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Discuss Harukaze Doremi, and her many anime series', created by the great animation collective, Izumi Todo.

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best witchie for... Anonymous Ojamajo 09/20/2022 (Tue) 18:12:39 No. 428
it seems that there's lack of activity again, so i'll post a new thread for conversation who is pretty due time to decide who would be the best witch in their area? >who would be the best daughter? >who would be the best witch? >>who would be the best lover? IMO, my ranking would be: >daughter: hazuki she's pretty obedient, intelligent classy and a good girl >witch: onpu she's the only one who try to surpass her limits doing forbidden stuff just to try if she could be able to get away with it, and that's what you need to be a good witch: innovation lover onpu again because admit it, she's an idol and a pretty slutty beautiful princessta with penchant for sexual tension your turn
>>428 As a master-grade Onpu fan, I'm insulted by your blindness to her flaws. Using forbidden magic to erase others free will isn't innovation, it's abandoning your humanity. And 'surpassing her limits'? All Onpu did was fall into a predictable pattern of the same couple mind control spells she was probably taught by Majo Ruka. True innovation is Doremi, who improvises otherworldly mechanisms on the fly like the panty washing machine she made for Pop.
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Aiko. Aiko. Aiko.
>>430 what makes aiko a good witch? and, maybe when is pretty practical having a daughter to fug, why tho?
>>431 Aiko is thoughtful and uses her magic to reliably support her friends. I can understand if others feel differently about best lover and best witch, but Aiko is absolutely the best daughter. She's diligent, responsible, understanding, aware, selfless, and very cute.
>>432 well...giving a thought about it, aiko has many merits: she's the woman of the house, cares for her father, cooks and tries to keep a good environment between her parents
>who would be the best daughter? Hana, didn't stutter even once. Every single Dokkan episode made me think of (someday)having a daugher and naming it Hana >who would be the best witch? Onpu, Hazuki comes closer >>who would be the best black space? Yuki-sensei
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>>435 >Yuki-sensei

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