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Anonymous 12/07/2021 (Tue) 03:20:13 No. 20919
Didn't see a thread, but good ole She-Hulk is back. But for how long?
>>20919 It's not worth making a thread over since the news itself is not only minor but several weeks old.
>>20919 I've always thought this was a dumb and mediocre horny bait concept.
>>20919 Who cares? Returning the status quo is nothing new. Fuck it's the oldest trick in the book for comic. Actual progress & change is never permanent. Big two comics aren't written like actual stories. They're never ending loops of the same bullshit.
She still kinda looks like a man in that second pic. Funny how the do this when they've got a She-Hulk tv show coming out soon.
>>20919 Oh boy, so Marvel returned to Coke She-Hulk classic after New Coke She-Hulk bombed?
>>20919 The first pic is nice, the second one has a horrible man-jaw.
Meanwhile, the BO's worst nightmare has returned...
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>>20933 I'm in Brisbane, Australia, according to the VPN. I'm not really in Brisbane.
>>20933 The BO's worst nightmare is his real life, ban evading is a chance for him to escape it by using a ban that means literally nothing to feel like he's asserting control over that which he truly has none. You're practically an unpaid therapist.
>>20927 That's probably why. As dumb as Marvel is, they probably do not want to risk situation where people who watched the show open a comic only to see a giant green retard instead of green lawyer. >>20927 It's all because of that goofy jawline and bad coloring.
This is nice and all, but the stories of superhero comics just aren't interesting anymore.
>>20938 Almost like an endless loop of the same characters never changing or progressing gets really boring really fast.
>>20940 Almost like current stories aren't like the ones we got for the previous 80 years, though. Rehashing the same shit as before would be a vast improvement over shit that comes out now, including this. Make no mistake, returning to a more reasonable design does not mean the story isn't the same trash as the last several years. >>20921 They're doing the best they can with a character that was literally created because if the Incredible Hulk TV show did a female hulk, they would have the rights to the concept, and Marvel wanted to preempt that and ensure they had the rights instead. Considering she was created for legal reasons, they've done a reasonable job making her into a reasonably fleshed out character with a successful niche. She was the original Deadpool, before Deadpool was ripped off by nu-Harley Quinn. Only when She-Hulk did it, it was still a little original. Also good creators like John Byrne were actually able to do the concept well.
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>>20942 >Character created for legal reasons is a lawyer It all makes sense now
>>20937 >That's probably why. As dumb as Marvel is, they probably do not want to risk situation where people who watched the show open a comic only to see a giant green retard instead of green lawyer. I mean, they spent 2017 at the height of the MCU with none of those characters headlining their own comics. But I guess they've learned their lesson this time, and making sure She Hulk matches from tv to comic.
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>>20936 >You're practically an unpaid therapist. So you're saying I should be charging him every time I have to jump to another country? Because it really is an inconvenience. A mild one, but still... it does require clicking on TWO buttons.
>>20968 Unfortunately he has no money because he does it 4free.
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>>20948 >But I guess they've learned their lesson this time
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>>20943 >mfw John Byrne sperged out at Mark Waid for suggesting Diana and Clark would EVER have a child out of wedlock in Kingdom Come >mfw She-Hulk is Byrne's waifu and he must have been incandescent when they made her ugly and mannish I dream of a world where John Byrne goes absolutely redpill and starts calling out the degenerates during a con panel nervous breakdown
>>21069 He chimped out about trannies ages ago but then backpeddled on it.
>>21083 Probably not because he wanted to, I imagine. >"Hey, John. Remember that Star Trek comic you wanted to do about the further adventures of some obscure side character from a failed leapfrog-pilot? Well it's off unless you apologize for your privilege. Why? Because we're scared of 12 faggots on twitter. Goodbye."
>>21083 Was it on video?
>>21142 It was a forum post, I misremembered it as a spergout becasuse John bryne has a history of them, it was just regular wrongthink. https://archive.md/i2P9v
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>>21144 >Written by Jude Terror
>>21144 >Did John Byrne Just Equate Being Transgender With Pedophilia? Can't imagine why.
>>21147 While correct, note that John Byrne happens to be the guy who made it canon that Reed Richards met Sue Storm when he was an adult and she was a child, and it was love at first sight. He is also the one who suggested to Frank Miller that Robin should be a loli.
>>21161 >John Byrne happens to be the guy who made it canon that Reed Richards met Sue Storm when he was an adult and she was a child I am not in any way suggesting Byrne isn't a complete deviant, but my little brother had that issue and Reed appeared to be 17-18 at the time, (boarding with the Storms while attending college) with Sue being 10-11 (hard to tell because Byrne always draws kids as dwarves). Sue got a crush on him, which is fine, that happens, and Reed appeared super uncomfortable with the whole thing. THAT SAID... It's absolutely disgusting that he'd even consider a relationship with her when she came of age. I knew a young girl who appeared to have a crush on me when I was a teenager. She came of age, and was very beautiful, but all I saw was the kid who cut her Barbies' hair with safety scissors and threw a shit fit when her mom told her should couldn't get a popsicle from the ice cream guy in the summer. I can't imagine a real-life Reed could have met Sue 10 years later and thought "Hubba hubba!" There's also another horrifying wrinkle to this: Reed's fiercest competition for his wife is a man who fought Nazis in WWII. Sue seems to have a type.
>>21162 You call it disgusting, but that age gap was not at all uncommon until very recent decades. Also, Reed and Ben also fought in World War II originally. They just sort of don't specifically refer to what war they fought in anymore.
>>21175 >You call it disgusting, but that age gap was not at all uncommon until very recent decades. It was pretty gross back then, too.

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