R: 29 / I: 23 /
P: 1
Meta thread
The thread where anons bitch and or suggest ideas to improve the board.
I hereby take ownership of this board effective immediately. -Vamp
R: 0 / I: 0 /
P: 1
Looking for games
Seeking others to play with, but just not finding the right ones elsewhere?
Post your desired game/system and any other relevant details here for others to see!
R: 169 / I: 188 /
P: 1
My apologies if this doesn't go here.
This board doesn't have a thread for this game, even though we know a lot of people here play either master duel, the tag force/world championship games or in real life. Here's some links anyway, the game is actually pretty easy to understand.
>Master Duel
This is the official simulator, made by KONMAI itself. Very F2P friendly if you want to build a certain deck (or just buy 3 structures, also very cheap, with dragonmaid and zombie being the best ones), and recent changes have made the experience "on-rails", so just download it and give it a go.
Your first purchases should be the staples: Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring, Maxx C, Infinite Impermanence, Called by the Grave and Crossout Designator. These go in every deck, and you need 3 of each besides Called by the Grave (2) and Crossout Designator (1)
>EDO Pro
The best unofficial simulator bar none, really fast with updates, runs on potato computers/phones and you can customize just about everything for free. Not a lot of people playing online though, but at least it's chinese-free.
Doesn't have a story/solo mode, so you just build your deck and take it online, still useful if you want to learn the ropes.
>YGO Omega
Botnet, bitcoin miner and takes a lot of resources, it's still an alternative as it has a lot more people playing online, however the program is notorious for using a lot of resources and the devs outright telling people to fuck off when asking if the code will ever be made public, so everyone takes it as the game mining bitcoin for them. It also needs a discord account to play online in the first place.
So why even bring it up, you say? Because the UI is less of a clusterfuck than EDO, and it's less autistic if you want to play against bots, as Omega lets you duel them regardless of how many illegal cards they run, so it's a decent choice if you want to test out a certain deck before you take it online in EDO or irl before you spend all your savings on shiny cardboard only to lose to a a fellow autist who spent more on even shinier cardboard.
>Other links
The only decent wiki, and the devs are still a bunch of tranny lovers, they infamously removed the "list of female monsters" after a tranny made a video about it, stating how transphobic
LOL and irrelevant it was, even though there's a reason for its existence (in the anime ZEXAL there's a card, Zombiestein, that won't attack female monsters, and over time people just kept adding to that list).
Go here to get an idea of what your deck should include, i'm not saying just copy paste someone else's build and use it, but checking out someone else's deck can give you ideas on what to run, as you probably don't remember what every single card does (there's around 30k now) and how they could benefit your deck.
If you ever need a card, check prices here first, as local game shops will rob you blind. If you can't buy it here because it's out of stock, your only other real choice is ebay.
>Overall tips for TCG/OCG
Use sleeves, dragon shield if you don't mind the price and ultrapro if you do, both are really good.
Konami sleeves are trash, however they're really pretty, so only buy them if you're planning on maxing out the rarity of your cards and double sleeving them.
Double sleeving is unnecessary, and even in local tournaments people will ruleshark you about it, which can lead to a DQ. So just double sleeve your favorite decks and only use them in locals against friendlies.
Don't go crazy on a deck box, as long as it can hold your deck (40 to 60 main deck cards, 15 extra deck cards and 15 side deck cards), field center and a single dice it's more than enough.
Unlike master duel, you don't need to buy ALL the staples, only buy what you need, unless you fancy wasting all your money on cardboard, believe it or not this game is addicting.
Don't be afraid of playing online/irl against randoms, the game is played mainly by autists. Just steer clear of metafags and trannies.
R: 18 / I: 0 /
P: 1
Online Tabletop Campaigns
If you guys wanted to play online, how would you go about it?
R: 4 / I: 0 /
P: 1
When can we Augmented Reality/TG with little robots in the real world?
R: 5 / I: 7 /
P: 1
Gundam finally competing against Warhammer 40k in traditional gaming
This is actually some really big news since Games Workshop has been getting sloppy recently and Gundam can introduce some new competition into the space. Still, I figured this was huge enough news to make a thread on the subject since Gundam is officially /tg/ now. Personally I don't know what to expect, but I hope for good things.
R: 91 / I: 138 /
P: 1
Miniature painting
Post miniatures that you have painted. Here are my plague boys and ultraboys.
R: 63 / I: 41 /
P: 1
Elf Fashion
What sort of attire do you think elves should wear as part of their culture? Human styled fantasy clothing? Fantasy nobility dress? What about in battles? There's really no set sort of mold that elves fit into attire wise the same way something like a dwarf, human, or hobbit does. Just think it'd be neat to know what kind of aesthetics people think fit with them.
R: 7 / I: 0 /
P: 1
Idea thread
A thread for posting Ideas. Can be stories, Items, campaigns or even entire systems if you have an idea for those. I will start!
So the idea is for a weapon, for reference I am going to use D&D rules. It is a sword simply called "Tyr". Its a +5 longsword but it has a curse that makes it so every time you enter combat you must do a willpower DC 15 saving throw. This is to represent the fact that the sword makes you feel far more afraid than normal. If you fail your character is paralyzed with fear and must overcome the DC 15 saving throw to snap out of it. On top of all of this you have disadvantage on any saving throws involving fear.
Why does a sword named after the bravest of the gods make you afraid? its simple. The sword itself is a test of bravery, Only those who can overcome their fear are worthy of wielding it. Much like how Tyr, The bravest of the gods overcame his fears time and time again. DC check is probably way too high though. Any thoughts?
R: 160 / I: 180 /
P: 1
Warhammer fantasy and 40k general
In this thread we talk about warhammer. And then we paint figurines.
R: 2 / I: 5 /
P: 1
Kings of war
Has anyone here played this? I am currently trying to paint Ogres for my army. It has been really slow due. In the meantime I wanted to try Vanguard which seems like a pretty fun game.
They recently came out with a refresh for the forces of the abyss. I think the new models look pretty good. I have to question why the big guy is resin though, Seems kinda strange.
R: 5 / I: 4 /
P: 1
Everyone is John
>Be Castro, dedicated communist and revolutionary.
>Stuck inside the head of some guy named John.
>Unknown to me is that there are 2 other voices in here.
>One is Christian Weston Chandler, the other is Jimmy the demon.
>We all wake up at a aquarium.
>I gain control first.
>I see the penguins.
>I fucking hate penguins.
>I tell John to preach to the penguins.
>He marches up to the exhibit and he ..... pussies out and goes back to the bench.
>I almost lose control.
>After re asserting control I make him ask a nearby woman for directions to the library.
>Success! She tells him to go down the street to the local library.
>After wandering for a bit we arrive at the library.
>Its this huge stone building.
>I tell him to look for the lady at the counter.
>Failure! There is no counter, Its all automated!
>I lose the struggle for control and Christian takes control.
>He leaves the library and goes to an arts and craft store.
>Steals some crayons and paper.
>Goes into an alley nearby and starts drawing.
>Lady in the store goes after him.
>After running away he finally has some time to draw his sonichu.
>After drawing he achieves an objective, prompting another struggle for control.
>This time Jimmy takes control. He tells John to throw his drawing on the ground and go to the nearest bus stop.
>When he gets there he starts preaching to the 5 people there about how they need to start worshiping satan.
>Nobody really cares and one guy calls him out on it. Gets decked in the head by John.
>Dude is bleeding out at the bus stop.
>2 more dudes starts coming towards us.
>I managed to assume control.
>Tell John to get on the bus so that we can flee.
>After riding the bus for a while we get off at the next bus stop.
>Those fuckers are running after the bus.
>I yell out "FUCKING RUN JOHN".
>He does.
>he runs across a busy street and gets hit by a car.
>I lose control and Chris takes control.
>He starts bawling his eyes out to the two men and they realize he is retarded.
I kinda forget what the fuck happened after this so i am going to be skipping a tiny bit.
>After I had reasserted control I decided to go back to the book store.
>Lady working there tells me to get out but I successfully convince her of how great communism is.
>She later lets me have 2 books for free. Das kapital and the communist manifesto.
>With my goal complete another struggle for control happens.
>Christian takes control again.
>He starts telling his sob story and the lady goes to the bathroom to give him a pity blowjob.
>Successfully having sex means another struggle for control with Jimmy taking control.
>He starts preaching the good word of satan to the girl.
>After Jimmy makes the girl say "Hail satan!" I, Castro, gain control again.
>I walk out and start reading the communist manifesto.
>She walks out pretty pissed.
>We later walk out of the shop only to see our new boyfriend free girlfriend kicking the shit out of some other woman.
>She gets tackled by some big guy.
>Naturally Chris chan tries to attack the guy but fails.
>Jimmy tries as well and whiffs.
>I come on to try and convince the man of the glory of communism.
>I fail. He just kinda wonders what the fuck is wrong with me.
>I forget who came back but he decks the guy. Knocks him out.
>For some reason one of the other two starts fucking the librarian in the middle of the street.
>I come on and while I am fucking the girl I start preaching the good word of marx. Managed to convince 3 people to become communists.
>while doing this Jimmy comes on and tries to convince people to join satan. It doesn't work. Keeps fucking her while screaming "HAIL sATAN"
>Eventually the security guards come over. They get decked and knocked the fuck out.
>We continuously fail to grab the guards guns. at least 3 times.
>Eventually I managed to get a baton but I fail to bash the guards head in.
>Chris takes over and asks the lady we just turned to satanic communism and fucked where the nearest game store is.
>She wonders what the fuck is wrong with us and tells us her child will be a strong communist woman who doesn't need a man.
>Heart broken over having our heartsweet abandon us we go to the nearest electronics store and ask about videogames.
>After scaring the shop keep he gives us 70 video games. Most of them are FIFA.
>I assume control and throw the videogames on the man. Unfortunately I fail and Jimmy takes control. He goes outside and sees our sweetheart geting arrested after having killed several people.
>The cops go to arrest my as well but I make a rousing speech convincing everyone that I am innocent.
>The crowd quickly overwhelms the police and we slip away stealing a car.
>After driving for a bit we total the car and try to jump off a bridge.
>I wanted to drive back but then decide to just end it and jump off a bridge.
There was also a point in where we randomly just beat a female cashier to death. I forget why or when we did that but we definitely beat a female cashier to death.
Fun times. Would highly recommend schizophrenia.
R: 7 / I: 0 /
P: 1
LFG Tavern. Classic Fantasy ye olde Taverne edition
Where parties are put together, and anons argue about time zones.
Thread question: What are you looking for in a party/player/GM?
For bonus points whats an absolute deal killer?
R: 3 / I: 0 /
P: 1
GW raising prices, AGAIN.
>The price changes for individual products will vary, but in most countries the average change will be between 3% and 5%.* As an example of what you can expect, a squad of Necron Warriors goes up $2 from $50 to $52, £30 to £31.50, and €40 to €41 (or local currency equivalent).
> In Sweden and Norway, the average price change will be between 8% and 14%.
Well fuck me for being a Nordic I guess. This was entirely expected but I still want to announce it.
R: 13 / I: 4 /
P: 1
Autistic 30k/Horus Heresy Thread
Thread for discussion 30k lore, especially the Horus Heresy, in detail. General 40k lore discussion is allowed when applicable. Also general 30k discussion allowed for those of you who play the tabletop game.
First topic to break the ice, did Argel Tal do anything wrong? You can argue he made the same mistake as many of his brothers by blindly following Lorgar even into literal hell, but he was also said to be the potential cause for Kharn to turn loyal or at least not become an agent of Chaos. And of course he killed some Custodes even after befriending them.
R: 4 / I: 1 /
P: 1
WoTC sending pinkerton thugs to retrieve leaked cards.
>Guy orders new magic cards.
>Gets sent some unreleased cards instead
>WoTC decides to send thugs to his house
>They threaten with 200k fines and a decade in prison if they dont hand over the cards.
>He complies despite them not having a warrant.
Bit of old news at this point but recently we did find out that apparently hasbro had already been using pinkertons quite a few times already. Kinda weird nobody had made a big stink about it already.
R: 8 / I: 1 /
P: 2
who has played multiple systems?
I've only gamed Palladium and GURPS so far. I want to try FATAL
R: 9 / I: 0 /
P: 2
Is chess a wargame?
A very simple question. Does chess technically count as a wargame? I think it does, Its not like any other wargame but you do have 2 armies facing off against each other, only instead of controlling territory or wiping the other guy out you are just supposed to kill the king. I think it counts.
R: 16 / I: 5 /
P: 2
Gathering just like middle school
R: 2 / I: 1 /
P: 2
Awful models
I hate this fucking model. The taurox is an awful model and I hate looking at it. It is even more infuriating because it can look good. The stupid segmented treads can just be replaced with wheels and it looks so much better. Even just replacing the front wheels and making it a half track makes it look good. Why did they make it like this?
R: 3 / I: 5 /
P: 2
Card Based Video Games.
I want to talk about video games centered around card games like Master Duels, PSX's digimon card game, and so on. Got any interesting games you want to talk about. Simulations like Chaotic recode and Yugioh Pro may count as well since they're technically video games. Video Related is Open Batoru, a card game simulator for a Japanese card game called Wixoss.
R: 15 / I: 15 /
P: 2
Princess: the hopeful
So get out your d10s.
We are doing this world of darkness sailor moon style.
This game is a fanmade system for the new world of darkness. That being said it mostly seems to act as a new hunter supplement, as opposed to a new gameline.
At it's core it's the rules for being a superhero in the wod.
But more than that it provides the narratives and in game allegiances to run a sailor moon campaign in this grimdark world.
Looks fairly interesting. I haven't played any nwod games though, and so can't speak for how it actually plays out on the game table.
R: 4 / I: 0 /
P: 2
>mfw the DM constantly talks over me and interrupt me.
R: 1 / I: 0 /
P: 2
R: 4 / I: 2 /
P: 2
Ok I know how this looks but hear me out. Ironclaw has a pretty neat looking system underneath the anthro characters. How it works is that basically you have several different dice depending on your skills, career and gifts. You roll all of them and instead of adding them all up you only take the highest showing number. I thought this was neat since it means lower dice like D4 and D6 can still be useful since difficulty checks seem to generally be on the lower side.
Character stats are also kinda funny. They are represented by dice instead of numbers. So when making a character you assign dice to attributes, a D4 in body might represent a weak and scrawny rat. On the contrary a D8 in body might mean the character is quite fit. The funny part though is that both Career and species are stats. So assigning a D4 to a rat would mean that character is really bad at being a rat. Conversely putting a D8 in Species means your character would be far more rat than he is human. Not even anthro anymore, He is just a rat.
I am going to be playing this with the group on friday and I am very excited.
R: 4 / I: 4 /
P: 2
3d printing thread
couldn't help but notice there was no 3d printing thread
share your prints painted or naked
share some model files, try to keep links that haven't been axed by GW a secret, but feel free to share free files or deceased files
R: 12 / I: 3 /
P: 2
Silver Age Sentinels.
Howdy anons! for this Role Playing season the gang checks out capes and domino masks.
heres the wiki history
Guardians of Order moved into the d20 market beginning with their new superhero role-playing game, Silver Age Sentinels (2002), which was written by Mark C. MacKinnon, Jeff Mackintosh, and Jesse Scoble, with Steve Kenson and was developed by Lucien Soulban.[1]: 337 Silver Age Sentinels was produced in both a Tri-Stat edition in July 2002 and then a d20 edition released at GenCon 35 later that year.[1]: 337 James Lowder, who had experience with packaging fiction for Green Knight Publishing, moved to assembling book packages for other game companies, including some Silver Age Sentinels fiction for Guardians of Order (2003-2004).[1]: 358 After Guardians of Order went out of business in 2006, White Wolf bought the IPs for some of the company's games, including Silver Age Sentinels.[1]: 339 White Wolf's ArtHaus imprint holds the rights to Silver Age Sentinels.[1]: 228
Dyskami Publishing, founded by Mark C. MacKinnon in 2019, has come out with Absolute Power, billed as the second edition of Silver Age Sentinels.
Well thats drier than a dehydrated dog turd what done been in the sun fer a week. Anyway from the guys who brought you Big eyes Small mouth the sailor moon RPG and with the rights currently held by White Wolf of Vampire the Masquerade fame, we have capeshit: the rpg. There are many systems but this uses a hybredized d20 we thought would we easy to use and learn. First session will show us how the hell that goes.
The GM has once again changed and so we go again into a new system with a new GM. Lets hope for better luck and more fun all around!
And for the departing GM, Au Revoir mon Ami. At least We will always have Paris.
Signing off for this seasons issue of "8chan RPG group: These niggers are fucking gay yo" I am your host, Anonymous. I love you anon.
R: 3 / I: 1 /
P: 2
Favourite Dice
My favourite dice is d12. I wish more games used it.
R: 31 / I: 13 /
P: 2
Meta thread
Yo! The name is Felbot and I am your new board owner. I promise I will rule fairly and justly and I will do my best to help this board grow. As my first action I am going to make a meta thread for feedback since this board doesn't have that for some reason.
R: 8 / I: 0 /
P: 2
Waifu trading game
Some friend recently told me about this idea and you might find it interesting:
It's a waifu trading game, the basic description of the game is:
>Every waifu is unique and one waifu can be owned by one user at a time
>You get 10 waifus when you first start the game
>You can get a new waifu every three hours
>You can trade waifus with other users
>You can give a waifu to another user and he loses the ability to get a new roll for the following three hours
So, with that basic ideas in mind, I'm pretty sure it won't be hard to port it to a Python script that uses Lynxchan as user interface. I already worked on several lynxchan apps in the past so that won't be a big trouble, what would be needed is a database of waifus with their respective pictures, franchise name and subject tag (if someone wants to play with vydia,anime or cartoon waifus only for instance) and a server; the rest seems pretty straight forward. Since we are on an imageboard and there aren't accounts, tripcodes would be used to track on the waifu collection of every player.
So what do you think?
R: 11 / I: 5 /
P: 2
Mage: the ascension
So this game exists.
R: 11 / I: 0 /
P: 2
Wraith: The Oblivion
In this White wolf classic we see troubled development, odd game mechanics, and a difficult to grasp lore.
And all this basically just to RP as a ghost.
Every player has a second player playing his character's shadow. And you had to make a pretty deep backstory to play. An odd duck to be sure. Next week we are doing mummy: the something.
R: 4 / I: 1 /
P: 3
where is /monster/
for some reason it's not here
R: 5 / I: 4 /
P: 3
Vampire: the Masquerade
The game that became infamous when some florida kid killed his GF parents an drank em. Ah. Good times the 90's.
The lore that would get its own apocalypse and relaunch (which sucks). The series that gave the world two pretty good pc games. So fucking good.
I love this rpg.
R: 8 / I: 1 /
P: 3
Demon: The Fallen
Another old white wolf product
Shut up I really like d10s.
Anyway you better have some knowledge of christianity for this one. Although it helps with all their lines really.
You get to be a demon, and then do demon stuff. Like create a cult. Be a serial killer.
Or try to track down that traitorous asshole lucifer. Who btw apparently never went to hell. So that's something your bitter about after finally escaping from hell.
R: 20 / I: 13 /
P: 3
Star Wars TTRPG: Saga edition thread
Thread theme Saga edition
I don't think my players ever realised, because I already made the threads before we started a group, but every RPG I GM I make a thread for, and since yesterday we started SWSE then today I am creating this thread.
R: 5 / I: 0 /
P: 3
Whining about modules
I was told to repost my post from /v/ onto here so I'm going to do it. Let's talk about modules that you hate from any system. Any books that you fucking despise, and if you want, compare them to ones you like.
All of my shit is mostly homebrew, I use books of course for monsters, characters, maps and items, but I make a lot of shit myself. That is because I absolutely fucking despise some of the official adventures. Descent into Avernus is a literal joke, it ruins Baldur's Gate as a setting after Murder in Baldur's Gate made it into such a fucking good setting for adventure.
Generally Murder in Baldur's Gate was a top tier adventure, even if it was slightly railroady.
>Expands the city so much that it feels like a perfect starting city with a shit ton of things to do in it and interesting politics
>Introduces a cast of really good characters
>Gives the players the illusion of choice, which although I usually disagree with, I think the story that is told is so fucking good that it is deserving
>Gives an actually good story with an actually good, gray conflict with a political story that could geniuently be a reflection of our real world, in a very subtle manner.
Murder at Baldur's Gate is a story about extremism and violence, about political violence to be exact and how it spirals out of control, and good intentions leading into hell. It is set in a refugee crisis, and struck between three major political players that all want to improve the city in one way or another, but all of them being manipulated by Bhaal to serve as vehicles of his rebirth. And it's done in such a fucking amazing way that it geniuently feels moving even if you just read through it. And it it quite obvious that it was written by Ed Greenwood, it makes great use of the games as well.
You have a choice between three characters that you can support (Pics related)
>Ulder Ravengard - A simple son of a blacksmith who rose through the ranks of the Flaming Fist due to his geniuent honestly and adherence to the law. He is a pragmatic politician that wants to make the city into a lawful place, but instead due to his actions and constantly instigating violence he turns into nothing else than a fascistic, brutal dictator at the end of the campaign
>Rilsa Rael- A Calimshan Crime Lord, someone who is at the head of the Calimshyte Refugees which are discriminated against in Baldur's Gate, generally forced to live outside of the city in their own ghetto. She wants to protect the underclass of the city and do good for the refugees, but as time goes on becomes nothing more than a simple, violent murderer.
>Torlin Silvershield- An aristocrat from the Upper City who wants nothing more than to make sure that the city's traditions are upheld as well as making sure that it survives, but in the process of trying to enforce his vision of what is the best for the city, he becomes a skull and dagger schemer.
No matter which one of them you pick, they will keep instigating violence against each other, trying to do different power plays believing themselves to be completely in the right and completely refusing to meet on even ground. They are all extremists, good-intentioned ones, but still extremists, which are too blinded by the idea of protecting the city to realize that they are the ones killing it. It's such a well-written conflict, especially that every single one of them does something fucked up at the end.
Ulder turns Baldur's Gate into a Police State with mass executions for even the slightest crime.
Rilsa Ravengard goes against the city in a bloody coup and frees several prisoners from the prison.
Torlin Silvershield tries to blow up the fucking parliment.
The only choice you have is who will become the next Chosen of Bhaal and cause his rebirth, you can not avoid it, but two of them will realize they fucked up depending on your choices while the other one will go on a murder spree. Ulder Ravengard will start shooting at civilians from a ballista, Rilsa will go full slasher villain and Torlin will poison most of the aristocracy. Your heroes will go there, kill the newly risen Chosen of Bhaal and the city will be left forever scarred by the events that happened, with your heroes deciding afterwards if it learns anything from it or not.
I really like this plot, because it is subtly written, being really mostly about how political violence spirals out of control to the point where no one actually profits off of it and everything becomes worse. It's a really good message, and written in a way that isn't completely fucking annoying. Descent into Avernus on the other Hands is fucking awful in every concievable way.
>Ulder Ravengard is portrayed as someone who is the only person who keeps the Flaming Fist from becoming a brutal police organization, despite the fact that he was literally supposed to be part of the problem
>The adventure literally fucking railroads the players by sending FUCKING DEATH SQUADS after them until they comply with it.
>The Flaming Fist officers are outdone by fucking WORKER GANGS. And I'm 100% sure this is a rerence of some braindead communist to worker unions.
>Following the previous point, while Murder at Baldur's Gate handles its politics beautifully, technically making some allusions to fascism, it actually explains how such a thing happens and why it's a bad thing, and makes it work in the context of its story. Meanwhile Descent into Avernus just makes the Flaming Fist into the bad guys, despite the fact that they were always supposed to be Lawful Neutral. And they don't even go all the way and use the actual flaws of Ulder Ravengard, who is a good fucking character in Murder at Baldur's Gate, but is... just handled fucking terribly in Descent into Avernus Probably because he is black, so all of his bad qualities that made him compelling are shoved to the side, despite the fact he is literally said to be on a road to becoming a fucking fascist in Murder at Baldur's Gate and becomes one during the adventure.
>It spends a lot of fucking time explaining Baldur's Gate and yet uses it for only ONE FUCKING CHAPTER before moving to Candlekeep and then Avernus.
>Not only that but IT ISN'T EVEN FUCKING GOOD AT IT. It activelly FLANDERIZES THE FUCKING CITY and makes it worse. Murder at Baldur's Gate has a similar description of the city... and YET IT IS BETTER IN EVERY CONCIEVABLE MANNER. It's more detailed, written with more care, the locations are described better, and it lacks the absolutely ridiculous ideas of fucking butcher gangs going fist to fist with the fucking Flaming Fist. It's better in EVERY SINGLE CONCEIVABLE WAY.
>The entire adventure constitutes of different NPCs spewing exposition to the characters while moving from place to place randomly, in a completely convoluted manner while not being able to stick to a fucking theme or actually take the time to allow the players to get accustomed with the characters besides a fucking Hollyphant that follows them like fucking Navi.
>The actual SCUMMY FUCKING ADVERTISEMENT THIS ADVENTURE DOES, WITH PUTTING THE SYMBOL OF FUCKING BHAAL ON BOTH OF THE FUCKING COVERS WHILE THE ADVENTURE DOES NOT INCLUDE BHAAL IN ANY WHAY OR FUCKING FORM. At best you can claim that the first chapter says something about a cult of the dead three which you deal with in the CONSTRAINTS OF THAT FIRST FUCKING CHAPTER. Bhaal is not even an overarching threat, he geniuently has FUCKING NOTHING TO DO WITH THE STORY.
I'm activelly using info from Murder at Baldur's Gate in my campaign while I basically threw Descent into Avernus into the trash save for a few maps, enemies and items. It's literally fucking useless. Never fucking get it, even pirating it is not really worth it. Maybe at best for some maps.
R: 14 / I: 4 /
P: 3
Would /tg/ like to help build and playtest an RPG?
I've been working on a proper tabletop RPG system on and off for the past three years or so. It has a name, a world, about a 70% complete engine, and a lot of story behind it. I've thought about bringing it to the boards (and even considered making a rules-lite version tailored for play by post on imageboards) several times but have not. If anons are interested, I'll start making regular posts in this thread, dropping excerpts from my design docs, and discussing the methods and philosophies for all the systems so anons can tear it a new asshole and maybe have a good time with it.
The very general breakdown:
>Single world, non-multiverse
>D6 based
>Skill based
>Classes included but optional
>Group initiative
>Simultaneous turns
>3-6 players
>Customizable mecha subsystem
It's named Aion, after the world of the setting.
R: 4 / I: 13 /
P: 3
Towergirls thread
I have a big question for you anon.
What princess would you save?
And some sevondary questions
How and what will you do with your princess
R: 1 / I: 1 /
P: 3
Embrace the Emperor, Reject Chaos.
Amidst the stars and cosmic fray
There are warriors who fight each day
Chaos Marines, a twisted breed
And Space Marines, noble in deed
The Chaos Marines, they worship chaos
Their minds corrupted, their souls lost
They revel in destruction and pain
Their actions senseless, their motives vain
They are the soyjaks of the galaxy
Lost in their own twisted reality
With no purpose or direction true
Their strength is but a fleeting hue
But the Space Marines, they are different
Their resolve and honor are magnificent
They fight for the Emperor and his light
Their valor shines in the darkest night
Their power and strength are unmatched
Their discipline and focus never slacked
They are the gigachads of the galaxy
Protecting all from evil's malady
So let us honor the Space Marines' might
And scorn the Chaos Marines' blight
For one is a paragon of strength and grace
And the other is but a twisted disgrace.
R: 8 / I: 2 /
P: 3
Call of Cthulhu/Horror RPGs
I didn’t see a thread about it here or on any other worthwhile imageboard, so I’m posting.
Anyways, I picked up the 7th edition Keeper’s guidebook recently, and I was thinking about running it for a group. Has anyone here run this game, and if so, do you have any advice to share? It’s also worth noting that I’ve never been a GM so any advice generally is also welcome.
And, for people who haven’t run the game but have spent time on the investigator side, I’d love to hear some stories about it. What were your characters like?
Finally, what are some other horror-related RPGs worth playing? Aside from this one and the WoD stuff, I'm not sure that I'm aware of any.
R: 13 / I: 2 /
P: 3
Cyberpunk 2020 & Red
Let's bring some activity to this place. Cyberpunk 2020, created by Mick Pondsmith in 1988. A role-playing game that brings you to the dark world of 2020. Where America went to hell. Where now big corporations run the world and control everything.
Meanwhile, Cyberpunk Red ; its sequel takes place 25 years later. In what is known as the "Red" period because the sky is dyed that color due to radiation and other chemicals on the planet.
So I begin the talk about this wonderful game that has created a whole genre within punk.
R: 4 / I: 4 /
P: 3
Share thread
This is a thread for sharing stuff. if you have any links to books please share them here for people to enjoy.
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P: 3
Done with WOTC - Card Printing?
Anyone know of a good proxy printer that prints cards that are pretty legit?
I don't intend to sell them, just to have them without giving wizards any more money. I don't care if they don't pass the light test, just close inspection by someone wanting to look at the card.
R: 3 / I: 3 /
P: 3
Hunter: the reckoning
Finally a chance to strike back at the darkness. With the help of some God given edges you play a mortal taking on werewolves, vamps, mummys whatever.
A hell of a lot of fun even if most games involve a pc death or two.
R: 5 / I: 5 /
P: 3
Mörk Borg
Honestly, not a bad game. Once you add in feretory for the travel and hunting rules, you get a decent system thats pretty easy to pick up, and can please a lot of people. I don't think I'd call it OSR though
R: 41 / I: 132 /
P: 3
Custom Magic set feedback.
I'm working on a MTG set with the intent of what i t might have looked like if it was made in 1995.
I'm disgusted by modern Magic, and long for the games of old.
The set is called Reflections. I was wondering if I can get recommendations and feedback on cards, as well as for a few art recommendations. I'm trying to keep all the art from the public domain.
R: 0 / I: 0 /
P: 3
Anyone here can share the Solasta Sourcebook PDF?
R: 299 / I: 227 /
P: 4
risk-like gaming thread
Rolls: /roll{MdN}
Don't forget to attach the banner, so it's easier for OP to see your game actions.
R: 0 / I: 0 /
P: 4
Gloomhaven Game
Hello /tg/ I am new to board games and I just recently got Gloomhaven and I've been having a lot of fun with it with some friends.
If there are any anons left lurking /tg/ I was wondering if anyone has purchased the expansion pack for it, and if so is it worth it for more content?
R: 14 / I: 6 /
P: 4
/tg/ outpost on acidchan
When did this happen?