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GW raising prices, AGAIN. Anonymous 05/15/2024 (Wed) 08:24:34 Id: 92f978 No. 1189
https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/05/07/2024-pricing-update/ >The price changes for individual products will vary, but in most countries the average change will be between 3% and 5%.* As an example of what you can expect, a squad of Necron Warriors goes up $2 from $50 to $52, £30 to £31.50, and €40 to €41 (or local currency equivalent). > In Sweden and Norway, the average price change will be between 8% and 14%. Well fuck me for being a Nordic I guess. This was entirely expected but I still want to announce it.
Considering how much they charge for plastic crack already, and in the face of increasingly more commonplace 3D printing, this seems like a bad idea. While they are obviously trying to protect their bottom line they've already burned a lot of the faith their customer base has in them and even people who might argue that more recent changes to things like lore and whatnot are subjectively good or bad no body can argue a price hike is not objectively worse. Considering the price increase in your area is likely double or more what other regions are seeing Faggot OP do you have an idea of where you could import from to defray some of the additional cost? Also, we should probably have a News thread to congregate things like this and WoTC hiring pinkertons under.
>>1190 Well thankfully for me I don't buy GW anymore. Worst case scenario this will just make the secondary/used market slightly more expensive for me. As for a news thread, I don't want to have one. Considering how small the board is I am not really seeing a reason not to just make a new thread for any and all news. If this place somehow gets big again then we could make a single news thread but not yet.
3D printing/mold creation and re-use will hopefully help against this as time goes on

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