned for Grace pics coming in 1 or 2 weeks.
>>6135 Looking forward to it
>>6136 Do you still lurk here?
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My last reading list. Now I will retire.
>>2452 test
Esther wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Monarchists. I hope the kingdoms will be prosperous and someones will be restored.
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>>6796 We should have a /hispol/ embassy.
/monarchy/ royal decree: This design is official & canonically approved for Grace chan Grace wears black pants in her up-to-date design. May 17th, 2024
/monarchy/ is due for another cleanup. The board will have a small bundle of fixes. >less Grace clutter on the catalog >more embassies will be opened with other boards & others renewed (/tkr/) >sprucing up the board overall >eventually, a new Grace OC thread with Her Grace's new official design Our board could benefit from a new coat of arms and a custom royal mace for future royal decrees, along with a special coat of arms for our colonies in other imageboard spaces.
Hey BO I made a >>>/comfy/ board where anons can talk about anything with lax rules. How about we link each other?
>>7226 Our boards are linked. Thanks for your invitation. /comfy/ is a protectorate of /monarchy/ now.
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>>7291 Sorry for checking in late but thanks for linking back to us, much appreciated. I hope your new attempt at getting a board wide event going on will be fruitful.
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Vampyr Monument 7/7/2024 Sunday afternoon Statue in honour of Baron Vampyr :The 5th King of /monarchy/ ordered this statue built of Baron Vampyr, Baron Adventurer & BO of /b/ & myriad boards and war veteran of the /monarchy/-/tkr/ war Grace chan laid this wreath in honour of the Eternal Adventurer Baron All future Kings of /monarchy/ are obliged to preserve this monument and maintain its upkeep if a new meta thread is made or board migration.
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I'm worried an anon is shilling this board on /v/ & annoying the /v/tards. I was there briefly and talked, & it's not worthwhile annoying /v/ with politicsfaggotry like ours: it'll draw more ire and venom than admiration, so let's not export such autism to non-politics boards. IDK if it matters I say this or if there are any /monarchy/ anons besides myself. I support the decision of the /v/ mods to quality control there.
>>7360 fuck the /v/tards that can't handle the polite and reasoned discussion that was occurring. May they never again wonder why the site is dead.
Here is an official logo for the board. This is not the first, but the first logo was very amateur. Any succeeding king of /monarchy/ may change the logo of the board.
Delighted to see what could be a /monarchy/ oldfag liking our new logo. Posting under the Aristocrat name. Before me, the 2nd & 3rd King were the /monarchy/ BOs. I was an awful poster in the past. Still am today. Back in those days around c. 2018, it was Commoners & Aristocrats. Newfags were Commoners, & Oldfags were Aristocrats. Later the Peasant name was introduced, and under my reign I reformed Aristocrat title to Noble with a new flag. Of course, under my reign, this board has been dead and a personal storage unit: It has been nigh 4 years of absolutist era /monarchy/ under an absolutist king, for better or worse. I think in the end I have refined the politics, but over those years it was pretty bad and a learning experience. These days /monarchy/ is pretty much the only true politics board on 8moe. But what cost? the other boards are dead.
I've seen it all with e-monarchists, every nook and cranny. Back in 2018, I was oblivious to many things. It takes years, not only lurking, but getting involved and talking with people, to really know e-monarchist politics & what kinds of people there are and their benefits and pitfalls: if you lurk and don't talk it is easy to live blissfully unaware.
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>>7438 I assume you're referring to >>7436 That was me. I am very much a newfag. My only other posting in /monarchy/ was >>6998 Based on the culture section of picrel, I had assumed it was normal to use Aristocrat. Based on the 2 reactions I've had here, apparently that's a thing of the past. It's a fun idea nonetheless. I'm sorry if I got your hopes up; maybe I should stop using this name. Also, while I'm responding, I prefer the new logo because I feel it gives off a truly royal aura, unlike the old logo, which was more generic(although also more humorous).
>>7454 It has been roughly 3 years. Right now I have namechanged from Ramses II to 8corgi as 5th King. 5th King name is officially 8corgi now.
Edited last time by 8corgi on 08/13/2024 (Tue) 14:02:47.
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Merry Christmas, /monarchy/
🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵MANSE!🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵 ★Happy Birthday, Kim Jong Un★ 🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵MANSE!🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵
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Do any anons want to take up the mantle of infinity cup 8? Infinity Cup 8 thread: >>>/icup/6370 It is completely understaffed & nobody has hosted an icup in a while. What is needed - A host (who can host the game & stream it on cytube or 8tv) - Volunteers to voice chat & broadcast over the stream - Organizers of any kind Game: Pro Evolution Soccer 2017 Resources: icup 7 archive: https://ia601509.us.archive.org/23/items/ICUP7/ ... An /icup/ tutorial: https://infinitycup.miraheze.org/wiki/Pro_Evolution_Soccer_2017 -- https://infinitycup.miraheze.org/wiki/How_to_host

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