/cb/ - cuteboys

bois that are cute

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P C 08/21/2021 (Sat) 11:05:38 No. 965 [Reply] [Last]
New cute LEGAL guy pics
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>>4039 Shame
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Anonymous 09/02/2024 (Mon) 19:05:38 No. 4068 [Reply]
The sex appeal of a femboy is correlated with how poorly he passes as a woman. Femme-maxxing is troonery. If you want to attract real gay men, try ogre-maxxing.

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me pic dump jaden 06/22/2022 (Wed) 08:51:25 No. 3132 [Reply] [Last]
hi 8chan!!! i was told by 1 person to make a thread for images of me so here i am. i have a lot of pictures and a few videos to get through, so why dont you tell me a kind of pose or angle or body part youd like to see so i have an idea of what to post first! ps if youre confused in im riding a vibrator in the vid of me bouncing
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>>4021 A fucking LEAF!
>>3132 keep posting

>>3188 I noticed a lot of scars on your legs, present on several photos. I'm going to assume you're ok now. >>3616 Awesome.
>>3616 >dqx580 I want to try that on my dick

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Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 21:24:21 No. 4058 [Reply]
This retarded femboy sent me few pics. Tell him he is a web celeb now his kik:Eiry_IowaState

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Cute Twitter Boys Anonymous 08/03/2021 (Tue) 20:32:08 No. 570 [Reply] [Last]
Post whatever you find on Twitter Pics related are @HighlandFemboy
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>>4033 is his twitter account full of those things or does he post a bit of porn too
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Anonymous 11/12/2021 (Fri) 20:04:22 No. 2162 [Reply]
/cb/ and /sm/ really got me questioning my sexuality
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>>2523 I can live with that. Not like I have a choice anyways. >>2526 Considering that I'm built to be the ugly bastard of doujins (pic unrelated), I don't think that's a good idea.
>>2530 I'm gonna need you to substantiate that claim with some tasteful pictures of that big boi butt.
me it's more like having 0 patience for women

Anonymous 07/08/2024 (Mon) 12:30:27 No. 4045 [Reply]
How can I become more rapeable in appearance? My ass isn't very fat but I'm working on it. Any other tips?
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>>4045 >horsefucker shirt i already wanna rape you out of spite cute butt tho
>>4045 Grow your hair out. Get some tight bright shorts with a form fitting shirt. And most importantly post more videos & pictures.
oil your ass up and make retarded faces

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Post butt hole Anonymous 11/13/2021 (Sat) 00:19:42 No. 2163 [Reply]
Post your butt hole anon
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>>4000 You're welcome ~
How do you make your butt so kissable?
>>3961 hot af

Cumming Anonymous 05/13/2020 (Wed) 23:55:46 No. 44 [Reply]
Webm's of guys cumming
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>>3905 Where can i find more of him?
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will using a dildo make my first time less special? Anonymous 12/09/2023 (Sat) 22:24:33 No. 3948 [Reply]
i have been thinking about getting a 5.5 inch dildo, but idk if that will make my first time with a real man worse since it wont be as unique
It won't make any difference other than not feeling pain for the first time The feeling of a real dick is far superior and different from that of a dildo
not even a little honestly because of how your body works you can insert very large things into yourself obviously with time patients and a lot of lube so avoid tearing for example before having a regular partner to sleep with i used a medium chance flared which has about 11.5 inches usable and about 1 1/2 in across and still even putting a finger in or whatever feels the same try not to worry about it but do be careful when putting things in yourself

Anonymous 08/29/2021 (Sun) 16:13:51 No. 1260 [Reply]
>shill matrix fuckery >not much better than discuck in terms of concept >PPH drops >there are probably 4 dudes in that room just sitting there >fucking interracial board gains on /cutebois/ Was it worth it?
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>>1289 Y-you too...
>>1289 When you are correct there is no point in debate.
>>1294 excellent pic

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Anonymous 01/13/2024 (Sat) 02:01:25 No. 3969 [Reply]
anyone wanna cam with a femboy? add me on discord sys.temd pic rel
post moar phaggot them feet are niceeeee
cant find you sweety

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Cooking thread Anonymous 08/08/2021 (Sun) 00:42:41 No. 638 [Reply] [Last]
Itt we cook food, and discuss cooking food. Rules 1. No girls allowed 2. No trannies
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>>1467 Thanks, yeah I like cooking. Plus you get tasty food at the end. A win win.
I have been cooking other things in the past three years. but I forgot I had a thread so no pics. I'm so bad.

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Anonymous 06/23/2022 (Thu) 06:16:07 No. 3163 [Reply]
Are there Brazilians here?
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>>3882 I forgot about this board Sure, give me your contact, telegram or discord Tell me more about you
>>3914 Odd coincidence, I am the guy from CWB, we were talking on discord yesterday lol
Anyone from Brazil still active?

Are there any cute bois doing NNN this year? Anonymous 11/22/2022 (Tue) 10:25:46 No. 3521 [Reply]
I'm curious
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>>3525 >v-jewber shit Cringe
>>3521 what actually happens when you fail NNN do you just lose penis rights?
>>3958 You lose your nut.

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