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Anonymous 08/09/2023 (Wed) 14:18:56 No. 12716
/t/, meet Hare, the best programming language in the world.
The work of one who consorts with beasts
>>12717 explain?????
>>12719 @ c===3 C==3 C=3 C==3 0 'pfff' 'shard' ■■■■=3
>>12716 how so :( ?
Sorry, this language lost me at the hello world example. use fmt; export fn main() void = { fmt::println("Hello world!")!; }; - fmt format string =/= format text (fmt), sorry - export fn main() void export a function called main into the void? If this does what it says it should not be required for printing hello world. - fmt::println("Hello world!")!; - not acceptable fmt::println!("Hello world!"); - acceptable fmt::!println("Hello world!"); - acceptable
I'm pretty happy with Nim so far. What does Hare offer that Nim doesn't? it looks like the only thing Hare has going for it is that it's exceedingly small, but I fail to see how that won't lead to the Go problem of having a shitload of repetition in code because the language is inexpressive.
>there is one best language Liberal idealism. The mindful comrade knows that material conditions determine the appropriate tools.
>>12716 The logo is already better than a lot of programming languages' out there.
>>12716 Fuck you Drew.
>>15698 Came here to post this.
(51.74 KB 736x369 34atretghj.jpg)

>>15698 >Fuck you Drew. This. That homo punk is a commie and woke AF.

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