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Ironclaw Anonymous 08/15/2023 (Tue) 12:43:56 Id: 622803 No. 992
Ok I know how this looks but hear me out. Ironclaw has a pretty neat looking system underneath the anthro characters. How it works is that basically you have several different dice depending on your skills, career and gifts. You roll all of them and instead of adding them all up you only take the highest showing number. I thought this was neat since it means lower dice like D4 and D6 can still be useful since difficulty checks seem to generally be on the lower side. Character stats are also kinda funny. They are represented by dice instead of numbers. So when making a character you assign dice to attributes, a D4 in body might represent a weak and scrawny rat. On the contrary a D8 in body might mean the character is quite fit. The funny part though is that both Career and species are stats. So assigning a D4 to a rat would mean that character is really bad at being a rat. Conversely putting a D8 in Species means your character would be far more rat than he is human. Not even anthro anymore, He is just a rat. I am going to be playing this with the group on friday and I am very excited.
Session zero went pretty well. We got our characters mostly done and we got a vague idea of what the setting is. Now we just have to wait another week and hope the DM and everyone else shows up.
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Probably should have posted the 2nd edition cover instead. Looks a lot less "deviant art OC" than the 1st edition cover.
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>Start of first session. >Me (Julius Flavius Romanus) and the gang are in the sheriffs office. >He gives us a list of people we can get jobs from. >First stop is the merchants guild. >There the alligator, Aleister Crocley, decides to bullshit his way through. >Pretends to be a friend of the clerk that they haven't seen in a while. >Somehow he believes it and sends the other aristocrats away. >Tells us to go to some lumberyard and get the beavers to start working. >We get a carriage ride there and notice the beavers aren't working. >After some talking we find out that the working conditions here are horrible. >Also find out that some of the beavers have been hurt working. >I decide to go to the tent and help. >First I manage to fix the legs of 2 beavers, Apparently crushed by a falling tree. >Then I see the third on who had been hit directly by the tree. >Seeing as I simply do not have the tools to fully fix him up I attempt to stabilize him. >Success! The man is stabilized and will live, He wont fully recover without proper help though. >I exit the tent to see Aleister and the giant bear named Kody wave at me. >I approach them and tell them about what I have done. The head beaver seems quite impressed about it. >They also seem to have trouble differentiating healthy and rotted trees. >They fix this by having Kody climb the trees and marking the ones that dont fall. >After a few hours of that the beavers go back to work and we go back to the guild. >After some more talking we are told to go collect the debt of some guy. >We go to his house and after convincing his butler to join us, We make him sign over his estate to us. >Once that is done we go to a pub to get some meat and mead. >While there we get two things to do. >Clear out some rats and get rid of some rowdy customers. >Me and the cobra known as Hamadryas go to the cellar to try and get the rats out. >After failing to negotiate with them I give the signal to the cobra to attack. >After a fierce fight we managed to kill them all, I regret having to do so. >Going back up the stairs the bear Kody had already dealt with the other rapscallions. >I attempt to drown my sorrows but notice the staff taking the corpses of the deceased rats into the kitchen. >Only for them to come out with cooked rat meat. >Disgusted I take my leave. >The next day we get a mission from the merchants guild to stop whoever is harassing the local merchants. >The investigation was very confusing and boring but it ended up with us arresting a man. >Then we interrogated a merchant because we found evidence he was working with bandits >Then we went to the bandit hideout and Aleister decides to barge in and claim he has an appointment with the boss. >I didn't go in with him but I heard later that he pulled the same stupid trick with the bandit boss. >Then he agreed to go and poison the merchants guild boss that we were sent by. >Hearing this I flatly refuse to go along with it. >This starts an out of character argument where they spend half the argument giving me shit for daring to defend myself. >This culminates in me and the Cobra trying to kill the croc and him running to the bandit camp to get help. We decided to end the session there because people were starting to yell at each other very angrily. This is why you dont have a party of mixed alignments, it just ends up with people yelling. A fucking hour of my life spent arguing about useless shit that doesn't matter. We might actually just retcon the last hour or so of the session since it was such a shitshow. Real shame it ended like this too since I was really enjoying the game up until that point. It was a very fun system that was simple to understand and play. Really well designed, Would have been even more enjoyable if the party wasn't so dysfunctional.

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