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Discuss Harukaze Doremi, and her many anime series', created by the great animation collective, Izumi Todo.

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Anime Similar To Doremi Anonymous Ojamajo 06/01/2021 (Tue) 19:39:58 No. 82
In this thread, we try to fill the void in our hearts that Doremi and her four seasons of anime + OVAs couldn't fill. Personally I can't think of any shows that are similar to Doremi in terms of writing and just as likable characters, but Toei's adaptation of "Let's climb that mountain!" is somewhat similar visually. https://youtu.be/Utdwm6a3nkA Of course Crayon Kingdom is a lot closer to being similar to Doremi. It's a shame it'll probably never get a full English translation. ;__; https://youtu.be/DGTUexJvU28
Precure is sort of the elephant in the room, no? Nozomi from Yes Precure 5 and its sequel Yes Precure 5 Go Go brings to mind a slightly older Doremi in the sense that she's the heart of the group. That and her clumsy, hungry, pink BWAKAMYOOOO~!~!~oOO~1 mannerisms. A big strength of Yes Precure 5 and the sequel are the character interactions and development of all the girls, so that series gives you a hundred episodes that might scratch the Doremi itch. Also in the franchise is Heartcatch Precure which seems to be widely regarded as the best Precure season of them all (I haven't watched it myself just yet), and its characters were designed by Yoshihiko Umakoshi, the same character designer who came up with Doremi and friends. Judging by the tastes of doujin circles from the early and mid 2000s, if people like Doremi then they'd probably like Fushigiboshi no Futagohime (Twin Princess of Wonder Planet) and Fushigi Mahou Fan Fan Pharmacy.
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Oh boy, I'm loving this thread already.

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Cosmic Baton Girl Comet-san looks to me like it could be similar to OD, but that may be just because the style looks similar.
>>127 Meteo-san and Comet-san are both lovely in design and characterization, but sadly their anime is kind of boring. My thoughts on the Doremi-clones (or as i've taken to calling them "alternative mahou shoujo") are as follows: Fun Fun Pharmacy as mentioned earlier is unmatched at capturing Doremi's whimsy and poignancy, made even more impressive by its short runtime; it's like bite-sized Doremi episodes before Doremi even existed, with more surreal themes and trippy direction. For Umakoshi character designs, top-tier absurdity, and a surprisingly heartfelt ending, see Marie and Gali. I'm probably the only person on Earth who didn't care for Cardcaptor Sakura. The cast, so-called themes, and plot didn't leave much of an impression on me, and the pacing and repetition could get mind-numbing. Yume no Crayon Oukoku, though I've only seen 4 episodes, doesn't seem worthy to be called Pharmacy's predecessor, let alone Doremi's. It isn't offensively bad and can be a little bit funny, but it doesn't seem to be interested in being anything more than a slow-paced but mindless kid's adventure anime on the same level as early Dragon Ball. Kasumin seems promising, but I'm waiting for subs. I'm interested in Fushigiboshi no Futagohime, though I've heard the main character is a Doremi rehash. Either way, always excited for more puni masterpieces.
>>296 >boring What did you say little gurl? I watched it in 8th grade, every episode bring rose-colored emotion for me.

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