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Filling My Collection Anonymous 08/23/2023 (Wed) 08:24:55 Id: 94ab8d No. 1755
Hey movie-watchers, I have a small question for you. I am pretty much movie-illiterate, I know a few blockbusters but have never been much of a fan of the medium. However, due to being isolated for quite a long while for my work in a remote area, I have started gaining appreciation for it and wanted to get a decent collection of movies before I head out into the boonies again. What are, in your opinion, the greatest, best, funniest, saddest and so on so forth movies ever produced? The kind of stuff that have significant cultural impact not only on the medium, but on society as well. Or even just your favorite movies, that works too. I don't really care about the genre, be it comedy, animation, tragedy, documentary, experimental, you name it.
>>1755 Anything from Adam Sandler, especially Jack and Jill and Pixels, is highly recommended. Jokes aside, can you name some movies you've seen that you really enjoyed? Because opinions on movies are as vast as the number of films themselves, so it'd be easier to narrow down some recommendations. Plus it wouldn't make sense to rehash all the most commonly seen movies if you've gone through them.
>>1761 >Because opinions on movies are as vast as the number of films themselves That is exactly the issue. I have usually just watched whatever was on the big or small screens, but even if I end up liking the movie I never really bothered saving it for later and just realized how much of an issue that is. I mostly like comedy as a genre, but I am open to pretty much anything. I know I am definitely not high-brow, but some of my favorite movies include: >The Blues Brothers >Monsters, Inc. >The Terminal >The BRAVO NOLAN Trilogy >The Naked Gun Trilogy >Lord of War >Pretty much anything with Mel Brooks at the helm >Africa Addio (don't know if it counts as a movie, but it IS shot more like one than a documentary) And then a bunch of movies from my region that have mixed quality, but are relevant for the cultural literacy of where I come from, so they don't really count in the grand scheme of things. >Adam Sandler Unpopular opinion, but while he may be a mediocre or opportunistic actor, I believe that he must genuinely be a really nice guy to hang around with and he gets away with making abhorrent movies solely because he knows so many people in and out of the industry.

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