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New content in 2024? Anonymous Ojamajo 01/28/2023 (Sat) 23:30:09 No. 480
꼬마마법사 레미 (おジャ魔女どれみ 오쟈마녀 도레미) 25주년인 2024년에 뭐 나오나본데 뭐지… What does it mean?
Apparently Hiromi Seki (Ojamajo Doremi's producer) said that she and the "director" (probably Junichi Sato) are planning something for the 25th anniversary of the show in 2024. We still don't know what exactly it is, but if the director's involved I'd imagine it's something pretty substantial.
>>484 Please be something actually involving the girls for once. Not another movie about unrelatable college cunts, or untranslated cardboard quality ONAs and expensive merch, give us a movie or at least a tv special about the OJAMAJOS. Hell, I'd even take an anime adaptation of those LNs since lord knows those'll never get translated (do RAWs even exist?)
>>484 it better be the return of hana and momo...
>>484 where did you hear that?

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