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Gundam finally competing against Warhammer 40k in traditional gaming Anonymous 01/04/2025 (Sat) 21:36:55 Id: 642292 No. 1252
This is actually some really big news since Games Workshop has been getting sloppy recently and Gundam can introduce some new competition into the space. Still, I figured this was huge enough news to make a thread on the subject since Gundam is officially /tg/ now. Personally I don't know what to expect, but I hope for good things.
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Is this actually a threat to GW? I know 40k is a thing in Japan, albeit niche, and I also know that Gunplay and other things like garage kits are huge so Japanese consumers aren't totally foreign to the idea of painting your own miniatures/figures.
>>1252 Kinda cool. Might be more interested once they release more info. >>1254 >Is this actually a threat to GW I hope it ends up becoming one. GW needs a solid kick in the ass and a boot to the head to follow it up.
Looks kinda interesting. Not really a fan of gundam though. I wonder if this gets popular that we might get a sirbine mini. I would absolutely pay for that.

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