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/t/ - Technology Codexx Board owner 04/25/2020 (Sat) 07:10:33 No. 2 [Reply]
Welcome to /tech/ - ∞chan's technology board. Please check the rules before you post: https://8chan.moe/t/rules.html Looking for hardware or software recommendations? Check out the InstallGentoo Wiki: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/ /tech/ is for the discussion of technology and related topics. /tech/ is NOT your personal tech support team or personal consumer review site. We have stickies for that. Keep those kinds of posts in there. For tech support, software recommendations, and other questions that don't warrant their own thread, please use the '/tech/ Questions and Support' sticky. For consumer advice, please use the consumer advice sticky located below. For tech support/issues with computers: https://startpage.com/ or https://ixquick.com (i.e., fucking Google it) https://stackexchange.com/

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Edited last time by codexx on 12/10/2022 (Sat) 10:42:16.

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/t/ech Questions and Support Anonymous 04/25/2020 (Sat) 07:16:43 No. 3 [Reply] [Last]
Bring all your hardware, software and other troubles here.
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Other than a factory reset and a reflash of the os on an android(11 for example), What can i do to make it safe from previous compromises by evil maid (unlocked screen), considering i am not using any previous accounts/data ?

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Consumer Advice Anonymous 04/25/2020 (Sat) 07:18:24 No. 4 [Reply] [Last]
Looking to buy something but aren't sure what to get? Ask here.
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>>11850 >the official stated limits are usually false, for example I had a 128GB MicroSD in a phone with a supposed limit of 32GB. The manufacturer just didnt feel like validating and guaranteeing anything larger. True for smartphones and many other devices. NOT true for many security/dash cameras, too large of a card will actually result in corrupt/lost video.
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Is 16gb of VRAM enough to run local LLM's for 3d model generation and maybe 2d animation generation? I am going to buy an nvidia card, probably a 16gb one. I have 64gb of regular ram.

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Hydrus Network General #10 Anonymous Board volunteer 07/24/2024 (Wed) 20:55:28 No. 15721 [Reply] [Last]
This is a thread for releases, bug reports, and other discussion for the hydrus network software. The hydrus network client is an application written for Anon and other internet-fluent media nerds who have large image/swf/webm collections. It browses with tags instead of folders, a little like a booru on your desktop. Users can choose to download and share tags through a Public Tag Repository that now has more than 2 billion tag mappings, and advanced users may set up their own repositories just for themselves and friends. Everything is free and privacy is the first concern. Releases are available for Windows, Linux, and macOS, and it is now easy to run the program straight from source. I am the hydrus developer. I am continually working on the software and try to put out a new release every Wednesday by 8pm EST. Past hydrus imageboard discussion, and these generals as they hit the post limit, are being archived at >>>/hydrus/ . Hydrus is a powerful and complicated program, and it is not for everyone. If you would like to learn more, please check out the extensive help and getting started guide here: https://hydrusnetwork.github.io/hydrus/ Previous thread >>>/hydrus/21127
Edited last time by hydrus_dev on 08/27/2024 (Tue) 02:53:42.
946 posts and 198 images omitted.
>>17016 > I've also always had an issue with images where characters are referenced but not present, and I still can't think of an elegant way to represent that, as I find it unideal to search a tag and get results that do not actually contain the characters searched, but also unideal to not include clear references to, and discussion of, that character. MMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmm..... This is a very very good point actually, yes. What DOES one do? I have a system but no pretentions that it is an objectively best practice. >[series:Girls' Frontline], [character:Colphne] [character:9A-91] [character cosplaying character] Given that it is so very rare I just eat the weirdness you pointed out that I acknowledge is a part of it and when I do search the character and they aren't there but are being cosplayed I just see it in the thumbnail. I've never had an "elon musk: I'm a cat girl! *posts kagerou imaizumi*" moment but I could see how it would be embarassing lol. So for that I COULD see how A coloured namespace could be a warning you're about to drag over an image that isn't actually character X at all even if overall I don't find clothing:/outfit:/hairstyle: to warrant itself as one. It doesn't come up often but it IS tricky, isn't it? Every immediate solution has something funky about it. Maybe a [meta:character not present]? That yellow IS very vivid... What even are the alternatives? [character:Character(Other Character)] the same way you might do >[character:Belfast(Azur Lane)], [character:Belfast(Shopping with the Head Maid)] but >[character:Colphne], [character:Colphne(9A-91)], [alternate costume], [character cosplaying character] for an image where it's her and her in an alternate costume? Maybe... The problem there is you'll basically never reuse these tags(much), searching them is funkier and there would be no good sibling for them since they're basically ad hoc and setting up parents would be a bit tedious for something you'll use one to three times. But since it's rare enough, is that even a problem? I'unno.
>>17016 >I've also always had an issue with images where characters are referenced but not present, and I still can't think of an elegant way to represent that, as I find it unideal to search a tag and get results that do not actually contain the characters searched, but also unideal to not include clear references to, and discussion of, that character. Another anon here. Personally, I don't think this is an issue at all. I think if the character is referenced or implied to be present it's fine to tag it, because they're on-topic for what you're searching. Take "tag what you see" too literally and you end up making it hard to find pictures that are tangentially related to the topic you're interested in. These pictures that you might have been interested in may end up never appearing in your searches if you're too strict with your tagging. And that's a bad thing because tags aren't just for searching for a particular image, they're also for browsing. If you're searching for one image in particular, including just one or two more tags will quickly remove the chaff and narrow down the search, so there's no problem there. But when you're browsing for images of a character just to see what you have, why wouldn't you want to see all the pictures that are about them?
>>17018 Another thought that I wanted to add on to this. The images you have in hydrus are presumably ones you've already curated and decided were worth downloading. You aren't going to see images that you don't like in hydrus, because you would delete them or just not download them in the first place. So there's no need to be hemming and hawing about whether a specific tag really truly should go on this image or not - you like this image, so the you in the future who's searching for this tag probably wouldn't mind seeing it again. I guess this doesn't apply if you're committing to the PTR, though.

.bat file Anonymous 11/17/2024 (Sun) 22:00:43 No. 16568 [Reply]
anyone knows how to create a .bat file that kills computers? its just to prank my friend 😎🎶🤦‍♀️🤦‍♂️🤷‍♀️💖😢🎂🐱‍👤😃
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>>16568 >open notepad >write "start" 10 times >copy/paste LOTS of times >save file as [fake name].bat >open properties and give it a fake icon too >hilarity ensues This batch file just opens the command prompt window for as many times as you copy/paste "start" until the PC crashes. For maximum effect give it a misleading name and disguise it as another program. I did this in the highschool computer lab, replacing Internet Explorer with an identical looking .bat bomb
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>>17003 I just tried this on my pc, it still works without needing to run as admin. Modern computers can open cmd a lot of times, so make sure to copy/paste for like 5 minutes and NO TYPOS or it will stop the program prematurely. Have fun.
>bat Max you can get is make his computer crash with a forkbomb

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Anonymous 01/16/2025 (Thu) 21:17:25 No. 17005 [Reply]
ok heello everyone im autistic and i think i look cool but i will be investing xrp for the 20th when trumpietrump take office
>>17005 Kewl

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Keyless Repeater/relay attacks Anonymous 10/12/2022 (Wed) 08:08:14 No. 10077 [Reply]
Been doing a lot of research, I would love too open up a talk about them. currently only see buy-able options but Couldn't you make one for cheap?!
yeah you could, but alot of the time buying pre-built devices would be cheaper if you dont already have a majority of the components you could build a proxmark for example, and its a really fun project, but its costly to build vs buy
You'll be lucky if your cloned keyfob can unlock the doors a single time. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rolling_code

☠ CaptainBlackbeard Radio - The King Of Pirate Radio ☠ Anonymous 01/06/2025 (Mon) 21:28:56 No. 16925 [Reply]
Ahoy Mates, CaptainBlackbeard Radio is a TOR network and shortwave radio pirate radio show made entirely with AI technology LISTEN https://redcircle.com/shows/CaptainBlackbeard PILLAGE https://endchan.org/CaptainBlackbeard/ Looking for AI creators and new AI technology/communities. Would love to find a central place for AI creators making fun things, especially since HonkFM is ded. There needs to be a community where people who enjoy using this technology can come together. If ye be making fun things, find us on Pitch. Thank ye.

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Defeating Microwave Weapons Anonymous 06/03/2022 (Fri) 11:08:08 No. 8634 [Reply]
Ptychographic X-ray laminography: No trade secret or hardware trojan can hide https://spectrum.ieee.org/chip-x-ray Every cell transmitter, phone and computer must be inspected. Silicon Trojans must perish. Freedom for all is encroached when a few cyber terrorists can freely CONSPIRE to use microwave weapons and silicon trojans. While you are distracted with THEORY, they spread the PRACTICE: surveillance, theft, sabotage and murder. Havana Syndrome is the result of hacked cell transmitters being used as a microwave weapon. Civilians are victimized daily, children included. “Havana Syndrome: Are You Next? Electromagnetic Terrorism and Cognitive Warfare” at "https://areyounext.help". The future of privacy/security is clothing made of metallized fabric to block microwave imaging (enables theft of inner speech by observing minuscule throat/face muscle movements) and block directed energy attacks. #BadBIOS #Havana Syndrome #Conspiracy Practice #Freedom #Faraday Cage #Firmware Vulnerability #Electromagnetic Surveillance >Eric Schmidt: Our report says that it’s really important for us to find a way to maintain two generations of semiconductor leadership ahead of China. China has had over 30 years to plan to try to catch up. It’s really difficult.

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>>16662 > goes into your inner ear and makes them able to speak to you through some kind of device It also seems to make them able to listen from your ears too.
>>16499 I think the worst part would be the bodies reaction to it, electromagnetic waves are already known to cause depression, but what makes sense is the body responding to this with brain inflammation in an attempt to heal from the "injury"
>>16662 What else do you know about it?

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Invidious and FreeTube need help Anonymous 05/26/2023 (Fri) 21:09:35 No. 12213 [Reply]
To anyone who knows how to code and how Internet browser video players work, Invidious and FreeTube need help fixing videojs-http-source-selector and videojs-quality-selector so they can use the latest version of VideoJS in their applications. VP9 and AV1 can't be used right now as VideoJS 7.x doesn't support WebM. Using Version 8 would fix this problem. Relevant links: https://github.com/iv-org/invidious/issues/2848 https://github.com/FreeTubeApp/videojs-http-source-selector https://github.com/FreeTubeApp/videojs-quality-selector https://github.com/FreeTubeApp/FreeTube/pull/3482
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>>16904 You absolute fucking fool. Neither piece of software has been deprecated. They are actively been worked on, and while Invidious is mostly nonfunctional at the moment, FreeTube still works. Worthless retarded nigger, I fucking swear.
>>16907 Deprecated meaning there is superior software now available, and continued use of FreeTube/Invidious is not recommended. Look up the definitions of the word. It doesn't matter if Invidious still has maintainers or if FreeTube still works. yt-dlp is objectively superior and there is no valid use case to use the shittier options. Windows Media Player is still updated and "works," nevertheless, it is deprecated by mpv/MPC/et al.
>>16907 uTorrent is maintained and "works," do you shill for that software too?

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Operation Download And Conquer Anonymous 10/02/2021 (Sat) 13:51:54 No. 5546 [Reply] [Last]
Given how majority of the internet's audio and video services are provided by Google, thanks to Youtube, the purpose of this operation is to loosen the death-grip that has taken hold. This process will only require that you have a steady internet connection and (Advisably) 100 GB of free space. Here is the process: Step 1 Download the latest versions of FFMpeg and Youtube-DL, and put all the programs into the same folder: http://ffmpeg.org/ https://ytdl-org.github.io/youtube-dl/index.html Step 2 Create an account to any video sites that you wish to distribute videos on. Here are some of the more well-known alternatives, as well as some recommended sites: AfreecaTV: https://www.afreecatv.com/ Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/ BitTube: https://bittube.tv/ D.tube: https://d.tube/ Dailymotion: https://www.dailymotion.com/ LBRY: https://lbry.com/ NicoNico: https://www.nicovideo.jp/ Rumble: https://rumble.com/

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>>16396 Update to this: >For our video uploaders, your accounts and videos will be transferred to FC2 Video service ( https://video.fc2.com/ ) for continued storage. >If you do not agree to this transfer, please complete the rejection procedure by November 10, 2024, UTC, using the link below: https://www.veoh.com/reject-video-transfer >The transfer is scheduled for completion by December 2024, and we will notify you via our website: https://www.veoh.com/
>>16375 Another update to this. If you want to keep using the "latest" version of yt-dlp for Windows 7: https://github.com/nicolaasjan/yt-dlp/releases You have to install this version of Python 3.9: https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-390rc1/
>>16396 >>16467 Just a follow-up on this, FC2 does now have all the videos that were formerly hosted on Veoh. So everything that you used to find on there can now be found on FC2.

Anonymous 10/15/2021 (Fri) 06:36:16 No. 5751 [Reply] [Last]
In the market for a new laptop. Privacy-wise, is there any benefit to going with AMD intead of Intel? I know Intel's (((Management Engine))) is cancer, but is AMD's version any better?
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>>16859 hooray, the zionists defeated the marxists.
>>5779 >Look at the Pureism laptops that have Coreboot already installed and ME stripped out Convince me Purism isnt a honeypot and they dont let the NSA bug your laptop
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>>6059 No mater where you turn, (((they))) are always in the way.

Programming Thread: Up and Running Edition Anonymous 04/27/2020 (Mon) 19:03:16 No. 9 [Reply] [Last]
Hey Anon, Learn to Code! There's a bunch of free resources for learning to program. Come here to ask for advice or to discuss current projects. Download the complete Gentooman's Library: https://g.sicp.me/books/ Visit MIT OpenCourseware on (((YouTube))) https://www.youtube.com/user/MIT Or take one of these free online courses being offered by universities right now: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/free-courses-top-cs-universities/
Edited last time by codexx on 05/04/2020 (Mon) 00:54:19.
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>>12088 >What could cause this and how do I solve it? Some of the math is probably blowing up. Debug it to see where the problem is and inspect the values, or if you don't know how that then add logs to the same extent.
>try to learn Qt for a project >still shaky on C++, but I can make do >try to figure out how to properly exit the main loop >qt example just does QCoreApplication::quit() in some unrelated class >wut >read through documentation again >public slot: void QCoreAppliction::quit() blah blah blah and a few tips to make sure it works >no mention of why you can access it from somewhere else without even referring to the object >wonder if this is some Qt specific bullshittery >fruitlessly try to research the issue >check the implementation of quit >nope, it's just a three line call to exit() >keep researching, still nothing >decide to check the header file >public slots: static void quit() <DSP_woooow.webm >later realize the documentation does include the static part, as a small, hard to notice comment on the side
>>9 Gentooman is kill, but you can download the torrent/mag link on IA.

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lightwieght linux for old processor Anonymous 06/06/2021 (Sun) 04:55:17 No. 4355 [Reply] [Last]
Really glad to see this board taking off. I want a linux distro that I can rice for my x41 tablet thinkpad. It's a pentium m, 2 gigs of ram, 1024x768 screen. I've heard some suggestions >void linux >puppy linux >debian I'm a linux noob so I don't know what I'm doing, but I'd like to learn. as far as usage I want to shitpost and maybe doodle some. I've heard some say that my browser is more important than distro as far as snappiness goes. What browser would you suggest that still has 32 bit support.
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>As the M line was originally designed in Israel, the first Pentium M was identified by the codename Banias, named after an ancient site in the Golan Heights
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>>16812 >As the M line was originally designed in Occupied Palestine Nothing good comes from there.
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>>16819 >Nothing good comes from >Occupied Palestine edgy

Gatekeeping Anonymous 08/21/2023 (Mon) 17:58:51 No. 12859 [Reply]
ITT we brainstorm about how to prevent unwanted influxes of newcomers that change the culture of imageboards. Preferably ones that can be implemented in a P2P way. For example: they could require a quorum of existing users to approve new users. This would probably require some sort of identity based on i.e. asymmetric crypto. But users could stay anonymous using ring signatures.
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>>16716 I think both of you make pretty good points, newfags are fine, the problem is when it is artificial, none of us can legitimately look back at halfchan and say that what happened was organic, when it reaches the point of say, 2016 or 2012 /pol/ and /b/, the bannings are necessary, whereas if you look at all the bitching and moaning by oldfags before then, they were just annoyed that not everyone cared about desu dolls or duckrolling Also a good litmus test for whether any chan is good is whether it allows raids, any chan that does not allow raids is fake and gay by virtue of the fact and should be ignored completely
If you want to filter newfags just host it on i2p and ban any clearnet proxies.
A site/board culture hostile to tourists/non-integrators. I recall people being told to "lurk more" on /b/ even as recent as 2012 when I started visititg 4chan. Due to that I spent years just lurking threads and absorbing the culture.

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Colombia .gov.co websites source code Anonymous 06/27/2023 (Tue) 16:31:44 No. 12449 [Reply]
Hello, this is Alpha OP, the cyber security group. If you are a member of a large corporation or a government you have most likely heard our name before, and you know for sure that we don't joke around, but Colombian gov didn't think so. After trying to help them out and offering detailed vulnerabilities report to micrositios.net the developer of most if not all Colombian governmental websites they have simply refused to respond to our emails, we have then contacted every Colombian minster warning them about the risk of using such vulnerable websites and they as well ignored all the emails. So here we are doing our responsibility - to fulfill our ultimate goal of building a more secure internet - publicly disclosing all the source code we have collected, which if analyzed is very very vulnerable. Don't blame US Colombia, we had no bad intentions, we tried to help, but you refused to listen. Link to download: https://anonfiles.com/n3L8Oby9z2/Colombia_Micrositios_Source_zip You can download the file, the directory listing is not encrypted but the files are password protected, we have spent 4 months collecting this and we need compensation for our efforts, if you are interested contact us. HEAD OF ALPHA OP TEAM
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>>12945 what would you advise? onionshare? >>13041 no u
>>12449 I'm not OP but a few months ago I downloaded the archive shortly before Anonfiles closed, so I took the opportunity to reupload it at https://big.fileditchstuff.me/b26/TzdHRVXSuBkyWatctuzR.zip (if someone can re-upload it in other places so it doesn't get lost, I'd appreciate it). Unfortunately I have not been able to obtain the password since the programs I was trying do not work with it because the archive was created with a special compression method used by Windows Explorer (or some shit like that).
>>12449 >Attacking corporate faggots for doing corporate faggot shit at our expense with the willingness of the government Based >Soapboxing chuuni shit about how you don't fuck around Cringe You have reached equilibrium with your post, you're a faggot but you did something cool, thank you

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