/mahodou/ - MAHO堂

Discuss Harukaze Doremi, and her many anime series', created by the great animation collective, Izumi Todo.

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Hana-chan love thread Anonymous Ojamajo 07/20/2021 (Tue) 13:48:41 No. 100
Hana-chan, the final Ojamajo. She is a cute little blond loli who seems ditzy and carefree at first, but turns out to be pretty bright... but she is still pretty bratty and immature in a lot of important ways. I love her babyish voice and the pink hearts on her butt.
I agree, Hana is pretty special. Everything about her is very magical.
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>>179 Too freakin' good.
beautiful princess brat
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>>184 She's a brat? Nah. Unless you mean something different with that word.
Is this from the novels? She actually becomes a cheerleader with Tamaki and Momoko in high school? Very cute that they formed a blonde club.
>>100 Whatever you said about it was very funny, like the first shots of her grown up form are centered in one of her feet, those mentioned pink hearts for some reason and her long pigtail
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>>100 she has the perfect balance of all the doremis: >doremi's appetite >aiko's toughness >hazuki's sweetness >momo's blondness and joyful behavior >onpu's subtle sluttiness and teasing attitude >and majo rika's superior witch genetics and last name
>>192 >She actually becomes a cheerleader with Tamaki and Momoko in high school? doubt.jpg, because she's training to be a queen, momo is in burgerland and tamaki looks kinda lazy to be a cheerleader
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