/mahodou/ - MAHO堂

Discuss Harukaze Doremi, and her many anime series', created by the great animation collective, Izumi Todo.

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Anonymous Ojamajo 04/22/2021 (Thu) 03:43:30 No. 6 [Reply]
I saw your thread in the list just 2 hours ago but I was tired I thought I would reply later. I didn’t know this board was just made, I could’ve greet you earlier. For introduction: Hello I’m the Board Owner of /ai/, a board for shows aimed at little girl demographic, mostly Aikatsu and Pri series. I hope we can get along.
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While at it let me make a comparison to SAO and isekai genre. Around 2011-2 Madoka, SAO and AOT help propel anime into mainstream community. On the good side anime flourish more than before, on the flipside it bring ‘normal’ people outside of target demographic. The smartassess who think everything have to be made for them, ignoring what target demographic is. Since Madoka new mahou shoujo need to be edgy or something. Since SAO Isekai need to subvert some aspect of it instead of played straight. Now, most of anime watchers don’t like Idol anime. People watch zombieland because it ‘subvert’ Idol genre (or whatever). If Pretty Rhythm came out today, it might attract unnecessary attention:people who don’t even like idol stuff but having Schadenfreude for having a genre subverted. Basically they like everything else but the idol themselves. /ai/ are people who like this niche of Idol series with heap of sugar in it. We like it earnestly for what it is. (but IM@S and LL aren't really our thing)
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Found her in an artist compilation pic. Was she in season 1?
watch Barbie today. >open by saying there was always little girl >thanking barbie for fixing their problem >hurting is like Smallpox and indegnous people >people there work hard to build it and it get ruined in short times >”Back to your messed up world “ >rejecting male without hurting their ego This movie is made for people like ours. I swear I will make my board into Barbieland

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Ojamajo Doremi: Puzzle Carnival - Asset ripping and datamining Anonymous Ojamajo 07/26/2023 (Wed) 11:17:48 No. 509 [Reply]
Not sure if many people know about this, it's a recently released Candy Crush-style mobile game that follows the Ojamajos through the story of the main series and lets you customize your own avatars, the Ojamajos' outfits and even the Maho Dou. Apparently it's only playable in Japan (China too I think) for now, not sure if there will ever be a western release. Anyway, I wanted to make this thread to share and preserve as much content from the game as we can, since it's a Unity game ripping sprites and 3d models is fairly trivial. You'll need a Japanese IP address to play the game yourself, but if you want you can download the full (as of a week or two ago) asset dump from here: https://anonfiles.com/FdJ4Va02z1/UnityCache_7z You'll need AssetStudio to open the files and extract their content, you can open everything at once by just selecting the main folder. I'll try to keep it up to date as new game updates drop. Feel free to share any interesting finds in this thread!
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Here you can get the character models if you want to play around with them. It's really nice that we finally have official 3D models for (almost) all the Ojamajos and important characters. https://anonfiles.com/21S0yf4bz6/models_7z I had to go through every single model and fix them up by hand since they're a little messy when you export them, some stuff needed repositioning and most of the materials were assigned incorrectly. There's a few accessories missing from some of the characters, like Pop's plushie for example since I couldn't get it to work, but everything else should work.
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You're doing a good service here anon. Thanks for the downloads

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Momo-chan Anonymous Ojamajo 12/10/2022 (Sat) 00:19:41 No. 463 [Reply]
I want Momo-chan to sit on my face and spread her cheeks.
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>>463 I want Momo-chan to sit on my face and spread her cheeks, also. But that's a lewd thing to say, and isn't this a SFW board? Well, let's put that to the test.
>>463 sharing is caring

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Anonymous Ojamajo 05/27/2023 (Sat) 21:04:48 No. 500 [Reply]
Onpu is Calling
>>500 why would she call if she's always at my side?
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Onpu calling to the faraway towns Now war is declared and battle come down.

Hana-chan love thread Anonymous Ojamajo 07/20/2021 (Tue) 13:48:41 No. 100 [Reply]
Hana-chan, the final Ojamajo. She is a cute little blond loli who seems ditzy and carefree at first, but turns out to be pretty bright... but she is still pretty bratty and immature in a lot of important ways. I love her babyish voice and the pink hearts on her butt.
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>>100 she has the perfect balance of all the doremis: >doremi's appetite >aiko's toughness >hazuki's sweetness >momo's blondness and joyful behavior >onpu's subtle sluttiness and teasing attitude >and majo rika's superior witch genetics and last name
>>192 >She actually becomes a cheerleader with Tamaki and Momoko in high school? doubt.jpg, because she's training to be a queen, momo is in burgerland and tamaki looks kinda lazy to be a cheerleader
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Happy Birthday, Hazuki! Anonymous Ojamajo 02/13/2023 (Mon) 17:25:55 No. 481 [Reply]
She's so cute and magical.
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>>481 Yep, so cute
>>481 Yep, Hazuki is so cute

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Interlinkage of ""less"" active boards Anonymous Ojamajo 03/07/2023 (Tue) 09:03:33 No. 490 [Reply]
would you mind of linking to >>>/a/ and maybe some others in the style of what the hispachaners did? i think it'd be neat i've also made a thread on >>>/a/2787
>>490 well...it would make the chadoremis get together with their lost brethen and we can get new lewds

Redpill me on Doremi's and /mahodou/ Anonymous Ojamajo 03/07/2023 (Tue) 18:00:37 No. 491 [Reply]
I know next to nothing about her works or who she is aside from recognizing the artstyle and some characters (but I don't know a lot of their names). Why is her works worth watching?

New content in 2024? Anonymous Ojamajo 01/28/2023 (Sat) 23:30:09 No. 480 [Reply]
꼬마마법사 레미 (おジャ魔女どれみ 오쟈마녀 도레미) 25주년인 2024년에 뭐 나오나본데 뭐지… What does it mean?
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>>484 Please be something actually involving the girls for once. Not another movie about unrelatable college cunts, or untranslated cardboard quality ONAs and expensive merch, give us a movie or at least a tv special about the OJAMAJOS. Hell, I'd even take an anime adaptation of those LNs since lord knows those'll never get translated (do RAWs even exist?)
>>484 it better be the return of hana and momo...
>>484 where did you hear that?

I love Umakoshi so much
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are precures like put-everything-on-hold levels of awesome? i havent seen any yet
>>464 I've only seen Smile, a small amount of Futari wa (both decent), and Heartcatch (godlike). Heartcatch is the same deal as stuff like Fun Fun Pharmacy - you owe it to yourself to watch it if you like Doremi. Sure, it's not going to top Doremi anytime soon (I'll warn you now, don't expect the ending to hit you like a doremi season finale would), but you'll be shocked at how effortlessly it recaptures the magic with a much more consistent production, and how lovable the cast and themes are on their own merits.

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Happy Birthday, Ai-chan! Anonymous Ojamajo 11/13/2022 (Sun) 18:42:55 No. 445 [Reply]
A very special day for a very special lady.
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>>453 what do you love about aiko?
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>>455 I think she's cool
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Happy (belated) Birthday Ai-chan~

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Anonymous Ojamajo 11/11/2022 (Fri) 15:28:10 No. 441 [Reply]
There's a board just for Doremi? Awesome! I live this show.
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>>441 i love onpu this show too!
>>441 What if I told you that imageset is by Hideki Ishikawa, a former Capcom employee, and that Tooru Nakayama, the character designer for the Rockman Zero series, made his own erotic Ojamajo Doremi doujin?
>>443 >an onpu doujin she can't stop being best witchie what kind of content that doujin has? yuri? shota vs beautiful princess? rape?

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Texts from MAHO堂 01/07/2022 (Fri) 07:17:33 No. 223 [Reply]
Felt a little nostalgic last Saturday and figured I'd give a whack at this, combining Ojamajo Doremi with Texts from Last Night, an idea I got from Texts from the Sea. http://www.textsfromlastnight.com/ If you want, join in. The site's still up with a lot of material.
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>>322 >aiko >crack Mankind would not survive.
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best witchie for... Anonymous Ojamajo 09/20/2022 (Tue) 18:12:39 No. 428 [Reply]
it seems that there's lack of activity again, so i'll post a new thread for conversation who is pretty due time to decide who would be the best witch in their area? >who would be the best daughter? >who would be the best witch? >>who would be the best lover? IMO, my ranking would be: >daughter: hazuki she's pretty obedient, intelligent classy and a good girl >witch: onpu she's the only one who try to surpass her limits doing forbidden stuff just to try if she could be able to get away with it, and that's what you need to be a good witch: innovation lover onpu again because admit it, she's an idol and a pretty slutty beautiful princessta with penchant for sexual tension your turn
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>>432 well...giving a thought about it, aiko has many merits: she's the woman of the house, cares for her father, cooks and tries to keep a good environment between her parents
>who would be the best daughter? Hana, didn't stutter even once. Every single Dokkan episode made me think of (someday)having a daugher and naming it Hana >who would be the best witch? Onpu, Hazuki comes closer >>who would be the best black space? Yuki-sensei
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>>435 >Yuki-sensei

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Anime Similar To Doremi Anonymous Ojamajo 06/01/2021 (Tue) 19:39:58 No. 82 [Reply]
In this thread, we try to fill the void in our hearts that Doremi and her four seasons of anime + OVAs couldn't fill. Personally I can't think of any shows that are similar to Doremi in terms of writing and just as likable characters, but Toei's adaptation of "Let's climb that mountain!" is somewhat similar visually. https://youtu.be/Utdwm6a3nkA Of course Crayon Kingdom is a lot closer to being similar to Doremi. It's a shame it'll probably never get a full English translation. ;__; https://youtu.be/DGTUexJvU28
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Cosmic Baton Girl Comet-san looks to me like it could be similar to OD, but that may be just because the style looks similar.
>>127 Meteo-san and Comet-san are both lovely in design and characterization, but sadly their anime is kind of boring. My thoughts on the Doremi-clones (or as i've taken to calling them "alternative mahou shoujo") are as follows: Fun Fun Pharmacy as mentioned earlier is unmatched at capturing Doremi's whimsy and poignancy, made even more impressive by its short runtime; it's like bite-sized Doremi episodes before Doremi even existed, with more surreal themes and trippy direction. For Umakoshi character designs, top-tier absurdity, and a surprisingly heartfelt ending, see Marie and Gali. I'm probably the only person on Earth who didn't care for Cardcaptor Sakura. The cast, so-called themes, and plot didn't leave much of an impression on me, and the pacing and repetition could get mind-numbing. Yume no Crayon Oukoku, though I've only seen 4 episodes, doesn't seem worthy to be called Pharmacy's predecessor, let alone Doremi's. It isn't offensively bad and can be a little bit funny, but it doesn't seem to be interested in being anything more than a slow-paced but mindless kid's adventure anime on the same level as early Dragon Ball. Kasumin seems promising, but I'm waiting for subs. I'm interested in Fushigiboshi no Futagohime, though I've heard the main character is a Doremi rehash. Either way, always excited for more puni masterpieces.
>>296 >boring What did you say little gurl? I watched it in 8th grade, every episode bring rose-colored emotion for me.

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Dokkiri Dokkiri DON DON!! Fushigi na chikara ga waitara do-shiyo? Anonymous Ojamajo 04/14/2022 (Thu) 10:20:48 No. 289 [Reply]
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>>289 as always, onpu and doremicchi know their audience...
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