/cb/ - cuteboys

bois that are cute

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Anonymous 08/29/2021 (Sun) 16:13:51 No. 1260
>shill matrix fuckery >not much better than discuck in terms of concept >PPH drops >there are probably 4 dudes in that room just sitting there >fucking interracial board gains on /cutebois/ Was it worth it?
>>1260 >making an entire thread for meta shit Though I agree. General chat rooms only really serve to siphon activity away from the board. Discord or matrix, doesn't really make a difference. Things like matrix should be used for direct interpersonal communications or serve a very specific need.
No it was not, i might unnpin it
I'll have you know, we now number 10. :triumph:
>>1260 Those are the downsides yes. I believe that can be mitigated moving forward however. But lets pause and look on the bright side. All off topic blogposting has more or less ended. This board is now a lot closer to what it was meant to be.
>>1278 >/cb/ - cutebois, a board for adult gay men, 3D/2D homo porn, and hanging out. >and hanging out
>>1279 Shit that's a good point.
(161.99 KB 500x570 1627300781709.jpg)

As OP I was seriously expecting some 4cucks level hatred for some reason. I entered this thread bracing myself only to discover pretty chill bros actually. Know that I only want the best for this board and everyone in it <3
>>1261 This At least make threads for chatrooms when this board has a good amount of anons
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>>1289 Y-you too...
>>1289 When you are correct there is no point in debate.
>>1294 excellent pic

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