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You enter a strange web board filled with terrible off topic posts, roll courage to avoid fleeing. Aligned Boards Random, Hisrol, AV and literature

Embrace the Emperor, Reject Chaos. Anonymous 04/26/2023 (Wed) 23:53:56 Id: 95db6d No. 783
Amidst the stars and cosmic fray There are warriors who fight each day Chaos Marines, a twisted breed And Space Marines, noble in deed The Chaos Marines, they worship chaos Their minds corrupted, their souls lost They revel in destruction and pain Their actions senseless, their motives vain They are the soyjaks of the galaxy Lost in their own twisted reality With no purpose or direction true Their strength is but a fleeting hue But the Space Marines, they are different Their resolve and honor are magnificent They fight for the Emperor and his light Their valor shines in the darkest night Their power and strength are unmatched Their discipline and focus never slacked They are the gigachads of the galaxy Protecting all from evil's malady So let us honor the Space Marines' might And scorn the Chaos Marines' blight For one is a paragon of strength and grace And the other is but a twisted disgrace.
(121.25 KB 651x747 Kharn_approves.jpg)

Nice poem corpse slave.

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