Does the DC Animated Universe count? Robin grows up and Batman gets a new Robin. And then everyone is old in Batman Beyond, and there are episodes of Justice League that re-visit Beyond but further in the future, and the characters get older each time.
Remember ReBoot? Enzo has a birthday and gets visibly older, and then later he and AndrAIa grow up. The characters that are adults don't age as visibly, because of course adults don't change as much, and there is time shifting involved, but they do change as the models get upgraded every season, and there are flashbacks where they are slightly younger. I think it's at least as good as your example.
I liked how in Beast Wars/Beast Machines Cheetor gets a character arc of him growing up. He does go through puberty, but not because of a voice actor change. It doesn't make much sense that he's portrayed as such a kid when he's supposed to be on some sort of scientist space crew, but screw it. It's neat to see him grow up and become an adult through the course of Beast Machines. Also he's an alien robot and I don't think their species literally ages at all, but whatever, man.
Everyone ages 20 years in Transformers G1, between Season 2 and the movie. Does that count? Most of them are robots and don't visibly age, but the few human characters do.
Characters are supposed to age in real time in Futurama, aren't they? Fry doesn't look like he's in his 40s in the latest season (I assume. I'm not watching that shit), but they keep showing that it's 1000 years in the future of when the episode came out, right? But Fry was always frozen on Y2K.