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Elf Fashion Anonymous 11/28/2021 (Sun) 01:50:04 No. 423
What sort of attire do you think elves should wear as part of their culture? Human styled fantasy clothing? Fantasy nobility dress? What about in battles? There's really no set sort of mold that elves fit into attire wise the same way something like a dwarf, human, or hobbit does. Just think it'd be neat to know what kind of aesthetics people think fit with them.

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A few more for good measure.
>>423 I mean there is no one elf culture across all of media. Wherever they appear they have different backstories and motivations, and most importantly they all have seperate cultures to other elves in differing media. For me personally? I like dwarf fortress elves. Tree hugging cannibals who cannot see their own hypocrisy. So I guess lots of bark and leaves for clothes. And maybe tanned human and dwarf hides.
>>425 Now that's pretty morbid. Similar to Elder Scrolls Wood Elves that culturally eat their dead as a means of not wasting meat.
>>426 I mean there is a certain logic to it.
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>>427 Yeah but it certainly stands out as a macabre grotesque take on tribal elves. Probably on my list of least favorite elf takes. Down there with Warhammer elves or DnD drow. Elder Scrolls elves in general are also just ugly. At least the dark elves there have a reason to be ugly in the lore.
It suddenly became cool to shit on elves. Shall we follow the trend?
>>431 Heh, sure. Fuck (((Elves)))
>>431 >>432 Please don't correlate fantasy elves with (((toymakers))).
>>433 On one hand I hear you, but on the other hand that ship has sailed.
>>434 It doesn't have to be this way.
>>435 Have to? No. But it do be like that. Bloody knife ears.
>>423 Are we assuming Tolkien-style immortals and that kind of culture?
>>441 Ugh read the thread bro. He doesn't specify culture, thus leaving the question ultimately one of personal taste. So impossible to have a "right" opinion. So just list whatever you think are best elfs clothes. Which yes is going to mean a giant tangent into the culture and history of said specific elves.
>>431 >suddenly It's been liike this for at least a decade In any case, all stock fantasy races are shit that should stop being used including humans
Severe lack of activity going on. Some more elves ought to fix that!
>>449 Dull earth colors work best for elves. Muted tones of green and brown. Darker shades. It helps to evoke the idea of camouflaged men watching from the trees. Hiding in shadows with twisted features. A fear of the dark and other. A natural feeling if you ever go deep in the woods. Primal.
>>450 Not all elves are wood elves or noble savage archetypes. >hiding in shadows with twisted features But elves aren't supposed to be ugly.
>>451 Not necessarily ugly, but alien. Different. These myths come from somewhere, and I think it's just the fear of being in the woods and seeing faces in tree branches. Long stretched out ears are a common feature of these hallucinations.
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>>452 The alien foreign aspect is the beauty inherent in ancient elf myths.
>What sort of attire do you think elves should wear as part of their culture? Nothing! I said, nothing. Elves are for porn, and clothes just get in the way.
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>>460 Even the males?
>>461 Aye.
>>462 That's kinda gay, boss.
Why in the shit is this board abandoned?
>>467 Cause niggers dont be postin yo
>>469 But that means the BO isn't even trying to maintain it.
>>470 Nigger its been abandoned for over a year. What fucking BO?
I think elves should not appear human. I think they should look like a distinct species from humans. I think the same ting of all fantastic humanoid species.
>>474 Okay Todd Howard.
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Dead thread in a dead board but I'll play along. In an RPG context, I am going to be traditional and go with Tolkien's interpretation. He's the one who synthesized all the old European legends together. His Elves are the Seelie and the Unseelie. They're the Álfar. They're the Elfen and the Druden. They're nymphs and satyrs and dryads and the Fay Folk. They're all of these mashed up, with most of the uglier bits of their legends trimmed away, to make them beautiful shining inhuman creatures out of legend, not quite Gods, more beautiful and perfect than humanity. And I think I prefer them as he wrote them, as his writings were so influential on RPGs. As such, they fall into two general groups, more or less. There are the High Elves who wear elaborate formal dress, and there are the Wood Elves who wear dull dark earth tones, the better to hunt. High Elves have very fancy armor and weapons when they go to war, and I suppose they have very practical clothing, presumably of very high quality, available for when they go dungeon-crawling. See second image. If we're talking about sci-fi Elves, and I am not sure that juxtaposition goes together well, for all that Warhamster40k is so popular in nerd circles, then I will go with what the writers say about the influences. The Eldar are Europe's pagan past, with electric wraithbone swords in the shape of a xiphos and tall Corinthian helmets made out of magical bulletproof unobtainium. And like the pre-Christian pagans, they are doomed, doomed, doomed. All their neighbors are pushing them back, taking away what was theirs, forcing them to accept alien ways that change them utterly and make their children strangers. They are dying out--but they've got one last good fight left in them. I will also say that, in general appearance, I like Poul Anderson's interpretation of Elves in "The Broken Sword." They are humanoid but not human, with rather less sexual dimorphism than humans, and an eerie androgynous beauty and an alien aspect that extends rather beyond just pointy ears. The androgyny extends to behavior. It was alluded to rather bluntly, for a novel written in the 1950s, that male Elves are generally smirking low-T types generally lacking much in the way of a libido, though they are cunning and quick to anger, and that Elf women are quite a bit hornier than human females and not averse to yoinking teenage human males who strike their fancy off into the bushes for a bit of the ol' ara-ara~. Elf males are charismatic, every bit as xenophilic as we are, and have a tendency to seduce young human women by the dozen and leave half-Elf babbies all across the countryside, though they are not normally born with anything as obvious as pointy ears. Both sexes among the Elves seem to be more interested, sexually speaking, in humans than in other Elves. It's probably why they're going extinct. And if we're talking about other than the /tg/ context, Elves should only be girls, and they should wear fetish gear, because Elf chicks are sexyfine. There, I said it.
>>482 Well at least you admit you're a coomer.
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>>495 You need to be stopped for your own good.
I like to think Elves would have very lithe and elegant dresses for the women and some fur robes for the males. in a modern day setting they would still be using the dresses for women and the men would almost exclusively use suits and ties.
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space elves.
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>>542 MORE space elves, and assorted other elves.
>>508 How boring.
>>599 Please no.
>>471 This didnt age well.
>>599 I didn't think you could make elves that are even worse than the eldars but holy shit cameron did it. Why the fuck did he do this?
>>631 Now to be fair, they're pretty uniquely their own species. But yes Na'vi are for all intents & purposes just elves. The stereotypical one with nature noble savage trope of elves born from ignorance of what native americans were really like. All that said, I only hate the water ones & the stupid hair tentacles. Also Pandora itself is evil. Like eldritch god tier evil. The Na'vi in lore have to keep their population down to appease Eywa. That most definitely means sacrifices & purges had to have happened.
>>635 >The Na'vi in lore have to keep their population down to appease Eywa Listen I already knew the humans were the good guys in avatar But now you're telling me the planet is evil too? Well clearly the good thing to do is for the humans to defeat the planet and liberate the Na'vi from this oppressive force.
>>642 Yes. Remember, the planet is alive. It has a physic connection to all it's life. Eywa deliberately let the Na'vi fight the humans till they were practically all killed by the overwhelming fire power. Only then did Eywa unleash all the megafauna to fight back.
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Fire, because they should be dead. Just like dwarfs, orcs, halflings, gnomes, kobolds, lizards and humans. Be original, faggot.
>>651 ur moms original
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>>651 The fuck do you mean be original?
>>653 He's just a shitposting faggot. Ignore it.
>>446 The Lord of the Rings films launched a thousand fresh-faced roleplayers who tried to play Tolkien's perfect, ageless, near-immortal elves in settings where the elves are none of those things, like Forgotten Realms. So they just came off as conceited jerks who couldn't live up to their own hype in combat. Some of the best and worst roleplayers I've ever seen have been elf players. Then again, I mostly play dwarves and usually can't stand seeing other people play dwarves, so I am definitely a hypocrite.
>>672 I find that difficult to believe because I genuinely cannot imagine that anyone ever, at any point in history, wanted to rp as elves from how they're talked about and depicted online. It's not a matter of them coming across as conceited jerks, but rather that they are deliberately intended to be that way when they aren't sluts. At least that's how it seems to me. Guess it's pendulum theory in action.
>>701 >I genuinely cannot imagine that anyone ever, at any point in history, wanted to rp as elves What the fuck are you talking abo- >from how they're talked about and depicted online. See this is your problem. The internet is shit and often misrepresents stuff. In the lord of the rings trilogy Legolas regularly takes on dozens of orcs at a time with no problem. There is a fucking scene where surfs down stairs on a shield while shooting his bow and hitting every shot perfectly. Who wouldn't want to be that guy? Not to mention how fucking op the average elf is in the silmarillion.
>>701 The average internet elf is a slut though.
>>710 Yeah see this is why dont go on the internet. The elves went from being giga chads to being rape bait.
>>713 Weeks later and only now do I realise I forgot the "You" in between "Why" and "Dont".
>>772 Drow the original coomer elves but for dudes who want their balls stepped on by leather mommies.
I have changed my mind. Elves dress only in the finest Balenciaga. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tm6BlRMEny0
Elves are not human and therefore good only for genociding.
>>423 Light and loose to fit their physical form and combat styles
>>825 Dwarves aren't human either.
>>1242 Yeah but dwarves are cool.
>>1245 Dwarves are cool, unlike fuckdamn elves.

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