/cb/ - cuteboys

bois that are cute

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Hi, Im starting to use skirts Naomi 06/23/2022 (Thu) 22:07:04 No. 3168 [Reply]
Do you wanna sent me a WA? +5213319264143
>>3168 También eres de Mejico?

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Black boys are allowed here Anonymous 06/18/2022 (Sat) 06:41:53 No. 3103 [Reply]
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Niggers will never be cute.
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>>3103 >>3120 Bucks are made to be broken.

Hello? Anonymous 09/10/2020 (Thu) 22:52:12 No. 128 [Reply]
I just want to talk about cute boys.
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>>3116 I'm a very reserved fellow anon. Back in the day we just called that cybersex.
>>3117 I've seen it called ERP for at least 15 years now.
>>3124 Sounds about right. The last time I engaged in such activity would have been around 03 or so.

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cute boiis appreciation thread Anonymous 06/06/2022 (Mon) 01:23:11 No. 3093 [Reply]
boys are so sexy LETS TAKE ABOUT IT!!! boys are so dangerously HOT there penis are so cute I just want to put in my mouth and feel it slowly get hard and then swallow there cummy wummy like the salty delicious milk it is and I want there cummy wummy to spilled all over there thicc thighs so I can lick off there big cute thicc thighs and boys are so thicc and there ass's look so nice there so big and round they look so good especially in some tight small cute little short shorts or even better a pair of panties oh how love the way cute boiis even out cute little panties and I Iove nice there nice slim boii waste and cute boii belly I would love to lick his naval for hours on end
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>>3093 > and there ass's look so nice there so big and round they look so good especially in some tight small cute little short shorts or even better a pair of panties oh how love the way cute boiis even out cute little panties
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I have never met a cute boy in my life and probably never will ;_;
>>3096 felix a trans though. you hate trans but you fap to it, pathethic

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Rate me Anonymous 05/29/2022 (Sun) 07:39:54 No. 3076 [Reply]
Would I pass as cute or is there more I can do?
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your heart is gonna explode literally good riddance drone
>>3076 very cute anon!
>>3076 Would pin down and mating breed for hours. MOAR!!

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Anonymous 08/17/2021 (Tue) 20:15:29 No. 760 [Reply] [Last]
Starting a thread of picture sets of me. I'm in my 20s looking for a site that isn't 4chan. Let me know if I'm breaking any rules here, thanks enjoy
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>>2917 Thanks
>>3072 cute big wet booty

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Listen here Anonymous 05/19/2022 (Thu) 22:42:29 No. 3068 [Reply]
Listen here you stupid cunts... If you keep jerking each other off i am going to come cut all of your dicks off >:( Its making me sick seeing all these GAY bearded men fucking around and all of you twinky twats need to get a life and stop fucking M E N! GO FIND A W O M A N AND GET SOME P U S Silly gay people >:(
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>>3068 So you don't fuck cute boys in there tight mouths fuck dude your missing out
I know this is bait since you wouldent go into a homo board unless you were curious or closeted. But if failed males want to service and comfort their superiors like a woman, that's probably a better place for them then failing to make a relationship with a woman that they'll probably hate and cant support their needs for care and protection (And to treat them like the little randy buttsluts they are).
>>3068 Yeah, fair point OP. Honestly sex is kind of a gyp. I wish you'd kill me. Like you can cut my dick off after.

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Blowjob tips Anonymous 05/10/2022 (Tue) 06:41:45 No. 3039 [Reply]
I wanna seduce this straight dude he called me cute and it turned me on but I'm a virgin I want to impress him if we end up fucking do you guys have any blowjob techniques or tips you can give me?
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>>3039 Ok so you really want to impress him right? Really want to suck his peepee and make him squirt ? okay well here is what you want to do :) (Speaking from experience) First you want to get some nails and then you want to put them in your mouth (Make sure they are secure:D) Then wrap your lips around his cock and give him a BIIIGG succ :) Bonus points if you also have Thumbtacks in there.. He will love that <3
>>3066 >>3055 >>3054 Man you bitches are being very catty, calm down he came for advice on giving blowjobs you psychos. >>3039 OP, you've got the right attitude if you want to bag this guy, you'll have to be superior to a girl in the suck n fuck department I recomend you get familiar with deep throat techniques on one of those floppy silicone dildos, just getting a guys dick that far without scratching with your teeth or having the need to gag or vomit is impressive enough for most men... and feels great.
>>3071 >OP is virgin >tell OP to deepthroat You are less bad than these catty

timmythick/thejujubelaire Anonymous 03/01/2022 (Tue) 21:00:03 No. 2886 [Reply]
https://onlyfans.com/thejujubelaire He's a boy and he's got a huge ass, I can't seem to find any content on this guy though. any megas or anything?
Just came watching this

anything thread Anonymous 12/29/2021 (Wed) 15:22:18 No. 2419 [Reply]
Had a dream... I was like skating (or something) down this road in my small city that goes up and then left to a bridge which goes over train tracks... It was kind of like my city but not really? And it had this really nice ambiance and tint to it, like just teenager fun vibes with a yellowish color of sorts, like it was a city of youth and stimulation. I was skating down this gentle slope until I came up to some skater boy near the end of the slope who had slipped backwards and grated the back of his arms on the road sliding down a good length of the road. I wasn't just gonna leave him there so I asked him if he was alright bro and he said he fell... I told him yeah your arms are all scraped, and then he told me to check for other scrapes and fucking pulled his yoga pants down... and he had a wonderful ass... not just a bubble butt, but with some bounce on it that made it look cushioned, I didn't see any hairs, well not even a wound of any sort... his skin was pale but his cheeks were kind of a healthy rosy color on some spots, like when you've been out in the cold and your skin turns pink... he was moving a bit up and down as if to try to get me a better view and indeed I did look so much I stared... he was kneeling at that point... eventually I told him you're alright bro and I have no idea what happened after that, not that I'd remember. He himself had a really cute vibe, top cuddlefuckable tbh. Other parts of the dream were me with a bunch of militia guys shooting up gangsters who did a driveby and running to their cars to pull out an insane amount of all sorts of guns and laying them on the grass for us to pick which we wanna rock with, I chose a Steyr Aug, discovered bullpups as I loaded and cocked it... some guy next to me complained because he wanted the rifle too but he found another... Thread about anything you want. Get PPH up and share your trivia!
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>>3000 >>3010 Sorry. I meant 'indoors' when talking about people living where the climate is cold. They don't need to walk around naked outside like I do. Naturism isn't about getting frostbite
>>3010 >Isn't it interesting that skinny dipping for children and adult males used to be normal at places like the YMCA Notice how you specify adult males. Nudity among adult males isn't sexual because most adults males don't experience inherent attraction to each other. That doesn't mean that nudity was normalized back then. Nudity among adult males is still very much normal and non-sexual. That hasn't changed. We still get naked in front of each other in locker rooms and showers. If anything we're more culturally comfortable with nudity. It's even legal for women to go topless in many states. >Facebook now bans mothers who put up photos of them breastfeeding their kids This is such a stupid comparison to make. The internet is filled with perverts that will sexualize a child breastfeeding, and the child can not consent to that exposure. It makes perfect sense for videos of breastfeeding to be banned regardless of whether or not you personally consider them sexual in nature. It's about basic ethics. >Not really true, most white people live in climates where you can be naked without being uncomfortable, but obviously people living in those areas where it is too cold can practice naturism outdoors Whether or not you can get away with being naked here and now is irrelevant. The point being made was that there is nothing natural about being naked all the time. There is no aspect of european culture, or really any culture in the northern hemisphere, where nudity was ever a consistent part of the culture. Clothes have been a vital aspect of the majority of the words ability to survive as well as our basic culture for long enough to be considered more natural than nudity itself. Without clothes we would all be fucking dead. >But naturists are pretty normal people basically, if you ever go along to a nude beach you'll see a good mixture of families, hippies, conservatives, progressives, religious, atheists, young, old... it isn't really something connected to one's personality or lifestyle, apart from having an attitude that nudity isn't something shameful or evil or wrong I would assume most people at nude beaches are there for a novelty and don't subscribe to something nudism ideals. I don't think nudity is evil or wrong. I just think pretending that public nudity isn't inherently sexual is fucking stupid.
Once when I was 5 or 6, I remember sitting across the dining table from my mother. I was doing my homework and she was eating and helping me out. Suddenly, I looked at my mother and it was as if I wasn't looking at my mother at all, but at something else. Her eyes had disappeared and all I could see were her dark eye sockets but the boundaries weren't well defined. Her hair disappeared and her other features were still there but I couldn't focus on them. It was as if I was staring at an outline of my mother's head with her nose and skin translucent. Everything I could see around her also took on a similar condition. And then the feeling passed. It likely lasted only for a second or two and I remember telling my mother that she looked like a monster just now and she made a joke and I laughed but I can't remember what it was. The memory is one of my oldest and it has stuck with me for fifteen years now. I'm probably also not describing it completely accurately as it was so bizarre and I think my english would fail me if I did. I have no idea what it was to this day and I have not had any similar experiences since then. Any ideas on what it could've been?

Anonymous 05/03/2022 (Tue) 20:26:02 No. 3021 [Reply]
Are women into the kinds of men posted here? If so whats the best way to appeal to them. I have a naturally feminine body and would consider changing my appearance to gain more female attention.
>>3021 There's no women on imageboards, baka anon-chan.
You can appeal to them by bashing their brains in, anon. They deserve it :)

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can we post porn? Anonymous 07/29/2021 (Thu) 03:17:18 No. 433 [Reply]
is porn saves allowed?
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>>1128 source?
>>628 Gone. Did anyone keep an archive?
>>1128 hawt

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Video Games Anonymous 01/14/2022 (Fri) 06:52:42 No. 2575 [Reply]
Post vidya boys playing with the joystick
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>>2653 It is. Those are old enough that I've seen em a couple thousand times over the past couple years. Confirmed Ganondorf
>>2653 >>2654 >the ultimate reincarnation of evil is a nigger Really makes ya think.

SFW Thread Anonymous 09/05/2021 (Sun) 13:19:38 No. 1441 [Reply]
Making a new thread here trying to get some more activity. Help me out by posting SFW cutebois. Also no masks.
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Ralph Macchio, pictured in the The Karate Kid in the attached image, was over 18 years-of-age at the time of filming. ---- Imagine what Neil Diamond might have looked like between the ages of ~ 12 to 16...
>>1747 Massive 4head

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blowjobs Anonymous 04/12/2021 (Mon) 21:42:04 No. 211 [Reply]
fuck you russian
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That is a woman.

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3D/2D homo porn Anonymous 08/28/2021 (Sat) 18:11:12 No. 1241 [Reply]
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>3DCG What the fuck is wrong with you
OC? nice
>>1263 i weirdly appreciate 3d art, its kinda sick, not everything has to be anime garb

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