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Filling My Collection Anonymous 08/23/2023 (Wed) 08:24:55 Id: 94ab8d No. 1755 [Reply]
Hey movie-watchers, I have a small question for you. I am pretty much movie-illiterate, I know a few blockbusters but have never been much of a fan of the medium. However, due to being isolated for quite a long while for my work in a remote area, I have started gaining appreciation for it and wanted to get a decent collection of movies before I head out into the boonies again. What are, in your opinion, the greatest, best, funniest, saddest and so on so forth movies ever produced? The kind of stuff that have significant cultural impact not only on the medium, but on society as well. Or even just your favorite movies, that works too. I don't really care about the genre, be it comedy, animation, tragedy, documentary, experimental, you name it.
>>1755 Anything from Adam Sandler, especially Jack and Jill and Pixels, is highly recommended. Jokes aside, can you name some movies you've seen that you really enjoyed? Because opinions on movies are as vast as the number of films themselves, so it'd be easier to narrow down some recommendations. Plus it wouldn't make sense to rehash all the most commonly seen movies if you've gone through them.
>>1761 >Because opinions on movies are as vast as the number of films themselves That is exactly the issue. I have usually just watched whatever was on the big or small screens, but even if I end up liking the movie I never really bothered saving it for later and just realized how much of an issue that is. I mostly like comedy as a genre, but I am open to pretty much anything. I know I am definitely not high-brow, but some of my favorite movies include: >The Blues Brothers >Monsters, Inc. >The Terminal >The BRAVO NOLAN Trilogy >The Naked Gun Trilogy >Lord of War >Pretty much anything with Mel Brooks at the helm >Africa Addio (don't know if it counts as a movie, but it IS shot more like one than a documentary) And then a bunch of movies from my region that have mixed quality, but are relevant for the cultural literacy of where I come from, so they don't really count in the grand scheme of things. >Adam Sandler Unpopular opinion, but while he may be a mediocre or opportunistic actor, I believe that he must genuinely be a really nice guy to hang around with and he gets away with making abhorrent movies solely because he knows so many people in and out of the industry.

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Avatar The Way of Water 2022 Movie lover 12/17/2022 (Sat) 06:52:07 Id: d974aa No. 1532 [Reply]
>>1532 No.
>>1533 hiii
Did anyone make an aquatic navi xenomorph yet?

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Anime Movies Thread Anonymous 04/15/2022 (Fri) 20:01:03 Id: 000000 No. 1167 [Reply]
Let's start with the one anime movie that changed it all "AKIRA" and was released so long ago AKIRA was classed as animated MANGA before the word Anime surfaced, way back in 1988. The animation was before it's time. And that bike! Fuck yeah! The lighting FX. The people. The lighting people FX! I instantly forgot about Star Wars the first time I watched AKIRA, it was that good. When Tetsuo turns into an mega-amoeba I felt sorry for him, but Tetsuo played his role as the end boss villain well. Kaneda and that fucking bike though made this animated movie for me. That bike slide! The twist involving Tetsuo at the films end was kind of satisfying for me as well. Rating: 10 out of 10. Five Stars. Which is rare for me. AKIRA was recently re-released as a 4K Blu-ray disc and might be getting a live action film adaption in the future. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akira_(1988_film)
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>>1217 Great anime, shame the live action show flushed the Bepop reputation down the metaphorical toilet.
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I am real hyped about this movie. releasing on 11th next month. theme song of the movie by RADWIMPS, you can listen to it here: https://youtu.be/9LW9DpmhrPE
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Over the years, I've checked out a number of the Lupin III movies. I most recently watched The Mystery of Mamo also known as Lupin III: Lupin vs. the Clone. That one makes absolutely no attempt to explain random shit (spoiler: Like why Mamo is a giant brain?) so I can see why it didn't really do too well with audiences. For whatever reason, though, I always find myself checking out a movie every year or so. Anyone have any favorites?

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Kubrick Appreciation Thread Anonymous 10/30/2020 (Fri) 20:50:51 Id: caa326 No. 125 [Reply]
Stanley Kubrick easily makes everyone's top director lists. However, he's probably most famous for 2001: A Space Odyssey and Full Metal Jacket, both sensations in their time with a massive impact on pop culture despite Kubrick's supposed niche appeal. However, his less popular movies are easily my favorites, and among cinephiles I speak to these are not unpopular opinions. A Clockwork Orange is, of course, also well known but no longer mainstream. My personal favorites, however, are Barry Lyndon and Eyes Wide Shut. The latter performed poorly and was often criticized. Barry Lyndon is the epitome of "every frame a painting", and his research on the period (RIP his Napoleon film) combined with his lighting and framing imitate art from the period perfectly. Kubrick believed in telling stories with editing and visuals, which is the essence of film-making, and I can't think of a movie that encapsulates that better than Eyes Wide Shut. I can't help but feel it did poorly because it doesn't hold your hand through the narrative. There's almost no exposition in the entire film. Combined with his untimely death and rumors the final edit was tinkered with, I think this movie was unfairly criticized. I'd encourage any anons who have not seen his movies to do so. Including his earlier works, such as Spartacus and Paths of Glory. Kubrick never made a bad film. But I imagine most of you are also Kubrick fans. Which works are your favorite, and why?
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>>125 My favorite is 2001 by far. It's the first movie I ever watched and it continues to stick out in my mind as a near-perfect film. The effects, how it's shot, the editing, it just holds up so well and communicates its big ideas through experience rather than exposition, and I always feel like I've learned something new. I do mean to watch Barry Lyndon and Eyes Wide Shut at some point because they're the only ones I haven't seen yet, but I just never got around to them. I even made the mistake of watching AI. Spartacus was good, too, but Ben Hur did it better. I'm always amused by the Roman phase Hollywood went through in the 50s and 60s.
>>521 The "Roman Phase" was partially a result of Hollywood's attempt to compete with television. The best epics exists in this period because they realized the one place TV couldn't compete was on spectacle. There's plenty of non-Roman epics like Lawrence of Arabia and Cleopatra (I guess you could argue that one based on time period), but there was a wealth of Bible stories and mad Roman emperors, not to mention Shakespeare, ripe for adaptation. I still haven't seen Paths of Glory or The Killing, but I should get on with it. I can't imagine not liking them, but everyone focuses on his career post-2001, with some mentions of Lolita and Dr. Strangelove. Spartacus is almost never mentioned in the context of Kubrick himself. I think it's odd the rest are regarded as big, influential, important works directed by Kubrick and Spartacus seems to just be a big, influential, important work which happens to be directed by Kubrick. Haven't seen Ben Hur to compare, but it would be appropriate that it's better. Communists love Spartacus for some reason and love that it broke the Hollywood blacklist, but Charlton Heston is a true patriot.
RIP Leon Vitali. The man spent the last two decades caring for Kubrick's legacy and was working with Warner Brothers to remaster all of his films in 4k. Between that and the merge, who knows if we'll see quality releases of the rest. He was only 74, which is way too young these days.

Infinity Cup Team Anonymous 06/04/2022 (Sat) 06:30:49 Id: daee9f No. 1285 [Reply]
Since the discussion came up during a stream tonight, this thread is for collecting ideas. >Uniform Blockbuster Uniform >Entry Theme 20th Century Fox fanfare >Goal Sound THX Noise >Players Jack Torrance VHS Tape Winona Ryder Mel Gibson Crockett & Tubbs Sho-Nuff Mel Gibson

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>>1285 Quick question: if a team is actually organized, how many anons would actually watch the matches?
>>1368 I would watch them if I knew where to watch them.
>>1370 They're choosing a service, likely cytube since they've done so with the previous streams Just check anon.cafe/icup/ from time to time to get the updates

Animated Films Anonymous 09/22/2020 (Tue) 03:35:58 Id: 0c1fa3 No. 4 [Reply]
What are your favorite animated films? Any you grew up watching?
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>>4 >Once Upon a Forest I grew up watching this movie frequently. I can't speak of how it holds up - pretty sure it's environmental propaganda - but I loved this shit as a kid. >Charlotte's Web My family enjoys telling me that whenever the babysitter came over, they'd sit me in front of the screen with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and I'd watch this film to start the day. The only thing I think about when I hear about this movie today is Spastic Ink: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=RztR4E12dGU >The Pagemaster I remember this was advertised on another VHS I had and when I finally got to watch it, I was super excited. Needless to say, I don't remember much, but I remember really liking it as a kid.
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>>4 If I do recall, I remember my first 3 Disney movies when I was little. My first Disney movie I ever watch was Toy Story, the second was The Many Adventures of Winnie The Pooh and the third was The Aristocats, all on VHS
>>1276 >The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh That reminds me that I also had a few cassettes of Winnie the Pooh. Pretty sure it was all from The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh and I only remember the one where they had to go fix the sky. That's some classic shit right there.

Legend of Galactic Heroes Anonymous 11/18/2021 (Thu) 00:10:58 Id: b16e7e No. 967 [Reply]
So this anime is shilled a lot, and yesterday I finally was convinced to try it out. I began with the prequel movie "My conquest is the sea of stars", and I have serious issues with the last ten minutes, and nowhere else more appropriate to air them. There's a giant fleet engagement with about a million vessels taking part, as the democratic "good guys" are getting creamed they come up with a move to win. Three guys take a ship and kick everyone else off (if these ships don't need gunners to fire the guns, engineers to oversee the powerplant, marines for boarding actions, or even crewman to man radar. Then why the hell are these ships manned at all?) Then fly up to the enemy commander, come along side and sit there. The entire warzone goes quiet. Everyone to afraid to fire a single shot, EVEN MILLIONS OF KILOMETRES AWAY, for fear the commanders vessel might be struck. The "good guys" (who were getting crushed) use this confusion to sail away in peace, leaving this single vessel with three crewman alone behind enemy lines. Then that ship leaves too. That was the summary and already I bet many can see the obvious issues with this plot. 1. Coming alongside another vessel does indeed mean you probably won't be targeted by canon fire, sure, BUT that simply means you are commiting a boarding action. Pistols and sabers time. So why doesnt the "imperialistic" "badguy" commander sound repel boarders and? Or when it's clear he isn't being boarded, BOARD THE OTHER SHIP. 2. why the fuck would you let the enemy go? 3. Why would a ship fighting off boarders (which has been a common occurence for so long as naval vessels have existed I.E. all of western history) silence not just his own side, but the other side as well? 4. In a battlespace billions of kilometres wide why would anyone else give a shit? 5. Why let the enemy suicide vessel go? Why would noone take a potshot after it left the side of the commanders ship? 6. Is the entire series this monumentally retarded? Did the author even look into naval tactics from any century? 7. Will it get better? I mean what kinda ship doesn't have marines on board? How is there no procedure for dealing with a close in enemy? Traditionally you board it, kill the crew, and then cut away boarding ropes, wait til you are out of range of it exploding, and then sink the bastard. Or you take control of the enemy vessel, crew it, and keep fighting now with another ship in your flotilla. I just don't understand how that was a conundrum that has never occured in that animes world. Simple fucking shit guys.

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The best anime ever made
I forgot I made this thread. Fine whatever I'll watch episode 3. But if it sucks I'm coming right back to make more giant posts complaining about shit. >he had a doctorate in literature Oh fuggg
>>1206 Have you seen the rest of theepisodes now?

Horror and Suspense Anonymous 09/22/2020 (Tue) 04:51:29 Id: 07f14a No. 5 [Reply] [Last]
Post and talk about your favorites here. Try to keep it about pre 2000 movies because horror movies from the 21st Century are almost universally awful. Hell even mid 90's were pushing it.
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>>714 Mars Attack!!
>>714 And Birdbox
>>714 Night of the Big Heat/Island of the Burning Damned would probably fit the bill. Maybe Island of Terror too.

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Studio Ghibli Anonymous 09/22/2020 (Tue) 05:23:54 Id: e2f860 No. 9 [Reply]
Discuss your favorite Studio Ghibli films. Mine is Grave of the Fireflies.
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Can we agree that the worst Ghibli film was Ocean Waves? I couldn't get into it at all.
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>>156 Is there a worst film than that about the cat thing? Because that was the blandest safest shit I've seen in awhile
>>9 >Grave of the Fireflie Beautiful movie from a beautiful book. I have to dig some Ghibli movies.

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Evil Dead Thread Anonymous 11/06/2020 (Fri) 06:48:27 Id: 6cd8d6 No. 139 [Reply]
GROOVY EDITION I recently finished the 3rd season of Ash vs Evil Dead. What was that about? Are they going to take the Mad Max route? Who was that robo-chick at the end? Wasn't Raimi planning on a new Evil Dead film called Evil Dead Now with Lee Cronin (i.e Who?) directing it? They said Bruce Campbell won't star in it so it will probably be shit. But hey, let's talk about the good stuff for now. Which is your favorite Evil Dead movie? I love 2 but Army of Darkness takes the crown for me. It's just so fun and features armies of living skeletons so that's a plus.
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>>218 Lets hope it's better than the other four Evil Dead games that exist and have their own timeline.
>>382 He did Chuck Finley in Burn Notice pretty well
>>139 >What was that about? Are they going to take the Mad Max route? Who was that robo-chick at the end? Last I heard, it was cancelled.

TV and Movie Ephemera and Humor Anonymous 12/20/2021 (Mon) 02:23:43 Id: 000000 No. 1021 [Reply]
Just a light-hearted thread for funny or interesting /vhs/ related bullshit.

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>>1021 >posts pic >doesn't include link or info about something that sounds insane/hilarious >go looking for it >pic related You are a nigwit.

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Japan is Remaking Cube Anonymous 02/02/2021 (Tue) 01:25:49 Id: 73afdc No. 331 [Reply]
Apparently the long rumored remake of Cube got shunted over to Japan. Given their history with torture porn films, this could either be a blessing or a total disaster. Either way, I think I'll have to watch it. Source: https://archive.vn/lO0Fm It's coming out this year, too, so it may have already been filmed.
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no suck thing as "disaster" in JP trash. Trash is trash. PS. me prefer dorama, no trash, just love
>>839 >TORtranny >Spewing bullshit It's like these two things cannot be seperated.

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Jackie Chan movie? 02/03/2022 (Thu) 20:08:29 Id: 000000 No. 1102 [Reply]
Hello. (yes I know that ain't Jackie Chan, shut up!) Does anyone know the name of that one movie in which Jackie Chan went to some sort of dimension, mountain or something.. or whatever the case might be - he fought some person dressed all in white ( I think), and that person had god-like fighting skills.. basically making Jackie Chan look like no one.. I am surprised I cannot find it (based on images I looked from IMDB for example), can anyone please help me? Have a nice day! :)
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>>1113 No idea.. >>1114 Seems too new, but I'll check it out.
>>No. 1114 Oh, man.. You were right.. thank you, anon.. there is a white-man-within-a-mountain fight.. damn I was so close But believe it or not - I have watched that one in the past, an it is not that movie, unfortunately :( there's another one.. The movie was kind-of cringe... SPOILERS: one moment the stones make you fly, the other - Jackie cannot save his friend from what seems to be liquid lead, whilst having the stones to make you fly, in his hands lmfao.. overall - not bad movie.
The man was old, and had a beard I think, and they fought with like all kinds of weapons, and none mattered, as that man was invincible.. perfect martial artist.. :d

Gundam 0080 - War in the Pocket stream Anonymous 12/26/2021 (Sun) 23:58:33 Id: fe5b6a No. 1044 [Reply]
Hey everyone, like I talked during the Friday movie night I am going to stream the 6 episodes of War in the Pocket. It will last a little under 3 hours. It will be at the following time: December 28th at 8:00 PM EST on https://cytu.be/r/IserlohnFortress This is also my first time doing this but I did some test and don't anticipate big problems. I am still looking for maybe a post show if you guys want, I am open to suggestions. See you there!
>>1044 I hope I'll be able to catch one of the last episodes and post-show. Should be a comfy stream. I'm up for anything you choose for the post-show, no specific suggestions from me I would have liked to see La guerre des tuques, but alas, no english subs.

Wheel of Time - Please kill me edition Anonymous 11/22/2021 (Mon) 22:51:11 Id: c46291 No. 988 [Reply]
I have watched this shitshow so you don't have to. I come back transformed and eternally mad the Amazon jews decided to sully another of my favorite book series. At this point, my eternal hatred is the only thing keeping me sane. Here a few of my takes: - The show opens with the Red Aja sect of the Aes Sedai pursuing a man who can use magic. In the lore, the men's side of the source of magic is tainted and every man who can use magic become irrevocably crazy. Since the men's side is effectively more powerful, a mad mage is fucking real danger and the women mage (Aes Sedai) pursue them to protect them and the world. The last man who got mad with OP magic "broke the world". - The Red Aja Aes Sedai say something about magic being meant for women and that men shouldn't use it because it is theirs, but men can't use the women's magic, it is just for some grrlll power bullshit. - The main characters are in their 20s in the movie but 15 in the book. Perrin, who is black in the show, is married to an aryan white woman but it is pure fanfiction. - Bel Tine, the celebration in the village at the start is for spring, they changed it for some 'remember the dead' bullshit, I don't know why. - One of the effect of the Dark One awakening it that Winter doesn't let go, they just didn't portray this. - They waste a whole episode on the background of the Two-Rivers but nothing is in the fucking book, pure fanfiction there again. Especially everything about the village's Wisdom and the Women's Circle. You can guess why. - They are weaving some complicated romance between two character that just isn't completely there in the book. Yes there is tension but the fact they must run for their fucking lives make it so they don't have time for this. - They missed a character, one of the most important, and introduced him in episode 3 in a village that doesn't exist with two people that shouldn't be there in a situation that it again pure fabrication. - During their escape, they use a river crossing boat that they sink after to not let the Trollocs catch them. In the book the river passer is mad as fuck and Moiraine juste pay him more. In the show he babble about his son or some shit and then jump in the water and drown for no fucking reason. - They mixed up the escape, in the book they escape to a city called Baerlon, stay a few day, Nyanaeve catch up with them and then leave. After Baerlon they are forced to take refuge in Shadar Logoth, a spooky city with weird shit. In the show they skip immediately to Shadar Logoth but with missing characters what happens don't make sense. - In Shadar Logoth they try to flee but are separated by the spooky death mist, in the book they flee while being pursued by the Trollocs, this is why they go out at night in the spooky city. In the show they omit the pursuing Trollocs and Eyeless so it makes no sense. - A super important plot point in Shadar Logoth is that Mat, the resident Pippin, meet a stranger who convince try to convince the kids to take a treasure. Since they are fucking 15 years old kids they don't mind the stranger danger but Mat still steal a dagger. It will curse him and become important because of the stranger. In the show he finds the dagger in some rubble. - Since they are missing characters, the order and teams in which they flee is all mixed up and then we get to episode 3 with the village that doesn't exist and the situation that is completely made up. Theyre they encounter Tom Merrilyn, the bard, but he should've been there since the beginning. This is on the top of my head. By fucking it up so bad I don't mind it as much as before, they just did their own fanfiction bullshit. The books stay superior, read them and never watch that trainwreck. I just hope they make it to the Seanchan landfall, these fuckers don't tolerate mages and use them as weapon by treating like dogs. It was a chapter full of mindbreak and humiliation for the captured Aes Sedai and it sent me on a sadpanda binge back then.
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>>990 So I went to see in the books and couldn't find anything about age. It might have been how I imagined it because these characters can be retarded sometimes. I'll let this point slide.
You know for the longest time I felt like I kept having deja vu since this series (The Wheel of TIme) would crop up alongside A Wrinkle in Time, and both were popular book series when I was in school turned shitty live action adaptations. Not surprised they both turned out shit. From what you say OP it sounds like either a very rushed production or it was just produced by someone who didn't know/care about the source material. >>992 It's incredibly common for live action actors to be way older than the characters they play. They probably just went "fuck it" and figured it's easier to write the characters in as the same age their actors are/look to be.
>>996 >The Wheel of Time Wait no A Wrinkle in Time fuck you see what I mean

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Good quality DUNC torrent out already Anonymous 10/17/2021 (Sun) 10:22:22 Id: f07f97 No. 915 [Reply]
Fucking huge (10gb) but it's real, not a cam 42E9B35D
This was surprisingly good and more faithful to the book than I thought it'd be for the couple brainless woke choices that got made. Ends in a really weird spot for a film, but that was expected since they split the book. Totally expected to hate it and be pissed off from how wrong it got it all, but I actually hope the sequel happens now.
>>918 Was not expecting to see that kind of reaction. Interesting to see it was not as bad as everyone thought.

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