/wsj/ - Weekly Shonen Jump and More

Discuss shonen jump, shonen, all anime and manga, and other Japanese media.

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8chan.moe is a hobby project with no affiliation whatsoever to the administration of any other "8chan" site, past or present.

Make your first post, and let's build a better board together!

Let's make a better Anime and Manga board, together. Anonymous Board owner 09/07/2024 (Sat) 02:03:00 No. 17
4chan is beyond saving. Make some posts here every once in a while, and I promise we can build a better place together. This is a board to discuss all /a/ topics, with a focus on Shonen. However, you can discuss everything (e.g. a moe CGDCT anime). > Initial motivation Poor moderation on sites like 4chan and MangaHelpers have led me to create this board. Let's allow it to flourish together. Anons are invited to not engage too much in low quality discussion, and instead be authentic with each other. FAQ: > I keep getting something like "error parsing response" Try going to 8chan.moe and clicking accept, and then trying again.
Edited last time by justwannahelp on 10/18/2024 (Fri) 17:56:47.
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Cool, I've always wanted to have an anime board going around here. I will check it out from time to time. If you want some help making assets for your board (CSS, banners, etc.) or any help with mod tools make me know. You can also ask the admins for a global announcement for a couple of days if you want your board to be more known site wide.
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>>17 finally an anime board that hopefully isnt dead in a month all that is needed is a willing productive guy
>>17 Since you used a picture of Nakano — who has been historically used in a lot of KGB shitposting — it is hard to tell which direction you are pointing “poor moderation” towards. Does this mean killing console warrior schizos or enabling them?
>>52 Tournaments are awesome, and you are a nigger for smelling /a/'s tranny janny farts Fuck off, go back to cuckchan.
>>54 I'm not the board owner, retard, and if you cross here just to defend /a/ mods, then the tranny faggot clearly is you.
>>38 CSS and banners could be cool yeah! Thank you! I'll also ask the admins for a global announcement in IRC. >>40 Let's build a great place together! >>43 I posted Nakano because he was the former head chief editor of WSJ. Annoying provocateurs will be banned.
>>56 Cool, Acid, Codexx and Parias are the admins, the guy who takes care of the global announcements ia Codexx. If you can't find him you can foward me your global message and I can try to tell him about it.
Why didnt you just post in the /a/ thats already here?
>>86 This board has a slightly more Shonen flavor (but doesn't exclude other topics).
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>>38 I suppose I'll double down on your CSS/banners offer! I'm really grateful you mentioned it. Even just one fun banner, or one cool CSS trick would be appreciated. Take your time!
>>86 >>87 That doesn't really answer the question. Why not just use /a/?
I'm not sure I see the point of this board when there's already an /a/ but whatever. Is this to keep the moeshitters out?
>>17 We have an >>>/a/ already, don't we?
>>100 Yep, I thought this was a /biz/ refuge tbh. Wsj usually stands for Wall Street Journal in the west.
>>98 Moe is allowed. >Discuss Shonen Jump, Shonen Manga, Shonen Anime, and Anime and Manga and other Japanese media, in that order of priority.
I genuinely want an alternative to the schizoposting of /a/ man.
>>126 I want an alternative to the no-fun-allowed trannies and soyboys from the webring so this board is fine in my books.
Wish you luck with the board man. Hope it flourishes and does well. t. 8/a/ BO
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>>126 This is probably the biggest reason I created this board. Tied for moderation just letting it happen while being overall killjoys. >>128 Same. You might disagree with me on the following though: I find certain words like "tranny" or "chud" and so on typically lead to a discussion lowering in quality so I would prefer if people restrained themselves a bit from using them. What are your thoughts on that? >>131 Thank you very much, I appreciate it and wish the best for you and the /a/ board as well. If anything (or even if nothing) comes up, I'm happy to help out anytime.
>>136 Not the same anon, but >I find certain words like "okama" or "baka" and so on typically lead to a discussion lowering in quality so I would prefer if people restrained themselves a bit from using them. I understand your disdain for such words and I understand you're just suggesting a restraint and not a ban, but I feel simply inviting anons to not engage too much in low quality discussion would have the same effect while feeling nowhere as restricting. Restricting the use of some words is useless since you'd run into the problem of >"why is this word allowed but this one isn't?" and let's be honest, if anyone want to engage in low quality discussion to mess with the board they'd just do it anyway
>>126 I don't go on /a/. What schizoposting?
>>107 >Moe is allowed.
>>140 You make a good point and I think I will take you up on your suggestion to >simply inviting anons to not engage too much in low quality discussion What would be one way you'd like to see that implemented? Also, I did test adding some word filters (reread your post) FWIW.
Tourist here, saw the board's ad and I'm liking it so far. Everything looks really neat and I was looking for a decent WSJ related forum/discussion board for some time now. Hope you'll succeed in maintaining activity without without the board's quallity going to shit >>136 >You might disagree with me on the following though: I find certain words like "okama" or "baka" and so on typically lead to a discussion lowering in quality so I would prefer if people restrained themselves a bit from using them. What are your thoughts on that? The solution is quite simple: just put a filter on every buzzword that lowers the quality of duscussion. The green site did this with the word soy sometime ago to cut the amount of low quality shitposting and it more or less worked.
>>17 >Welcome. Make your first post Very well. Here's some Caligula. Enjoy.
>>157 > Hamtaro flag Based! Thank you for the well-wishes. I'm glad you made it here! >just put a filter on every buzzword that lowers the quality of duscussion If you read over your post, you'll notice I'm already testing a few of those! I'll add more as needed. >>159 Thank you! Caligula looks pretty cool.
>>149 >What would be one way you'd like to see that implemented? Dunno, maybe you can try adding it to the header that shows up in each thread.
>>182 That is a great idea. Thank you!
>>182 every thread would be a bit obnoxious, just on top on the page is fine. Wordfilters are a necessity, unfortunately. Don't go too hamfisted on banning violators for the first few weeks, allow some leniency first so that the board can have some activities
>>200 I think the only option is to have it display at the top (of every thread, and the index and catalog), which I'm doing now and I think it looks okay.
>the /wsj/ link on the top of the site seems to be bugged and leads to the same page you're on at least for me anyway Owari da...
>>251 Same here. Thanks for pointing it out.
>>17 >motivation >poor moderation on 4chan (ie, /a/) /a/ sucks entirely because shonenshit took over. It attracts underaged users, ESLs, dedicated shitposters and people of low taste/intelligence. Then they metastasize into the rest of the board. Naruto threads used to be shitposted into oblivion to stop that from happening until moot (who didn't understand this) explicitly stepped in. Picrel was the beginning of the end. /a/ was a pillar of 4chan's culture and posting standards and it was irreparably sabotaged in a single post. tl;dr: certain kinds of things attract certain kinds of people. 4ch would benefit from a /wsj/ but strictly as containment, a la /mlp/.
>>96 The 8/a/ CSS is nasty >>256 >/a/ sucks entirely because shonenshit took over. It attracts underaged users, ESLs, dedicated shitposters and people of low taste/intelligence. Then they metastasize into the rest of the board. It's specifically bad now because of SEAmonkeys. /a/ doesn't need a containment board, it needs a containment internet for the brownoids who turn everything into falseflag console war numberfag autism.
>>256 Hi. I do agree with you to an extent, and I also agree with >>257 in terms of how I think shonen doesn't have to ruin everything, and how the falseflag console war numberfag autism is a huge problem - the biggest in fact. And in general the low quality of posts and how people treat a manga thread as a general where mentally unwell people gather together to make each other more unwell. I still think poor moderation is a big problem as I have some janitor friends who are told by mods to fuck off when they actually do their job and clean up the worst threads (not even Dragon Ball Super ones, which are basically janny-protected). So yes, I do think moderation is a big problem and they are allowing the shonen situation to fester and get worse. Funnily enough the people in the shonen threads thanked my friends for dealing with the spam... and sadly, the spam continues to this day because the mods essentially said to stop deleting the spam so much.
Edited last time by justwannahelp on 09/18/2024 (Wed) 07:32:40.
>>258 I am not sure how familiar you are with the /a/ that existed on the old 8chan, or 8chan prime as some call it, and no, it has nothing to do with the current /a/ that exists on this website, so I hope it might be a bit insightful. The previous /a/ board cared a lot about "quality" of posts, so much so that they had a bot that would delete posts that had certain words in it, like "tbh", "lel", "lol", "fam", "smh", "dafuq" and so on, they called it Hoihoi, and it was their beloved automaid ,now this bot did cause some problems with the functionality of the site, but that's a different story. They were incredibly rulecucked, but at least you could still say "cuck", "faggot" and "nigger". Most of the threads were about the seasonal anime, with most anime getting their own dedicated thread, and the rest in a miscellaneous thread. While there were a few /jp/ related threads from time to time, plus the obligatory manga threads and Japanese Learning Thread, most of the threads were about the current season, and I suspect most anons didn't dare to create other types of threads, of fear of getting banned. With that said, we did have a japanese video game thread once or twice per year, I guess the mods were "kind" to allow that. A few months, before 8chan got nuked, some /a/nons left /a/ and created their own board called /animu/ that wasn't rule cucked and allowed Naruto threads. it was in the top boards back then, so it wasn't just a fringe community. For some reason they also got most of the scanlators and translators from /a/ to go to /animu/. I am not all that familiar with the culture of /animu/ from the old 8chan, as I mostly browsed /a/, but I do know that after 8chan got nuked, /a/ went to their bunker board called smuglo.li (still very active, and I usually use it), they still have their bot, and on the front page it links to what all the banned words are https://smuglo.li/a/automaid.html. On the other hand /animu/ moved to https://prolikewoah.com/animu/ . They have become less and less active as time went on, which is a shame, but they do have the /biz/ board thread on /animu/, as well as Kemono and some translation projects like Moral Reversal and Kouya ni Kemono Doukokusu. I suggest you try visiting those places, at least to take a glance on how other anime communities have formed. It might also be of interest to you, to know that there have been other communities from 4chan that moved here, one of the most successful is /2434/ about a V-Tuber group, and /erp/ but their owner delisted the board and it dies right away, even though it was very active in it's first few days. It might also help to talk with the anons on /2434/ to see how they succeeded in forming a community, as initially they tried coming here, but then went back to 4chan, then came back here again and stayed. Their board is almost always in the top boards(which isn't saying all that much), so they are somewhat successful. With that said, welcome to 8chan, I am just a simple anon, I hope you manage to form a great community that flourishes, and I hope you don't mind me preferring smug/a/ for now, as that and old 8chan/a/ were my anime boards.
>>262 sage for double post Oh and forgot to mention, Hoihoi, not only banned for the use of certain words, but also for punctiation and formatting, so if a post did not start with a capital letter(or ">" or a number) or it didn't end in a "." then the post would automatically get deleted, and that caused some frustrations, as an anon would write 5 paragraphs, but because he forgot to add a "." at the end his post would get deleted. I don't think they still have that rule. The idea was to force users to have "quality posts" and not just one line posts like "now that the dust has settled". I am not saying /wsj/ should employ something like that, I only wanted to give an example of, what is probably, extreme rule enforcement for "the betterment of the community".
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>>263 >The idea was to force users to have "quality posts" There's a part of me really wishing for more sophisticated automated janitation on 4chan as a whole. If ever there was a good use for current gen AI, its singling out ultra-low effort posts. Getting rid of that bottom decile of posts could be more than just a 10% improvement to the site's quality, it could have a disproportionately large effect, especially in threads where that standard of posting is the norm. The other side of the coin: there was one alt-chan (another "/a/ but better" type) that I thought about joining until I saw the rules page - it was as long as my arm! This for a website only getting double digit posts per day. One thing that rubbed me the wrong way specifically was that acronyms like "afaik" or "iirc" were explicitly outlined as bannable right along side "lol" and emoticons and the like. I'm all for banning the kind of net lingo that people use almost as a verbal tick, but afaik/iirc are usually used by people who involved in a meaningful exchange and actually have something to say. Too many arbitrary and pedantic rules and "the quality of the community" is measured by how many secret handshakes users know [1], When you get to that point, you are selecting the wrong traits to assess user-value by, and so aren't going to attract or retain high-value, high-potential users. [1] -- For example, people have been putting a ">" to the left of ithe word whenever someone uses "normie" on /a/. For nearly 10 years. To no effect. All while the site has been widely infected by other foreign neologisms that no one calls out. That isn't drawing a meaningful distinction between tru-/a/nons and crossboarders or newfags, this isn't like calling someone out for using VLC at all! It's actually the failure to recognize /a/nons as such entirely for pissanty pendantic reasons. It's self-parody and infighting. It's the 5 monkeys and the ladder. My point being: It isn't easy at all to draw the line between reasonable moderation vs. trying too hard.
I feel like there's only like 20 people here.
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>>268 What matters is our friendship anon.
>>262 Thank you. I have been aware of smugloli for a year and visit it occasionally but did not know about the rest. I'll take a look. When I have time I'll also get in touch with /2434/. Thank you for the kind words of welcome and it's totally cool to prefer smug/a/, it's a nice place. >>263 I think smug rules are a bit excessive but I like the motivation that led to their creation. Thanks, this is helpful. >>264 I definitely think automated janitation on 4chan could help. >that I thought about joining until I saw the rules page - it was as long as my arm! Ouch. I see. >but afaik/iirc are usually used by people who involved in a meaningful exchange and actually have something to say Yes, definitely agreed. >>269 Based!!
>>262 >recommending /2343/ Those retards don't need to leave their containment.
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I'm gonna be busy for a few weeks starting today, so I may post less often. Just a head's up! Also, I'd like to note that this board is a long-term project for me. It will 続く!
By the way, is NSFW ok on this board or not? There was a funny Hima-Ten edit this week.
>>293 Just added a rule that you should spoiler any NSFW.
How do I spoiler text?
>>311 I think it's putting 2 ** around text test
>>311 See https://8chan.moe/.static/pages/posting.html Use the traditional [spoiler] tags or two *.
>>17 I think the adult diaper board will stop many from coming here.
>>257 >SEAmonkeys imagine SEAmonkeys and latinx and pajeets congregating in one place? yep that's /a/.
>>461 Just put this in the CSS to not see those boards in the header, or use other CSS, you can query ChatGPT easily #navTopBoardsSpan {display: none;}
>>462 Not to mention Jeremy, the African-American.
kek what a dead board made by a thin skinned BITCH ntw if you remove this post you are no better than the mods that raped you, okamafaggot
>>470 >mexicano thinks he's so tough
>>17 How do you get past 4chan bans?
If you're just trying to shitpost, whatever man, but if you really want people to come here spamming botshit with garbage text really doesn't help make people like you and your board.
>>483 Not sure if I should say, sorry. >>484 Any other suggestions? Maybe I should buy an ad ;)
>>471 LMFAO you think people can't tell the absolute CHAD behind this epic new frontier is a rich, genius, aryan first worlder? anyone with an IQ above 2 digits can make a basic asssumption of his majesty's timezone based on his majesty's posts, which are all made in Chad hours
Edited last time by justwannahelp on 10/15/2024 (Tue) 13:38:37.
>>493 >racist and stupid
>>494 Ah, your post makes a bit less sense now that I've edited the other anon's post, but in any case, thanks for standing up for the /WSJ/ cause.
>>486 >Any other suggestions I actually came here after your recent botshit post, but that's only because I saw 2-3 posts where you copy-pasted your main blurb up there. Post that instead of the gibberish, I literally would not have known what I was looking at had I not recognized the link. You'll get deleted and banned super fast but that's fine since all you actually need to do is copy-paste until they filter you, and then you just need to change a few words and continue. Complete nonsense isn't going to attract anyone, people don't type in mysterious links into their browser with zero context. Especially not ones that look at first glance like infinitychan.
>>570 To be fair, /v/ is the only non-porn English speaking board with substantial activity, so there isn't a lot of options besides them. But yeah, bad idea.
>>546 I see, thank you.
Hey everyone, very cool Halloween theme huh? Thanks to the cool people running this site. Just wanted to say I'll keep sharing this site when I can, and I'll keep posting!
>>627 Why so angry?
>>622 Cute Konami
>>675 Thank you friend.
Seems dead as all hells, unfortunate

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