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Studio Ghibli Anonymous 09/22/2020 (Tue) 05:23:54 Id: e2f860 No. 9
Discuss your favorite Studio Ghibli films. Mine is Grave of the Fireflies.
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I've somehow never seen Grave of the Fireflies, so I cannot definitively say anything is better. However, I am a big fan of Kiki's Delivery Service and Porco Rosso. Both of these films are pure fun, and perfect for escapism. A lot of Ghibli films have nonsensical narratives and fail at worldbuilding, but these two don't. And while they lack the level of polish Spirited Away does, I think they have more charm. I'd also like to plug a recent watch of mine: From Up On Poppy Hill. It's pretty small-scale compared to their other productions, but the setting is charming and it's a refreshing take on "Empire Records" formula. Miyazaki's son directed in and did a fine job.
>>9 I grew up watching burnt dvds of Spirited Away & Howl's Moving Castle from my grandma. Even Kiki's Delivery Service but I don't remember that one at all. I can't say either of the two movies really stuck with me though. Pom Poko, which I saw young but much later, did but only because it's so damn bizarre. I don't really think Ghibli films are anything beyond their visuals. Maybe I'm just bitter because I know now Miyazaki is a fucking prick. He walked out on his son's first film project because "he put too much of himself in it". The hypocrite bastard does that in a lot of his films. I really understand why japanese dads are often villains.
>>13 >big fan of Porco Rosso Glad someone else loves this film. It's one of the most underrated Ghibli films
>>9 >Grave of the Fireflies I watched a BDrip I downloaded of that movie, it was moving. I still have the letterboxed VHS of the movie that I thrifted from a long-gone shop in Fairfield sometime back.
Can we agree that the worst Ghibli film was Ocean Waves? I couldn't get into it at all.
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>>156 Is there a worst film than that about the cat thing? Because that was the blandest safest shit I've seen in awhile
>>9 >Grave of the Fireflie Beautiful movie from a beautiful book. I have to dig some Ghibli movies.

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