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Cartoon Intros Anonymous 09/05/2020 (Sat) 03:47:36 No. 4808 [Reply] [Last]
What are some of your favorite cartoon intros?
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>>41604 That's strange, considering forgotten leaf cartoons would later get dumped into Youtube now that it has gotten too sterile and safe.

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Anonymous 11/13/2022 (Sun) 01:45:24 No. 30422 [Reply]
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>>30422 Bizarro Stonetoss
>>43727 >bizarro in what way? the art? most of the jokes from that guy are the same as Stonetoss's

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Characters aging in cartoons Anonymous 02/18/2025 (Tue) 05:36:37 No. 43715 [Reply]
What are some cartoons where all the characters age as the series progress (as opposed to a single character going through puberty to explain a voice actor change)? Especially interested in ones where the change is visual. In Jimmy Neutron, Jimmy is 8 in the movie, 10 at the end of season 1 (visible in a newspaper clipping in Professor Calamitous's debut you'd never be able to read on an CRT with network artifacts), and 11 by the end of the series (and I'd assume the rest of the cast ages at the same rate). For most of the cast this is just a number since the models don't change, but I noticed that when Cindy and Libby got new outfits for an episode in the final season, the two have the beginnings of breasts, instead of flaunting how flat they are like Cindy's normal outfit. Kim Possible showed the cast go from middle school to graduating high school. I don't think their character designs really reflected this outside of Kim's younger brothers hitting puberty. Even Wade, who was explicitly 10 at introduction, doesn't really change.
Does the DC Animated Universe count? Robin grows up and Batman gets a new Robin. And then everyone is old in Batman Beyond, and there are episodes of Justice League that re-visit Beyond but further in the future, and the characters get older each time. Remember ReBoot? Enzo has a birthday and gets visibly older, and then later he and AndrAIa grow up. The characters that are adults don't age as visibly, because of course adults don't change as much, and there is time shifting involved, but they do change as the models get upgraded every season, and there are flashbacks where they are slightly younger. I think it's at least as good as your example. I liked how in Beast Wars/Beast Machines Cheetor gets a character arc of him growing up. He does go through puberty, but not because of a voice actor change. It doesn't make much sense that he's portrayed as such a kid when he's supposed to be on some sort of scientist space crew, but screw it. It's neat to see him grow up and become an adult through the course of Beast Machines. Also he's an alien robot and I don't think their species literally ages at all, but whatever, man. Everyone ages 20 years in Transformers G1, between Season 2 and the movie. Does that count? Most of them are robots and don't visibly age, but the few human characters do. Characters are supposed to age in real time in Futurama, aren't they? Fry doesn't look like he's in his 40s in the latest season (I assume. I'm not watching that shit), but they keep showing that it's 1000 years in the future of when the episode came out, right? But Fry was always frozen on Y2K.
>>43717 I don't think time skips/sequels set in future count, DCAU's version of Dick Grayson started as an 18 year old, and I'm not sure they ever made clear how old he is when he comes back as Nightwing.

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Anonymous 01/17/2022 (Mon) 11:06:07 No. 22253 [Reply] [Last]
Why is he so edgy?
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>>43506 >>43460 >>38054 You mean early 2000s Late 2000s was when everything started getting sanitized.
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>>43513 Those faggot/black/tranny jokes were just a trojan horse for the cattle to normalize them.
>>43541 I can't believe anyone thought punks were cool.

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Combo Man Anonymous 09/20/2021 (Mon) 14:08:06 No. 17930 [Reply]
Remember this gem? If you could re-make Combo Man what (12) Heroes and Villains would you use? Original Combo: Spider-Man, Captain America, Hulk, Iron Man, The Punisher, Wolverine,Carnage, Cyclops, Magneto, Dr. Doom, Human Torch, and Daredevil.
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>>43060 same anon here. thread's pretty dead but I got around to drawing my idea some days back. pic related
>>43361 cool
>>43059 >Castle's sense or justice I would think it's his sheer will power and knowledge of fire arms. >>43361 Radical.

Alinicia Anonymous 12/15/2024 (Sun) 17:55:14 No. 42513 [Reply]
Would you? Why is there no porn? Also, South Park thread I guess.
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Season 5, episode 12, Here Comes the Neighborhood. In spite of all the irreverence and racist jokes, they fail to commit to a joke with the nigger word, and cut the episode off as Mr. Garrison says, "Well yeah, but at least I got rid of all those damn ni-". Now that I think about it, they pretty much never use any of the harder racial slurs in a show that's meant to offend. Is it the writers, or is it the networks?
Now in season 10. Just finished the noice episode. Noting that that were cockblocked by the Comedy Central from depicting Muhammad a few episodes back, even though they've done it before.
Finally, in the 11th season, they said the nigger word eleventy billion times.

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Anonymous 01/17/2025 (Fri) 15:27:01 No. 43187 [Reply]
Danish Toon ‘Apple Hills’ Goes Global with Cartoon Network on YouTube https://archive.fo/o4O6t https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33jsfqZT7GE >Apple Hills, the Danish animated hit series produced by Nice Ninja and coproduced with public broadcaster DR, will be launching January 12 on the worldwide Cartoon Network YouTube channel. “Apple Hills is strongly influenced by all the slapstick comedy series that we have grown up with on Cartoon Network. So, we are more than proud that Apple Hills will launch on the Cartoon Network YouTube channel,” said Thomas Borch-Nielsen, producer at Nice Ninja. “I hope that kids around the world will enjoy Trafalgar and Pulver’s crazy adventures as much as we have while animating them.” >The deal with Warner Bros. Discovery was signed by Meta Media Entertainment, the worldwide exclusive distributor of Apple Hills and follows the successful launch of Season 1 (20 x 5’) of the series in Denmark last year. >Apple Hills was launched on DR in September 2023 and became the third-ranking kids show in Denmark within six weeks. Within the first month of launching on DR’s Kid VOD platform Ramasjang, the series was watched 6.5 million times, which is equivalent to every Danish kid in the target group 5-10 years watching each episode more than once. Season 2 of Apple Hills (20 x 6’) is in production and will be delivered in Q1 2025. >Apple Hills is a small town. In fact, it’s so small and insignificant, it has been removed from Google Maps. The only thing that stands out is a polluting concrete factory. But if you look closely, you will discover two small kids Trafalgar and Pulver. They are experts at surviving boredom since their solutions to everyday relatable problems often take a wild and unpredictable turn for the worse!

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Roosterteeth Funeral Thread Anonymous 11/07/2020 (Sat) 21:13:04 No. 7098 [Reply] [Last]
Little bit of /v/ and a little bit of /co/, either way the dead horse is burning. So take your bets on when the final death blow is dealt. Because the dream is long dead Update: 6 feet under. https://archive.md/VVWdS
Edited last time by Frank on 03/06/2024 (Wed) 18:37:21.
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>>43449 >sell company after setting it on the path of certain destruction >company gets shut down >buy it back for pennies
>>40081 >Leaked voice lines confirms that RWBY will be in MultiVersus Uhmm... Not anymore
>>43452 About time they put to sleep that shitacular game infested with whatever hipster catering cancer plus microtransactions.

Diamond Files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Anonymous 01/14/2025 (Tue) 16:53:25 No. 43169 [Reply]
I'm surprised it took this long.
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>>43419 I'll give it to marvel, they atleast had the foresight to focus their equivalent of the compact collection titles on the quality silver age stuff. DC continually fucks this up by fixating on more modern titles, all of which continue to fail to garner the interest and attention of kids because they're all written for late teens and twenty somethings. DC continually remains ashamed of their kid friendly history while Marvel is just out to make a quick buck. Ultimately their effort with these reader friendly collections is a little wasted since they dont advertise this shit like they should, but I digress. The dollar store floppy approach is just as bad for the point you mentioned, but from what I saw in person, they're just stocking number ones. Maybe that will help? They're really not putting their best foot forward in anycase. >Also, didn't DC and Marvel both stop going through Diamond a few years ago? That's why Diamond is fucked now. But they still aren't smart enough to just sell comics in the checkout lanes of supermarkets, and write comics that normal people would like and understand Yes, yes, and yes. Somehow Archie understands this better than the big two (and even Archie spent the last decade doing retarded shit). People dont direct enough hate towards Archie. Literally the face of all ages comics and they went all in on edgy media adaptions instead of selling their characters to kids. Now what do they have beyond baby boomer impulse purchases? Absolutely zilch.
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Is Penguin Random House any better?

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Easter Annual Special Anonymous 04/05/2021 (Mon) 00:47:16 No. 11145 [Reply] [Last]
Guess who's back in town! Sit back on relax and enjoy everyone's favorite Christian manga. Serenity #1-10
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Christ has risen, happy Easter.
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Happy Easter
Managed to snag a full set of Serenity off ebay for a good price. Through /co/ tradition Serenity is probably my most reread comic, so I'm happy to have them in print. I will be reading them this Easter.

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Anonymous 10/11/2024 (Fri) 02:44:36 No. 41539 [Reply]
Nope, not getting out of this chair.
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John Erwinn , Dies at 88 Anonymous 01/31/2025 (Fri) 20:04:43 No. 43378 [Reply]
>John Erwin, Voice Actor in ‘He-Man’ and ‘Archie’ Cartoons, Dies at 88 >Erwin died of natural causes “around Dec. 20” in his home in Camarillo, California, his reps at the PR firm Celebworx announced. >He worked on the cartoons Groovie Goolies, Foofur and Spacecats and in the film Babe (1995) and came out of retirement to voice He-Man one last time on a 2005 episode of Family Guy. >Erwin also served as an announcer/narrator on such TV shows as Here’s Lucy and Malcolm & Eddie and in films including Looker (1981), Everybody’s All-American (1988) and Back to the Future Part II (1989). https://archive.md/fY8sL
I just heard the news. Tragic stuff, I hope he's in a better place.

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Knights of Guinevere Anonymous 01/18/2025 (Sat) 20:52:25 No. 43209 [Reply]
From GLITCH productions that brought you Amazing Digital Circus and Murder Drones comes a 2D animated series. Created by Dana Terrace (Owl House) , John Bailey Owen and Zach Marcus. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZgwHNno1WvM
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>>43251 The spammer exist there & does that obligatory porn every thread for Hazbin, Helluva, or TADC.
>>43243 Actually, I suspect what will happen is people will forget why trannies were so bad in the first place, and they will become in vogue again and make media until people get fed-up again, and so on... Unto eternity.
>>43209 The heroine is cute, but the premise would only be good if this was the first thing GLITCH made. Plus, something about her design makes her look older than she likely is. The company is pigeonholing itself into the trend of cute things being creepy. It's part of their branding, but they need to use the money from TADC to expand operations by choosing a growth strategy, either make more seasons for existing series like Sunset Paradise or Murder Drones while introducing new series or making new series that are within their target demographic and general tone but aren't so similar as to be hard to differentiate. While they weren't graphically impressive, Meta Runner had episode per week every season. Seasons one and two had a 12 month break between them, and seasons two and three had an extra six months separating them because of the Murder Drones pilot. 2021 had one season of Sunset Paradise to cover the peak months of summer. It wasn't graphically impressive either, but it followed the same schedule as a season of MR. MR and SP started regular production very soon after their pilots were released, but MD took one year for its first non-pilot episode. After that, it produced episodes bi-monthly through episode 6. Episode 7 took seven months because of the Amazing Digital Circus pilot, giving the impression, based on what it did for season 3 of MR, that the finale would release two months later. Instead, the finale took five months because episode 2 of TADC released. This would be forgivable if Knights of Guinevere wasn't being animated completely in 2D. If we assume this gap follows the same trend as previous series, adding 3 months between episodes, the release date of episode 5 of TADC is pushed to sometime in April, but the switch to 2D animation may cause a greater delay. This is bad for business because TADC recently began a bimonthly release schedule reflective of MD and has no end in sight, lacking MD's footing and direction while bringing the studio a drove of new fans who want content in a timely manner because they aren't used to the schedule of the studio's higher fidelity projects as established by MD. The studio has nothing to appeal to them other than merchandise promotions and its back catalog, much of which may be outside of the age range attracted by TADC. The most forthcoming remedy is to increase monetization either through the release of supplemental content or a partnership with a streaming service. However, TADC's Netflix partnership brings no money for GLITCH other than, I assume, a profit sharing scheme, and its manga is only an adaptation. GLITCH's most promising revenue stream is, in my opinion, Glitch Inn. However, its current implementation is a site acting as an alternative to Patreon to prevent a middle man between the studio and payment processors. The only benefits its subscription provides are behind the scenes content and a Discord server. To make a sustainable brand, people need to be able to inundate themselves with supplementary content. While it's often pointed to as a bad thing, the thought that a brand needs to be a religion isn't entirely wrong. To stay afloat, a brand needs zealots, consumers who would be willing to spend any amount of money, and this is something achieved through a variety of methods. GLITCH has the chance for this with TADC, but it seems to not have the acumen or willpower to do it. This may be because Gooseworx lacks a plan for the studio's most profitable series. MD's creator has the zeal to make content for the show forever and created prototypes of it for years beforehand, animating two pilots for different series which could be remade and expanded with GLITCH. Without funding independent from TADC's animated content, GLITCH's future is tied to its success to fund endeavors like KoG until another popular series is made. In contrast, GLITCH's only competitor has a faster release schedule because of its regular funding from a subscription service, but it lacks market resistance and a variety of properties due to its reliance on a single creative vision.

Dog Man Anonymous 01/27/2025 (Mon) 02:35:56 No. 43334 [Reply]
Anybody planning to watch this? I grew up on Captain Underpants, so I watched that movie. Dog Man was well after I grew up though, so I'm not sure if I'll check it out.
>>43334 It's clearly very popular with younger zoomers and early gen alpha, but being in the same boat as you I'll be skipping it. I have no attachment to the character and prefer Pilkey's older works to his recent titles. Shame the Underpants movie underperformed, it would have been nice to see Dogzilla or Ricky Ricotta.

Anonymous 04/07/2022 (Thu) 05:54:14 No. 24792 [Reply]
Seeing how RWBY is getting an adaption, the number of Japanese fanart for Adventure Time is still going along with some indie comics getting a lot of art and that one Nick fighting game briefly topping becoming a decent seller in Japan. How rare are westaboos nowadays?
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>>24792 MLAATR wouldn't surprise me considering this appeared out of the blue one day.
why are so many westaboos fujos?

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Story time: Kid Venom Anime Anonymous 01/09/2024 (Tue) 02:09:35 No. 38117 [Reply] [Last]
You be the judges. I just don't know anymore.
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And that's that. Who knows what is next for Kid Venom, but I can say I don't think I'll give his next adventure my time.
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>>43327 I like this mini-series in concept. However I think it would've been better as it's own book not part of the multiverse of nonsense that is Spider-man & Venom books. All these crossovers have grown stale a long time ago. At least Kintaro/Kintoki is cute. Were it it's own series, like I said, it could've had time to actually explore him as a character & his history as well as the dynamic with Clinter.

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