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Meta thread Anonymous 10/24/2023 (Tue) 23:36:47 Id: b860c1 No. 1076 [Reply]
The thread where anons bitch and or suggest ideas to improve the board. I hereby take ownership of this board effective immediately. -Vamp
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But is the board alive? I want to talk about meta gaming cyberpunk red to make my own version of Punished Snake/Solidus Snake and make my own PMC.
>>1259 Sadly no, Board is like 3 people who occasionally post.

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Looking for games Anonymous 01/14/2024 (Sun) 02:53:51 Id: a89658 No. 1139 [Reply]
Seeking others to play with, but just not finding the right ones elsewhere? Post your desired game/system and any other relevant details here for others to see!

Yu-Gi-Oh Anonymous 07/17/2023 (Mon) 21:39:17 Id: ec859a No. 898 [Reply] [Last]
My apologies if this doesn't go here. This board doesn't have a thread for this game, even though we know a lot of people here play either master duel, the tag force/world championship games or in real life. Here's some links anyway, the game is actually pretty easy to understand. >Master Duel <https://store.steampowered.com/app/1449850/YuGiOh_Master_Duel This is the official simulator, made by KONMAI itself. Very F2P friendly if you want to build a certain deck (or just buy 3 structures, also very cheap, with dragonmaid and zombie being the best ones), and recent changes have made the experience "on-rails", so just download it and give it a go. Your first purchases should be the staples: Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring, Maxx C, Infinite Impermanence, Called by the Grave and Crossout Designator. These go in every deck, and you need 3 of each besides Called by the Grave (2) and Crossout Designator (1) >EDO Pro <https://projectignis.github.io/download.html The best unofficial simulator bar none, really fast with updates, runs on potato computers/phones and you can customize just about everything for free. Not a lot of people playing online though, but at least it's chinese-free.

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The blue eyes structure got a lot of people into the game at my locals, and then it scared them away, it was hilarious. >everyone rushes to get their structures (not me because fuck them dragons) and accessories (sleeves, box, mat, etc) >since primite is expensive, a lot of people are making bank off of their old invoked cores >everyone is kaiba now >store does a free tournament that week, bans a lot of meta shit, it's basically a structure deck war >every single game goes "normal summon aleister, response?" followed by "on resolution, i chain droll", or "activate wishes, response?" followed by "i chain ash" >mechaba pass does NOT stop a lot of decks nowadays >they don't pack their own droll or crossout (for when the opponent doesn't have droll or ash, just nib), just the structure handtraps >fire king mostly doesn't give a shit, traptrix plays under nib, swordsoul made a comeback and it has plenty of gas to extend past 2 handtraps, etc >not a single blue eyes player makes it far >next week, only 5 of the new faces stuck around >store goes from being packed to having the same old people At least the owner made a lot of cash from it. >>1267 Cute romin.
>>1267 Which earth fairies? All of them?
>>1268 That is just how yu-gi-oh is like. You get all excited to play and then power creep hits you in the nuts and tells you you can't play. I really wish getting better at yugioh didn't just mean stopping your opponent from playing the game.

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Online Tabletop Campaigns Anonymous 02/04/2021 (Thu) 06:20:18 No. 309 [Reply]
If you guys wanted to play online, how would you go about it?
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Isn't Roll20 full of Big Brother style moderators looking for wrongthinkers?
>>1260 Do you always make statements and then frame them as questions?
>>1244 I made a custom Avrae command to grant and keep track of my character's Crusader Maneuvers. It's pretty good.

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Anonymous 11/25/2024 (Mon) 16:56:36 Id: f91839 No. 1248 [Reply]
When can we Augmented Reality/TG with little robots in the real world?
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>>1249 I imagine the point is you don't have to meet up, just everyone projecting the board on their dining table as if it were tabletop sim.
>>1263 You know now that I think about it that does sound kinda cool. Problem is that it would require everyone to have a projector. They could also just look at the table through their phone I guess. but imagine doing that for a whole session?
>>1263 I'd love to have a virtual AR/VR tabletop, but the technology would need to be more widely adopted. The Oculus Quest 3 for example can do mixed reality using their pretty good colored cameras for example, so we can very easily do that stuff today. The main issue is that not everybody has or wants to have a Quest 3 or the like.

Gundam finally competing against Warhammer 40k in traditional gaming Anonymous 01/04/2025 (Sat) 21:36:55 Id: 642292 No. 1252 [Reply]
This is actually some really big news since Games Workshop has been getting sloppy recently and Gundam can introduce some new competition into the space. Still, I figured this was huge enough news to make a thread on the subject since Gundam is officially /tg/ now. Personally I don't know what to expect, but I hope for good things.
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>>1252 Kinda cool. Might be more interested once they release more info. >>1254 >Is this actually a threat to GW I hope it ends up becoming one. GW needs a solid kick in the ass and a boot to the head to follow it up.
Looks kinda interesting. Not really a fan of gundam though. I wonder if this gets popular that we might get a sirbine mini. I would absolutely pay for that.

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Miniature painting Anonymous 11/22/2022 (Tue) 00:33:35 Id: 0cbd14 No. 521 [Reply] [Last]
Post miniatures that you have painted. Here are my plague boys and ultraboys.
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New ogre! I am really slow with painting these guys. I really like how this guy ended up. Halfway through I thought it was going to be a bust but nope it turned out pretty well. I especially like how the back turned out.
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Kruleboyz! Some guy I play with has trouble with his backlog so I offered to paint a few for him. Not entirely happy with how they turned out. Belt stands out way too much. I think he will like it though.
>>1243 I think I might have fucked up. I looked at the model last week and it didn't have any brown on the leather. what the fuck? It is there on the picture. Except if I look on my phone the leather is black, unpainted. Did the speed paint evaporate or something? Did I thin it out too much? but then it does actually look brown if I look at the pictures here.

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Elf Fashion Anonymous 11/28/2021 (Sun) 01:50:04 No. 423 [Reply] [Last]
What sort of attire do you think elves should wear as part of their culture? Human styled fantasy clothing? Fantasy nobility dress? What about in battles? There's really no set sort of mold that elves fit into attire wise the same way something like a dwarf, human, or hobbit does. Just think it'd be neat to know what kind of aesthetics people think fit with them.
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>>825 Dwarves aren't human either.
>>1242 Yeah but dwarves are cool.
>>1245 Dwarves are cool, unlike fuckdamn elves.

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Idea thread Anonymous 05/01/2023 (Mon) 20:31:43 Id: 3186ee No. 793 [Reply]
A thread for posting Ideas. Can be stories, Items, campaigns or even entire systems if you have an idea for those. I will start! So the idea is for a weapon, for reference I am going to use D&D rules. It is a sword simply called "Tyr". Its a +5 longsword but it has a curse that makes it so every time you enter combat you must do a willpower DC 15 saving throw. This is to represent the fact that the sword makes you feel far more afraid than normal. If you fail your character is paralyzed with fear and must overcome the DC 15 saving throw to snap out of it. On top of all of this you have disadvantage on any saving throws involving fear. Why does a sword named after the bravest of the gods make you afraid? its simple. The sword itself is a test of bravery, Only those who can overcome their fear are worthy of wielding it. Much like how Tyr, The bravest of the gods overcame his fears time and time again. DC check is probably way too high though. Any thoughts?
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Destroy All Monsters style of campaign Make everyone huge and let them fuck shit up The enemies? Also huge Beat that giant with half a building, throw the monsterpede into a lake, stomp through the dumb enemies barrier, just go wild
Here's an idea: Try being original instead of copying copies of dungeons and dragons.
I've been kicking around one. Basically it's a tabletop version of Invader Zim, Destroy All Humans, and X-COM where you specifically play as alien invaders. The alien threat should most likely be a confederation of different alien races so the players have a lot of options for what to play, but some species would be naturally prone to animosity or better suited to all the same race. This would depend very heavily on session 0 play style to familiarize players with their options and the mechanics. Obviously something more like a xenomorph would be a lot harder to pull off and should have more specialized dice rolls for their character to succumb to instinct. Others could be grays, whose objectives would focus heavily on abductions and study. You really could mine quite a lot of pop scifi for player types and objectives. I would draw the line at lovecraftian entities simply because they're too powerful. I would however save that for NPC alien threats. Because I would also have modules structured around rival alien factions with different invasion methods and even more hostile attitudes, possibly even ones with active human collaborators. The emphasis should be on stealth, and the gameplay very objective-based. Humanity is very much a Humanity Fuck Yeah caliber of enemy mixed with some comic stupidity. The players should be an outlying force relative to their alien affiliation, possibly they crashed by accident, maybe they're the seed invaders meant to gather intelligence, but they shouldn't be the armada or mothership. Effectively blending in or hiding out would be critical to achieving their objectives. Players might get lucky on not being discovered but rest assured once it happens they will not hesitate to escalate the conflict from rednecks all the way up to MIBs if players get careless. This would also be some of the fun, I think some PARANOIA-flavor could be added in where the players are to some degree being set up to fail or get caught, and have to do damage control while attempting to bail on their mission. Actually, it would make a lot of sense for the setup to be that the players crashed their vessel and have to work towards being evacuated from earth undiscovered. Honestly the more I think about it the more scenarios and angles I see possible. There could be peaceable aliens the players could be, and the campaign would focus on establishing contact with the CORRECT type of humans, and dealing with the politics of that, or even having to fight off an invasion from another collection of aliens.

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Warhammer fantasy and 40k general Anonymous 07/11/2021 (Sun) 21:13:20 No. 318 [Reply] [Last]
In this thread we talk about warhammer. And then we paint figurines.
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>>318 Where should i start to learn about the lore of fantasy and 40k? I rather books and not videos or audiobooks
>>1207 In what way they are watering it down ?
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>>1235 The new brettonnia novel proudly features a female pegasus rider on the cover. Despite the fact that in lore women aren't allowed to be knights. It does have a line about 1/10000 knights SECRETLY being a woman but the keyword here is SECRETLY. The new one just has her being a knight openly. >>1234 If you want books then what you want is Gotrek and Felix. A fantastic series of books that really shows you what a terrible place the warhammer fantasy world is. It also gives you the basics on the empire, taxes, dwarfs, slayers and how the forests are just filled with beastmen and mutants.

Kings of war Anonymous 09/07/2024 (Sat) 23:08:43 Id: fac13b No. 1221 [Reply]
Has anyone here played this? I am currently trying to paint Ogres for my army. It has been really slow due. In the meantime I wanted to try Vanguard which seems like a pretty fun game. They recently came out with a refresh for the forces of the abyss. I think the new models look pretty good. I have to question why the big guy is resin though, Seems kinda strange.
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Also look at my Latest ogre! Not the best job I have ever done but it isn't my worst.
Had my first game of Vanguard today! >Ogres played by me. >Undead played by some guy in my group. Both of us are new to the game obviously. But I have significantly more wargaming experience in general so I won. I also didn't bring the rulebook with me so we just relied on my memory for rules. Kind of a shitty thing for me to do, Didn't remember any of the special rules for his faction. In my defense though I did tell him about the special rules that I did know about like crushing strength and piercing. Final score was 15 for me and 6 for the other guy. I for one quite enjoyed playing the game. It was a bit slower than something like grimdark future but it was still quite fun. Probably would have been more fun if I had actually used the extra special actions that the power dice are supposed to give you. But I couldn't remember all of those. Going to have to bring the rulebook with me next time. Should probably read the rules again as well just to be safe.

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Everyone is John Anonymous 08/26/2023 (Sat) 21:29:43 Id: 4de9a6 No. 999 [Reply]
>Be Castro, dedicated communist and revolutionary. >Stuck inside the head of some guy named John. >Unknown to me is that there are 2 other voices in here. >One is Christian Weston Chandler, the other is Jimmy the demon. >We all wake up at a aquarium. >I gain control first. >I see the penguins. >I fucking hate penguins. >I tell John to preach to the penguins. >He marches up to the exhibit and he ..... pussies out and goes back to the bench. >I almost lose control. >After re asserting control I make him ask a nearby woman for directions to the library. >Success! She tells him to go down the street to the local library. >After wandering for a bit we arrive at the library. >Its this huge stone building. >I tell him to look for the lady at the counter. >Failure! There is no counter, Its all automated!

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>>1018 Lmao.
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>>1018 Poor priest might end up as the next John after that experience

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LFG Tavern. Classic Fantasy ye olde Taverne edition Anonymous 06/11/2023 (Sun) 08:11:26 Id: 9ea640 No. 871 [Reply]
Where parties are put together, and anons argue about time zones. Thread question: What are you looking for in a party/player/GM? For bonus points whats an absolute deal killer?
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A decent group to play online that doesn't consist of the alphabet crew. Just simple playing a campaign with like minded fellows. Just started playing with friends and family but time constraints scheduling conflicts don't allow us to play as often as we'd like.
>>879 Its very simple, Just have 3 > signs followed by /board/ and then the post number. For example. >>>/v/841008
Any of you fellers still looking for a player? Yeah it's been a while but still oughta ask. >What am I looking for? A game with steady schedules >Deal breaker Rainbow shit, obnoxious teens, games during work hours

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GW raising prices, AGAIN. Anonymous 05/15/2024 (Wed) 08:24:34 Id: 92f978 No. 1189 [Reply]
https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/05/07/2024-pricing-update/ >The price changes for individual products will vary, but in most countries the average change will be between 3% and 5%.* As an example of what you can expect, a squad of Necron Warriors goes up $2 from $50 to $52, £30 to £31.50, and €40 to €41 (or local currency equivalent). > In Sweden and Norway, the average price change will be between 8% and 14%. Well fuck me for being a Nordic I guess. This was entirely expected but I still want to announce it.
Considering how much they charge for plastic crack already, and in the face of increasingly more commonplace 3D printing, this seems like a bad idea. While they are obviously trying to protect their bottom line they've already burned a lot of the faith their customer base has in them and even people who might argue that more recent changes to things like lore and whatnot are subjectively good or bad no body can argue a price hike is not objectively worse. Considering the price increase in your area is likely double or more what other regions are seeing Faggot OP do you have an idea of where you could import from to defray some of the additional cost? Also, we should probably have a News thread to congregate things like this and WoTC hiring pinkertons under.
>>1190 Well thankfully for me I don't buy GW anymore. Worst case scenario this will just make the secondary/used market slightly more expensive for me. As for a news thread, I don't want to have one. Considering how small the board is I am not really seeing a reason not to just make a new thread for any and all news. If this place somehow gets big again then we could make a single news thread but not yet.
3D printing/mold creation and re-use will hopefully help against this as time goes on

Autistic 30k/Horus Heresy Thread Anonymous 01/24/2023 (Tue) 20:26:56 Id: 22d899 No. 585 [Reply]
Thread for discussion 30k lore, especially the Horus Heresy, in detail. General 40k lore discussion is allowed when applicable. Also general 30k discussion allowed for those of you who play the tabletop game. First topic to break the ice, did Argel Tal do anything wrong? You can argue he made the same mistake as many of his brothers by blindly following Lorgar even into literal hell, but he was also said to be the potential cause for Kharn to turn loyal or at least not become an agent of Chaos. And of course he killed some Custodes even after befriending them.
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>>1098 It was the bitterness of being bald and ugly that made him turn evil. Many such cases.
I just wanna say on this dead board that 30k White Scars rule
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>>1203 do they even have negative traits ? They are a bit too perfect for me, and no being insular isn't one. I like the 30k dark angels : competent, chad Corswain and Lion, have their own arcs. Too bad the authors had to give the NL plot armor to keep them out of the heresy

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WoTC sending pinkerton thugs to retrieve leaked cards. Anonymous 04/27/2023 (Thu) 11:28:26 Id: 5f1671 No. 784 [Reply]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bD9HRueI6Js >Guy orders new magic cards. >Gets sent some unreleased cards instead >WoTC decides to send thugs to his house >They threaten with 200k fines and a decade in prison if they dont hand over the cards. >He complies despite them not having a warrant. Bit of old news at this point but recently we did find out that apparently hasbro had already been using pinkertons quite a few times already. Kinda weird nobody had made a big stink about it already.
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>>1031 Baldwin-Felts Detective Agency lasted until 1936, fifteen years after several of their goons assassinated a county sheriff in West Virginia who tried to arrest them for a drive-by shooting they'd just done on some uppity striking coal miners. Seriously. Look up the name "Smilin' Sid Hatfield."
>>1157 I'm honestly afraid to. My faith in humanity is already dangerously low.
you sure do make a good use of your 2nd amendment

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