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Wheel of Time - Please kill me edition Anonymous 11/22/2021 (Mon) 22:51:11 Id: c46291 No. 988
I have watched this shitshow so you don't have to. I come back transformed and eternally mad the Amazon jews decided to sully another of my favorite book series. At this point, my eternal hatred is the only thing keeping me sane. Here a few of my takes: - The show opens with the Red Aja sect of the Aes Sedai pursuing a man who can use magic. In the lore, the men's side of the source of magic is tainted and every man who can use magic become irrevocably crazy. Since the men's side is effectively more powerful, a mad mage is fucking real danger and the women mage (Aes Sedai) pursue them to protect them and the world. The last man who got mad with OP magic "broke the world". - The Red Aja Aes Sedai say something about magic being meant for women and that men shouldn't use it because it is theirs, but men can't use the women's magic, it is just for some grrlll power bullshit. - The main characters are in their 20s in the movie but 15 in the book. Perrin, who is black in the show, is married to an aryan white woman but it is pure fanfiction. - Bel Tine, the celebration in the village at the start is for spring, they changed it for some 'remember the dead' bullshit, I don't know why. - One of the effect of the Dark One awakening it that Winter doesn't let go, they just didn't portray this. - They waste a whole episode on the background of the Two-Rivers but nothing is in the fucking book, pure fanfiction there again. Especially everything about the village's Wisdom and the Women's Circle. You can guess why. - They are weaving some complicated romance between two character that just isn't completely there in the book. Yes there is tension but the fact they must run for their fucking lives make it so they don't have time for this. - They missed a character, one of the most important, and introduced him in episode 3 in a village that doesn't exist with two people that shouldn't be there in a situation that it again pure fabrication. - During their escape, they use a river crossing boat that they sink after to not let the Trollocs catch them. In the book the river passer is mad as fuck and Moiraine juste pay him more. In the show he babble about his son or some shit and then jump in the water and drown for no fucking reason. - They mixed up the escape, in the book they escape to a city called Baerlon, stay a few day, Nyanaeve catch up with them and then leave. After Baerlon they are forced to take refuge in Shadar Logoth, a spooky city with weird shit. In the show they skip immediately to Shadar Logoth but with missing characters what happens don't make sense. - In Shadar Logoth they try to flee but are separated by the spooky death mist, in the book they flee while being pursued by the Trollocs, this is why they go out at night in the spooky city. In the show they omit the pursuing Trollocs and Eyeless so it makes no sense. - A super important plot point in Shadar Logoth is that Mat, the resident Pippin, meet a stranger who convince try to convince the kids to take a treasure. Since they are fucking 15 years old kids they don't mind the stranger danger but Mat still steal a dagger. It will curse him and become important because of the stranger. In the show he finds the dagger in some rubble. - Since they are missing characters, the order and teams in which they flee is all mixed up and then we get to episode 3 with the village that doesn't exist and the situation that is completely made up. Theyre they encounter Tom Merrilyn, the bard, but he should've been there since the beginning. This is on the top of my head. By fucking it up so bad I don't mind it as much as before, they just did their own fanfiction bullshit. The books stay superior, read them and never watch that trainwreck. I just hope they make it to the Seanchan landfall, these fuckers don't tolerate mages and use them as weapon by treating like dogs. It was a chapter full of mindbreak and humiliation for the captured Aes Sedai and it sent me on a sadpanda binge back then.
>>988 Where does it mention the characters book ages?
>>990 So I went to see in the books and couldn't find anything about age. It might have been how I imagined it because these characters can be retarded sometimes. I'll let this point slide.
You know for the longest time I felt like I kept having deja vu since this series (The Wheel of TIme) would crop up alongside A Wrinkle in Time, and both were popular book series when I was in school turned shitty live action adaptations. Not surprised they both turned out shit. From what you say OP it sounds like either a very rushed production or it was just produced by someone who didn't know/care about the source material. >>992 It's incredibly common for live action actors to be way older than the characters they play. They probably just went "fuck it" and figured it's easier to write the characters in as the same age their actors are/look to be.
>>996 >The Wheel of Time Wait no A Wrinkle in Time fuck you see what I mean

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