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Asterix thread Anonymous 01/01/2022 (Sat) 17:21:46 No. 21683 [Reply]
General asterix thread. And I want to start this thread out with Asterix and the magic potion. And I think it's great. Great characters, great animation, great story. We get background to Getafix and generally stuff around druids. i don't want to spoiler much. But, the girl flosses and I'm not joking at the credits. WHY?
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>>21754 Quite good. It was enjoyable. The premise was intresting and the new characters were fun and enjoyable. Go check it out.
>>21683 not many people these days are familiar with Asterix unless a) you're from France or in Europe where the comics are still in circulation, or b) If you're in America or elsewhere, you've only known Asterix from the older films.
>>21905 I grew up in Yuurop, and Asterix cartoons would be on TV often. That's how I was introduced to the OG comics.

Anonymous 09/14/2021 (Tue) 03:09:44 No. 17724 [Reply]
So /co/, which one will you main?
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>>18972 Its either TMNT, Avatar or Spongebob.
>>17748 >I'll give you two hints: he's much more unique than the other guy and his sister is the hottest girl in his show. I figured it out. I hope his finishing move is "Omlette du Fromage"

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MERRY CHRISTMAS Frank Board owner 12/25/2021 (Sat) 05:35:19 No. 21537 [Reply]
As another year goes by I'm hoping everyone had a wonderful time and I wish for the next year to be even better.
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Merry Christmas /co/
I hate the passage of time so much. Not only does it slowly eat away at my lifespan, but it also erodes my ability to feel enjoyment.
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>>21537 >and I wish for the next year to be even better. Wish denied

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HAPPY NEW YEAR! Frank Board owner 01/01/2022 (Sat) 04:36:32 No. 21663 [Reply]
Lets hope we finally get some good shit this year or at least wish for more trash fires.
I want my youth back.
eyy, happy new year fellas

Scoob Anonymous 05/09/2020 (Sat) 03:48:55 No. 697 [Reply] [Last]
So is this movie going to be any good? It looks like it will play it safe enough, but I can't help but feel that they're trying to set up a Hanna-Barbera cinematic universe which gives me mixed feelings as I'm pretty sick of cinematic universes, but on the other hand I'm happy to see Dick Dastardly on the big screen. Also its giving me some Funtastic World of HB vibes. If this movie does well enough could they actually bring back an updated version of the old ride at Universal (maybe with the old footage every once in a while)? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTBZNnO2w20 I mean they could do it, just have it so the film's big reveal is that Dick is using future technology he's stealing from a time traveling child (Elroy) he's holding hostage which serves as the mysterious and ominous mcguffin or something.
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>>1886 >end in Athens. Makes me wonder why does it end in athens? It's supposed to do something with Alexander the great, bit he was from macedonia, not athens. So why doesn't the ending go to Pella? Are they just retarded and don't know history?
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>>21352 >Are they just retarded and don't know history? *ching!* NUMBAH ONE ANSWER ON THA BOARD!
>>896 >>697 >>5914 Realistically only thing people will remember about scoobs is all the Latina Velma porn it spawn.

God's'Dog Anonymous 12/30/2021 (Thu) 01:08:17 No. 21612 [Reply]
>be an eastern orthodox icon carver >announce you're writing (not illustrating, sadly) a comic book >a comic book in a fantasy setting using a bunch of now-obscure saints and monsters from christian mythology >get almost $200k thrown at you in crowdfunding money Is the christian comic book finally coming into its own? Will it be just a bunch of esoteric wank? Should I read Serenity? I'm not the biggest fan of the colored art, if I'm honest.
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>>21623 idk man, his works look pretty basic too and I'm friends with some artists who actually worked in orthodox churches so this does not come out of my ass. But even if his biblical illuminations were good, converting that into a comic is a whole different beast. It requires completely different techniques unless you want to tell a story in a way specific to reading church interior frescoes with all of it's wacky layout and transitions.
>>21624 Gotta admit, even though I like eastern Christian icons and art I'm still too new to it to have much taste in it. Is there anything particular you'd recommend besides just visiting Orthodox churches? >unless you want to tell a story in a way specific to reading church interior frescoes with all of it's wacky layout and transitions See, if someone actually managed to pull that off that could be interesting, but I'm not sure how accessible it would be.
>>21626 >Is there anything particular you'd recommend besides just visiting Orthodox churches? Your best option would be befriending an Orthodox artist/illuminator or art historian specializing in it. Because to value and judge orthodox art, you really need to understand how it's made. It's a weird combination of pure technical skill, tradition (canon) and artist's creativity yet still walking on the edge of what is canonically acceptable yet new. You can't measure it objectively such as "this has more colour" or "this one has better anatomy" >See, if someone actually managed to pull that off that could be interesting It could be pulled off, but that is a very, very niche interest which requires very high skill in both illumination and comic design, tho I wouldn't be surprised if it was already done. Remember, the frescos, mosaics and reliefs on the portals and the walls of churches should together tell a story as a big sequential art piece, much like a comic. You could say that frescos are predecessors to comics, much like Roman triumphal column are predecessors to frescoes.

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Story time: batman/spiderman crossover Anonymous 12/06/2021 (Mon) 10:43:23 No. 20867 [Reply]
It's story time anons Yeah yeah, I know that this is a crossover between the big two so the first reaction is thinking will be trash. But this one is in the second best era of comics I personally love 90 edgy style. Sue me i still enjoyed reading it, so in the pile of crap that they throw out nowadays we could look back with fond memories of what comics used to be and suffer characters If I have to present any of those characters with some kind of background you shouldn't be on this board the story so far Peter is happily marriedthank you OMD but the hero life always need checking up on since Carnage have been yet again captured and yet again tried to escape, Bruce is still trying to save Gotham by itself showing that there's no rest for of wicked or the heros. this time a specialized doctor has a plan to redeem those two serial mass murderer providing an end to this endless circus of blood and madness
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>>20887 Okay, boomer.
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90's comics? dark age Anonymous 12/24/2021 (Fri) 19:54:38 No. 21503 [Reply]
Using readcomicsonline, what titles/series do I need to search for to get those obsecenely muscular,badly written, pouch-wearing comics i love so much? either Image stuff(those names which always combine "blood" and "shot"), there was who was like a hulk but gray and with claws,I forgot his name..jackie stakado the darkness,etc. also, DC and marvel 90's too. I want to bask in the grim glory of it all.
>>21503 Any 90s X-Men title will have some variation of it. Same for Image ripoffs of Marvel books, like Youngblood, Wildcats, Bloodstrike, and Cyberforce. The Hulk ripoff you mentioned is called The Pitt. The term Dark Age and complaints about quality of comics books mainly apply to Marvel and Image titles anyway. DC dabbled in this a bit with darker Justice League, and death of Superman, but to a much lesser extent. At the same time DC was publishing decent Batman titles, started Vertigo, and put out great titles. Starman, Spectre, and Kingdom Come are just three examples of these books. A lot of great creator owned comics cam out in that era too. Hellboy, The Crow, Sin City, The Bone all started in the "Dark Age" era. In fact, if you ignore Marvel and most of Image's output, that period is unquestionably better in regards to comic book quality than anything that came after.
>>21503 Anything Liefeld I guess.
Malibu comics Valiant comics blood syndicate

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MEGA CHRISTMAS STORYTIME #2 Anonymous 12/07/2021 (Tue) 00:45:28 No. 20900 [Reply] [Last]
HO HO HO! It's that time again, what better way to celebrate the month than three jam packed weekly holiday storytimes! For the month of December expect 3 stories each week, right around on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, starting today and ending on Christmas. SO GET SOME MILK AND COOKIES, LIGHT YOUR CHRISTMAS TREE AND GET COMFY! IT'S TIME FOR SOME JOLLY OLE TALES! Our first tale of the night is- 1998's DCU Holiday Bash! #2
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>>21572 And that's it true believers. It was a pleasure storytiming for you all and I hope I can do it again next year. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and I wish all of 8chan a wonderful new year!

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Anonymous 10/23/2021 (Sat) 11:59:29 No. 18741 [Reply] [Last]
Happy 8th Birthday 8/co/!
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>>21432 "non-Calarts style." It doesn't have that newfag, its your typical funnypapers style.
>>21421 >>21420 >>21419 You're like an archaeologist discovering the Rosetta Stone. I can't thank you enough for this find.
>>21435 Are you really this stupid, or is this one of those attempts to say a lie so big that people think it must be true? Anyone can look at it and see. Just look at it. Yeah, looks exactly like Ziggy or Marmaduke. Gary Larson should sue for plagiarism.

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Anonymous 10/27/2021 (Wed) 04:37:19 No. 18969 [Reply] [Last]
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>>21259 thank, you, id say that that is a she and if anything as mentioning by >>21265 she is trooning "male" here are the pics of the troon in question i mentioned where you can see the feet think i spoke off, last two are a bit iffy because it cuts off, but you can tell the angle
>>21348 the feet thing*
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>>21348 I'm trying to stop drinking Rageahol™ these days, but one of the most incandescent rageaholic episodes I suffered was watching Rand Paul go after this faggot about forcing parents to let their children transition. This piece of filth refused to answer and just ran out the clock, which is an admission of "yes, we're coming for your children." Of all the crimes that can be laid at Biden's (and his controllers') feet, giving a fellow pedophile unfettered access to an entire nation's children is one of the most egregious.

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Anonymous 12/07/2021 (Tue) 03:20:13 No. 20919 [Reply]
Didn't see a thread, but good ole She-Hulk is back. But for how long?
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>>21161 >John Byrne happens to be the guy who made it canon that Reed Richards met Sue Storm when he was an adult and she was a child I am not in any way suggesting Byrne isn't a complete deviant, but my little brother had that issue and Reed appeared to be 17-18 at the time, (boarding with the Storms while attending college) with Sue being 10-11 (hard to tell because Byrne always draws kids as dwarves). Sue got a crush on him, which is fine, that happens, and Reed appeared super uncomfortable with the whole thing. THAT SAID... It's absolutely disgusting that he'd even consider a relationship with her when she came of age. I knew a young girl who appeared to have a crush on me when I was a teenager. She came of age, and was very beautiful, but all I saw was the kid who cut her Barbies' hair with safety scissors and threw a shit fit when her mom told her should couldn't get a popsicle from the ice cream guy in the summer. I can't imagine a real-life Reed could have met Sue 10 years later and thought "Hubba hubba!" There's also another horrifying wrinkle to this: Reed's fiercest competition for his wife is a man who fought Nazis in WWII. Sue seems to have a type.
>>21162 You call it disgusting, but that age gap was not at all uncommon until very recent decades. Also, Reed and Ben also fought in World War II originally. They just sort of don't specifically refer to what war they fought in anymore.
>>21175 >You call it disgusting, but that age gap was not at all uncommon until very recent decades. It was pretty gross back then, too.

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What if? What if EEnE was a LongRunner? 12/15/2021 (Wed) 05:19:52 No. 21165 [Reply]
What will the show become if it never ended with "Big Picture Show"?
>>21165 Tired and dead. The fate of all shows that are not canceled when their premise grows tired. Big Picture Show was a good send off. Right now you would probably watch >EEnE Higher EDucation With them in college or some shit.
Ever heard of The Simpsons?

Comics continue to embarass themselves. Starfire has a Gay Goth Daughter Anonymous 12/01/2020 (Tue) 00:02:12 No. 7688 [Reply] [Last]
https://archive.vn/Y7llr If that's not bad enough, it's a self-insert of Mariko Tamaki. Also, when has goth been in relevant recently? Goth is more like a 90s to early 2000s thing. Here is also the summary which is cringe. "From New York Times bestselling author Mariko Tamaki (Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up with Me, Harley Quinn: Breaking Glass) and artist Yoshi Yoshitani (Zatanna and the House of Secrets) comes a story about Mandy, the daughter of super-famous superhero Starfire, and her desperate attempts to get out from under her shadow. Seventeen-year-old Mandy Koriand'r is not her mother. Daughter of Starfire and high school outcast, Mandy is constantly trying to get out from under the shadow of her bright, bubbly, scantily clad, and famous mother. Dyeing her bright orange hair black and sticking close to her best friend, Lincoln, Mandy spends her days at school avoiding Teen Titans superfans and trying to hide her feelings for the gorgeous, popular, and perfect Claire. And while Mandy usually avoids spending too much time with her alien mother, she's been particularly quiet as she's keeping one major secret from her: Mandy walked out of her S.A.T. While Mandy continues to tell Lincoln her plans of moving to France to escape the family spotlight and not go to college, she secretly hides a fear of not knowing her identity outside of just being the daughter of a superhero and who she will become. But when she is partnered with Claire to work on a school project, their friendship develops into something more and a self-confidence unknown to Mandy begins to bloom. Claire seems to like Mandy for being Mandy, not the daughter of Starfire. But when someone from Starfire's past comes to disrupt Mandy's future, Mandy must finally make a choice: give up before the battle has even begun, or step into the unknown and risk everything. I Am Not Starfire is a story about mother-daughter relationships, embracing where you come from while finding your own identity, and learning to be unafraid of failing, if it was even failing in the first place."
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>>17471 >While some might find her whiny, the story gives more than enough justification for her being the way that she is. I'm pretty sure a lot more than "some" would find her whiny. I can't even get through the whole thing because all she fucking does is whine about everything. Also her self entitled pretentious bullshit makes her completely unlikable, like expecting to move to France without a fuck ton of money and while being a fat piece of shit that doesn't work or expecting a car for her birthday.
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>>20723 Yeah, that's nothing new, though. I want to know about the canon half ew-jay thing. >>20731 >like expecting to move to France without a fuck ton of money and while being a fat piece of shit that doesn't work or expecting a car for her birthday. Her mom's a famous model and superhero. I've met a couple of rich kids who expect, and receive, just that kind of reward for being a lump. It's pretty horrifying that Mariko Terriaki fantasizes about this scenario. "Why do I have to write comic books?! Why can't I just keep eating until I fill an entire room with my protoplasmic girth?!"
>>7688 >I am NOT Starfire Why would anyone care who or what she is?

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Anonymous 11/25/2021 (Thu) 21:03:28 No. 20555 [Reply]
How do you become a cartoon artist in this day and age? Do you have to go down the animator route? Is being independent an option?
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>>20555 >cartoon artist Everyone can do it with practice and passion anon. Now, if you mean, "can I make a living or reach a goodly amount of fame" then that's up to you and how many cocks you can such physically (old producer wrinkle cock) and figuratively (agreeing with your "senpais" in every single thing for years).
>>20555 It's really easy. Step 1: Be ready to draw 8-12 hours daily Step 2: Do this for 12 years Step 3: Profit
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>>20812 >schizo

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Comic Industry Collapse Watch Thread Anonymous 04/26/2020 (Sun) 19:32:45 No. 179 [Reply] [Last]
>Corona-chan is fucking over the world economy >Now years of shit stories, forced agendas and awful sales have lead to the collapse of the industry >Diamond going bust >Shops going bust >The mouse planning to kill Marvel What a wonderful time to be alive.
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>>20834 It was the early 2000's and such movies were deemed so for nerds. Even with the Maxim stunt and A-list cast, Final Fantasy: Spirits Within was still met with mixed reviews. It was the same for Heavy Metal 2000.
>>20838 Even tho you could make some sense. Anon cmon >craked Is not a source to cite in any discussion, it's on the same level of CH or the onion. Here's literally the end of the article you posted "This is why, when some people point out how racist the Lord of the Rings stories are (i.e., orcs are evil by virtue of being born orcs, dwarfs are greedy because they are dwarfs, Aragorn is heroic due to his "blood"), it's both correct and unfair. It's correct because, yes, that is the way Tolkien's universe is set up -- nobody in the stories hesitates to make sweeping generalizations about a race, and they're always proven right when they do. Frodo's magical sword didn't glow in the presence of enemies, it glowed in the presence of a certain race (orcs). Go write a movie about a hero with a gun that glows in the presence of Arabs. See what happens. But it's also unfair, because Tolkien clearly didn't sit down and think, "I'm going to increase the net weight of racism in the world in order to firmly establish white dominance! And I'll do it with elves!" He was just writing what he knew. Of course a guy born in 1892 assumed that Nordic races were evolved and graceful, that certain other races were born savages and that midgets love axes. Hell, he could have been the least racist person he knew, and he'd still be the equivalent of a Klansman today. Whether or not the agenda was intentional is utterly irrelevant."
>>20828 That wasn't the argument being made in the post you quoted. The argument being made wasn't that you didn't say "most," it wasn't about percentages, it was clearly agreeing with you in the assessment of the current industry. The point being made is that the current industry is an anomaly that does not reflect the broader history of the industry, and the complaints about it should specifically be directed to the modern industry, as to imply things were always like this is simply incorrect. To continue with the Star Wars references, Anakin Skywalker was killed by Darth Vader, from a certain point of view. The current industry is not the same as the one that existed from the 1930s until like five years ago. It didn't just evolve, it got taken over. Even the specific part you quoted obviously isn't even about percentages. If someone is here talking about Star Trek TOS, to jump in and act like Discovery or Picard are really the same thing is missing the point. >>20833 They've had subscription services for a long time but they suck. For example, you'd think they'd have practically every comic the company ever published. Nope. Despite how important continuity is, what you get is a random smattering of issues. You can't just sit down and read every issue of Amazing Spider-Man in order. I also understand there are some cases where particular things have rights problems. Like that issue of Marvel-Team Up where Spider-Man meets the Not Ready for Prime-Time Players and John Belushi fights The Silver Samurai is missing from the Essential Marvel-Team Up collections, but missing that issue is a lot more understandable than just missing random issues of the original Clone Saga or whatever. But then again, to do sit down and read all of Amazing Spider-Man without also reading Spectacular and Team-Up and Web Of and all the other Spider-Man stuff would still leave out most of the story. You need all of that. And actually, what would really be useful would be different ways to sort things, like not just every issue of a series, but every appearance of a character sorted by release date. Hell, every comic they have on their service, sorted by release date, should be an option. Actually, custom lists would be useful too, and users could share them, because sometimes getting a full story, especially in modern stuff, is just a huge clusterfuck. Especially when it's a character that has multiple series that take place in "the present" but all release at the same time and all end every issue on a cliffhanger. What they need is a subscription for a reasonable price, obviously no more than Netflix, that has every comic the company has the rights for, maybe with exceptions so that a comic gets a grace period of being published for like six months to maybe two years before getting added to the subscription service, because I know they want to try to make money off selling new stuff individually, but a subscription even just for old stuff would still be good. Add some quality of life stuff like the sorting options I just mentioned, which should be trivially easy. And of course make sure the basic reading experience is adequate, with decent zoom functions and all that. These things don't sound like they should be very hard, but it's more than any comic company has been able to do. If they did, they'd probably make some money. But they are just too damn stupid. >>20839 >You're predicating your claim on an inherent equality in ideological beliefs I don't see where he implied this. There are plenty of other arguments in favor of absolute freedom of speech. For example, one argument would be that you're precisely the type of person who will be silenced once anyone gets enough power to silence masses. Hell, by the fact that you've been chased all the way to this dank corner of the internet, we can see that they've already been trying to silence you. People shouldn't have that kind of power. >>20899

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