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HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY! Anonymous 07/04/2022 (Mon) 05:11:21 No. 27307 [Reply]
HAPPY 246th BIRTHDAY AMERICA! Through good and bad times, there's always something to be proud about!
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I am proud to be an American, where at least I know that I can disregard copyright freely.
>>27307 Not American but I'd be lying if I didn't say that most of the stuff I enjoy come from the land of the free
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>>27325 >land of the free Only relative to everyone else.

Copyright gone Wild! Anonymous 05/31/2022 (Tue) 00:37:13 No. 26427 [Reply] [Last]
Hell I can't even remember another piece of media that was violated the moment it became free to use.
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I've always wondered if the discussions on this board are always the same two autists fighting or just one autist and the other is just a contrarian trolling him.
>>27302 >Witcher https://witcher.fandom.com/wiki/Conjunction_of_the_Spheres >Elric >https://www.seiyuu.com/okamoto/writing/multiverse.html >The Conjunction of the Million Spheres You deserve that ban.
>>27313 You can Frank are both faggots. These aren't unique ideas. The closest actual connections are going by the name 'The White Wolf'.

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Anonymous 06/23/2022 (Thu) 02:30:38 No. 27003 [Reply]
>Morbius made more money than Lightyear
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>>27181 Yeah sure. And with a bit of class of how the "elite nobility" can be depicted as high-class vampires.
>>27180 That movie was really good. I enjoyed it. Got me to download a bunch of the books. Which reminds me, I need to continue reading them. Shame I'm missing a few of them.
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Reminder that it's possible, depending on how much Disney spent on marketing (IIRC the half budget floating around is a safe low ball, not confirmed. Equal or more is common), Lightyear approaches or exceeds the budget of Waterworld. The difference being Waterworld merely barely made money on a stupidly high budget, while Lightyear has actually lost money.

Joe Quesada Leaves Marvel After 22 Years Anonymous 06/01/2022 (Wed) 03:40:37 No. 26486 [Reply]
>Joe Quesada, former Marvel Comics editor-in-chief and current executive vice president and creative director of Marvel Entertainment, has announced he's leaving the company after 22 years. Good riddance, maybe this time Peter's marriage will stick this time. Who am I kidding it wont https://archive.ph/UePmi
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Good fucking riddance.
>>26768 See was that so hard.
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>>26487 They blacked Maryjane at some point in the past, so she was already ruined forever.

Anonymous 06/09/2022 (Thu) 00:42:37 No. 26679 [Reply]
Why do they keep trying with the liveaction shit, nothing good ever came from their experiment back in 2009. https://archive.ph/4fuRg https://archive.ph/sYD3y
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>>26679 Because CN kikes wants money like Nickelodeon and Disney Channel are getting with their unfunny live-actions.
>>26695 A lot* FTFY
>>26700 kek, true

Anonymous 06/05/2022 (Sun) 17:56:01 No. 26608 [Reply]
Which heroes would support the government taking away people's guns? Which villains would support taking away people's guns?
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>>26626 It's called Guardians, from 2017
This topic reminds me of a a DC Adventures (rebranded Mutants and Masterminds) character I did once. She was partial owner of an energy weapons company that specialized in mail order of small, portable, relatively cheap blasters most jurisdictions are totally blank on because they don't meet the definition of "firearm". Was convinced Gotham's Batman was a either a super villain or mercenary criminals sic on their rivals. After all, why else would he leave Bruce Wayne alone when that man's lobbying dollars are responsible for keeping the average Gothamite defenseless?
Honest answer? None. You are not heroic if you want a big government to create a "utopia" which perpetually "protects" everyone.

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/co/ e-celeb general Anonymous 06/30/2021 (Wed) 16:26:18 No. 14607 [Reply]
>overly sarcastic productions >not overly sarcastic >just snarky gay commies
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>>26391 They look related.
>>26391 He has no confidence if he has to hide the fact he has a beard

Where is Anne Frank (2021) Anonymous 04/26/2022 (Tue) 08:51:14 No. 25514 [Reply]
Wow, this movie has an Anti-Racism message in it.
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>>26399 The movie ends with a message indicating racism is increasing. why? because all of 8chan and cuckchannel are a bunch of ugly anti-semites.
Racism is increasing because you all exist.
>>26880 Yeah, just like there are many movies of "The Hunchback of Notre Dame".

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Same VA thread Anonymous 11/21/2020 (Sat) 07:38:54 No. 7438 [Reply]
>No way, Eric! This shot is too good to pass up for the premiere in Vancouver... the chopper's just the icing! >You freaking lunatic! You're gonna get yourself killed. >And I'm going to pull a McTwist on the way over
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I'm the pizza delivery dude! The dude with the food!
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<Keep at it, cocksucker!

Anonymous 09/17/2021 (Fri) 04:14:00 No. 17819 [Reply]
I wonder what Tarzan's Parents ship from Disney's Tarzan (1999) would look like in it's full glory before it got destroyed by fire.
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I think, similar to USS Constitution?
>>21208 Are you saying they sank the ship on purpose? They didn't even try to bring friends on the lifeboat
>>26299 Tarzan's parents didn't burn the ship.

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Anonymous 02/23/2022 (Wed) 04:59:50 No. 23357 [Reply] [Last]
>‘Turning Red’ Film Critic Calls the New Pixar Cartoon ‘Unapologetically Horny’ WTF PIXAR https://archive.fo/KkoRb
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>>26291 >>26298 The problem with letting the government have control in either of the matters you speak of is assuming that they'll side with you and not against you. Look around. They're already loudly proclaiming how vehemently they are sided against you.
>>26295 >I guess if we had a situation like in Dot.Hack where the whole internet goes down in a spectacular blaze of glory we could rebuild a new one that has safeguards against kids accessing social media but that would require a system where safeguards are in place. The only safeguards you need is to make internet unfriendly to normalfags.
>>26061 >that Gundam autist On /co/?

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New Pixar Move Anonymous 05/16/2022 (Mon) 22:38:59 No. 26108 [Reply]
>Pixar has dropped the concept art for its next feature, Elemental, which will hit theaters on June 16 (see it below). Disney already had the Father’s Day weekend date reserved for an untitled Pixar film. >Directed by Peter Sohn (The Good Dinosaur, Partly Cloudy short) and produced by Denise Ream (The Good Dinosaur, Cars 2), Elemental journeys alongside an unlikely pair, Ember and Wade, in a city where fire, water, land and air-residents live together. The fiery young woman and the go-with-the-flow guy are about to discover something elemental: how much they actually have in common. >The movie was inspired by Sohn’s childhood in New York. >“My parents emigrated from Korea in the early 1970s and built a bustling grocery store in the Bronx,” said the director. “We were among many families who ventured to a new land with hopes and dreams—all of us mixing into one big salad bowl of cultures, languages and beautiful little neighborhoods. That’s what led me to Elemental.” >“Our story is based on the classic elements — fire, water, land and air,” the director added. “Some elements mix with each other, and some don’t. What if these elements were alive?” >Pixar, after being sidelined to Disney+ with Turning Red and Soul during the pandemic, returns to theaters this Father’s Day weekend, June 17-19, with the Toy Story origins story Lightyear. The studio showed off the pic’s first half hour to great response at CinemaCon last month.
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>>26128 Industry faggots are largely never creative with their follow the leader bullshit, so my money's on reason #3. With the current corporate climate (aided by witch hunts from leftist HR), it's impossible to say "no" to anyone who is non-white and making a story about "culture" without being crucified as a racist and permanently blacklisted from the industry.
Pixar was always shit
>>26128 People who comment on media in the consuming class are critical of everything if it depicts real groups and execs are terrified of criticism from liberals and their ilk. All that's left is "authentic" stories from "authentic" people, which is defined as being immigrants from urban centers, which are devoid of any genuine culture that people have to worry about the depiction of.

Anonymous 05/21/2022 (Sat) 02:02:34 No. 26195 [Reply]
You're in store for some movies. Hope you got snacks (and you better share, dammit). Join us for the following movies: - The Gumby Movie - The Nut Job - The Average Dinosaur OR You can choose between the Ted Box and the Yaki Box. Ted Box smells like the most amazing male power fantasy ever made, and you can take that to the bank. Yaki Box smells like another target for well-intentioned grandparents. JOIN US https://vaughn.live/tedfufu
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Flipping a switch says I'm voting for Yaki
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Next movie of the night is from the Yaki Box, and it's CarGo! It LOOKS like Cars, but it's super-not. At least Melissa Joan Hart is in it?!
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/co/ related Pain Thread 2: The Starfox Cometh Anonymous 10/25/2021 (Mon) 16:59:52 No. 18884 [Reply] [Last]
Another miscellaneous thread for all things /co/ related that make you cringe, groan, or furious.
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>>26177 The creator. Vanity project. Likely couldn't get it off the ground unless she painted it in an existing IP coat of paint.
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You know in a better written film this would've been funny as hell, still kinda is but for different reasons. Also someone needs to make a new pain thread
>>26180 Gimme a minute.

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Anonymous 11/13/2021 (Sat) 02:48:26 No. 20068 [Reply]
I like Amphibia.
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>>20068 well i think Amphibia sucks
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Everything until the 2nd part of the final was top tier, everything after was a mixed bag.

Anonymous 03/03/2022 (Thu) 04:22:23 No. 23610 [Reply] [Last]
A day left, what's your prediction /co/? How shit will it be?
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>>26009 Is there any thread to talk about Dr Strange and how shitty the movie is?
>>26015 There's some discussion in the pain thread but your free to make a thread for it.
>>26009 Those other shows have fucking shit animation compared to Ren & Stimpy, and the later ones wouldnt exist without it in the first place.

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