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Young Boys Older Girls Anonymous 10/09/2020 (Fri) 00:09:39 No. 5832 [Reply] [Last]
/ss/ thread anyone? Post your favorite /ss/ pairs, discuss what you like about them and the series they come from.
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>>33296 Can a pure heart also shrink her dragging beef curtains?
>>33327 Maybe!
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Cartoons only you have seen 07/15/2020 (Wed) 05:35:45 No. 2931 [Reply] [Last]
some time ago back on 8k (before the whole debacle) some anon posted about some kinda unknown italian cartoon named Star Key. the show feels like those imitation-anime toons from back in the 00s, but it was made in 2018. All 26 episodes are in YT, but untranslated in italian. The story is about Luce, the protagonist, who is an orphan that discovers shes a princess from a distant planet, and the only one capable of finding some mythical artifact (the star Key) for reasons theres also an antagonist princess named Fedora who is also looking for said item. Been checking episodes back and forth, but my pasta-speak is very weak. somebody on YT subbed the first episode. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzOvJPcGNfM
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>>6870 >>6873 Apparently the creator confirmed there will be a 3rd season like couple of days ago on Instagram
Pastafag here, if you link me the episodes I'm gonna write the text here don't and can't be arsed to get the sub going so you at least have something to keep it going OP
>>33307 check >>29960 Seems whoever was translating it, subbed the whole thing. So its done, i think

Catching Up With Andrew Dobson Anonymous 02/15/2022 (Tue) 07:09:46 No. 23102 [Reply]
Fairly old news, but it's always a pleasure to see everyone's most hated inflatable bear to be as pathetic as ever. Though digging a little deeper he hasn't been around since 2019. https://archive.is/JAHNx https://archive.is/JhYJb
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>>33122 You best be playing dumb, the term existed way before those trannies from kiwifags mutilated themselves. >>33140 He's probably crippled for the rest of his life after attempting suicide, but he's definitely the surface of lewd artists who are incompetent with their shit and end up burning bridges everywhere. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=q4oNjcoAQ4U Now the guys who bruised his ego have buried their past in order to restart as, you've guessed: Lewd artists who refuse to leave their hugboxes. Literally: >What did the kettle tell to the pot?
>>23997 That was a good story.
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>>33147 >He's probably crippled for the rest of his life after attempting suicide Whoa whoa whoa. Whoa. I must have missed that one. What happened? Did he accidentally wander into a Mardi Gras party and get triggered?

>>33217 >Nothing triggers Cuckchan /co/ more Why? Have they completely lost their way?
>>33218 That board called /co/umblr for a reason. They call smiling friends nazi propaganda.
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>>33227 Is rednigger still the janitor?

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Netflix Cartoons Anonymous 03/15/2023 (Wed) 06:37:04 No. 33036 [Reply]
I'm looking for Mega or any kind of links of Netflix cartoons like Masameer County, Nutty Boy, Inside Job and Cuphead Show.
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>>33045 I wanted to make screenshots of some of these.
Why is Reagan so hot?
>>33089 You're so lonely you'll settle for anything.

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Anonymous 03/01/2023 (Wed) 01:37:28 No. 32641 [Reply]
Let's talk about Scott Adams.
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>>32925 >4th pic
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>>32923 >I'd like to see Dilbert become the new Pepe. We should get a drawfag to make us a Pepe that looks like Dilbert who is bulling an Asok who looks like Wojak.

Netflix Holocausts It's Animation Department Anonymous 04/22/2022 (Fri) 01:10:05 No. 25307 [Reply] [Last]
DING DONG THE WITCH IS DEAD >The news of the changes in the department emerged around the same time the quarterly earnings report for the Netflix streaming platform surfaced. Netflix saw its stock plunge more than 30% after highlighting the loss of 200,000 subscribers, which was the first time the platform had seen such a decrease in over a decade. >Phil Rynda, whose official title is Netflix’s Director of Creative Leadership and Development for Original Animation, was let go this week, along with several of his staff >Along with the firings, the department is seeing the cancellation of notable Netflix shows, including Lauren Faust's Toil and Trouble, Roald Dahl's The Twits, and the heavily delayed adaptation of Jeff Smith's comic book series Bone. >(Netflix confirms their decisions are made using data, which takes into account viewing versus cost.) >Netflix currently touts “Boss Baby” as the ideal of what an animated series on the platform should be and what kind of numbers those animated series should be bringing in <The future is a Nickelodeon style hustle with licensing out the ass and family guy clones everywhere After years of forcing their crappy diversity requirements down project's throats, its all finally come to bite them in the ass. https://archive.ph/aWi6W https://archive.ph/A0Qoh https://archive.ph/OQo8y
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>>30621 It's liberal garbage pretending to be neutral and the most basic bitch conspiracy theory satire, tied in a sitcom. That's literally it
Does anyone have download links to Netflix cartoons?
>>30566 >So, what's your thought about Inside Job? It's better than 97% of all the other Shitflix products, but it still probably deserves oblivion for the feminism and race shit. >I like Myc the mushroom if only because he's an absolute rip-off of Bender who gets to swear. Unfortunately, he's played by a total jewfuck who's an asshole IRL. >I found Glenn the dolphin guy stupidly funny. I think DiMaggio had a lot of fun with him and it shows >I enjoyed the conspiracy jokes like the burger joint in the food court being called "McUltra's" and the other cheap laffs in that vein >I like that they ridicule flat-earthers as being the only conspiracy that isn't true while planning for a meeting with the reptilians in the hollow earth. There's a lot to like and it probably would have done better if Netflix could stop dumping woke fucking shit into their shows by the barrel. Then again, Alex Hirschy Highway was behind it so it was always going to be soylent as fuck.

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Anonymous 03/04/2023 (Sat) 19:14:54 No. 32710 [Reply]
Looks like the WB execs are gutting even more Scooby Doo stuff. What do we blame for this? the economy, the Velma show? https://archive.fo/dihmi https://mega.nz/folder/Z3wiWKQY#tvKD1o24cVRPk1SC8Kp_Ag https://anonymfile.com/Rdgp7/scooby-doo-and-krypto-too.mp4
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>>32710 >"mystery pups" with no actual sign of Scooby
>>32796 Scooby's there anon. Did you just kneejerk without checking anon's mega link?
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>>32998 I'm aware he's in it, but I was referring to the pic with the logo showing only the pups and the only sign of the great dane is his collar tag. Fuck these guys in the ass for 1000 years.

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Roswell Conspiracies: Aliens, Myths and Legends Anonymous 03/10/2023 (Fri) 17:13:55 No. 32924 [Reply]
So I found this show, and I'm wondering why I never heard of it, it's pretty good. I Wonder if someone from man of action worked on this show because I notice some similar elements in it or is it just the comic book style feel
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I watched this series. And the twist in the end, while obvious, it was pretty nice.

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/co/ Pain Thread 6: Sex, Sex Ed and Sexy Edition Anonymous 03/09/2023 (Thu) 05:11:24 No. 32866 [Reply] [Last]
Time for another round of bullshit, cringe and MAXIMUM PAIN We left off on the shitty teenage mulatto nigga tards movie by Shit Rogen, which looks like peak urbanite goyslop, next we looked at industry faggots shitting their g-string over rebeccarrots house being exposed by some cartoonjewbrew hacks, what else is worth reacting to?
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Tranny Gooks are shitting themselves over Pinocchio from Guillermo Del Toro winning the Oscars on twatter over Turning Red, their pain is our gain.
>>32971 >Turning Red Menstruation: The Movie
>>>/ac/3515 That's the hubbub about this new Primos cartoon?

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Anonymous 03/12/2023 (Sun) 03:25:41 No. 32945 [Reply]
Welp, Cartoon Block is here again. Come join us for some classic cartoon fun! Well Seymour We Made It (Despite Your Driving, Ya Know What I Mean?) : Eps 28-29 In Tonight's Episode, Something Is Afoot (It's The Writer's Fetish) : Eps 7-9 (Season 2) Having a series about Ulysses is bold, but having a full episode about Sisyphus is Boulder : Eps 6-7 Donatello Plays at Yankee Stadium; Bo Knows Baseball : Eps 166-167 Also, stay tuned for the post-show episodes of Mexican Trigun. JOIN US: https://vaughn.live/starfish_wasteland Also also: In honor of the coming anniversary stream for /block/, we need folks to think of all the characters from all the shows we've shown on /block/ to nominate the following: BLOCK MOM BLOCK DAD BLOCK SON

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

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Did vaughn die for everyone else?
>>32962 yep, down for me too
Sorry folks, looks like vaughn died within the last 15 minutes of Mexican Trigun. Looks like TMNT won the vote, so it will get the bonus episode next week.

>live-action Avatar show Anonymous 06/11/2020 (Thu) 02:29:14 No. 1807 [Reply] [Last]
https://comicbook.com/anime/news/avatar-the-last-airbender-cabbage-man-live-action/ >Of course, fans would love to see Sie return as the character. The unassuming merchant became one of the best running gags of Avatar, and he is still talked about today. The Cabbage Merchant appears through the show with his stand of produce which always gets smushed by the Avatar and Company. The character, which was meant to be part of a one-off joke, became its own role after fans of Avatar championed the ill-fated merchant. How bad do you think the show will be? Legend of Korra bad? Even worse?
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>>32839 No, but there was a part about one of these transcended who was dead, bleeding from every orifice, and had his body found in a twisted and contorted manner on the floor, with Korra's posse horrified by the discovery, but one of the zealots telling them to dismiss it as all over the "ascended" end up like that.
>>32828 That sounds awesome, too bad that's too interesting of a premise.
>>32828 Holy shit that sounds way better then what we got.

Story Time: Star Wars: Dawn Of The Jedi - Force Storm Anonymous 03/09/2023 (Thu) 15:21:56 No. 32904 [Reply]
Tales from the better lore.
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That guy looks like an edgier revan.

Anonymous 03/06/2023 (Mon) 05:45:55 No. 32739 [Reply]
So I found this, they said they would release their pages biweekly until it completes at around 40.
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>>32803 >It's hard to update a webcomic in prison. Lmao >>32792 What the fuck is wrong with these people? >>32791 >Second pic Heh that's a good one!
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>>32739 Zoophila awareness
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This is not only sick and wrong, it's fucking baffling. Why not just draw humans trying to make this a thing instead of anthro animals? It just makes an already bizarre thing into something even worse. >"Mr. Horse, can I please speak to your wife?" >"It's 'husband,' thank you very much, and I'm afraid he's a regular non-sentient sea turtle so you won't get much out of him other than airy squeaks." >"If he's non-sentient, how can he consent to a raping via horse-dick?" >"Bah! Your ignorance is astounding!"

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/co/ Pain Thread 5: Spooky Season Anonymous 10/07/2022 (Fri) 17:11:08 No. 29567 [Reply] [Last]
Time once more for a new thread for all things /co/ that cause us pain & anguish. We've got quite a lot lately with everything in the MCU from Apeman By Night to She-Hulk the slutty green giant. As well as the new "Velma" show that is in no way a thinly veiled vanity project riding on the back of an established family oriented children's franchise for some fucking reason. Somehow leaving the Mario movie by Illumination being the least terrible among the batch of crap we're getting.
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>>32833 Clearly they're the good guys.
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>>32831 Ideology suppresses all, plus they get those sweet ESG points for free revenue.
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Anonymous 04/21/2021 (Wed) 16:22:47 No. 11977 [Reply] [Last]
I didn't know that Ukinojoe was such a colossal faggot, I always enjoyed his animations. https://archive.vn/uN6nv
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>>32645 >to gain back his reddit cattle He'd find more value in cultivating public lice.
>>32646 John want's him a whole heard of niggercattle.
>>32645 >>32645 The thing about that is - any given user can posses an absurd amount of alternate accounts. Especially if they use either TOR or a VPN service. Even the Plebbbit power jannies have about 50 each

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