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8moe /b/ embassy Peasant 05/17/2024 (Fri) 13:53:37 No. 7042
/b/-/monarchy/ embassy
>>7294 >>7295 Nice ponies. hopefully one day more bronies will show up on 8moe
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I was touched when you made this thread. Still am I guess. I never really got to know you, but I did enjoy interacting when we did. You helped make this place fun sometimes y'know? Well. Anyways. I am going and I won't be back. No one's fault, nothing anyone said or did. It's just something that happened, and it means I won't be around on this earth much longer. I don't wanna spend that time moderating. Take care your royal highness. And may God bless you and all your future endeavors. Goodbye.
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>>7346 This sounds very bad. I hope for any potential recovery or mitigation if possible. I feel sorry you're leaving the community b/c you were a pillar to 8moe and the funposting that happened here. >I was touched when you made this thread. Still am I guess. You helped introduce me to the 8moe community & other jannies & to use the BO name. & participated in so many events. & helped in so many ways. I did very little and I was surprised you stuck around since there wasn't much on this board to offer except the notes I'd scrawl out in my containment thread from my personal studies & inner thoughts and frustrations and autism. Besides the OC & mingling with the other boards. I tried to be more comfy to be around and more interesting personality, but the way I think and act, maybe through a force of habit, inhibits me from being a better funposter to be around. Speaking for myself, I think I'm gradually self-improving and learning to be a better funposting that I'll eventually be able to bring this board out of simply being a place for political tirades & blogposting into being something better. I feel I've mastered my own politics enough to move into more brevity & soul than trying to desperately and autistically explain everything like a leftist meme, & I know that is a personal flaw of mine I've grown over the years here. ... I try to be a better poster and bring more fun to the table. >I was touched when you made this thread. I thought about promoting you to a Duke to honor you earlier, but felt you preferred the namesake of Baron. That & the bronyposting really amused me. >You helped make this place fun sometimes y'know? I thought about hosting another event next weekend (if you're still interested somehow). I also plan to release a mod with the Grace OC (but I'm unsure how interested you'd be). >I never really got to know you I'm a bit of a reclusive anon, I'll admit. Things won't be the same around here w/o your posting. I genuinely hope for you & wish for a recovery whatever it might be. Make the most of your life & I pray for your peace of mind.

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