/mahodou/ - MAHO堂

Discuss Harukaze Doremi, and her many anime series', created by the great animation collective, Izumi Todo.

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I love Umakoshi so much
(2.48 MB 1343x894 beep boop.PNG)

are precures like put-everything-on-hold levels of awesome? i havent seen any yet
>>464 I've only seen Smile, a small amount of Futari wa (both decent), and Heartcatch (godlike). Heartcatch is the same deal as stuff like Fun Fun Pharmacy - you owe it to yourself to watch it if you like Doremi. Sure, it's not going to top Doremi anytime soon (I'll warn you now, don't expect the ending to hit you like a doremi season finale would), but you'll be shocked at how effortlessly it recaptures the magic with a much more consistent production, and how lovable the cast and themes are on their own merits.

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